MTL - Martial Arts Master Travelled to Ancient Time and Farms-Chapter 17 North of Kamicheon is Gyeonggi

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  Chapter 17 North of Kamigawa is Gyeonggi

  Cheng Ling was looking forward to solving the puzzle and chose to look at the map of Zhangjiagou first.

   This collected map is about ten inches long and wide, square, neither big nor small. It is displayed on a slightly yellowed smooth paper. The scale bar in the upper left corner is clearly marked.

   This is a modern map drawing method, which is undoubtedly more clear and precise than ancient maps.

  Cheng Ling felt that his gathering ability was really amazing. What was the principle? I can't figure it out, I can only treat it as a gift from God, and I will study it slowly when I have the opportunity in the future.

   She looked at the map.

  The main body of this map is of course Zhangjiagou. The topography of Zhangjiagou, where there are mountains, where there is water, where there are roads, where there are fields, and where there are houses, are all clearly marked.

   Even some houses have the name of the owner written in thin simplified characters next to them, such as Lizheng’s house, the patriarch’s house, etc…

   is simply an accurate satellite cloud map!

   But these are not the focus of Cheng Ling, she mainly looks around Zhangjiagou.

   Zhangjiagou to the north, over the mountain thirty miles away, is Pingxian!

   And the county to which Zhangjiagou belongs is exactly Lu County.

   It turns out that the refugee Zhang is from Lu County.

   Cheng Ling's heart suddenly froze.

   Zhang Mou from Lu County came to the mountains of Ping County, became a refugee, and even turned into a cannibal... What does this mean?

   It means that Lu County must have also suffered a disaster, and it may even be a disaster even more serious than that of Lou County!

  Cheng Ling's heart thumped, and she looked at the map carefully again.

  The main body of the map is Zhangjiagou. Only Zhangjiagou is drawn in detail. The rest of the surrounding area only has the main route and general terrain, which is naturally much simpler than Zhangjiagou.

   But it can also reveal a lot of information.

   For example, the mountain where Cheng Ling and the others are now.

   This mountain is called Pingming Mountain. Pingming Mountain is a big mountain that runs from east to west. The mountains are ups and downs. It starts from the west of Wei County in the east, and ends in the west. Where it goes to the west is not indicated on the map.

   But Cheng Ling knew that Pingmingshan just divided Pingxian and Luxian into north and south.

  Ping County is in Shanbei, and Lu County is in Shannan!

   If you want to travel between the two counties, going over the mountain is undoubtedly the shortest route, but if you don’t want to go over the mountain, you can take a detour from Wei County to Ping County.

   That’s all the information on the map is. I don’t know that through my own memory, I also know that after I escaped from Lou County, I passed through Zhuxian and Weixian counties.

   In this way, Cheng Ling clarified the approximate route from Lou County to Zhu County, Wei County, and then to Ping County and Lu County.

   She exhaled softly, covered the map through the satchel, and took back the space again.

   The next thing to look at is the business map of the businessman Liang.

   This business map is obviously not as detailed as the Zhangjiagou map, but it shows a wider geographic range.

  From Lou County, to Ping County, to Yun'an County, and further north is Chixia City.

   And Chixia Castle is the city of Yuncheon County!

  Chixia City is located in the north of Uncheon County, guarding its traffic key, and further north is Kamigawa.

After   Kamicheon, it is the Gyeonggi area.

  Unfortunately, the word "Gyeonggi" is written roughly on the map about the Gyeonggi area. As for the specific route and terrain of this area, it is not displayed.

   But that's enough.

  Seeing this, Cheng Ling finally got a preliminary understanding of its administrative geography from a state of smearing the world.

   She let out a light breath and retracted the map in her hand.

   At this time, look at Mu Sanniang and others. Mu Sanniang has already cleaned the wolf meat. Cheng Dani and her two children picked up a lot of dry wood, and also picked half a frame of wild vegetables.

  Hong Guangyi cooked a pot of water, while Cheng Erni was checking their rattan baskets.

   While checking her, he said distressedly: "It's all worn out and deformed, so I have to pick up some more materials and re-edit it."

   This is escaping, everything is missing on the road, and we have to keep collecting everything. Many things that are made from local materials are still very fragile, and they have to be redone in a few minutes.

  Cheng Dani bit her lip and said, "It's not difficult to remake. There are willow trees by the river. I'm going to pull some willow branches over here. The back basket is stronger."

   Mu Sanniang looked worried at the pile of wolf meat that was washed.

   Now that the weather is hot, these wolf meats won't last long even if they are salted, not to mention that they don't have enough salt.

   How can these wolf meat be preserved?

  Cheng Ling came over and said softly, "Auntie, I found a map from those refugees before."

   Mu Sanniang raised her head, her eyes lit up.

  Cheng Lingdao: "Auntie, let's go down to the middle of the mountain in a while, walk a hundred miles eastward along the foot of the mountain, and then climb the mountain to the north of the mountain. There is a road that leads to Yun'an County."

   That is to say, they have to go along Pingming Mountain, take a detour to the east, bypass Ping County, and go directly to Yun'an County.

  Lu County can’t go, and Ping County’s boundaries can’t stay. Yun’an County is not far from Chixia City, but you can try it.

  Counties like this that are closer to the county seat are generally better than remote areas in terms of policies and facilities.

  Cheng Ling said, and explained to Mu Sanniang the geographical location of Yun'an County in detail.

Mu Sanniang's eyes lit up, and she immediately said: "Then boil all these wolf meat, smoke it in the sun, and dry it in the sun, it can always be preserved for a longer period of time, at least to support us through this hundred years. inside!"

Cheng Lingdao: "We only have two clay pots. I'm afraid we won't be able to cook so much wolf meat before dark. I will build a few more stoves, find some thin slates, and scald the wolf meat on the slate, and I can eat it. use."

   This is a good idea, Mu Sanniang nodded repeatedly.

   Cheng Ling acted, and while she assigned Hong Guangyi to say: "Second brother Hong, please let the boiling water in the pot to cool, and take the clear part of the top for this brother Shi to scrub."

  Shi Hong also had many small wounds on his body, but they were not as serious as the stab wound on his arm, so Cheng Ling had not dealt with it before.

   She couldn't handle it either. If she really wanted to clean up all the wounds on Shi Hong's body, she had to use up all the saline and iodophor in Cheng Ling's space.

   In addition, there are actually many small wounds on Hong Guangyi's body.

   It's just that they were used to the rough road to escape, and sometimes they didn't bother to pay attention to some minor injuries.

  Hong Guangyi hurriedly replied that he was not very good at finding jobs, but if someone assigned him to do things, he would be able to do it very neatly.

   Here, Cheng Ling was busy, and out of the corner of his eyes he caught a glimpse of the wild vegetables that Cheng Dani was cleaning.

  Something in the wild vegetables looked familiar, Cheng Ling moved in his heart, and quickly pointed to the small green hand: "Eldest sister, let me take a look at this."

  Cheng Dani raised a few wild vegetables in her hand and sent them over. Cheng Ling took it and was a little surprised: "This is Xiao Ji!"

   "Tang Materia Medica" records: Xiaoji is the main blood.

   This is a good medicine to cool blood and stop bleeding!

   (end of this chapter)