MTL - Mage Network-Chapter 24 : World War I became famous 4, make up for the shortfall or the limit?

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In the large library of the Master Network, countless Masters are paying attention to the mission of the World of Warcraft. After Tang Shidao received 50 mana ‘live’, the Master who paid attention to this matter was even more. Some of these wizards are newcomers, and there are also some tasks that have been done in the World of Warcraft. I saw that the Tang Shidao and his party had even passed the three levels, and even the spells were not used. They were very shocked.

of course.

These spectator warriors have some extraordinary power, even far beyond the bronze dragon itself dozens of times.

Is it better that they can't complete the mission of Warcraft Wilderness?

Do not!

of course not!

The strongest group, they can completely burn the entire copper planet into a jade, or turn the entire surface into a lava ocean. What Sky Warcraft, what Ocean Warcraft, they can be removed like pinching dead flies. Laughing at the labyrinth of forests or lies, they can be leveled by a spell.

Since there is such a powerful force, why is the mission of Warcraft Wilderness unfinished?

The reason is simple.

If there is a group of ants who say to you: People, we will supply you a hundred scorpions, please help us to move the ants to the heights.

What can you do?

Do not!

Absolutely not!

The mage who has more strength than the bronze dragon does not care about the reward of the bronze dragon. It is like an emperor who does not care about the reward of a courtier. Not to mention the task of receiving aid, the bronze dragons are not qualified for them. To reach this level, it is necessary to accept the task of tens of thousands of mana and even hundreds of thousands of mana. With a group of new Ding grab the small task, they feel embarrassed.

This counts.

Why do these heroes pay attention to Tang Shidao?

The reason is simpler. is also like a online game. Masters who are proficient in ‘Raiders’ will never lose color. The great generals need the military division, and the smart king needs the minister. Haoqiang can do things under their 'power', but what is above their power?

The mage cannot be a Berserker.

But not every wizard is a wise man.

Besides, not every wise man is proficient in the task strategy.

After all, everyone in every race has what they do best. Now in the small team of Tang Shidao, the stone geek is good at brute force, Lei Shi is good at defense, the eye-catching fox is good at alchemy and the couple, and the charm is good at fire spells. One day in the future, will Charm pay attention to alchemy because it does not understand alchemy, and reduce the best fire spells?

Do not!

Certainly not!

After a hundred times more powerful, the charm is still the power of the fire spell, the eye-catching fox is still an expert in alchemy. One day, a hundred times more powerful, I met the ‘ alchemy problem. She would like to practice alchemy or ask a friend to help?

The answer is almost certain: ask a friend for assistance.

What is Tang Shidao good at?

Mission Raiders!

This means that...he has great use for anyone!

According to the difficulty of the Warcraft Wasteland, a 100% law king can push the lie labyrinth, no need to think at all, a spell can flatten the maze. However, when Fawang encountered his own headache, such as the ‘Dragon’s Labyrinth’ or the ‘Some King’s Secret Room’, can he still push it?

Of course not!

At this time he needs a master of the 'Raiders Labyrinth'.

Seeing that Tang Shidao had even laughed at the forest, the labyrinth of lies, and the gluttony river, the Masters were convinced that this was a good-natured figure. It is not that he has high intelligence, but that he has special experience for these tasks. These methods are not unintentional, but those who want to get them have already become stronger and do not want to accept the commission of the bronze dragon.

After reading the three levels.

There are also some smart people nodding in the Master Network, saying that this method is good, I also thought about it.

Of course they will not speak out in public.

The old birds have the experience of the old birds, and the new ones have the experience of the new ones, and everyone has their own duties. The strong sweeping task is equal to the full-scale large-scale sweeping novice village in the game. Others can't help you, but I hate you in my heart... It is not a good thing to be hated by everyone in the Master Network.

Strong as a scarecrow does not dare to bear the wrath of everyone.

and so.

The Master of Watching has an idea: Maybe one day, you will need the lucky little Tang's Raiders experience.

Even if you don't need it now, it's always harmless to know more about this person.

at this time.

On the mainland of Tongling, the people of Tang Shidao are fast on the road. The heart of the bronze dragon can guide the target location without getting lost. After the first three levels, there are more routes to choose from. Encountering the tragedy of the mountains, Tang Shidao decisively detoured. In the case of a limited life of bronze dragons, fools will deliberately overcome difficulties.

The Master Network also looked at it in a crowd.


A very smart choice is also a very responsible choice for the commissioner Bronze Dragon.

"Captain Tang, if you can complete this mission, I believe that you will have a certain reputation in the Master Network." Green Eye Fox while pulling the road while pulling home.

“Why do you say this?” Tang Shidao likes to listen to the old birds, which can produce a lot of gains.

"Because of your special ability. Before you said that you are lucky, Xiao Tang, because everyone believes that you have divination or safe escape, everyone likes to make friends with such lucky ones. Now you quickly complete the first half of the Warcraft Wasteland mission, This shows that you have real material. In Master Network, any mage has his own headache. The strong are powerful, but there are ten times, hundreds of times, thousands of times stronger than them. Even those fingers Masters of broken stars, they also have their own difficulties. The top of the library of the big library does not have the top: there is no limit to power!"

