MTL - Magic Chef of Ice and Fire-Chapter 222 Read the solid backing of ice (on)

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The second chapter of the twenty-two chapters read the solid backing of ice (on)

In the yellow gas, in addition to the fox that ran away, the body of the nine summoned beasts instantly solidified. Then, the official who had just changed and was just rushed back and returned, just changed from purple to purple. The pink pitiful chrysanthemum pig was once again anomalous under the scent of the stench, but this time the storm was even more fierce. The official has already had a huge body that has skyrocketed and become more fat, and then, under the influence of the stench, the official’s pig’s eyes turned into a deeper black, a roaring roar, and huge The ears flew up, and a black air flow rose around the body. The huge body, squatting out of the air, was a **** beast, and this time it became even more terrifying.

The cat was surprised: "Wow, isn't it, the blood of the beast is boiling? That the fart is really strong, and it actually raises the strength of all Warcraft in the field to two stages."

All Warcraft have the same changes, except for the eyes of the sky, their eyes have turned black, the body has expanded without exception, and they used their strongest at the same time as the officers launched the attack. Attack skills, rushed to the six gods who burst into the acupoints. At this time, the gods hated the fox who had only blinked eyes. However, they had not experienced the search for the fox. At this time, the gasp was in the corner of the mouth. It's very cool, but the consumption of it is huge. At this time, the golden red hair on it has become a lot of faintness, and the small eyes are watching the Warcraft into a violent state. The power of his fox field is enormous. As soon as it is covered, the coverage will move with the movement of Warcraft. In this field, all beasts will enter the super-mad state, which is what the cat said. Stage, although the time kept is not very long. However, it is terrible to suddenly raise the two stages of Warcraft. At the same time, human beings in this field will be affected by the stench, and the strength will drop by about 20%. This fox field is also one of the strongest auxiliary skills of the fox. . Although the field lasts for a limited time, the time for those gods to burst holes is also limited.

In the air, the ice is constantly releasing magic aids and Oscar, while watching the action of the fox below. The super-assisted field of the land also scared him. At this time, he realized that among the many summoned beasts of the cats, the real king turned out to be the fox that looked awkward. The madness of those who summoned the beasts, even the six gods after the bursting point can not be rushed out. You can only protect yourself in the state of being glued, and you can understand it as you go. Cats are likely to avenge their parents and ethnic groups. Even if you want to challenge yourself with a cat with so many pets, it is possible to use a mean method to win.

Time is passing by, one minute and one second, with the completion of the fourth spell of faintness. The red six-pointed star under her feet has exploded with a very strong red light. Finally, her fifth spell began to sing. Although the gods in the field are in a hurry, there is no way in the situation. Read the ice, squid, Oscar and cat pets. I was entangled in nine gods, and although the sect entered the army of the undead as a tiger, it was very difficult to rush in the short time, not to mention the secluded side. A strength is still above the holy division of the evil month.

The evil moon was also very surprised at this time, and he did not expect that people such as Yan Bing would be so strong. Those magical and overbearing magic arrows, coupled with their own strength, the evil moon knows that the two sides who are now fighting, neither side is able to deal with these subordinates. Now he has some schadenfreudes. With the free labor of reading ice, his chances of success are even greater.

"I-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seeking - swearing - doing - too - ancient - forbidden - broken - by - deed - about - "

The faint humming sound suddenly became high. The speed of singing and speaking has also become faster. The tone is no longer so unpredictable, and every word is rising in the high. She opened her arms and turned into a palm-sized blood red ball floating on her chest. The golden light from the seven bottles of the Merodas seal has been rendered red and black. The light that rushes into the sky is getting more and more solid.

The seven bottles were constantly shaking, humming, and the golden symbols continued to flow on the bottle. The spell had entered another stage, and the sacred face and the holy atmosphere had become more intense. It is.

At this moment, a loud dragon screamed from afar, and the dragon screamed loud and loud. Then, six consecutive dragons came together, and the seven dragons were intertwined into a beautiful melody in the air, accompanied by seven colors of light. The sound of the dragon screamed from afar, and the seven huge figures came to the ice valley at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye. The majestic dragon king's atmosphere made the atmosphere in the ice valley more dignified.

The darkness of the whole body is mixed with the faint golden light. The dragon king, Katie Oss, has finally arrived at the other six dragon kings. The situation that was originally conducive to the ice and the evil moon has once again become confusing. The face of the evil moon has changed slightly. He knows that he is now All he can rely on is himself and these men. He is clear about the strength of the Seven Dragon Kings. Because the last time the two sides have already formed a dead end, can they resist enough time? The face of the evil moon showed a cold color and raised his right hand. The zombie king, the vampire king, and the undead warlocks who have been guarding him are moving in an orderly manner.

The Seven Dragon King finally came, and the ice is also a spirit. As with the following situation, he has weakened his magical power and mental strength. Even with the 舄 舄 and Oscar, he can only be with the three in front. The master of the ranks is just a tie. The strength of the Seven Dragon King is naturally clear that Cartier Otis must have reached the thirteenth order, while the other six Dragon Kings also have twelve orders, plus the dragon's natural and powerful body, selfless cooperation with each other, and Mysterious dragon language magic, their comprehensive strength will never be worse than the ten gods in front of them. If the dragon kings insist on destroying this uncovering seal, then now they can only resist them and only the following evil moons and He is a dead army.

