MTL - Mage Network-Chapter 25 : World War I became famous 5, killing a lot

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Entering the territory of the Iron Boar, the Tang Shidao group was immediately discovered by the hordes of iron wild boars. These wild beasts only have an instinctive reaction. In their eyes, all creatures that are not food are enemies. Treating intruders, they never negotiate, no brain is a charge. A few roars, more tin boars received messages, and they came to the Tang Shidao group.

Everyone is full of confidence, while carefully evading and rushing at full speed.

have to say.

The aura of dying is a luxury spell that all wizards are disgusting. Once a teammate has it, it is a good thing that can't be done. Team up with a mage with a halo and feel not too refreshing. Even if Lei Shi is a shield warrior with unsatisfactory action, there is a quick aura blessing that can easily pass through the iron boar. The blue-eyed fox and the charm are more flexible than the fish, and even the push-open action is not needed. It is only by dodge that it avoids all the attacks of the iron boar.

The group of people kept sprinting.


The stone-eating geeks and Lei Shi only want to sweep the shield and hit some of the iron wild boars that are close, and the rest of the time is easy to gallop. Even if a large group of iron boars are blocked, they can scatter these brainless beasts and then slip through the encirclement.

In only half a day, Tang Shidao and his party have already passed most of the territory.

It is now closer to the destination and everyone is not relaxed.

The situation of the Master's mission can happen, and there are many people who have failed 99%. According to some rumors, the Master's mission has an example of ‘completed’ still failing. Although it is not clear what the reason is, in short, the person who performs the task will not relax himself until the task is completed and returned to the big library.

"Wait a minute, there is a situation." The crowd sprinted, and Tang Shidao suddenly stopped everyone.

At this moment.

The Tin Saber Group is no longer desperately chasing, but it seems to be a banned force. Slowly gather, slowly expand, and merge into a large encircled net that blocks the back road. Almost at the same time, there was a hurricane in the air in front. Unconsciously, there was a battlefield of the herd that cut off the skyline.

There are wind wolves in the group, there are bison, giant dogs, and wild bears.

Together with the blocking of the iron boar group in the rear, it just formed a round encirclement.

at this time.

A group of giant black pelicans in the sky swept across the giant stone pillars nearby, and the look was like a group of nobles watching circus performances. There are other birds that fly along with them, all of which are fierce birds with sharp claws. One of the weakest is the beautifully colored macaw, which has no sly eyes and a faint wisdom.

"It's no wonder that this task has never been completed. The sky has long been staring at us." The charm of the sacred flame stick, ready to fight.

Others see this situation, and if they don’t understand it, they will be alive.


has plans.

There are traps.

The wild beasts and the murderous birds reached a certain tacit agreement early on, and they smashed anyone who entered the mainland of the copper spirit. It is quite possible that the fierce birds do not want the bronze dragon to leave anything to rest. They don't have the wisdom to judge what the bronze dragon wants to do. It only instinctively believes that all creatures that help the bronze dragon must kill the light in case something changes.

At this moment.

The green-eyed fox looks a little hesitant, think about the best-selling eyes, and prepare to fight with friends. As a fox man, he has a terrible feeling about the murderous bird, but when it comes to the end, he can't retreat. He must stand on the same line with his friends.

The stone blame and the Lei Shijian shield are ready, and there is no retreat.

The task is here.

It should have been admitted that the failure has retreated.


As a mage being challenged and counted by a group of Warcraft, everyone is not comfortable. As a captain, Tang Shidao did not call for retreat. They could not recognize it. Warcraft itself is so powerful that they can't be as good as the Master. Practice learning, inheriting knowledge, this is something that Warcraft can't learn. Unless you form a smart social population, Warcraft is not much worse than the beast.

"Green-eyed fox, you take things first." Tang Shidao handed the bronze dragon heart to the blue-eyed fox.

The blue-eyed fox is unclear.

Tang Shidao said: "The stone blame, Lei Shi, charm, you **** the blue-eyed fox in the past, if necessary, entangle the Warcraft to prevent them from catching up with the blue-eyed fox. I stayed to drag them, rest assured, I am not looking for death, body For the Master, I don't have to go with a group of Warcraft. I will try my best to insist that once you break through, our mission will be completed."

The charm opened his mouth and he still didn't speak.

She knows that it is dangerous now.

Retreating and giving up the task is the safest way. However, if one is allowed to move on, and the other four assist in delaying the time, it is impossible to complete this most difficult task. The five-eyed Blue-eyed fox has the lowest combat power, but he has the most alchemy and the fastest speed, and his brain is the most likely to send the bronze dragon heart to his destination.

At this time, in the big library.

The ‘audience’ that is paying attention to the development of things also praises: doing beautiful!

For now.

The division is indeed the most likely way to get the job done.

"Captain, will Warcraft be rounding up you? If they are pursuing the Green Eye Fox, we would have a hard time breaking through it." Lei Shi is a stone man, but not a brain.

"Yes. By instinct, they will definitely destroy the most threatening people. For example..." A soldier in Tang Shidao turned into a spell.

For a moment.

The whole body becomes the model of the tiger's first person, which is much more magnificent than the average werewolf. Tang Shidao sacrificed an ice and a fire to fly back to the ring, holding the most beneficial weapon for the transformation of the tiger. At the same time, Tang Shidao also used the most consumed one of the spells he learned: the Scourge!

The spell is dimmed.

In just one second, countless hungry locusts appeared out of thin air, forming a dark cloud that covered the sky and covered the entire wilderness.

