MTL - Martial Arts Master Travelled to Ancient Time and Farms-Chapter 18 The charm of traditional Chinese arts

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  Chapter 18 The charm of the inheritance of Chinese martial arts

   Under the sun, Cheng Ling looked at the little thistle in his hand with a surprised smile on his face.

  Cheng Dani wondered: "Brother Ling, isn't this a thorn dish? What's your name Xiaoji?"

   Yes, thistle is also called thorn vegetable, and it is common for villagers who do not know its true colors to eat it as a wild vegetable.

Cheng Ling did not expect to find Xiao Ji on this mountain. Medicinal Resource Library.

  Since there are small thistles on the mountain, there must also be other medicinal materials. Look carefully, these are important survival resources.

Cheng Ling said with joy: "Eldest sister, the thorn dish is Xiaoji, and Xiaoji is a good medicine to stop bleeding. It can cure bleeding from golden sores, vomiting, and **** dysentery. You can look around. If you have thistle, pick it all up."

   Thanks to the fact that Mu Sanniang kept a lot of Grandpa Mu's handwritten notes, the original owner was also taught by Grandpa Mu when he was a child. So it's not surprising that Cheng Ling knew how to recognize medicine in the mountains.

   Mu Sanniang actually knows some medical skills, but she is mainly able to deliver babies, and has some earthen recipes in her hands. She can see a simple cough with cold, and she is a little sparse in recognizing medicine.

   This is not to say that Mu Sanniang does not seek to make progress, and is lazy and hard to learn. The main reason is that there are too many trivial things in daily life.

As a widow, she has to pull three children, and she can't relax in the fields and fields. Every now and then, she has to travel ten miles and eight villages to deliver births, earn money for activities, and add various household chores. Where can there be free time to learn and improve?

   Even if I learned something when I was a child, when I grew up, I was delayed by various things in life, and if I didn’t use it for a long time, it was all abandoned.

   Now that Cheng Ling could recognize Xiaoji, Mu Sanniang immediately looked at her with a kind of gratifying look of "My family has a child who is just growing up".

   When she was busy with her life, the child inadvertently grew up under her nose, walking along the seam, which is really gratifying and unavoidable.

   Mu Sanniang suddenly said: "Brother Ling, there is still a single medicine. In fact, the hemostatic effect is also very good, and we can get it now!"

  Cheng Erni immediately answered: "Aniang, what is it?"

  This time, before Mu Sanniang could answer, Cheng Dani suddenly said, "Aniang, it's burning ashes, right?"

   Burn ashes?

   Plant ash?

  Cheng Ling raised her eyebrows slightly, and heard Mu Sanniang say with joy: "Yes, let's cut some hair out, burn a few ashes, or store it, maybe we can use it on the road."

He also said to Cheng Ling: "Brother Ling, don't look at it, it's just a simple burn on the head. I have delivered babies for so many years. Whenever I meet a woman who is bleeding continuously, as long as she is not the one who can't sit still in her life, she will burn. Ash can stop the bleeding if you eat it!"

  Cheng Ling understood immediately, what Mu Sanniang said about burning ashes was actually charcoal after blood!

   "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: the hair is more than blood, so the Fang family calls hair more than blood.

   Traditional Chinese medicine processing, after carbonization, even more hemostatic effect.

  Cheng Ling is a descendant of orthodox Chinese martial arts. He has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and has also studied Chinese medicine theory. At the same time, he has a deep understanding of various Chinese studies.

  Because the traditional martial arts attaches great importance to the cultivation of Qi and mood. To learn Chinese martial arts, not only must one cultivate martial arts, but also must have a certain understanding of medicine, Confucianism, Taoism and other aspects of culture.

  Tai Chi is even more so.

  If you don't read, you don't even know how to practice martial arts!

   Such as, what is the yin and yang two qi, what is the unity of the inside and the outside, what is the growth of the five elements, what is the serious scriptures, and so on.

  Those who can't read clearly or understand, at most, they can only beat their bodies and practice some tricks and techniques. It is impossible to achieve the level of true teaching.

  It's just called martial arts, this is not a national art!

   Cheng Ling, who has won the true inheritance of Chinese martial arts, must be a top student in this regard.

   Her medical skills, not to mention the best, lacks practice after all, but in terms of theory, including the memorization of various classics, she is undoubtedly very good.

   Mu Sanniang only said that blood charcoal can treat women's metrorrhagia, but Cheng Ling knew that blood charcoal can actually treat dysuria, blood stranguria, and blood dysentery. And, in addition to oral administration, it can also be made into an ointment for external application.

   Even, what Mu Sanniang said about burning ashes is only a primary method for processing blood and charcoal.

   It’s just that the current conditions are difficult to achieve, so Cheng Ling didn’t mention it.

   She only said: "Auntie, let's cut some hair and burn the ashes. Some of them will be used by Brother Shi, and some of them will be kept as backup medicine."

   Hearing Cheng Ling's words, Hong Guangyi, who had been working hard beside him, suddenly raised his head and said, "Cheng Langjun, cut the villain's hair! The villain is not afraid of cutting his hair."

The tone of    is very generous, with a sense of making a big sacrifice.

  Cheng Ling:…?

   At this moment, a question mark slowly appeared in Cheng Ling's mind.

   But after a while, she figured it out for herself.

  The ancients paid attention to their parents, and they usually did not cut their hair easily.

  Cut your hair, that's not an easy thing.

   This really requires determination and generosity, which is an extremely important parting.

  Cheng Ling can't feel the same way, but she didn't reject Hong Guangyi's "generousness", and she didn't say anything like "I'm not afraid to cut my hair, just cut mine".

  Since Hong Guangyi wants to contribute to his brother, let him contribute.

   At this time, after Hong Guangyi's stacking, six simple stone stoves have been built on the flat ground by the stream.

   And Cheng Dani and Cheng Erni did not forget to continue collecting small thistles around while everyone was talking. The small thistles that were mixed in the pile of wild vegetables had already been picked up by Cheng Ling.

  Cheng Ling took these little thistles to the stream with a somewhat broken back basket, and washed them with a pot of water.

   In short, everyone's work at hand did not stop, and then Cheng Ling said: "Second brother Hong doesn't have to shave all the hair, just cut it off five or six inches, and you can burn some charcoal."

   This matter, Hong Guangyi can do it himself.

  I saw Hong Guangyi take apart his greasy and dirty hair bag. After the hair was scattered, the good guy was all knotted in a knot, and it couldn't be pulled smoothly. That's the appearance... tsk!

  Cheng Ling tilted his head and couldn't bear to look directly at it, and could only think to himself: It's because of this fevered charcoal that she didn't want her to eat it.

   She felt a little hairy subconsciously, and it was a feeling of nausea that came out of her heart.

   Then, with this tilt, Cheng Ling's eyes just fell on the water, and her reflection was clearly reflected on the water.

  Cheng Ling:…

  My God, who is the beggar in this water?

  This messy bun, this messy face, this image that can stink three miles against the wind...

  Cheng Ling was in a bad mood at that time.

   (end of this chapter)