MTL - Love in Another Life: My Gentle Tyrant-v2 Chapter 425 Love Haze (11)-Those days no longer exist

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"Chasing, do you understand? Or do you always treat me as a friend?"

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What are friends. Xuan Yuan does not understand the definition. Maybe when happy, when lonely, someone can accompany, and when it is difficult, they can do everything.

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  You said that your father did not approve of your independent work, but you have made up your mind.

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  Yuhuan is also house and digging, giving you a passbook held in your hand since childhood.

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  I have no money-but the only house left by my parents in the city center can sell some money, sign a long-term contract with the school, rigid, stable day-to-day work, and can also pay back money.

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  Without money, give all the proof that can prove the credit to you.

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  Because that is your biggest dream, a great dream-Yuhuan and I are very ordinary, at most I screamed a few times while watching the Discovery Channel.

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  Chase, really, I can give, I gave it all.

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  For so many years, never had such a heavy dispute, his face was scolded fiercely, but his hands trembled terribly. On the table, the jug was overthrown inadvertently, the drink was wet, Xuan Yuan lowered her head, stared Looking at the wine glass.

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  The friendship between them, is it also like this wine, eventually empty bottles.

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  Her eyes were astringent and painful, she reached out to wipe, and itching her throat, she wanted to laugh.

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  Finally laughed out.

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"Aqi, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

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  Chased tightly closed her eyes, but fingers stretched into the air, scratching, seems to be an unintentional movement, but also seems to want to grab something.

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"Did you think I would say these words to you without regard to shame? I have tried, I really tried very hard, but there is no way ... I am the same as you ... love this man deeply. "

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"Life and death, no liberation."

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"If I can, I will go, but I ca n’t go, I ca n’t go, I know, no matter where I go, I ca n’t ... you do n’t want to share him with others, do I think? I don't want to hurt you ... this is the only way I can think of. "

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Xuan Yuan covered her eyes, froze fiercely, and shook her hand chasing wildly in the air.

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"Chasing, this is by no means the only way, do you think we will be happy?"

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 "Not happy! You will not be happy! No one will be happy! As time passes, you will know that you will hate me more and hate him."

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  opened his eyes chasing chasingly, earning Xuanyuan's hand, walked to her in front of her, kneeling slowly.

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"Aqi, just ask me, okay?"

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  changed his face, chaotic hair, red eyes. Looking at the woman in front of her eyes, Xuan Yun's heart was very painful, and she resembled Ruyi a little. She had always been neat and tidy. The three have known each other for many years.

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  squeeze her arm firmly to help her up.

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"Aqi, did you agree?"

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  She saw the bloodshot eyes, but shook her head after all.

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"Chasing, you say you like him because he is excellent, because he even gave up his son-in-law for me."

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"Did you ever think that if he loves me and loves you at the same time, would you still like him like that? I said that if Long Fei loves you, I will leave, but I know, He loves me. He is the emperor and my husband. I have an agreement with him. I will accompany him until he is old. Only then will he be happy. Therefore, chase, no, no!

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  It is like breaking things that belong to the body, but still, words are clear and words are firm.

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  people, to know how decisive they are, do not have to rely on guessing, others will tell you.

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  Because in the air smoked by the wine, a clear voice rang suddenly-she was chased after a hard slap.

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  stared coldly at his palm raised in the air, chasing the smile of his mouth slowly fainting in circles, bleak and cruel.

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"Don't show a grievance in front of me, I'm not Long Fei Li! Is this a pain? Zhu Qi, I put away your grandiose selfishness, and I will kill you auspiciously to save you. ! "

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"I killed someone, it was a life, do you understand? It will be a nightmare, do you understand? I was stupid and silly in the past. From now on, you and I are no longer friends!"

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"Unless you let him kill me, if only one person can get his love, then you and I will wait and see!"

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With a slap, she couldn't finish her speech, and she ate a slap on her face. Frightened, she gritted her teeth and looked at Xuan Yuan.

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"You don't treat me as a friend, it doesn't mean that I do the same! I won't kill you! But I will never give in! This palace, you can come out, you must come out!"

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People in Fenghuang Palace have already died once, and she can't let them be threatened again! Xuan Ling gritted his teeth and turned to leave.

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  Chasing his face changed, closed his eyes again and stood in place, at the end, a cold smile, plunged into the night.

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  On the stone table, the jug was tilted horizontally, but there was no dripping out of the mouth.

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  weathered burial.

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视 Sight was blurred, but Xuan Yuan could see clearly, because she turned.

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  She is still standing, there is someone, but she will never look back.

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Never again.

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Looking at the black bird spreading its wings into the night, the woman in purple clothes leaning on the window table, smiled gently, but something fell on the back of the hand.

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  crystal round.

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  Zhu Qi, I beg you like this, I beg you in spite of incorruption-hello! you are so nice!

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  three lives, this life, I will not give up! I am Long Hao's wife!

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What about Shisu dying to save Mo Yan? Rebirth is nothing but a selfish soul! You are still selfish like your last life!

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  You don't know, I just made a mistake on purpose.

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I have asked Xu Yan, so I already knew that Long Hao was not going to take you to Qiushan——

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Thank you for reading. Thank you all for voting and gifts. I'm sorry to ask everyone to wait. Today's song is in poor condition. I sat in front of the computer for a day and only wrote a change. Although I don't dare to write any more pictures, I'm afraid I can't write well. See you tomorrow. The next more, haze town.