MTL - Mage Network-Chapter 1488 : Exclusive and Share

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One shot of the demon dome was invalid, and people took a step back and re-examined the opponent.


From the beginning, Devil Star didn't put Demon Rosa in his eyes. Dignified star casters, also known as masters of intelligence outside the sky, naturally do not take into account an endless little person in the heart. Morosa's 'power' lies in intelligence capabilities, and her intelligence capabilities are derived from Kun Peng and Emperor Ren. Without these two foundations, Morosa alone could not do much.

I saw it today, it was a bit wrong.

In terms of intelligence capabilities, Rosa does have amazing talent and courage. Knowing that she was out of reach with her, she continued to use rhetoric, which shows that her level of professionalism is beyond doubt. Moreover, she is afraid that she has a way to escape and is confident that she can escape from her own hands.


Marosa's intelligence capabilities are worthy of praise, but intelligence capabilities and combat capabilities are two different things.

On combat power.

It's strange how little a little girl like Mo Rosa can do.

However, after a sneak attack.

"You can't stop it?" Demon Star found that not only the intelligence ability was miscalculated, but the combat effectiveness was also slightly miscalculated.

"This is already the case, don't need to repeat the response again? If you are still interested in talking, let's continue to 'gamble'." Rosa Rosa turned her hands, and the star pattern in front of her changed like a nebula, slowly spreading more and more More groups. In a blink of an eye, hundreds of groups of star patterns have formed in front of Morosa, each group is different, as if they have different functions.

At this point, the dome star was more dignified.

Do not.

It should be said that the magic dome star is a little 'stunned'.

To outsiders, these star patterns do not seem to make much sense. However, Devil Star is a master of intelligence, and he is used to paying attention to details. You don't need to look more, just two or three eyes will know: these star patterns have a total of 490, divided into 7 groups, each group of 70, each 10 is derived from a spell.

7 spells, 70 variants, 490 patterns.

These numbers were meaningless.


The reason why the magic dome star is a bit sloppy ... The number and appearance of these star patterns are exactly the same as their own. The difference between the two is that one is a star map in vitro and the other is a star map in vivo.

When the Starforge is fighting, the body will be energized, and the star pattern will appear in the body.

Some of these patterns are meaningful and some are not.

All in all.

Both meaningful and meaningless must have a 'function', some special combat effect. The reason why the magic dome is amazing is that his ‘action’ is more special. Because the number 7 is the number of the last seven people, 7 spells, and 70 variants, they are all developed for the last seven people. Although they did not fight, and the other five did not contact, the intelligence officer will not let go of any clues.

With the slightly leaked induction of the last seven people, the magic dome can be regarded as an intelligence.

To prevent some kind of accident.

Therefore, the magic dome star “researched” on their own power ... that is, the star pattern on the hand of Morosa. If the seven people in the last world suddenly have any malicious intentions, they have the possibility of resistance.

right now.

Did the other person 'learn' at the first sight?


Devil Star does not believe that Morosa has this ability, nor does it believe that there is any power to simulate so thoroughly.

There must be another reason.

"What do you want to 'gamble'?" Devil Star was in no hurry to attack.

The situation is unknown.

The more urgent the more wrong.

"I thought you would attack. I didn't expect you to be more timid than you thought." Morosa was not provocative. I really didn't expect Magic Sky to be so careful. In any case, this battle cannot stop: "We bet on intelligence, about the extraterrestrials and the seven people in the world."

"Don't just say no?" Devil Star smiled.

"Neither, but talking and beating." Morosa spoke with one hand.


The 490 sets of star maps are separated, re-aggregated, distorted and deformed, gradually forming 'seven' translucent human figures. In addition to the side of the magic Rosa, it is now in a state of ‘eight dozen one’. The seven transparent shadows have exactly the same stance as the Starforge, as if seven Starforges participated.

Facing this scene, the magic sky star is also surprised.

The other party really learned.

Not only learn, but also learn and use.

"Okay, let's get started." The demonic star wasn't intimidated. He waved his spells and waved eight strokes: "The man in the last world has four heads, and the woman in the last world has three heads. Unknown role, but there must be some Kind of meaning. "

Wave and cast, one move and eight attacks.

at this time.

The result was not the same as the magic sky star imagined. There was no defense of eight people, only a transparent shadow started. With almost the same wave-casting action, all eight attacks were disintegrated in one move, and the remaining seven did not need to move at all.

This trick is an experiment.

The magic dome star originally thought that the fighting power of the seven shadows was very weak and worthless.

After trying it out, I found ... they are strong.

Too unreasonable.

"Two of those seven things are called 'Shadow of the Last World' and 'Shadow of the Next World.'" Rosa Rosa was authorized by Tang Shidao, but didn't say much: "I don't know the role, but you I've definitely seen the owner use it. The two shadows around him are. If you have the opportunity to tell the seven people in the world, this 'merit' must be huge. "

"You seem to think you've won?" Moqi Xing attacked again, throwing his fist in person.


It's still a shadow hands, fists with palms ... Both retreated.

One shot won't take any advantage.

"I won't betray any information about the owner. Unless I can take it back, I won't say a word." The words of Morosa have already shown: She will win.