"Do you mean that if such a person is unfortunately degraded, the sites they left must be difficult to break into?"

"Yes. The characters who can break the stars are fallen. The secret room, maze, and moving castles left by them must have special organs or super guards. For these big men, one country, one country, one planet is a fur. Therefore, they certainly will not easily hand over their 'heritage' to their successors. Later, people can not be strong, at least have to prove themselves in wisdom and wisdom." Qingyan Fox said.

Charm and Moth: "For example, I am relying on hard work and wisdom to get a very good legacy, otherwise I can't reach the current level in a short time."

The stone blame and Lei Shi ran back.

The stone geek first opened: "There is a big squat in front, and the left direction is the territory of the wind wolf."

Lei Shi answered: "Going to the right is the territory of the iron wild boar. Captain Tang, which side do we want to go next?"

Tang Shidao asked: "Your suggestion?"

Lei Shi thought about it: "The iron wild boar defense is very strong, but the speed is not enough. The wind wolf is very fast, but the defense is not strong. You have a quick aura, we can enjoy the speed bonus. Therefore, we have no At the speed of the wind wolf, it is not too difficult to kill them on the front. I suggest that you take the wind to the ground."

After that, the four people looked at Tang Shidao and no one raised any objection.

Tang Shidao said calmly: "My opinion is the opposite. The speed of the iron boar is not fast. We use the quick aura to have one plus one and two effects. If the speed is only flat compared with the wind wolf, we can double the speed with the iron wild boar. We can't break the defense first, at least we guarantee that we can crush the iron wild boar in speed."

The blue-eyed fox quickly responded: "So even if we are not, we can easily escape?"

Tang Shidao nodded: "Well, since it is an advantage, I want to maximize it. I feel very disadvantaged by using the quick aura to fill the speed. We are at least safe and worry-free in the iron wild boar territory. As for killing... well, we are mage, some are The way to deal with Warcraft. Really on the bar, everyone will try to improve themselves to reach the level of killing them."

I heard that everyone here also realized that if the entanglement with the wind wolf would be very troublesome, the Tin Boar did not qualify for the race.

As far as safety is concerned, it is safest to pass through the iron wild boar territory.

"We listen to you, the captain." The four responded.


A group of five people quickly entered the territory of the iron wild boar and rushed toward the destination.

Master Network received the latest news, most of the Masters are nodding: "There is a quick aura, into the iron wild boar territory ... very smart approach."

Fighting the wind wolf, this is to make up for their own shortcomings.

Fight wild boar, this is to maximize your advantage.

The two choices cannot say who is right or who is wrong.

In theory, the gains from entering the Windwolf territory are even greater. Because the speed of the two sides is quite the same, the power of his own mage is even greater, and it is much easier to hunt. Entering the territory of the Iron Boar, it is very likely that the defense will not break a few.

can only say.

Walking the iron wild boar territory is safe and worry-free.

Even if the tortoise has nine heads and one hundred paws and one thousand teeth, it can't hurt the rabbit... because the speed can't keep up! The speed of Tang Shidao and his party is already faster than that of the iron wild boar, and the addition effect of the quick aura can blast them dozens of streets. Even if the weapon does not break, the spell does not kill, and the iron boar has the advantage to chase after the dust.

The Master Network can survive for a long time, even if it is not too smart and no one is a fool.

They think about it and understand why Tang Shidao chose this way.

At this moment.

Everyone can't help but look at Tang Shidao.

There are many good things in Tongling, and Tang Shidao has always considered the issue of 'safety' and 'quickness'. This is very rare. Safety is responsible for teammates and is quickly responsible for the bronze dragon. Because there is not much time for the bronze dragon, a team failure must wait for the next team. The more time is wasted, the less the life of the bronze dragon is not guaranteed.

Therefore, the faster the team moves, the more opportunities the bronze dragon will get.

At this moment.

The Masters of the Master's Net have appreciated inside, and the bronze dragon who has been lying still has suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the direction in which the Tang Shidao and his entourage left. By ridiculing the forest, the bronze dragon saw it with his own eyes. Lie the maze to beat yourself, the bronze dragon also guessed why. Again and again, the mountain dragon shakes, and the bronze dragon also thinks of eating the river.

Now, the bronze dragon feels that his heart is getting closer and closer to the target.

Calculating the speed of this march, it is probably able to guess what kind of choice Tang Shidao is making.

"Effort, boy, my time is running out. If I can send it back before I lose power completely, I will be able to give you a special gift. Late, I can't open it." Bronze Dragon Whisper And slowly closed his eyes, now it does not want to waste a trace of life force.

In the sky of the copper spirit continent.

A pair of special eyes are watching the people of Tang Shidao.

It doesn't have very powerful power, but these eyes are full of wisdom, at least not as instinct-driven as other Warcraft.

What does it want to do?

do not know.

Now, it is only very interested in the people of Tang Shidao, as if they are reading a good book that they can't stop.