MTL - Low Key Star-Chapter 303 【303】Are you going to continue scumming?

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  Chapter 303【303】Are you going to continue being scumbags?

Probably due to getting older, I can better understand the preciousness of life and time, or there are too many things that need to be done with the time scale, the older I get, the more I can feel the passage of time. so fast? Where's the time?

  Although Zhang Yang has a certain degree of freedom and the right to speak, he has a lot of things to do. After getting busy, he also has a feeling of being pushed forward by the old man of time. When he looks back, he realizes that so long has passed.

  After unifying their thinking, the editing work of the "Sculpture of God" TV series is progressing smoothly, and the filming of the "Sculpture of the Condor" TV series has also been completed on schedule, which can be said to be good news.

   As for the theme song, after deliberation, a slightly weird plan was finally finalized, which is to use all six songs!

   "A Lover in the World" was sung by Zhang Yang and Lin Yiran as a promotional song.

   "Going Back" was also sung by the two as the theme song for the first twenty episodes.

  "Mythical Love Talk" is sung by Zhao Yuezhi and Lin Suyuan as the ending song of the first twenty episodes.

   "Unparalleled World" is sung by Lin Suyuan as the theme song for the next 20 episodes.

   "Jianghu Laughter" is sung by Zhao Yuezhi as the ending song of the next 20 episodes.

   "Ren Xiaoyao" is sung by Zhang Yang as an episode.

  This plan can be described as very willful, but when Zhang Yang, a "music genius", proposed and confirmed this plan, he found it funny and novel, but no one was so surprised.

  No way, talent is more capricious than money.

From the finalization of the cooperation in late January to the end of March, after two months of busy work, Zhang Yang and Tang Yanqi finally completed the lyrics of the Chinese version of "My Dream". Party A requires modification.

  As a result, the words were handed over, and they replied the next day, saying that there is no problem, and the music can be composed.

Party A did not follow the routine, and Zhang Yang felt a little embarrassed for a while, so he had to send the first version of the score a few days later, and at the same time said that he had thought about it and revised the original lyrics. Such a serious attitude won the high praise of Party A. recognition and praise.

   Zhang Yang is only in charge of the song, he doesn't care about the singer, he doesn't recognize the English singer, but the Chinese singer is an acquaintance, Ling Ran.

When Zhang Yang appeared in front of her two years ago, he was just a brat with the titles of "student master" and "talented scholar". Let her have three points of respect.

There are many examples in the entertainment industry that have become popular in a short period of time. It can even be said that they can be found everywhere. But I am used to such examples of today's popularity and tomorrow's failure. I am impressed.

   Zhang Yang is different. Although he is very popular, he can eat without relying on his fans. He is a genius who is a wholesale machine for music and video resources. Now that he has money, he is fully capable of cashing them out.

Although "Sculpture of God", "Shooting the Condor" and the movie he is said to be making have not yet seen the results, it is hard to say about the movie. The influence itself is extremely wide, and he and Lin Yiran co-starred together. It can be said that this kind of drama can be shot badly, and the director can be regarded as a genius!

   And Li Changge's ability is also well known!

  In this case, it is not an exaggeration to directly regard Zhang Yang as a successful investor.

Logically speaking, after handing over the lyrics and music to the other party, the cooperation between the two parties has been completed. Zhang Yang didn’t need to watch the recording of the song, but Party A felt that he took over the lyrics and music, and even proposed a very good idea for the commercial. It’s definitely not a bad thing to watch , so invite him to come.

   Zhang Yang's side, even if they only look at the 15 million yuan, must do a good job in after-sales service. They proposed it here, and they agreed without saying a word.

  Ling Ran's singing skills needless to say, but Party A's requirements are high, and the re-recording has been repeated many times. The price is probably high, and Ling Ran is also very cooperative.

  So it is not a problem for Party A to demand more, as long as the money is enough.

  The matter here is completed, and the one thing Zhang Yang has been concerned about since last year has finally come to fruition, which is the video website.

   Today's TV stations have a certain awareness of the potential and threats of video sites, and have taken actions, but from the perspective of Zhang Yang, who has experienced it, this level of attention is not enough.

   Nowadays, there are probably few people who believe that after the advent of the mobile Internet era, a video platform will have such a terrifying influence.

   "Sculpture of the Gods" and "Shooting the Condor" will definitely be broadcast on video sites next. Zhang Yang is not willing to work for others for nothing, and coupled with the weakness of online video platforms, there is no reason not to start early?

He first took aim at Lingxi, which was not only one of the earliest video sites in China, but also the one with the largest number of users among the three mainstream online video platforms. Unfortunately, when people heard that he wanted to take a stake, they rejected it neatly. Said that the TV series wanted it, but the shares were not allowed.