Warcraft on the wasteland is contemptuous.

They are not afraid of such a lethal bug.

Especially the iron wild boar, even if they are submerged by the mites, the hardened skin that has been cured by the magic energy will not be damaged by the slightest damage. No matter how many locusts they can ignore, they can move forward like giant sharks breaking through the waves.

High place.

On the giant stone pillars, the fierce birds were irritated... These little bugs dared to flutter into the air?

The sky is their place!

The fierce birds are flying high, and a flutter can make a fierce wind. Their claws and sharp tips are all weapons that tear steel.


Nothing to use!

The locusts summoned by the Scourge spells are extremely low in lethality, but the number is indescribable. Even if the fierce birds can be ten miles a second, the dead and wounded locusts will not be too much. The wind wolf and the iron wild boar are madly rushed, and there are few mites that can be killed. Under the cover of the natural disasters, the killing of the wild beasts is only equal to the flooding of the fish.

After all, Warcraft is not a mage.

If it is the charm of the group, a flame ring can burn countless. Warcraft can't do it, they only have fangs and claws. The energy of Magic Spring makes them strong, but they don't give them a spell skill out of thin air. No matter how strong they are, spells can only be derived from knowledge.

Maybe think of these annoying bugs out of the Tang Shidao.

The giant black scorpion headed out to indicate the beasts of the beasts and slay the Tang Shidao as soon as possible. As the master of the sky, the blacks have the first priority command. This is not cooperation, the most powerful sky Warcraft is to command the ground warcraft to follow instructions.

The fluttering wind pushed the locusts away.

The blacks also chased the five people like Tang Shidao for the first time.


When the squadrons are scattered, the eyes of the leader of the black scorpion are: a circular blade!

With a cold cold.

The flying ring-blade blade cuts the right wing of the black-skinned leader and instantly transmits a cold energy, slowing its flight. Wait until it flutters and chills, a majestic tiger flashes behind it, and the backhand grabs the flying edge. With both hands folded, the two handles cut off the neck of the black scorpion leader.

Next to another black scream, the Tang Shidao flashed again in the distance.

Using the ‘flash’ spell to surprise the black scorpion leader, Tang Shidao has achieved the goal of decapitation. In the face of the advantages of Air Warcraft, Tang Shidao, who does not fly, may not want to engage in air combat with them.

At the moment of losing the leader of the black scorpion, the fierce birds stopped suddenly and did not know the reaction.

The remaining giant black screams loudly.

as if.

They must use the biggest whistling sound to separate the strengths and weaknesses, and the strongest voices follow the leader.

The ground World of Warcraft is also very confused.

At this time, they did not find: the blue-eyed fox, the stone, the stone-evil and the charm of the four have disappeared. As the locusts raged, the four of them quietly disappeared into the sight of the beasts. When the leader of the black scorpion was killed, Warcraft lost their command and could not attend them for a time.

The confusion did not last long.

When the black scorpion new leader who was the strongest whistling sound was established, bowed his head and looked at the 'Tiger Man' on the ground, it found that there were more than one hundred broken wind wolves and giant dogs lying next to the tiger. A small amount of wild bears also fell to the ground and sprayed the blood of a place.

Ruthless killing has already started.

"Hey!" A screaming sound rang, and the new leader ordered the herd to be encircled.

At this moment.

Once again, the locust swarmed like a wave, drowning the location of the Tang Shidao. When the group of beasts slammed and dispelled the scorpion group, the original place had already disappeared from the Tang Dynasty.

The new leader was furious.

Turning head, extraordinary spiritual discovery... The group of blue-eyed foxes is carefully taking care of the insects and quickly moving away from the encirclement of the herd.

I am about to scream.

A black shadow attacked.

The new leader of the black scorpion is not flustered, fluttering, and claws. For the frontal struggle, it is completely unruly.

The claws are torn apart... A fierce wolf instantly splits the body.

The new leader of the black scorpion is wondering why a wolf will fly into the sky. When he is in doubt, an owl in the vicinity will instantly become a tiger, and the double blade will flash again.

Change again.

The new leader of the black scorpion still has the ability to respond.

Unfortunately, Tang Shidao did not give it this opportunity. In the near rush, the 'Dragon's Power' spell was launched in advance, and it was just a shock that slowed its response. Double-edged, no scales, no hard armor, black neck, crisp, like grass stems, one hit and break.

The new leader of the black scorpion kicking the broken leg, Tang Shidao another ‘light as feathers’ landing.

Before landing.

Once again, Tang Shidao used the natural disasters to make the locusts of the entire wasteland more concentrated. Tang Shidao does not expect these little bugs to kill a wild beast, only to be able to seriously hinder the actions of the herd and obscure their vision.

Flash has 10 mana, and Tang Shidao can't cast too many times in a short time.

At present, the first two bets have been fortunate.

“The earth moves in the mountains.” In order to make the teammates escape safer, Tang Shidao also used the earth to shake the mountain, causing the earthquake to make the ground beasts disperse.

at the same time.

The crow of Tang Shidao catches up with the green-eyed fox: "Blue-eyed fox, please, you. I killed the leader of the giant black scorpion and felt that it is not like the real sky hegemon. This mission has more dangerous opponents, I hope you will definitely heart. Send it safely. I feel that the bronze dragon also has his own plans."

The blue-eyed fox and others nodded and fled.


The mages of the big library are great. In this case, Tang Shidao can still even have the second leader. I have to say that they can't do better with the same strength.

At this time, the interest of the mages is even stronger.

Just like enjoying a great opera!