MTL - Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony-Chapter 1262 Military Status and Planning

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On the morning of January 12, the eighth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao summoned Sirta Delta, who had just returned to the Holy Land, and called Kong Ming, Xuande, and Xinping to accompany him, and met in the living room on the first floor of the Holy Land Lord's Lodge in the Yigong Territory. These four heroes.

After everyone arrived, Qu Mao said: "Sirta, when the Holy Land held the seven-year year-end summary meeting of Tianxuan, you were still on the battlefield of the Dali Kingdom. Most of the military heroes were on the Peninsula battlefield, the battlefield of the Dali Kingdom, or On duty at the border facing the Principality of Pengda and the Mughal Empire, not many returned to the Holy Land to attend the year-end summary meeting.

  After the year-end summary meeting in previous years, the most important meeting was the military planning meeting, but we did not hold the military planning meeting for the eighth year of Tianxuan.

  It happened that you returned to the holy land before I was going to the battlefield of the Dali Kingdom, so I summoned Kong Ming, Xuande and Xinping to chat with you first.

   In this way, when I go to the battlefield of Dali Kingdom to supervise the battle, I can have a certain speed.

  Sirta, let me talk about your opinion first. "

  Sirta Delta arched his hands and said, "Yes, my lord!

  First of all, my subordinates would like to explain: I would like to express my apologies to you, my lord, for the fact that military heroes cannot come back to participate in the Tianxuan’s seven-year year-end summary meeting held in the Holy Land.

  In fact, the situation on various battlefields is not as complicated and pessimistic as you imagined. It’s just that the military heroes are ashamed of the results on the peninsula battlefield, so they are embarrassed to return to the Holy Land to attend the year-end summary meeting.

  Before the subordinates returned to the Holy Land, they also discussed with the army, garrison, magic army and naval heroes on the battlefield of Dali Kingdom the military plan of our Yigong territory for eight years and beyond.

  However, before formally discussing the military plan, the subordinate feels that it is necessary to explain the military strength of our Yigong territory to you, my lord.

Throughout the seven years of Tianxuan, the battles on the peninsula battlefield in the Yigong Territory have never stopped. In addition to the battles in the first half of the year, the small-scale war of destroying the country in the inverted U-shaped area, and the lightning destruction of the Dali Kingdom that started on November 1 In the national war, the five major military services had a total of 1.72 million soldiers killed in battle, nearly 4 million soldiers were retired due to injuries, and a total of 6 million soldiers were attrition.

My lord, you do not allow the various military branches to replenish soldiers, so except for the garrison to maintain recruitment, the rest of the troops have not replenished the missing establishment. Even if there are some supplements, they are only transferred from the meritorious soldiers of the garrison. Soldiers in the military are generally young and have not yet reached the stage of retiring due to old age. There are 6 million soldiers short, which is not worth mentioning in front of the total number of 500 million soldiers.

  Of course, the expansion of the Firearms Army is a bit rapid. Except for the Magic Army among the five major military branches, there are basically some fighters transferred to the Firearms Army, and the subordinates did not carry out statistics.

  However, before my subordinates came back, I heard from Mr. Chafidel that the Firearms Army should now have two armies, the 1st Army of the Firearms Army and the 2nd Army of the Firearms Army..."

Qu Mao asked: "Sierta, are the Firearms Army two armies or two armies? According to what Chafidel told me, the two armies add up to only 160,000 soldiers, while the two group armies have 500,000 fighters.

  If there are only two full-staffed armies, then the construction speed of the firearms army is not consistent with what Chafidel told me in the early days. "

Silta Delta said embarrassedly: "My lord, this subordinate is not clear about the new military system implemented by Lord Chafidel in the Firearms Army. The focus is on the five traditional military services, not the Firearms Army.

  So regarding the matter of the Firearms Army, after you go to the battlefield of the Dali Kingdom, you can confirm it with Master Chafidel in person.

In the eight years of Tianxuan, in accordance with the voluntary principle of soldiers, a total of about 1 million soldiers from various armies have applied for retirement. Therefore, there are more than 6 million soldiers in the five military branches. There is no shortage of fighters, but the magic army will not replenish if there is loss. However, the magic school can also provide enough magic army fighters, and the loss of the magic army is not large.

  We are the only garrison army that continues to implement the recruitment plan for the eighth year of Tianxuan. The guards and army soldiers are all promoted and trained from the meritorious soldiers in the garrison.

  Tianxuan’s eight-year annual garrison recruited 30 million soldiers, and the total number of soldiers transferred to the army, guards and firearms army totaled 1 million.

The magic army recruited 10,000 soldiers, mainly magic apprentices; the navy did not recruit soldiers, because all the heroes in the navy were interested in transforming traditional warships into new warships equipped with rear-loading artillery, and no one considered expanding the size of naval fighters matter.

   Moreover, not counting the soldiers damaged by the navy, no less than 10,000 naval soldiers were sent to the Firearms Army. "

Qu Mao nodded and said: "Well, the five major military branches are currently operating well. It is not a big problem to lack 6 million soldiers. After all, the total number of soldiers is there. I still insist on not increasing the number of soldiers in the army and the Imperial Guard unless The peninsula battlefield still cannot completely end the battle before the end of the eight years of Tianxuan.

  In the future, the Firearms Army and other new weapons armies will dominate. I plan that after we completely occupy the Eastern Continent, the total number of fighters in the new army should reach about 50 million, while the total number of the five traditional armies may only be about 50 million. "

  Sirta Delta nodded first, then shook his head, and said, "My lord, I believe that the exact number of fighters depends on the actual situation.

  For example, now that the number of our independent territories has increased, the number of royal guards dispatched by the Imperial Guard has increased a lot. It may not be particularly appropriate to continue to reduce the establishment of the Imperial Guard, and the same is true for the Garrison.

  According to the current situation, on the eastern peninsula battlefield in the eastern mainland bay, there is a high probability that we will not be able to end all the battles before the end of the eight years of Tianxuan.

The style of the Lords of the Chosen players is really changeable. Our strategy of concentrating on eliminating one of the Lords of the Chosen players has also been targeted by them. In the past three months, we have not completely eliminated any of the Lords of the Chosen players. , this situation is bound to become more and more serious.

  So the subordinates believe that the soldiers should make up or have to make up. "

   Qu Mao said: "It is said that their territory has been cut to pieces by us, and as time goes by, their strength will only get worse and worse.

  Don't worry, at the beginning of the second half of the eighth year of Tianxuan, we will hold a special military meeting on the battlefield in the eastern peninsula of the eastern mainland bay.

   In terms of military affairs, you can do what you want. The follow-up is mainly to guard against the Principality of Pengda and the Mughal Empire, so the Yigong Territory has enough time for you to carry out military reforms, so seize the opportunity. "

  Sirta Delta nodded and said: "Yes, my lord, my subordinates will not disgrace their orders!"

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