MTL - Lord Xue Ying-v38 Chapter 38 You're done

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Nine snake ancestors were really shocked, the surrounding became silent, and the body felt cold, and the thinking was slow, although he was trying to intercept. The speed of the iceberg master can be as terrible as it is. At this moment, the nine snakes are slowed down after a shot... The nine snake ancestors also realized that they couldn’t stop it.

With his strength, he can't protect Dongbo Snow Eagle.

"I should arrange two top powerhouses to protect the Emperor of the Snow." At the moment of the nine snakes, there was a slight regret in the heart. He is too confident about himself! Of course, the Dongbo Snow Eagle also has the strength of the top powerhouse on the empty road. If it is the Dongbo Snow Eagle... Only the Emperor’s full-scale combat power, the nine snake ancestors will certainly not dare to do this, and will definitely arrange two or three tops. Protection.

"You can only watch the Emperor of the Snow."

Nine snake ancestors can only watch all the happenings. This kind of feeling of watching the Emperor of the Snow and the owner of the Silent Iceberg make the nine snakes flustered.

The main body surface of the Silent Iceberg has a layer of water droplets, and there are water droplets on the hoof claws. The strange water droplets layer... The nine snake ancestors can see that it is a certain use of the source level of the void road, so that the silence The strength of the iceberg owner will increase by a few.


The two sides collided together.

The Festive Emperor’s long shot was blown up by the vomiting blood, but the life breath did not change.

"Very good, just let the Emperor Xuexue be slightly injured!" The nine snake ancestors were overjoyed. After all, the many practitioners around the United were united, and some areas of the tactics had been carried out long ago, and they also suppressed the owner of the silent iceberg. It is possible to get the top powerhouse injured in one stroke... It is already the source of the squatting prisoner 'The Silent Iceberg Master'.

"Yuyuan Prisoner, died!" The nine snake ancestors recovered their minds at this moment, and immediately turned their hands, the palm of their hand was to stretch out nine big tentacles, directly to the owner of the silent iceberg.


The owner of the Silent Iceberg is only watching the Dongbo Snow Eagle vomiting blood, and knowing that this white youth is also the top powerhouse, he will not hesitate to escape quickly!

"Give me the entanglement."

"At all costs, entangle them."

The owner of the Silent Iceberg ordered all the guards under his command.

He himself is maintaining his true form and fleeing at the fastest speed...

"Block him."

"Block." Nine of the snake ancestors, although they tried their best, but the owner of the silent iceberg was crazy, and the injury was still quickly rushed out.

"Fast chase."

The practitioners are anxious.

However, the overwhelming silence around them is constantly entangled in madness. They are not afraid of death, and their bodies are extremely strong and difficult to kill.



The practitioners work together to make the ‘the arrow’ of the deputy city’s main house rush to the front, and the other ones work together perfectly.

Crazy to go ahead! Although it is hindered by these stagnation, the speed is still very fast.

After half an hour.

They finally completely destroyed more than 6,000 dead cockroaches!

"It finally got rid of it."

"really not easy."

Dongbo Snow Eagle also feels relieved, no way, the silence is too difficult for us to go, and a batch of batches go forward! There are even a lot of silences on the outside, and they continue to rush to the front to block. The small half hour, completely smashed, is already very powerful.


"Catch up with him!"


The cultivator's team was wrapped in a huge golden bird, and the golden bird spread its wings. When the wings were shaken, they easily crossed the sky and the speed was extremely fast.

Although the naked eye could not see the position of 'Silent Iceberg Master', the practitioners sent out countless 'spouts' early, and the whereabouts of the silent iceberg masters have been explored, even as a prisoner of Wuyuan can completely conceal the atmosphere. The chain can be hidden but it can't be hidden.

"call out."

The owner of the Silent Iceberg is fleeing and rushing toward the old nest as quickly as possible.

However, he is too far from the nest!

There is no way to do this, because every time you go out, you have to be farther away. Because it is not far enough, the pain is unbearable.

"Wang, we have not stopped."

"Can't stop them."

One by one.

The sorrowful anger of the owner of the Silent Iceberg: "Is it really a bunch of waste, more than 6,000 interceptions, so quickly destroyed?"

He is at great risk.

Maintaining the true body, his injuries are always aggravated, and the golden secret lines on his body are constantly flashing, and the more dazzling, because now is the time of punishment! In the outbreak period, it is time to leave the old nest to ease the pain. But now he is rushing to the old nest, and the pain is constantly improving.


The owner of the Silent Iceberg saw it.

When he only escaped for an hour, he finally saw a golden bird flying across the sky and chasing it quickly, faster than him.

Inside the golden bird, it was the group of practitioners, the nine snake ancestors he hated, and the white youth who was good at soul tricks.

"Yuyuan Prisoner, you can't escape!" The nine snakes sounded through the world.


The nine-color field shrouded, madly suppressing the silent iceberg owner in the escape, so that the speed of the silent iceberg master immediately slowed down a lot.

