MTL - Lord of the Myriad Demons-Chapter 898 Son of God Lord Long Zhen

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  Chapter 898 Son of God Lord Long Zhen

   "What else? I'm so strong."

  Su Yi replied indifferently, maintaining a majestic image like a god.

  Nan Xiaopao glared at him and asked, "Then why didn't you stop him? Do you have to let him destroy this place first?"

  Su Yi's face instantly collapsed, and he said with a little embarrassment: "Let him play with his prestige first, and then drag him from heaven to hell."

  The two women rolled their eyes when they heard this.

   That look obviously said that Su Yi was boring.

  Su Yi was about to return to normal when a terrifying divine sense swept over him, making his hair stand on end.

  He asked in a deep voice, "Who?"

   "You dare to destroy my Xing Clan Tianjiao, who are you?"

  A vague voice sounded, the tone was indifferent, making it impossible to guess what was in his heart.

  Nan Xiaopao and Xi Qingyue suddenly became tense.

  The three war beasts were also restless, as if they were facing an enemy.

  Su Yi calmly said: "He wants to kill me, but I can't kill him? Are you Xing clan so overbearing?"

  The other party is silent.

  The starry sky fell silent.

  Long time.

  The boundless voice sounded again: "Are you the son of the Emperor of Heaven?"

   "So what, are you afraid?"

  Su Yi asked back, if the other party overwhelms others with power, then he will not be polite.

   "The Emperor of Heaven once said that he will not care about any children who enter the Great Origin Realm."

  The vast voice continued, with killing intent in his tone.

  Su Yi didn't panic in the slightest, and said: "There must be other conditions, otherwise you Yuanshen race will go together and help him make his last? What's the face of the Emperor of Heaven?"

  The vast voice fell silent again.

  After that, the voice never sounded again.

   After waiting for a while, Su Yi took the two girls away.

  He cursed secretly: "I wasted my chance to wear Su Di's magic costume, and I turned out to be a paper tiger!"

  The powerhouses of the punishment clan are obviously afraid of the Emperor of Heaven, which is actually reasonable. The Emperor of Heaven controls the highest timeline. Except for the relatives of the Emperor of Heaven, who would not be afraid?

   But he still didn't understand.

  The Emperor of Heaven wants to train them to deal with the mysterious scourge, which is understandable.

  But why should he notify all the source **** races and put the greatest pressure on the sons of the emperor of heaven, isn't he afraid that the sons of the emperor of heaven will collapse?

   "Are you thinking about what the Emperor of Heaven said?"

  Xi Qingyue asked, and Nan Xiaopao also looked at him worriedly, thinking that he was depressed.

  Su Yi shook his head, and said: "Don't worry, I understand his thoughts. I may be the one who knows the most. I'm just curious about what the strongest throne is."

   Immediately, he told what he learned from Xing Haojie's memory, without hiding anything.

   The two women were surprised, what else?

   Can directly override all creator gods?

  If the strongest throne really exists, once the news is made public, the entire Dayuan world will be in chaos.

   "Next, let's go find the Earth Immortal Realm."

  Su Yi opened his mouth and said, he was afraid that the Earth Immortal World would cease to exist after the two women improved their cultivation bases.

  He had a hunch.

   Before long, the Great Source Realm will usher in an unprecedented war.

  The two women had no objection, Su Yi wrapped them with divine power, and the three war beasts fell on each of their shoulders, and they started to move forward at full speed.


  In an independent world, there are layers of clouds, islands and mountains suspended in the air.

  On one of the hills.

  A burly old man was standing, wearing a loose white robe, his eyes suddenly opened.

   "What a domineering Heavenly Emperor Divine Body, if he is allowed to grow, he may really surpass all the source **** races."

  The burly old man murmured to himself, his name is Xing Mie, and he is the father of Xing Hao Calamity.

  He used to be in awe of the Emperor of Heaven, but with the growth of his cultivation, he has developed a rebellious heart.

  Why is the Emperor of Heaven always the highest?

  So he sent Xing Haojie to look for the son of the Emperor of Heaven and win the divine body of the Emperor of Heaven, hoping to surpass the Emperor of Heaven one day.

   Unexpectedly, Xing Haojie was forcibly suppressed and killed by a newly arrived son of the Emperor of Heaven, which made him feel very bad.

  In order to cultivate Xing Haojie, how much effort he spent.

   With a wave of his right hand, a wisp of black air appeared in front of him, with a pair of gloomy eyes inside.

   "Have you found the artifact of our clan?"

   Xing Haojie asked in a deep voice, as the elder of the Xing clan, he naturally couldn't enter the Dayuan Realm to take revenge.

  Now, he can only find another way.

   "Not found, but there are clues."

  Hei Qi replied, with some hesitation in his tone.


   Xing Mie closed his eyes and ordered.

   "It is said that Xingsheng has obtained the artifact, and all the people we sent were killed by him. In order to deceive others, he handed over the artifact to another person. That person's cultivation base is not strong, but his breath cannot be traced."

   "Continue to investigate, if Xing Sheng persists in his obsession, he will be killed."


  The black air dissipated, leaving Xing Mie standing still and thinking.


   In the blink of an eye, three months passed.

  The time of Dayuanjie is very close to that of Hongmeng, a little slower, but not much slower.

  He learned from Emperor Su's sect that Tianfeng had broken into the chaos, and this kid loves to fight against injustice, which caused several sects to hunt him down.

  With Taisu Tianjun watching, Su Yi didn't worry about it, and let him mess around.

  During the past three months, they passed through many big worlds and found out about the existence of the Earth Immortal Realm.

  The Earth Immortal Realm is located in the star field under the palm of a god.

   That God Lord is very strong, no one is allowed to enter without his consent, but the Earth Immortal Realm comes from another source plane, which once caused a sensation.

  It is said that at that time, there were many powerhouses from different planes who together protected Immortal Ascension, but the news has been suppressed.

  If it weren't for Su Yi's countless spiritual stones, he wouldn't be able to get this information.

  He has a map of consciousness and is on full speed ahead.

  The so-called map of consciousness is a kind of supernatural power, which can drive the map into the mind of living beings three-dimensionally, which is extremely clever.

this day.

  Su Yi suddenly stopped, Nan Xiaopao and the two girls opened their eyes, and the surrounding scene no longer reversed quickly, but an empty starry sky.

   There are very few planets and big worlds here, and there is even no breath of life.

"What's wrong?"

  Xi Qingyue asked, the three war beasts are ready to fight.

  Su Yi said softly: "There is an aura that attracts me very much."

   After finishing speaking, he waved his right hand, and a figure flew from the depths of the starry sky and stopped in front of them.

   This is a young man wearing luxurious purple clothes, with silver hair and two dragon horns growing on his head.

  He cried out in fear, "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

  He was obviously hiding in the dark layer of time and space, why was Su Yi discovering him?

   Facing the divine power beyond the divine source, he was powerless to resist, and was directly drawn out, feeling terrified and terrified in his heart.

   "What treasure are you hiding, take it out, and I will make it up to you."

  Su Yi said, staring at the young man in purple. The pressure in his eyes made the young man in purple very nervous.

   "No... I have nothing..."

The young man in purple shook his head and said, he paused, and continued: "My name is Xiaoshuai Long, and I am the son of God Lord Long Zhen. If you let me go, I can let my father give you a treasure. If you can send me Going back would be a great favor to me."

   God Lord Long Zhen?

  Su Yi raised his eyebrows, he must be an extraordinary person to become a **** master in the Great Origin Realm.

   But this kid is called Long Xiaoshuai?

  What a frustrating name, it's too far behind his father.

  (end of this chapter)