MTL - Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony-Chapter 1253 steam train accident

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  Chapter 1253 Steam train test accident

  On December 21st, the seventh year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao and Su Yan only rested in the Liusu Imperial Palace for one night, and then dragged their tired bodies back to the lord's hut in the holy place of Yi Island, the territory of Yi Gong.

  But when the two returned to Qu Mao's bedroom on the fourth floor of the lord's cabin, they didn't even take a shower. The magic communication crystal Qu Mao put in his pocket vibrated crazily, and it kept vibrating if Qu Mao didn't answer it.

   Qu Mao walked out of the bathroom extremely dissatisfied, took out the magic communication crystal from his pocket and took a look, and found that it was a remote communication application from Xinping.

  Connected to the remote communication in the magic communication crystal, Qu Mao asked dissatisfied: "Damn it! Xinping, what's the matter with you?

  Su Yan and I have just returned to the lord's hut, and you haven't even finished taking a shower, so you sent me a remote communication request, and it won't work if you don't answer it, can't you wait for me to take a shower before returning to you? "

  Xinping said anxiously: "My lord, something happened!"

   Qu Mao was stunned for a moment, and said angrily: "Damn it! What could happen! What could happen in the lord's hut in the holy land of our Yi Gong territory?

  Half of the Eastern Continent already belongs to our Yigong territory. What else can we not deal with now? Could it be that some enemies have attacked the outer waters of our holy land? "

  Xinping smiled wryly and said: "No! My lord, there was an accident in the opening test of the Shuifu Railway..."

Qu Mao groaned in his heart, and while returning to the bathroom to find a towel to wipe off the water on his body, he asked, "Xinping, what's going on? The Shuifu Railway has progressed to the opening test? Tell me in detail." .”

Xinping said: "My lord, my subordinates have just been notified that the Shuifu Railway was officially opened to traffic at 11:00 am. After five hours of driving, the test locomotive departing from the Outlying Island Power Research Institute plunged into the road at the end of the Shuifu Railway. Went to the sea.

The locomotive that rushed into the sea destroyed a dock in the Fukumura Shipyard, causing 19 people to be injured on the dock. The two researchers in the locomotive who were in charge of controlling the steam engine and burning the boiler rushed into the sea with the locomotive. Search and rescue them.

  Navy Cruise Fleet and Coastal Defense Fleet warships have blocked the outer waters of the Fukumura Shipyard, and the Navy has also sent a fourth-rank water ghost to search and rescue two scientific researchers..."

   Qu Mao muttered even more in his heart, and said, "Xinping, stop joking!

  How could the clumsy, slow steam train locomotive manufactured by the Outlying Island Power Research Institute rush off the end of the railway track and into the sea? "

  Xinping said helplessly: "My lord, my subordinates don't know the specific situation. Master Kong Ming has already left the lord's cabin and went to Fukumura Shipyard on an outlying island to deal with the accident..."

  Qu Mao threw away the towel for wiping water, dressed himself indiscriminately, and said: "Xinping, if such a major test accident really happened at the Fukumura Shipyard on the outlying island, then there are only two possibilities.

The first possibility is that Bi Sheng and Yan Qisheng have made a breakthrough in the improvement of the steam engine, and the speed of the locomotive equipped with the steam engine has been improved very fast, but you said that from the Island Power Research Institute to the Fucun Shipyard The locomotive traveled for a full five hours on a section of the railway less than 30 kilometers long, which is actually not fast. Moreover, when the Fucun Shipyard section of the Shuifu Railway was being built, I went to the site to see that the end of the railway was at least 150 meters away from the sea, and the locomotive had to go beyond this 150 meters after derailment, so the speed of the locomotive before derailment had to reach at least 30 yards. OK. In just 50 days, I don't think it is possible for Bi Sheng and Yan Qisheng to make such great progress.

  The second possibility is that there is a problem with the construction of the railway, but on the day the Shuifu Railway officially laid the rails, I personally taught the process of laying the rails, so there is a high probability that the rails will not sink and other accidents..."

  Xinping said: "My lord, I feel that we can't just guess the cause of the accident, and we still need to go to the accident scene to see it in person before we can draw a conclusion.

The subordinate is preparing to take a warship from the civilian pier outside the fisherman's village to the Fukushima shipyard accident site to check the situation. The reason why I am so anxious to send you so many remote communications is because the steam train project is a project that you are very concerned about. , also considering that this experimental accident may have a negative impact on our scientific research practitioners in Yigong Territory, so I would like to ask my lord if you want to go to the accident site with your subordinates..."

   Qu Mao said: "Yes, Xinping, you are very considerate, I must go with you.

   In this way, you wait for me on the pier outside the fisherman's village, I will definitely arrive within 10 minutes, and we will go to the accident site of the Fukushima shipyard together. "

  Su Yan had already come out of the bathroom and asked, "My lord, what's wrong?"

  While quickly getting dressed, Qu Mao briefed Su Yan on the accident that Xinping mentioned in the remote communication.

  After hearing this, Su Yan began to wipe off the water on her body and put on her clothes without saying a word, and said while putting on her clothes: "My lord, this subordinate will accompany you there.

  As the chief internal affairs officer of our Yigong Territory, after such a test accident, his subordinates will naturally appear at the accident scene as soon as possible to appease the residents. "

Qu Mao frowned, and said: "Su Yan, there is only one week before the Tianxuan 7th year-end summary meeting is held, I personally think it is better for you to stay in the lord's hut and prepare the materials for the year-end summary meeting Some, this kind of accident, I just go to the scene to deal with it myself.”

Su Yan had already put on her underwear, and while continuing to put on her coat, she said: "My lord, the speech at the year-end summary meeting was within a day or two. Su Qiaoer has been recalled to the Tassel Empire by her subordinates. Now the reliable internal affairs officer of the Holy Land is Belong to the next person.

   When Su Qiaoer comes back, I am afraid that the year-end summary meeting will not be far away. At this time, it is natural for the subordinates to go there in person to appease the residents and deal with the aftermath of the accident. "

  Qu Mao thought for a while, nodded and said: "Indeed, if this is the case, then you should dress quickly.

  I only asked Xinping to wait for me on the civilian pier outside the fisherman's village for ten minutes. We tried to rush there as soon as possible, but what we did after we passed, at least this attitude would give the residents great confidence. "

  Su Yan nodded and dressed at a faster speed. Qu Mao's clothes were also quite simple. Then she combed her hair and tied it with a belt indiscriminately. Then she led Su Yan towards the downstairs of the lord's cabin.

  When Qu Mao and Su Yan rushed to the civilian dock outside the fisherman's village out of breath, Xinping was already pacing back and forth on the dock where a medium-sized navy ship was moored.

   Qu Mao waved his hand to interrupt Xinping's movement to go forward and salute, and while rushing up to the warship, he said, "Go, chatting on the deck of the warship is the same, let's go first!"

  (end of this chapter)

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