"Booming..." A group of practitioners immediately began a crazy siege. This time is more enjoyable than before, because there are no guards to entangle the obstacles, they can fully attack! Some formed a combined attack, and some cooperated with each other, all of them were besieging the owner of the Silent Iceberg.

Although the owner of the Silent Iceberg is closer to the old nest, the strength has increased by 30%.

But the situation is even worse.

Because there is no obstacle to the influence, the power of the siege of the practitioner is more than doubled.

"Do not."

Silent iceberg master madly counterattacked.

However, the layers are hindered, the deputy city master House Xiao, the nine snake ancestors in the forefront, the robbery heaven and other top powers in turn around, forming a heavy and heavy attack means, the Emperor's full-scale combat power is at the outermost periphery. , carry out a number of methods of joint attack.

This source of prisoners has been dead, and he can't do it now if he wants to kill a practitioner.

"He is dead." Dongbo Snow Eagle secretly sighed.

Alone, dealing with a group of practitioners.

When the tricks are known to the practitioners, where will the practitioners give the Wuyuan prisoners a chance?

"Don't worry, we are all more careful, be patient." The nine snake ancestors also voiced to you, "He is now maintaining his true body, the injury is getting worse, we just have to delay, he is dead! We have no need to take risks ""


"Haha, this source of prisoners is a bit mad." The practitioners fit together perfectly, watching the Qianyuan prisoners struggle.

A noble source of life!

Under the constraints of being punished.

Besieged by a group of half-boiled life powers, at the last moment of his life.

"I will actually die in a group of people who are not in the hands of the little guys." The source of the silent iceberg master of Wuyuan Prisoners felt that the injury was getting heavier and heavier, and he was close to the final moment. The layer of chains is bound to each part of the body. If it can completely break the strength, he will let all these ants become extinct.

It's useless.

"One day, one day, my natural life will have a strong person coming to the world, save the imprisoned companions, kill all these practitioners. There are also the strongest ones sheltering countless spaces. The lord...and the end of the fallen day, this endless source of space, after all, belongs to us!" Silent iceberg owner is roaring in his heart.


at last.

Under the siege of a group of practitioners, the life of the silent iceberg master was finally completely annihilated. He fell directly on the ice sheet, and he was still motionless. The wounds of his body, wounds, muscles and bones remained unchanged.

"he died."

The practitioners were silent first, and they all looked at the corpse of a high-level source of life.

They also understand that if the punishment is not suppressed, even if they are besieged, how can they kill a high-level source of life.

Followed by...

There are a lot of arguments.

"It finally succeeded."

"Haha, the owner of the Silent Iceberg, we finally killed him."


"We are not dead at all."

The practitioners are in great mood.

"Nine brothers, congratulations."

"Nine heads of the city, congratulations on your wish." One of the practitioners came to congratulate the nine snake ancestors, and the nine snake ancestors were also very excited to go to the silent iceberg master corpse, watch carefully, and then wave directly Closed up. Just put away, the slamming sound, one of his storage hole Tianbao things directly shattered, so that a lot of items were scattered, and the remains of a silent iceberg owner reappeared.

I suddenly laughed at the scene.

"Haha, this is the life of a high-level scorpion, and the general treasures of storage can't bear it."

"Nine, are you not even ready to store treasures?"

Everyone is joking.

Nine snake ancestors also showed helplessness, and a powerful life is very oppressive to a space! Like the hometown universe of Dongbo Snow Eagle, a chaotic environment will form a strong oppression for a universe, like a treasure of storage... The more treasures are stored, the higher the strength of the strong can withstand. Although the owner of this silent iceberg has fallen, the oppression brought by the corpses of the high-level ancestors is still much stronger than the pressure of the perfection of the gods.

"Oh." The nine snake ancestors still took out a huge strange cloth bag, and then loaded the complete corpse of a high-grade scorpion life into it.

"You are here." The nine snake ancestors looked at the crowd and smiled. "Thanks to you, you can successfully kill a Wuyuan prisoner! This dead iceberg master's body, I will follow the promise, go back, heart blood, I take Go, the rest, I will give Fei Xuexiong. This time, I can succeed, Fei Xuexiong is a great success."

The practitioners also looked at the Dongbo Snow Eagle.


Thanks to the Flying Snow Emperor, if there is no flying snow emperor, under the protection of more than 6,000 dead shackles, they simply can't silence the owner of the iceberg.

Dongbo Snow Eagle said: "It is all of you who work together, and everyone can work together to kill the prisoners."

"Yes, it is everyone's joint efforts." Nine heads of snake ancestors, "I promise you, I will do it. Now, it is time to go back!"

"Go away."

"Go back."

"It’s so happy, and we practitioners can also kill high-level life. It’s really good.”

"What do you want? This is the life of the higher source of the post-reduction power."

"But that is also the life of the higher source!"

The practitioners were in a good mood, chatting one by one, and the team was immediately shrouded in glory, and soon disappeared and embarked on the journey.
