MTL - Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony-Chapter 1257 The year-end summary meeting of Tianxuan Seven Years

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At 9 a.m. on December 28th, the seventh year of Tianxuan, the front yard of the lord's hut in Yidao, the holy land of Yigong territory, was crowded with people. A large number of heroes and managers from the independent territories of the Eastern Continent were lining up to enter the second floor of the lord's hut. , preparing to participate in the Tianxuan's seven-year year-end summary meeting.

Standing in front of the window of the office on the third floor, Qu Mao watched so many heroes and managers entering the lord's hut one after another. At one point, he wanted to open another door on the west side of the lord's hut and build a temporary staircase leading directly to the second floor. Heroes and management personnel want to enter the second floor of the lord's hut for a meeting or enter the third floor of the lord's hut for work. They always have to go through the front courtyard door of the lord's hut, the door of the living room on the first floor of the lord's hut, and walk the same stairs, which makes Qu Mao feel very uncomfortable. depressed.

   It doesn’t matter that there are not many people in normal times, but once a year-end summary meeting or a mid-year summary meeting is held, it will take too long just to get in and out of the lord’s hut.

  However, neither Qu Mao nor the heroes of Yi Gong Territory have the authority to destroy the building of the lord's hut in Yi Gong Territory, so Qu Mao did not implement this improvement at all.

   Thinking about building another meeting room and office building in other places can solve this problem, but the newly built meeting room does not have the game-like amplification effect that comes with the lord's cabin, and the general meeting cannot be held.

In desperation, the heroes and managers of the Yigong Territory who came back from the independent territories of the Eastern Continent had to line up to enter the lord's hut for a meeting at 6 am. It was not until 9 am that the meeting room on the second floor of the huge lord hut was closed. It was packed to the brim, and the seven-year year-end summary meeting of Yigong Territory Tianxuan also officially kicked off.

  First of all, Su Yan, on behalf of the lord's hut, gave the report on the work of Yigong territory for the seven years of Tianxuan. Qu Mao sat on the rostrum and listened carefully to Su Yan's report.

  Tianxuan’s year-end summary meeting for the seventh year, because of the Peninsula battlefield and the accident that happened at the Fukumura Shipyard on the outlying island a few days ago, it seemed that the momentum was not very high.

  Heroes such as Liu Qianhui, Mo Yangqiao, and Hua Tielan did not return to the Holy Land from their respective battlefields to attend the meeting, so the military planning meeting after the meeting could not be held.

  In fact, even if the battlefield is still fighting, military heroes are not completely unable to leave the battlefield. As long as the arrangements are made properly, they can leave with confidence and boldly.

  Military heroes such as Mo Yangqiao, Liu Qianhui, and Hua Tielan did not come back for the meeting. It can only be that they judged that the battlefield needs them more than the year-end summary meeting.

At present, the battle on the peninsula battlefield is still tepid, and the strategy of defeating one by one was indeed effective at the beginning. The Anti-Yi Town Alliance also reacted to the disabled, and immediately carried out targeted arrangements, and the results obtained by following up the Yi Gong territory at will were extremely limited.

  On the battlefield of the Dali Kingdom, the Yi Gong territory had already broken through the King City of the Dali Kingdom, and captured a large number of royal family members of the Dali Kingdom, and these royal family members were still escorted into the Valley of the Kings of the Red Leaf Principality for resettlement, leaving them to fend for themselves.

  However, the territory of Dali Kingdom is very large, and there are still many rebel forces. Yigong territory is currently organizing troops to eliminate sporadic rebel forces over and over again. It is expected to be completely wiped out in about a month.

Although the army led by Zhang Yao occupied the border between Dali Kingdom, Pengda Principality and Mughal Empire in advance, and built a group of towns on the border to resist the military intervention of these two forces, the Yigong Territory no longer existed at the same time. The crisis in the battlefields everywhere, but Mo Yangqiao obviously wanted to speed up the pace of interfering in the internal rule of the Mughal Empire, so he did not return to the Holy Land of the Yi Gong Territory for a meeting.

When Su Yan made the annual summary report, she talked a lot about Yigong territory's capture of the entire territory of the inverted U-shaped area on the main continent of Dongdalu in the seventh year of Tianxuan. Beginning on January 1st, Xinshou Village, located on the border of Gillette Province, has detained 761 prisoners of war and their family members of eight Chosen players. The structure of the three major forces of the Mughal Empire, etc.

  Su Yan's report greatly encouraged the heroes and managers who came back to participate in the year-end summary meeting.

Then Kong Ming reported and summarized the achievements made in the science and technology and industry of Yigong Territory, and made a long-term plan. Regarding the steam engine, Kong Ming naturally talked about it, and planned for future scientific research to focus on mechanization and automation. The main direction.

  Other agendas are not much different from previous years. The year-end summary meeting was held until 5:00 pm on December 28, the seventh year of Tianxuan, before entering Qu Mao's speech time.

Qu Mao listened to the whole day's report very seriously. When it was his turn to speak, Qu Mao stood up, forced a smile, and said to all the participants: "Everyone, the Seven Years of Heaven's Choice is very important to our Yi Gong. As far as the territory is concerned, it is destined to be an extraordinary year.

   During the seven years of Tianxuan, our Yigong Territory has established our important position in the Eastern Continent. Yes, our Yigong Territory is currently the most powerful force on the Eastern Continent.

Although we failed to completely wipe out the Anti-Yizhen Alliance in the battle on the peninsula battlefield that started in July of the sixth year of Tianxuan, we have already occupied an absolute advantage in the peninsula battlefield, and now we are only completely wiping out the remaining 19 god-chosen companies It is just the power of the player lord, I believe we will eventually win the final victory on the peninsula battlefield.

  On the main continent in the west of the East Continent Bay, our lightning war against the Kingdom of Dali has also entered the final stage.

Before returning to the Holy Land for a meeting, Lord Su Yan told me that at the beginning of February in the eighth year of Tianxuan, all the battles on the battlefield of the Kingdom of Dali would end; At the end of January in the eighth year, the battle on the battlefield of Dali Kingdom will end, and we won another brilliant victory.

  I hope that the steam train can run on all the islands in the Holy Land before the end of the eight years of the Chosen...

  I also hope that before the end of the eight years of Tianxuan, the eastern peninsula of the Eastern Continental Bay will completely belong to our Yigong territory...

  For eight years since God’s Choice, we are not yet ready to fight the Pengda Principality and the Mughal Empire at the same time, but I hope that at least half of the territory of the Mughal Empire will belong to our Yigong territory after the Dali Kingdom Battlefield and the Peninsula Battlefield are over...

  Everyone, the development of Yigong Land is getting faster and faster, and we need everyone to work together. I hope you will work with me to create a more brilliant Yigong Land! "

  The participants stood up collectively and shouted in unison: "My lord! I am willing to obey your orders! I will defend your glory to the death!"