MTL - Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony-Chapter 1280 Unrelenting City Military Council

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   At 5 o'clock in the morning on February 22nd in the eighth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao led 5,000 fifth-tier palace guards, one man and two horses, set off from the port city on the west coast of the eastern peninsula of the East Continental Bay, and rushed towards the direction of Rueling City.

  Really marching on the peninsula, Qu Maocai realized that the army of King Yi's territory on the peninsula battlefield was not idle work. On the peninsula battlefield, the army of King Yi's territory still achieved a lot of victories.

   At least during this journey, Qu Mao and his guards did not encounter any harassment from guerrillas against the Yizhen Alliance, and the march along the way was uneventful.

According to Qu Mao's plan, he must rush to Rueqing City as quickly as possible, and then hold a military meeting of the Military Committee of the Peninsula Battlefield to fully understand the real-time situation on the Peninsula Battlefield in the Eastern Gulf of the Eastern Continent, and then consider his own actions on the Peninsula Battlefield , Qu Mao even made preparations to personally lead troops to participate in the battle on the peninsula battlefield.

Therefore, on the way of marching, Qu Mao asked the soldiers of the guards to stay on horseback and keep marching fast by constantly changing horses, so as to ensure that Qu Mao arrived at the City of Unfeeling at around 11:30 p.m. on February 22, the eighth year of Tianxuan .

Unfortunately, when it was dark on the 22nd, the troops led by Liu Qianhui who came to welcome Qu Mao met Qu Mao. Under Liu Qianhui's strong request, Qu Mao had to bring 5,000 fifth-rank palace guards to join Liu Qianhui One of the soldiers, and camped in the wild for one night, so that the horses that had been galloping all day could get a little rest.

On the morning of February 23rd in the eighth year of Tianxuan, Liu Qianhui woke up Qu Mao. The soldiers of the two armies buried their pots for cooking. The troop composed of cavalry continued to rush towards Heartless City.

  When they encountered each other the night before, Liu Qianhui immediately sent a sentry back to Heartless City, notifying the members of the Military Committee of the Peninsula Battlefield to gather in Heartless City and wait for Qu Mao to arrive for a meeting.

Hurrying along the way, Qu Mao, Liu Qianhui and the guards finally arrived at Ruthless City before lunch at noon. Originally, Liu Qianhui hoped that Qu Mao would hold a military meeting after lunch, but Qu Mao went straight to the Lord's Mansion of Ruthless City , while ordering the maids to bring the meals to the conference room, they called the members of the Peninsula Battlefield Military Committee for a meeting.

  While eating a boxed lunch in the meeting room, Qu Maoyi looked at Zhao Pan, Zhang Da, Su Buqing, Wang Ping, Sophie Trani, Sylvia Oshin and several second-line heroes of the army who were sitting upright.

  Taking advantage of the interval between serving dishes, Qu Mao asked, "Did Mo Yangqiao pass by here a while ago?"

  With a trace of jealousy, Liu Qianhui pushed away the rice bowl in front of her, and said unhappily: "Grandma, Qu Mao, you are still thinking about Mo Yangqiao, what do you mean?"

Zhao Pan quickly interjected and said, "My lord, Mr. Mo Yangqiao was in charge of sending the new naval heroes to the peninsula battlefield a few days ago. In fact, after Mr. Mo Yangqiao handed over the new naval heroes to Mr. Sylvia, he didn't stay too long." After a while, I went directly to the border with the Mughal Empire in the northern part of the peninsula to inspect the border confrontation troops."

  Sylvia Ocean nodded and said, "Yes, my lord! My lord Mo Yangqiao didn't put forward any views or suggestions on the peninsula battlefield. It seems that I came here to send new naval heroes to my subordinates."

  Zhao Pan continued: "My lord, the battle on the peninsula battlefield was really aggrieved..."

   Qu Mao glared at Zhao Pan, pushed away the plate in front of him, and, like Liu Qianhui, stopped eating and wiped his mouth, Qu Mao said: "Zhao Pan, shut up!

   Leaving aside the matters on the peninsula battlefield, I heard that Sir Mrak applied to be transferred to the Firearms Army. You seem to have a big opinion?

   Even after I asked Xinping to forward a letter to you, you still procrastinated and refused to go through the formalities. Now my words are no longer valid in front of your army commander-in-chief? What do you mean? "

  Zhao Pan said aggrievedly: "My lord, there are not many heroes available to the army..."

  Qu Mao raised his voice again, and said angrily: "Shut up! Most of the military heroes in King Yi's territory are in the army, why is there no heroes in the army?

  Zhao Pan, I think you didn't get any results on the peninsula battlefield, so you are not calm. I suggest you adjust your mentality, otherwise I will consider transferring you from the peninsula battlefield to guard the border.

  In the past, because you fought the battle too smoothly, your on-the-spot command skills were very poor, and your epic qualifications were in vain.

  My God of Choice player friend told me: one of his heroes can fight our King Yi's territory, and ten heroes can lead tens of thousands of troops. Even if the troops have the same combat power, this number will be doubled.

  Actually, the aptitudes of his heroes are generally excellent, and a very small number of heroes have excellent aptitudes, while most of you have epic aptitudes, legendary aptitudes, or at least excellent aptitudes.

   Now our King Yi territory has assembled tens of millions of troops, fighting on the eastern peninsula of the East Continental Bay for a year and a half, and even the anti-Yi Town Alliance formed by 27 god-chosen players and lord forces has not been taken down.

  You are still playing your temper here, and you don’t know how to reflect on it. Just relying on you, how will our King Yi territory attack the other four main continents including the Central Continent in the future? ..."

The military heroes of the Military Committee of the Peninsula Battlefield were dumbfounded by Qu Mao's sudden criticism. In the past days, Qu Mao has always been very easy-going and rarely lost his temper with the heroes. This time, I don't know why. Qu Mao's words are so heavy, and the criticism is also full of gunpowder.

   Seeing all the heroes panicking, Qu Mao let out a long sigh and said, "Damn! I'm also irritated.

   Hang up the situation map of the peninsula battlefield, let's analyze the situation on the peninsula battlefield.

My godchosen player friends, only 300,000 high-level fighters can call the wind and rain in the western continent. We have blinded 20 million high-level army fighters and nearly a million high-level magician teams, which is not nearly a hundred. Thousands of Imperial Guard troops and tens of millions of naval troops couldn't win a small anti-Yizhen alliance. "

   All the heroes still dare not speak, Zhao Pan has already jumped up, frantically hanging the situation map of the Eastern Continent Peninsula on the wall of the conference room of the City Lord's Mansion of Ruthless City.

  Even Liu Qianhui looked at Qu Mao inexplicably in surprise, and didn't dare to speak for a while.

Only Sylvia Oshen said in a low voice after Zhao Pan hung up the situation map of the peninsula: "My lord, the navy in King Yi's territory is fearless and still dares to assure you that it can destroy all intruders at sea." Enemy, or help you destroy all resistance forces on the sea."

   Qu Mao gave Sylvia Ocean a white look, and said: "It's not enough to rely on the navy alone, we have to occupy the territory."