MTL - Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony-Chapter 1264 To Port Monell

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  In the early morning of January 13th in the eighth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao took 200 fifth-rank palace guards, and instead of continuing to board the navy warship, he took the imperial city of the Liusu Empire and walked towards the Marquis of Lianhe.

  Of course Su Yan will return to the Imperial City of the Tassel Empire with Qu Mao. After Qu Mao leaves the Imperial City of the Tassel Empire, Su Yan will be separated from Qu Mao.

According to Qu Mao's marching route, after entering the Marquis of Lianhe through the Tassel Empire, he will continue to cross the Marquis of Lianhe and enter the Marquis of Moner, and then go straight to the port city of Moner, although the marching time along the way It will take about two days more, but you can visit other areas of Lianhehou Kingdom and Monerhou Kingdom by the way, which can be regarded as the maximum benefit of Qu Mao's tour this time.

The pigeons released in Yancheng will pass on Qu Mao's itinerary and the approximate time of arrival in the port city of Moner to Mo Yangqiao who is stationed on the border of the Marquis of Moner. Mo Yangqiao will naturally take the army to Moner in advance Hong Kong City is waiting for Qu Mao.

  After parting from Su Yan in the Imperial City of the Tassel Empire, Qu Mao's mood also began to become heavy.

  Su Yan left the Holy Land of Yigong Territory on January 2, 8th year of Tianxuan. It was only 10 days apart, and Su Yan was still a hero of the internal affairs officer, so she was already crazy at night.

It has been two and a half months since Mo Yangqiao left the Holy Land of Yigong Territory at the end of October in the seventh year of Tianxuan, and Mo Yangqiao is still a logistics officer hero. Although the logistics officer's attributes are not as good as those of a general, he is still a military hero. .

   It is said that Xiao Bie is better than a newlywed, but I don't know how Mo Yangqiao will be extravagant.

On January 15th, the eighth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao finally arrived at the Port City of Moner in the Marquis of Moner in the evening. Yang Qiao dragged Qu Mao into a separate room for the reason of reporting the military situation to Qu Mao alone.

The result can be imagined, Mo Yangqiao first fought with Qu Mao on the bed for 300 rounds, then leaned on Qu Mao's chest, touched Qu Mao's chest with his fingers, and reported to Qu Mao in a slow manner. After launching the lightning war against the Dali Kingdom, the military situation of the two armies confronting each other on the border between the Marquis of Moner and the Mughal Empire.

After listening to Mo Yangqiao's report, Qu Mao frowned and asked, "Mo Yangqiao, there is also a border of more than 300 kilometers on the peninsula bordering the Mughal Empire. In addition, there is also a border bordering the Mughal Empire to the west of the Hou Kingdom. , I remember that all border defenses with the Mughal Empire are handed over to you.

  Don't just focus on the border between the Marquis of Moner and the Mughal Empire, and forget about the border confrontations in other regions. "

Mo Yangqiao smiled and said: "My lord, look at what you said, my subordinates will stay at the border of Moner to confront the Mughal Empire, and other confrontations with the borders of the Mughal Empire will naturally happen. focus on.

  Now the more than 300 kilometers of border confrontation on the peninsula, the subordinates are mainly responsible for Mr. Xu Tan, and of course the subordinates will follow up. On the border of the peninsula, several aboriginal power states and principalities attached to the Mughal Empire have quietly surrendered to their subordinates. Once their subordinates start to compete for the throne of the Mughal Empire, they will show their flags Support subordinates.

  The 1,300-kilometer border between the Marquis of Moner and the Mughal Empire naturally has more forces in the surrounding area biased towards the subordinates, after all, it is a border run by the subordinates themselves.

As for the border confrontation to the west of the Murphy Hou Kingdom, since Master Zhang Yao has seized the border of the Dali Kingdom and built a new Jiangong City at the junction of the borders of the Dali Kingdom, the Principality of Pengda and the Mughal Empire, the border confrontation west of the Murphy Hou Kingdom , the subordinate asked Mr. Zhang Yao's generals to help him watch for a while.

  At present, the subordinates arranged by the past to negotiate with the generals have also entered that area, trying to win over the indigenous forces attached to the Mughal Empire to clearly support the subordinates in their struggle for the throne of the Mughal Empire.

  After the lightning war against the Kingdom of Dali started, I observed the reaction of the Mughal Empire with my subordinates. They should not take military action against our Yigong territory in response to the war of destruction of the Kingdom of Dali.

The subordinates are now focusing more on instigation, incitement, and division within the Mughal Empire. Most of the dependent forces of the Mughal Empire around the border have clearly stated that they will join their subordinates as subordinates to fight for the Mughal Empire. The supporting force of the throne of the Warlord Empire. "

   Qu Mao nodded and said: "Mo Yangqiao, this is very good, but you have to be mentally prepared in advance, there is a high probability that we will not use troops against the Mughal Empire for eight years.

   One is that the war on the peninsula battlefield is not over yet, and the other is that we also need to spend some time stabilizing the independent territories recently captured on the main continent of the Eastern Continent. "

  Mo Yangqiao smiled and said: "Yes, my lord, my subordinates are clear about it.

  This time, my lord is going to supervise the battle on the battlefield of the Dali Kingdom. Before supervising the battle, I will inspect the border with the Mughal Empire, so my subordinates will know what you think, my lord.

  We then headed west all the way to the 1300-kilometer border to the King Mofeihou City. The subordinates estimated that it would take at least ten days to walk. During these ten days, the subordinates should accompany the adults well. "

Qu Mao shivered for a moment, then rolled his eyes to Mo Yangqiao, and said, "I still need to go to the battlefield of Dali Kingdom to supervise the final battle. In a few days, when I arrived at the battlefield of Dali Kingdom, the Lightning War of Dali Kingdom had already ended."

  Mo Yangqiao changed into a more comfortable position and lay in Qu Mao's arms, and said, "My lord, your purpose is to urge the end of the Dali Kingdom battlefield as soon as possible. As for whether you personally urge the end, what's the problem?

  My lord, let's do it again. "

  Qu Mao immediately put on a bitter face, and said, "Don't be foolish, get up and get dressed quickly.

  After dinner, we have to march westward overnight. If we can spare a little time, let’s spare a little time. We need time for various developments in the Yigong territory.

Su Yan has made some plans for the main continent of the Eastern Continent. In the future, a railway may be built. I estimate that it will lead directly from Yancheng Port to Moner Port, and then go all the way westward to connect Murphyhou Kingdom and even Dali Kingdom. At that time, the railway will Perhaps the entire 1,300-kilometer border of the Marquis of Moner will be included.

  After thinking about it, I think it’s better to go more carefully this time around, and check whether the conditions for building the railway are suitable…”

  Mo Yangqiao had already started to tease Qu Mao, and said while teasing: "My lord, it is necessary for you to see it with your own eyes, but more things should be done by Master Li Xiang.

  Since you are in a hurry, my lord, then we should hurry up, hurry up, my lord..."

  Qu Mao hurriedly pushed Mo Yangqiao, but how could he push him away?

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