"One of the seven was knowledgeable and knew many secrets."

"Have you heard?"

"No, I heard some secrets from the last man. But, it ’s not like he knows. It must be someone else told him, and he repeats it. Except the last man and the last woman, The five did not speak, and I have not seen them. "The demon star began to sacrifice more than one weapon, but tens of thousands of weapons.

"Very well, one of the seven things is called 'Eyes of All-Knowing.'" Morosa remained still.

When the magic dome star drew the magic soldier, there was still a shadow waving.

When tens of thousands of instruments are dancing.

At the same time, there are thousands of 'stars' light spots flashing.


Or synchronous blast.

In short, the magic dome's method has no effect, and it cannot even win one of the seven shadows.

"If I can win, tell them everything will be resolved. Emperor Tang Shidao has those seven things, and one person takes seven, right?"

"This is a question."


"All right, I answer: Yes. Now it's my turn to ask, what chess pieces have you buried in the Master Network?"

"That doesn't matter." Devil Star has got the answer he wants most.

"This is not an answer. There are gambling games in the gambling game. Mr. Devil Star, you have to obey the rules." Demon Rosa did not intend to trust Devil Star, but there are some things that need to be reminded. Mages are free people, but they like rules more than anyone.

There is no rule of freedom, that is chaos.

At this point.

Devil Star suddenly laughed and said softly, "Excuse me, Ms. Rosa. Because this is a circular world, I don't know if you can get a message out right away. If I talk too much, it will expose some information that is not good for me. "I can't trust you, nor can I trust the Emperor, in case you are just a sacrificed chess piece, used to extract my information."

"You said seven people in the world."

"That's not my thing, it doesn't matter if you say it."

"So it is, Mr. Devil Star. I have to say that you are missing something more than I expected." Mo Rosa smiled suddenly.

"Oh, what is it?"

"Professional. As an intelligence officer, you should not" think "whether it matters. A piece of information is not important, it should be decided by the person who listens to the information, it should not be decided by the person who collects the information. As an intelligence officer, only It is necessary to convey the information 'completely' and 'truely', not the spoiled goods after their own processing. "

"Are you educating me?" The magic dome stared slightly.

"Yes, and I also want to say: You will regret losing for a while. Because you are unprofessional and have no victories. People who take themselves seriously will not regret winning or losing." Morosa received a smile, Ready for the final showdown.

"Really? I have to remind you, too, that you misunderstood something."

"Please advise."

"My name is Devil Star. Don't you think that the word" Dome "is just a decorative word? Devil Dome, the magical dome. Do you think you are one of the eight enemies? No. On the contrary, you are truly 'enclosed'. It's you, Ms. Rosa Rosa. "The magic dome slowly opened her hands, her body slowly expanded and faded.

Ten less than a breath, he disappeared.

Do not.

It should be said that he is still there.

However, the demon star now has no body ... he is the entire sky. It is dominated by 70 star patterns in 7 groups, and 700, 70, and 70,000 new star patterns have been born. Even more amazing, these star patterns are not like energy imprints, they are all alive ... not as if they are, they are real.

"They all correspond to one person. Now my‘ quantity ’is above you, my strength is above you, and my skills are above you. You have no chance.”

"These are the intelligence pieces you cultivated before?" Morosa replied.

"Yes. I won't use it easily, but your curse is a bit special. I have to expose these people. Those in the mage network can't escape the scarecrow's eyes and eyes, so I have to take you as soon as possible. Kill you sooner, I can recover some power and save it. "

"You're going to sacrifice them?" Morosa's face was calm and she couldn't see her mood.

"It's dedication. I gave them everything. Now I just take it back. Besides, the Emperor did not sacrifice you to gather information." The magic dome star is very indifferent, and the harvester's star-forgers don't care about life.

"You misunderstood two things."


"First, the host taught me the" Star "to save my life. Coming to intercept you is not the owner's intention, but I am coming. The second thing is that you have a misunderstanding of the" Star ". You said There are more than I have, this sentence is very overwhelming. "Mo Rosa re-struck her hands, and in a blink of an eye, the star pattern began to 'explode'.

For a moment, it seemed that chaos restarted the big bang, with countless stars exploding and covering the entire airspace.

They are also 'live'.

The two are different.

"Xing Chen is not a curse of my master, nor does it belong to anyone. It belongs to the creation cloud of the endless world! It is not the creation cloud of the endless void, but the creation cloud of the sky outside. Spell, it's a multiplayer spell. It's the opposite of normal spells, the more people use it, the more effective it is. "

"What do you mean?" Devil Star wasn't surprised now, but rather panicked.

"After the master became a star, all the apostles of the master were taught. In other words, you are not playing against me, you are playing against the master's apostles. Do you know what the number is? Sorry, what do you mean? The sky, this kind of thought is a joke. You are just a frog at the bottom of the well, the magic sky star, and your 'world' is too small. "


"You have taken back the power of those who are loyal to you. Literally, you are 'exclusive.' The master has taught the stars, and the master is 'shared.' You must not be able to understand it? There is another power in the world, the more 'shared' the more Powerful. Disappear, Magic Dome. In the light of the creation cloud, your exclusive 'knowledge' and 'wisdom' are just the light of a candle. "