  Lingxi Company has two national-level social software, Lingxi and WeChat, and has such confidence.

People didn’t give face, Zhang Yang didn’t get entangled, and immediately changed his goal. This time, with the lessons learned from the past, Zhang Yang chose the Mirage video, because the Phoenix Group is behind the Phoenix video, which is the same as Dunhuang, Kunpeng, and Qilin. With the existence of Big Macs, Hongmeng is a rising star in front of them, but it is just good enough.

However, this idea was rejected within Yiyang Film and Television. The person who raised the dissenting opinion was Kan Wenxi. The reason was to get the control of Mirage and reorganize the management, otherwise the video site would not be considered good. development prospects and sufficient investment potential.

   After Zhang Yang read her report, he had to accept and admit his rashness, and decided to talk to Fenghuang first according to Kan Wenxi's suggestion.

This matter is still in the hands of Kan Wenxi. She was transferred from Hongzhuang by Su Hui because she was worried that Zhang Yang and Lin would still stumble, so she was cautious enough. Before that, she mostly followed Zhang Yang's ideas in her work. Take the initiative to put forward directional suggestions, let alone veto Zhang Yang's approach.

  But this veto undoubtedly increased her own weight.

   Phoenix Video is a subsidiary of Phoenix Group. According to Zhang Yang's original idea, Phoenix Group has a TV station, a music platform, and a film festival. Phoenix Video is backed by a big tree to enjoy the shade, so it is difficult to intervene.

  But according to what Kan Wenxi learned, Phoenix Video's status in the Phoenix Group is simply that of the concubine of a big family in later online novels, or the kind that will be slapped in the face next time.

   It is precisely because Phoenix Video is a natural threat to Phoenix TV, and Phoenix Video and Phoenix TV are in the same level relationship. As two companies under the same company, Phoenix Video is actually the most severely squeezed by Phoenix TV.

   This also led to Wang Genshan, the current person in charge of Phoenix Video, expressing a very strong enthusiasm after receiving the intention from Kan Wenxi.

Although it is backed by a big tree, it is impossible for a big tree to always provide nutrients to its subsidiaries without requiring returns. Especially since the establishment of Phoenix Video, Wang Genshan himself is optimistic about the future of video websites, and he is also speculative. He actively promoted the acquisition of an early-rising company The video website was renamed Phoenix Video.

In order to hold on to his future capital, he even contradicted a certain director who wanted to parachute his son over to be gilded. As a result, he did not expect that after several years, the development of the video website was not satisfactory, and he lost money every year. To be developed, to be arrogant in advance, to offend people, so that every step is difficult now.

  The olive branch offered by Zhang Yang is nothing more than a life-saving straw to Wang Genshan. Of course, at this moment, he doesn't really think that Zhang Yang's investment will turn Phoenix Video into safety.

   What he valued was the relationship between Zhang Yang and Chu Yu: Miss Group is a fan of Zhang Yang!

  Although it is a relationship that needs layers of leverage, as long as there is this relationship, there is room for manipulation and display, and the group card funds, the company's funds are tight now, Wang Genshan is naturally enthusiastic about this.

   Zhang Yang attaches great importance to Phoenix Video. On the one hand, it is because of the relationship with Phoenix Group behind it. On the other hand, according to Kan Wenxi’s report, Phoenix Video has a good reputation despite its poor management.

  —This seems to be a curse. Websites and software with a good reputation are often poorly managed and do not make money. When they make money, they lose their original conscience.

  For example, Phoenix Video, in today’s era when video sites are dominated by advertising revenue, its advertising time is the shortest, and the quality of the advertisements looks relatively good, unlike other websites that accept all advertisements.

   Non-members have the least restrictions, and it is definitely a representative of conscience among several video sites.

   just don't make money.

   Zhang Yang’s idea of ​​becoming a shareholder and follow-up development is relatively rough. After Kan Wenxi officially took over this matter, on the one hand, he is negotiating with Phoenix Video.

  She agrees very much with one of Zhang Yang's ideas, which is resources!

  The video platform fights to the end, the so-called service, in the final analysis, is resources, there are good movies and TV series, even if there are no members, you can’t watch them, and everyone will scold and respect members.

  In this world where the concept of genuine products is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, most people are really not stingy with membership fees, because they are afraid that they will have to spend money to watch TV after signing up for membership, and they even call the advertisements famous as members-only recommendations...he-tui!

  I have never seen such a shameless person!

