MTL - Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again-Chapter 3993 I still miss my sister to send her off

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  Chapter 3993 I still miss my sister to send her off

   "I always feel that there is something in his words, as if he knows something. That's why... Empress, you said that there must be something wrong with State M?"

  Nie Qingru saw that the matter could not be concealed anymore, she was silent for a while, and admitted: "The Privy Council is going to start the impeachment procedure against me. Qiao Nian should have got the news."

   "What!" Shadow's reaction was huge. He immediately looked at her, frowned and raised his eyebrows: "Old Xue..."

  Nie Qingru shook his head at him: "It's not him."

  Her expression was not relaxed: "It was the archbishop who took the lead. The Leonard family rebelled and chose to side with the archbishop. The strength of the conservative faction alone is not enough to contend with them..."

  Shadow's face became more and more ugly, and he clenched his fists, desperately enduring it.

  Seeing his reaction, Nie Qingru softened her voice: " I must go back immediately."

  She said very optimistically.

  In fact, the internal situation of the Privy Council is very unfavorable to her. After paying for her actions several times in a row, even many conservatives who seem to be on her side are very dissatisfied with her.

   It's just that Mr. Xue didn't show his dissatisfaction because of his face.

  Once the Privy Council starts impeachment proceedings, it will be very detrimental to her.

   "Then Young Master Zhai..." Shadow didn't want to bring it up. He knew that Nie Qingru cared about Zhai Xicheng's safety, otherwise he wouldn't have brought himself to this point.

  Nie Qingru shook her head, with a sullen expression, and sighed: "I can't control him for the time being, we can only talk about it when we go back."

  Shadow secretly breathed a sigh of relief, raised his head and said, "Master Zhai will be safe."

  Nie Qingru didn't answer the call this time, and told him to arrange a flight back. When the shadow walked away, she frowned as if thinking of something, exhaled again, calmed down and went to pack her luggage.


  Nie Qingru walked in a hurry.

  Qiao Nian released her in the morning, and at noon her private plane landed on the parking lot of the illegal area. Except for Qiao Nian, no one was notified of the whole process.

  12:30 noon.

  Nie Qingru's car arrived at the airport on time, and the servant handed over the luggage in her trunk to the crew.

  Shadow walked around to the other side and opened the car door, waiting respectfully for the old woman in the car to get off.

Nie Qingru handed him a hand, supported his hand and walked out of the carriage gracefully, stepped on the concrete road of the airport, looked at the blue sky and white clouds that formed a parallel line with the plane, narrowed her eyes slightly, took off the sunglasses on the bottom, and looked sideways at the shadow beside her .

   "Hasn't Qiao Nian come yet?"

  Shadow carefully supported her, and replied in a low voice: "Queen, she hasn't come yet."

  Nie Qingru pursed her lower lip, feeling bad.

  Shadow has been with her for more than ten years, and is very good at trying to figure out her psychology. He immediately lowered his voice and said: "The traffic on the road is bad, she may be stuck in traffic."

   "Yeah." Nie Qingru's expression softened slightly: "Wait a little longer."


  Shadow looked down at the tip of his shoe again, restless.

  The traffic in the illegal area is not congested today, the traffic jam is just an excuse he made for Qiao Nian not coming yet.

   If Qiao can't read it, the Queen's face will be trampled by these people again today.


  Hongmeng headquarters.

  Nie Qingru and the person who never forgets the shadow just woke up, put on a coat, got up to brush their teeth and wash their face, white foam remained on the corners of their lips, and their half-closed eyes were full of sleepiness and dryness.

  Qiao Nian brushed her teeth, turned on the faucet and lowered her head to take the saliva to rinse her mouth.

  She didn't bother to get a towel after washing her face, so she simply patted her face with water in her hands.

  (end of this chapter)