MTL - Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony-Chapter 1237 steam engine prototype

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  Chapter 1237 Steam Engine Prototype Machine

  In the early morning of October 20th, the seventh year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao had breakfast with Su Yan in the lord's hut, then went to the backyard of the lord's hut alone to lead a war horse, and rushed towards Yidao Nanlai Village.

After experiencing the grand scene of people coming and going on the streets of Shacheng and residents jostling shoulder to shoulder, Qu Mao rode a war horse on the streets of Yicheng. Qu Mao felt that the streets of Yicheng were extremely spacious and there were few pedestrians, so Qu Mao trotted on the horse to shorten the time of running. Time to the Island Power Research Institute.

  As early as October 18, after the military preparation meeting was held, Qu Mao and Kong Ming agreed to go to the Outlying Island Power Research Institute today to observe the steam engine prototype made by two interns, Bi Sheng and Yan Qisheng.

Originally, when Qu Mao heard that the prototype of the steam engine was manufactured, he wanted to go to the outlying island power research institute to observe it with his own eyes, but was blocked twice by Kong Ming and Su Yan, and Qu Mao had to set the time until October 20th.

   During the day and two nights in the lord's hut, Qu Mao summoned Xinping again and asked Xinping to sort out all the information about the Dali Kingdom collected by the intelligence department in the past six months, and Qu Mao read it through.

Even though Sirta Delta and the heroes left behind in the Holy Land of Yigong Territory generally believe that there is no problem in Yigong Territory launching a lightning war of annihilation against Dali Kingdom, Qu Mao still does not want a lightning war of annihilation against Dali Kingdom to occur any surprises.

   At 9 o'clock in the morning, Qu Mao's war horse brought Qu Mao to the gate of the Outlying Island Power Research Institute.

  Kong Ming, the acting director of the Outlying Island Energy Institute, Bi Sheng, Yan Qisheng and other core researchers of the Outlying Island Energy Institute stood at the gate of the Outlying Island Energy Institute to welcome Qu Mao.

  Seeing this situation, Qu Mao frowned involuntarily, and criticized: "What are you doing standing here? The projects you are responsible for have all been completed?

  It’s not the first time I’ve come to the Institute of Power, so there’s no need to waste your precious scientific research time just to welcome me. Go back to your own jobs, I’ll call you to come find me if necessary. "

   After finishing speaking, Qu Mao glanced at Kong Ming who was still waving his goose feather fan leisurely, and said displeasedly: "Kong Ming, Bi Sheng, Yan Qisheng, take me to see the prototype of the steam engine."

  The acting director of the Power Research Institute led other researchers to bow to Qu Mao and bid farewell, and then returned to their respective jobs.

  Kong Ming waved his goose feather fan and said to Qu Mao with a smile: "My lord, this way please!"

  Actually, which laboratory is the prototype of the steam engine?

  Only in the past two and a half months, due to patrolling the independent territories of the western main continent of the East Continental Bay, they did not bother to come to the Outlying Island Power Research Institute to check the development progress of the steam engine.

  However, Qu Mao soon realized that he was wrong. The prototype of the steam engine was no longer in the original laboratory. After entering a new, larger and higher laboratory, Qu Mao was stunned for an instant.

  Because the first thing Qu Mao saw was the two rails in this laboratory. The gap between the rails was two meters wide, extending from the bottom of the wall on the other side of the huge laboratory to the outside of the laboratory.

Seeing that Qu Mao was in a daze, Kong Ming shook his goose feather fan and said, "My lord, this is the railway track that I told you about in the Lidao Power Research Institute to test the prototype of the steam engine. The total length of this test railway track is 200 meters. .

  The Shuifu Railway planned by the subordinate will directly connect to this track in the future, and then run through the Outlying Island Power Research Institute and Fukumura Shipyard. "

   Qu Mao nodded, pointed to a huge equipment lying on the rails, and said, "You won't tell me: the big iron pot with 12 iron wheels here is the prototype of the steam engine you made, right?"

Bi Sheng stepped forward and said proudly: "Of course! My lord, this is the prototype of the steam engine we made. The principle machine is still in the laboratory you used to go to. After Master Kong Ming proposed to make steam locomotives, The students and Yan Qisheng worked together for a week to make this locomotive.

  Cylindrical boilers and steam furnaces are indeed easier to use, but the power transmission device is not easy to install, so we improved it into a teapot type, which is much smoother to install and more fuel. "

   Qu Mao nodded and asked, "I know that the refining and separation project of crude oil has also made progress. Will our neat engine prototype be fueled by new energy or coal?"

  Yan Qisheng said: "My lord, after discussing with Master Kong Ming, we think it is more reliable to use coal."

Qu Mao stopped talking, stared at the huge steam teapot, and was speechless for a long time. Anyway, it was too far from the steam engine he saw when he visited the history museum in another world, and muttered to himself: "It's too big to use at all..."

  Yan Qisheng hastily explained: "My lord, it is already not easy to make the prototype into such a specification.

  In the future, as the technology becomes more proficient and the process progresses, it will inevitably become smaller and smaller. The students and Bi Sheng have already considered the improvement of the appearance specifications of the next generation of products. "

   Qu Mao came back to his senses, nodded, and said, "Start it up and have a look!"

"Yeah!" Bi Sheng and Yan Qisheng agreed, and quickly climbed onto the locomotive where the steam engine prototype was located, ignited the ignition, opened and closed the valves, and worked hard for an hour before the steam engine began to hum. Come.

I don't know if it was because the locomotive equipped with the steam engine prototype was too heavy, or the power provided by the steam engine was too small. It took another full hour before the locomotive began to move slowly on the rails. It was indeed moving, and the speed of the locomotive was slow. To the extreme.

   Qu Mao shook his head helplessly, and said, "It can't be applied at all."

Kong Ming hurriedly explained: "My lord, this is already a great progress. Even if you send a team of fifth-rank palace guards, they may not be able to pull this locomotive, but the power provided by the steam engine prototype can slowly pull it. Such a heavy locomotive.

   What's more, there is still a lot of room for improvement in the prototype of the steam engine in the future. With this effect now, what are you not satisfied with? "

  Qu Mao thought for a while, nodded, and said: "That's true, Bi Sheng and Yan Qisheng can do this under the current conditions, which is already very rare.

   Now that you can reach this level, hurry up and send out the rewards of Bi Sheng and Yan Qisheng. Don't continue to immerse yourself in this phased achievement, but quickly invest in the next step of improvement and research and development. "

  Kong Ming, Bi Sheng and Yan Qisheng looked at each other in dismay, and replied helplessly: "Yes, my lord!"

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion