MTL - Martial Arts Master-Chapter 668 Let's apologize (request for a ticket)

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Compared with the 16th, the 18th is a natural, unspoken, and can not be seen at one of the experimental bodies.

If you meet in another place, Lou Cheng will be able to detect the difference and speciality of No. 4, No. 6, and even No. 16. However, most of them will treat the 18th as a normal nephew.

This may be the reason why she thinks she is more powerful on the 16th. The elders are on the side. Although Luncheng is full of anger, she is not arrogant, and instead thinks about other issues to maintain Bing Xin.

Hearing the words of the 18th, the clear and elegant Ji Jianzhang looked at her deeply, and Yu Guang swept through the forest, haha ​​smiled:

"The old man has not walked the rivers and lakes for many years. The people in this war-torn area seem to have forgotten the name of the ‘falling sword.’

"Let's talk about it. Afterwards, we will consider how to apologize and how to compensate!"

As he spoke, his smile converges, his tone becomes sensational, and when he waits for the last word to exit, he is bent on the tip of the sword.


The sound of Long Yin rushed up and echoed in the main laboratory. The remaining researchers in protective clothing screamed and slammed into the silent world.

The sword sings into the ear, and the brilliance erupts. The road is soaring like a fountain, then it falls down and covers the 18th.

With a strong suction, it makes the enemy move hard, even to moths and fires.

Two instrument magneto-light sword!

Swordsman body, magnetic break "instrument"!

This is the most effective way to deal with products like “artificial weapons engineering”.

However, the thoughts and reactions of the 18th were like normal nephews, and they were not affected. The fact that the previous proposal was taken back made her eyes rise, and the glory of the stars was no different from the average person.

She flashed in the middle of the crystal, and instantly recovered her calmness. She did not forcefully move her hands. The hands were on the edge of the experimental long table, and the body leaned back. The right foot hanging down outside followed the suction force and shaved it up. To the core of the sword "the fountain".

At the moment when Ji Jianzhang had a sword, even when he spoke, Dou Ning was ready to take a step forward without severing the difference. He inserted the quaint sword with the moonlight in his hand into the ground. Spread out the heavy and dark glory.

The surrounding concrete immediately cracked, like being weathered for a long time, dried up to the extreme, and the residual experimenter who was shocked by the sword was stuck on the ground, shaking constantly, and the skin on his body was dried up, it seems that blood and water are being pumped away. .

The faintness is heavy or light, which makes the gravity of this area unbalanced. The opposite direction pulls the movement of the 18th, which makes her razor-like right foot slow, and it is seamless with Ji Jianzhang's sword. It can be seen for decades. Tacit understanding.

The eighth style of the bucket department, "dry and sore. Dead land"!

There are three stages in this killing process, first extracting the surrounding water, including the ground, including the creatures attached to it, then simulating a certain degree of gravity, disturbing and influencing the enemy, and finally, at the locked position, ignite the earthquake and release the accumulated energy. These three changes can not be used together, only one of them can be intercepted, and the order can be self-changing and free-spirited after mastering the order.


The "razor" light opened a lot of "sword rain", accurately blocking the blade of Ji Jianzhang, but because of the pulling, slowed down a bit, slipped a lot of Huimang, and they were continuously falling into the body.

If it wasn’t for the 18th, the shield would be condensed in time to resist the damage. She was afraid that it would be bruised and bruised.

Hey! Dou Ning stood up and took out the sword. From left to right, he slanted his opponent lightly, but the suction was obvious.

On her side, the experimental man in protective clothing fell to the ground with a domino, his face full of fear, like a specially made dry body.

The Jian Jianzhang wrist shocked, the long sword half pocket, from right to left, heavy as if hanging a thousand things, but it gave birth to a sense of pushing people.

One **** and replies, and one pulls and one pushes. The swordsmanship of the two men complement each other and encloses the 18th.

The building was set up on the side of the metal bed and did not rush into the hand.

The outer-level battles are unusual for the space-to-scope. If there is no long-term practice, forcibly helping, it will affect the footwork and moves of the two elders. One plus two may be less than two.

Under this circumstance, the way to join hands is one after another. You have taken a move and attacked the enemy in turn. It is like the experience of yourself and Ren Li. Unfortunately, the old couples have been side by side for many years, with a tacit understanding, leaving no gap for others to intervene. .

It feels like an extra crowd of people... Lou Cheng’s thoughts flashed, but there was no relaxation in my heart.

The 18th appeared, the 17th?

Was it considered stronger on the 16th by the 16th?

Is he also in the base, after hearing the movement, is flying fast, or lurking somewhere, waiting for a fatal chance?

With such concerns left behind, Lou Cheng completely gave up the idea of ​​besieging the 18th.

While blocking the aftermath of the foreign-level battle, he prevented the lack of mobility of the forest from being accidentally injured, while using the ice heart to reflect the situation around him and examine the situation of the big brother.

The pain of the forest was alleviated, and the slightly turbid pupil reflected the shape of the building.

He squatted for two seconds, remembering who it was, the tight muscles to relax, the eyelids hanging halfway, covering the flashing fragility.

By the time he reopened his eyes, his emotions had fallen to deep, and at the bottom of the pool there were two sparkling brilliances.

The chapped lips were tough and the throat was up and down a few times, but they couldn’t make a sound, but from the mouth, it was clearly said:

"Thank you……"

Lou Cheng looked at his nose and was busy looking for ways to disarm various devices. He was not proficient in such things, and he did not dare to start. He was afraid to tear off any important equipment and let the situation of Dagu brother turn sharply.

He glanced at the area away from the battlefield and aimed at some of the scientific researchers who turned the ice sculpture into one. The right hand pressed one by one and condensed the ice wall on the side of the metal bed to resist the aftermath of the outer battle.

The figure was vertical, and the building was rushed to the side of the scientific researcher who looked like a leader. The left palm was with a pale purple flame and was shot on the shoulder of the other side.

The answer was ticking, the ice melted, and the scientific researcher shuddered and trembled. Unfortunately, waiting for him was not a warm word, but a simplified "Bing" word.

The scientific researcher collapsed in an instant, and was forced to be dragged to the metal bed by the floor. "Consultation", when you know everything, you can't stop, you can't wait for yourself to play a few nights.

Or press, or pull, Lou Cheng quickly lifted the device on the forest.

Just finished this, he was shocked, turned his body and looked at the door.

A figure dragged the residual light closer, and was watched by Lou Cheng, and paused.

His blonde hair is combed into a middle point. The pupil is like a flame, showing redness. He is wearing a white T-shirt with a "17" number, a black jacket, and his hands in front. The snakes are lingering and not hurting.

On the 17th, it was arrived... Lou Cheng put down a big stone in his heart, but he had more worry.

The main laboratory said that it is not small, it is not big, and that he has to take care of the big brother who has no defense ability. He certainly can’t play his fists and look at the number of the 17th. It is not an easy enemy to deal with...

When the thoughts were mixed, Lou Cheng made a quick decision, and suddenly leaned back and pressed the palm of the hand to seal the forest in the layers of crystal, leaving a few holes for breathing.

In this way, as long as the foreign minister and the public are resolved as soon as possible, the impact on the big brother is within the controllable range.

The two evils are taken lightly!

Loucheng made such a move, and the 17th also moved. He fell down on his back, like a hunting leopard. He rushed over, his fists clenched, and he was placed on his side, covered with a golden fire.

At the same time, Lou Cheng was also a forward rush, and the right fist slammed into a light purple flame and was tightly wrapped.

The anger in his heart was under the control of the "head of the gods", a little leaked out, adding oil and firewood to the "Emperor Ziyan"!


The fists collided and exploded. The researchers, such as mud, were directly smashed, slammed into the wall, broken bones, squirting blood, and not seeing.

For those who experimented with innocent and involuntary people, Lou Cheng did not have a little sympathy, and even hoped to burn them!

Light purple and gold-red splashes ignited some of the devices, inspiring smoke alarms and spilling the latest fire-extinguishing materials.

The fireworks filled the air, and the fists of Loucheng reverberated at the same time on the 17th. They had a left shoulder to retreat, the right shoulder entered, and the elbow was bent down, a right fist received, and the left fist entered, still covering the purple inflammation.

In the twinkling of an eye, Lou Cheng fists open, five fingers stretched out, and the palm firmly held the elbow joint on the 17th.

On the 17th, the elbow suddenly sank, and the arm was slammed, and the fist was shot by force. The golden red flame erupted with it.

He just had an action, Lou Cheng suddenly slammed the palm of his elbow joint, pressed the enemy's boxing force, and shook him back a few steps, smashing the purple inflammation.

At the same time, he slightly turned his head and flashed most of the golden red, and the remaining little did not leave a little scar on his face, as if he was playing with his own cat.

On the 17th, the arm was shaken, and the purple inflammation was warmed down, softening the ground and leaving black marks.

Both sides are masters of fire control!

PS: Ask for a ticket, monthly ticket~