MTL - Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony-Chapter 9 Opening treasure chests also cheats

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  Chapter 9 cheating when opening treasure chests

   When Jia Sixie woke up Qu Mao, Qu Mao came to the living room and found that Franklin King had found a room to sleep, and there were indeed noises coming from the yard outside.

   Qu Mao beckoned Jia Sixie to find a room to sleep and rest with the last wolf skin, while he pushed open the door, went to the yard and whispered, "What are you doing!"

A Ke appeared in an instant, and quickly killed the refreshed gray rabbit with a single sword. Qu Mao directly decomposed the gray rabbit's body into fresh rabbit meat and rabbit skin and returned to the living room. Qu Mao didn't want to worry about it for the time being. Anyway, he didn't think about asking Jia Sixie and Franklin King to do other things tomorrow, just repair the fence.

Back in the living room, Qu Mao added some firewood to the bonfire. He felt the slight snoring of Jia Sixie and Franklin King coming from the room, and then took out all 4 black iron treasure chests and 1 bronze treasure chest in his backpack , by the campfire.

Right now, Yi Village's supplies are really too poor. Although there are only three people including myself, all the possessions are basically placed on the floor of the living room, full of garbage, and the wolf skin is slightly usable, at least wrapped in wolf skin Sleep without feeling cold.

   Qu Mao didn't want to look carefully, so he opened all four black iron treasure chests in one go. In addition to harvesting a total of 14 mainland copper coins, there were also four white light clusters floating in the air in the living room.

Grabbing one by one, they were inferior hatchets, inferior shovels, inferior brooms, and inferior dustpans. None of them could be handed out, and none of them could be used directly now. Qu Mao couldn't bear it. Live and began to greet the immediate family of Birdman.

  However, compared to opening a low-quality wooden rake and a common continental copper coin during the day, it is still a lot of progress. At least 3 copper coins were opened in each black iron treasure box on average, and two pieces of ironware were also produced.

   Didn't even bother to look at the attributes, Qu Mao directly threw the four pieces of low-quality garbage into the corner of the living room, and was about to reach out to open the last bronze treasure chest, when the cheating system suddenly projected yellow fonts in front of Qu Mao's eyes.

"Why don't you try to use two cheat points to cheat the contents of this bronze treasure chest? Maybe the quality will be higher, or it will be more practical. Don't forget that your 10 free system decompositions have been used up, and you need to use Breaking down the system has to cost money."

   "Damn it! You can cheat by opening a treasure chest, why didn't you remind me earlier?" Seeing the prompt of the cheating system, Qu Mao couldn't help but widen his eyes and said dissatisfiedly.

   "It's like reminding you that you have cheating points to upgrade. Don't forget that you only have two cheating points now. Cuisine is just one word, I just want to say it once!"

  Qu Mao turned his head away for a moment, not wanting to see the prompts of the cheating system, but the prompts of the cheating system followed like a shadow, and did not disappear just because Qu Mao turned his head away, but were still displayed in front of Qu Mao's eyes.

"Anyway, the cheating value can continue to exist. As long as Ake can be summoned, and Ake can kill monsters every time, the stable output of cheating value is one point in three hours, which is two cheating points. Slowly accumulate cheating points in the future , Let’s open a few usable things first.

   What's more, there are other ways to earn cheat points. Maybe you can get 5 cheat points by making a fishing trap after dawn tomorrow. "To understand this, Qu Mao used the cheat value without hesitation.

Then he opened the bronze treasure chest. After a burst of dazzling light, Qu Mao looked at the number of common copper coins in the mainland. Good guy, I don’t know if it’s because of cheating or because the bronze treasure chest itself is more advanced, but 99 copper coins were issued at one time. It is more than the five black iron treasure chests that Qu Mao opened earlier.

  In addition, there are two light groups, and Qu Mao grabbed the first light group with full expectation. It turned out to be a pair of shoes, and he reached out and put his hand on the shoes.

  System Tips: Exquisite moccasin boots, comfort +5, movement speed +2, defense +2, magic resistance +3, can be equipped in the equipment bar, no restrictions on equipment conditions.

  Finally saw an item that could be used directly exploded, so Qu Mao subconsciously looked at his feet.

"Oh! My God! After coming to the Continent, I have been walking barefoot all the time!" Qu Mao couldn't help but exclaimed. After walking in the dense forest on the deserted island for a whole day, his bare feet have not been injured yet. , it's incredible.

   Qu Mao opened his character equipment column, put the pair of exquisite moccasins in the column of boots, and took another look at his feet, still barefoot without any change. So I opened my property panel and took a look, only to find that the properties had indeed changed. And the level has also been raised to level three, the total blood volume has reached 130 points, and the safety of going out to open the map tomorrow has been slightly improved.

  Then Qu Mao stretched out his hand to the last ball of light floating in the air with even more urgency, which turned out to be a piece of paper.

  System prompt: Congratulations, you have obtained the ordinary spearman recruitment coupon, use it to get a first-tier spearman with ordinary qualifications.

   Qu Mao was overjoyed, but worried that no one would protect Jia Sixie and Franklin King. Although this spearman recruitment coupon was only of ordinary quality, it was no different from being given a pillow when someone fell asleep.

   Just when Qu Mao was triumphant, the cheating system reminded Qu Mao again.

   "Just this spearman, that is, he can help you guard the yard. He can take care of the gray rabbits outside, but he probably can't even deal with wild wolves. A rookie who has never seen the world, what is he proud of?"

   Qu Mao rolled his eyes and said, "Damn, I didn't intend to take him out to be a bodyguard. It would be no problem to protect Jia Sixie and Franklin from cutting down trees and tidying up the yard."

   Just when Qu Mao was about to summon the spearmen directly, the cheating system prompted again.

   "Rather than recruiting them now, it is better to wait until tomorrow when you are going to explore the environment. What if there is a little cheating value at that time? A little cheating will improve the attributes, skills or qualifications...

  An epic-level spearman, compared to an ordinary-level spearman, isn't he good? "

Qu Mao thought about it, and upgraded two low-quality resident recruitment coupons to summon two excellent-level residents. It only cost 20 cheating points in total. It is not bad to spend some cheating points to upgrade the spearmen a little bit. , anyway, when he was about to leave the lord's hut and go out to open the map, he could get two cheating points as a guarantee.

  Thinking about this, Qu Mao resolutely stuffed the ordinary Lancer summoning ticket into his backpack, and waited until he had accumulated some cheat points tomorrow before summoning.

  Looking back at the trash opened from the black iron treasure chest that was thrown into the corner, Qu Mao muttered in his heart: "The cheating points are still too little, how to get more cheating points is a big problem."

  (end of this chapter)

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