The dragon's flight speed is naturally terrifying. After a while, the time came to the ice valley. The strong pressure brought by the seven dragons suddenly made the spirit of the gods vibrate, launched a crazy counterattack, and even greeted the dragon kings to solve the faintness below.

Ian ice left hand cold ice, right hand fierce inflammation, under the sigh of the goddess of ice and snow and the roar of the **** of fire, the two eleventh-order curse is constantly assisting the smashing of the attack, they have to delay. Therefore, the most powerful attack has not been launched until now.

Looking at the arrival of the Seven Dragon King, I read the ice calmly: "Do you really want to do that?"

Katie Oss brows and looks at the ice, saying, "What about you? Have you really chosen?"

I don’t hesitate to say ice: "Yes, I have chosen, and I am convinced that my choice is completely correct. You also have your own mission. If you want to do it, then move it. Now, we are doing it for each other. Fight with ideas."

The seven rays of light suddenly converge, and the seven dragon kings in the air turned into human figures, and a rare smile appeared on the face of Cartier Oss. "Well, since you have chosen, let us fight for their own ideas." He said, he waved his right hand. Then, the seven dragon kings did not even look at the three gods who fought against the ice, Oscar and the scorpion, and rushed with their compatriots.

A sacred teacher may not be enough to cause the undead army to collapse, but with a bright dragon king, Di Manteti, and the other six dragon kings, the undead army suddenly became as fragile as paper. As soon as the Seven Dragon Kings fell into the ice valley, they changed back to their own bodies, and then they began to sweep the clouds.

The zombies are poisonous. And the attack and defense are good, but the Dragon Kings directly ignore them. For these zombie attacks, they don’t even look at them. They turn them into pieces, and they are poisonous on the zombies. Can the ability to break the Dragon King's defense dragons and thick dragon scales? Obvious. the answer is negative. Just in the midst of this surging attack. The undead army on the outside is suddenly reduced as if the ice and snow melted. The target of the Seven Dragon King is the faint and evil moon in the center. As for the ice and other people in the air and the Warcraft on the ground, they don’t even look at it.

For a time, the evil moon suddenly became tight, and those ordinary undead army could not even delay the footsteps of the Seven Dragon King. At this moment, in the faint and fast singing, the fifth spell finally came to an end. In an instant, all the blacks disappeared in the ray of the seven bottles of the Moodys Seal. Instead, it was the incomparable red flame. Yes, it was a flame, a flame without temperature, full of evil. flame. The faint hands returned to the front and turned into a strange hand shape, and the blood-red light ball was suspended quietly above her hands. It seems that this red ball is the source of all red flames. The smoldering yin and evil spirits in the ice cave are constantly absorbed by the faint. Every time a point is absorbed, the red light around her body is strong. With the increasingly strong red light, the faint and pale face becomes More obvious, a pair of slender little hands can clearly see the meridians flowing through the blood. Her black eyes are not deep, and some are just endless hollows.

Fangkou re-opened, she sang a word and said: "Is - blood - and - magic - force - for - lock - key -, open - Kai - hour - empty —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— It seems to be very laborious now, the body is crumbling in the blood-red flame, and it seems that there is always the possibility of destruction.

Seeing the faint change of the evil moon, the Seven Dragon King naturally saw it. The seven dragon kings once again issued a bright dragon scorpion, and the seven dragons spewed out the essence of the dragon's breath at the same time, and immediately swept out an open space. Fire Dragon King Galla Mandis and Ice Dragon King Sasaris flew at the same time, with the scent of ice and fire in the air.

From the time when the arrow was first launched, the Seven Dragon King finally approached the faint, and it was only a quarter of an hour before and after. In this quarter of the clock, a lot happened, and at this time, it was the last crucial moment.

The body of the evil moon floated up, his eyes completely turned into blood red, and the undead warlocks of the haze did not know what they were singing with the voices that humans could not understand. The yin and evil of the big stocks were around. Filled with black airflow, suddenly the dragon kings lost their faint figure in front of them, and a large black mist emerged out of the air, making a buzzing sound when they contacted the dragon.

The Zombie King and the Vampire King also rushed out and greeted the two dragon kings who vacated. They showed a completely different fighting power from ordinary zombies and vampires, especially the green flying zombie king. From the front, the two dragon kings attacked hard, and the vampire kings continually exuded a **** atmosphere, entwining the two dragon kings from the surrounding with lightning speed. Under the joint efforts of dozens of zombie kings, vampire kings and undead warlocks, Galamandis and Sasaris were forced to make a push and could not go further.

There was a miserable green **** in front of the evil moon. He had words in his mouth. The black mist was rendered black and green in the layer of green light released by him. In this black and green light, the vampire and The speed of the zombies has become faster, and the vampire king can even move in a short distance. Sasalis and Garamandis are hit by several times because of their large body, which causes the two to growl and scream. The dragon's breath keeps squirting and pushes the enemies around.

The location where the evil moon is located is directly in front of the faint body. He looks coldly at everything that is happening in front of him. There is no slight panic. His purpose is the same as that of reading ice. It is procrastination.