MTL - Martial Arts Master Travelled to Ancient Time and Farms-Chapter 16 Geographical pattern of Daqi

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   Chapter 16 The Geographical Pattern of Daqi

  Cheng Ling smashed through the iron pot, and then walked up the stream for about fifty meters.

  This location is good. There is a relatively flat gravel field by the stream, and the shrubs next to it are relatively low. It has a certain degree of concealment, and it will not obstruct the view too much, and it is also convenient for activities.

  Cheng Ling stopped at this position, and several others quickly followed.

   Mu Sanniang glanced around and instructed Cheng Erni to pick up stones to build the stove, and also told Cheng Dani to pick up dead branches to make firewood nearby.

   She unloaded several backpacks full of wolf meat, and prepared to go to the stream to wash.

   In short, they just hurry up and work, as for what to rest and take a breather, this kind of good thing is not suitable for their current state.

  Hong Guangyi also followed Shi Hong. He chose a relatively dry and refreshing place, took off his tattered outer clothes, and put Shi Hong on it.

   Then he looked at Mu Sanniang and the others at a loss.

   On the other hand, the two children behind him were very obedient, and they picked up firewood spontaneously without needing to say hello from Hong Guangyi.

   Cheng Ling said first: "Auntie, fetch water to the shore to wash, don't immerse your hands directly in the stream water."

   Mu Sanniang suddenly stopped her movements, and subconsciously asked, "Brother Ling, who are you?"

  Cheng Lingdao: "Auntie, this is a mountain stream on the mountain, not the kind of small river where people usually move around next to our village. None of us are familiar with the situation in the water, so we should be careful."

   The reasoning of this is very common, but not everyone can have this kind of carefulness. When Mu Sanniang was reminded, a smile appeared on her face. Obviously, Cheng Ling's care was very useful to her.

   She answered quickly: "Don't worry! A-Niang knows."

   So he turned around and pulled out a clay pot from his bag, and then he went back to the stream again and washed the wolf meat with water from the pot.

   The few people here were busy with their lives, and Cheng Ling paid attention to them, making sure that there was no danger around him for the time being, so he came to Shi Hong.

  Shi Hong's wound needs further treatment. Cheng Ling squatted down and took out a small bottle of physiological saline from the space under the cover of the satchel.

  The small-sized soft-shell salt water bottle was tightly held in her palm. Cheng Ling pushed open the cork with one finger and said to Hong Guangyi, "Go make a fire and burn a can of boiling water. I'll deal with it here."

  Hong Guangyi just didn't know what to do. Hearing Cheng Ling's assignment, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and said with gratitude, "Yes, thank you!"


  Cheng Ling had a strange expression on his face that couldn't be explained in a few words. Today, he really likes to mention all kinds of names, such as a strong man, a hero, a knight... Hey, now even the benefactor has come out.

   She exhaled and smiled: "My name is Cheng Ling, just call me by my name."

  Hong Guangyi was flattered by the shout of "Big Brother Hong", and even panicked, he quickly waved his hand and said, "Don't dare, don't dare, small..."

   He scratched his head, then cupped his hands and bowed solemnly to Cheng Ling: "The villain is at home two, and Cheng Langjun calls the villain Hong Er."

   After he finished speaking, he hurried to the place where Cheng Erni built the stove.

  Cheng Ling pulled him apart, turned his head to look at him again, and then had to check Shi Hong's wound carefully.

  The wound is very dirty and needs to be cleaned with normal saline before disinfection.

   As for stitching, the junior stitching Cheng Ling can do it, but it is not convenient to do it now.

   The most important thing is that Cheng Ling has limited supplies. She can lend a helping hand to a person who meets by chance, but she can't do it without reservation.

   There are too many unpredictable crises on the road to escape, and if the materials in the space are used by others, they cannot be regenerated.

  Cheng Ling had to think more about Mu Sanniang and her two older sisters. She inherited the body of the original owner and assumed the love of the original owner, so she must bear the responsibility of the original owner. She must clearly distinguish between the relatives and the primary and secondary.

   Finally, Cheng Ling saved Shi Hong with half a bottle of normal saline for a simple cleaning.

   She carried five bottles of normal saline with such a small size in her first aid kit, and she definitely wouldn't dare to waste it without proper supplements.

   Then Cheng Ling disinfected Shi Hong's wound with iodophor, and finally applied a layer of Yunnan Baiyao powder to him, and then bandaged his wound with a tie.

   To achieve this step, Cheng Ling can be considered to be conscientious. As for whether Shi Hong can survive under such simple conditions, it can only depend on his own ability to resist and God's will.

  In this age of life, I just hope everyone can be more tenacious.

  Cheng Ling stood up and saw that Mu Sanniang's wolf meat was half cleaned, and Hong Guangyi had helped Cheng Erni build a simple stone stove and piled dead branches and firewood under the stove.

   These things are not difficult to do, so Cheng Ling doesn't have to worry about it. So she picked a rock that was about a foot high and sat on it, then turned to the crowd, and took out the two maps she had obtained earlier under the cover of her satchel.

   One is the map of Zhangjiagou, and the other is the business map of the merchant Liang!

  Cheng Ling was a little excited, she had a lot of expectations for these two maps.

  In the memory of the original owner, she only knew that the country she was in was called Daqi, and the land where she grew up was called Meihua Village, which belonged to Lou County, and Lou County was under the control of Yunchuan County.

   As for what the counties around Uncheon County are, how big the country is, and whether there are other countries or regimes around, the original owner does not know.

   Shengdou Xiaomin, besides being able to see one-third of his own land, how wide can his vision be?

   This is determined by innate information conditions, and it is no wonder that the original owner is responsible.

   She has never been out, and no one has ever told her what the world is like.

   In fact, not to mention that the original owner didn’t know what to do with the first question, it is the surrounding of Meihua Village, the entire ten miles and eight townships, people who can have enough knowledge about this problem can probably count them with one palm.

   Mu Sanniang didn't know either, she had some education, but also had limited vision.

So, from the flooding of the Jinshui River, to fleeing in He Village, then to wandering all the way, and finally to the border of Ping County with the fleeing team... Mu Sanniang and others are here, but how did they come? Yes, but actually confused.

   Even, after escaping from Ping County, they were at a loss as to where they were going after crossing the mountain.

During the time they stayed outside the city gate of Ping County, they had also heard that there was another county seat on the other side of the mountain called Lu County.

   What is Kelu County like?

Is   Lu County willing to accept refugees?

  What is the specific situation in Lu County?

   These, but no one knows.

  Cheng Ling didn't want to be blind, she wanted to expand her cognition now.

   (end of this chapter)