According to contact and past information, Wang Genshan is really not too incompetent, but there are too many constraints, and he is a bit conceited and arrogant. If he wants to really develop Phoenix Group, he must first suppress this talent. Row.

   Zhang Yang thought about it, and felt that it would be easier to rely on women, so he simply went to Chu Yu.

She will be graduating this summer. After the Spring Festival, she secretly opened a dance studio with her pocket money, and planned to form a dance team to perform everywhere. However, she was found at home two days ago, and was taught by two mothers in turn. She was so angry I slept downstairs for two days and didn't come home.

  Lin still will go there when he is free recently, and the newly released talented girl Luoshen also dances with these low-level creatures in the low-level world at a low price.

When Zhang Yang came to the dance studio, through the glass wall, he could see more than a dozen young girls practicing dance in the training room. They were all wearing white miniskirts and white short-sleeves, which made people notice at a glance, even through the glass. The shadows on the wall are vague, not very clear and vivid, but there is a feeling of blood rushing.

  Yang Yuting was also inside, but she was weak and could only watch from the side, which made Zhang Yang feel that it was too wasteful for only her to see this scene.

   Fortunately, I came here!

People could be seen through the glass wall, but he couldn't hide, so he simply stood outside, and within a few seconds, Yang Yuting spotted him, she pushed open the door, and looked at Zhang Yang suspiciously: "Looking for Yiyi? "

   "Find them all."

  Zhang Yang smiled, walked into the training room, saw Chu Yu leading the dance in front, Lin Yiran and Luo Shen were dancing behind, also wearing the same clothes, thin waist and white legs, so beautiful...

   Finally understand why the protagonists of online novels like to have a harem.

  Lin Yiran had obviously followed suit for a while, his cheeks were flushed, and beads of sweat slid off his snow-white skin from time to time, and he gave a slightly shy sideways glance, but he didn't stop.

  The other girls were a little excited when they saw Zhang Yang coming for the first time, but Chu Yu didn't call to stop, and didn't stop, but couldn't help but stare at him.

  Yang Yuting glanced at Lin Yiran, then at Zhang Yang, smiled with the corners of her lips pursed, and suddenly asked, "Is it pretty?"

   "Uh... of course."

   Zhang Yang nodded, a little embarrassed, Yang Yuting smiled again, "Look, my girlfriend, what are you embarrassed about?"

   Zhang Yang didn't know what to say, so he had to keep silent. Anyway, he has his own girlfriend, let's see.

  Chu Yu probably understood that everyone was absent-minded, jumped a few more times, and called for a break. Then Lin Yiran came over, panting slightly, looking at him: "How do you know I'm here?"

  Zhang Yang didn't know when Chu Yu got off work. He just sent her a message and didn't reply, so he came here directly. He didn't know that Lin Yiran was there. He originally planned to go to school to pick her up later, but of course he couldn't say that now.

   "I have a good heart."

   In front of so many people, Yang Yuting was right next to her. Lin was still a little shy, covering up with disdain and disgust, and asked with a sweet smile, "Does it look good?"

"of course."

  A girl over there asked, "Is Zhang Yang here to pick up Lin Yiran?"

   Zhang Yang nodded, seeing Du looked at him, and waved his hand again, which evoked a smiley response. Lin was still watching him interact with a smile.

   "I forgot when I came, what do you want to drink? My treat."

  Chu Yu rolled his eyes and said, "If you really have the heart, you won't forget."

   "Uh... how about having dinner together? I invite you."

  Chu Yu looked at him suspiciously, "Are you okay? I've been driving for so long, and you haven't been here once, so suddenly so enthusiastic?"

   Zhang Yang said with a dry smile: "That's why you are so enthusiastic."

  Lin Yiran and Yang Yuting looked at each other, Lin Yiran said with a smile: "Then let's go together, let's treat it as a dinner party."

  Yang Yuting also laughed: "Anyway, someone treats you."

  Chu Yu thought for a while, and said, "That's fine, eat the rich!"

There are more than a dozen beautiful red flowers, and only one green leaf is publicized, which is particularly conspicuous in the restaurant. Zhang Yang called Zhang Hongkang over because he was worried about drinking, but the senior brother is still taciturn in the face of so many beautiful girls, and seems to be ready to be single In the end, it didn't play a role in sharing the pressure at all.

After the dinner, Chu Yu still went back together, Luoshen was in the same car with Chu Yu and Yang Yuting, Zhang Yang was in the same car with Lin Yiran, and he was talking about Phoenix Video with Lin Yiran, when he heard the crisp and sweet voice that had not been seen for a long time in his head: "Why, you finally can't help but continue to scum?"

  (end of this chapter)