MTL - Martial Arts Murdering Nine Heavens-Chapter 696 Holy martial arts

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"Thunder Field"

With Ye Yang's fury, like a thunder rang through the clear sky, the scent of the scent of the smell, the realm of Thunder and Purple Flame superimposed on each other, and instantly locked the space of tens of thousands of miles, the whole world seemed to be trapped in a horrifying furnace .

Even the fourteen uncles and the three were startled. When Ye Yang appeared in that field, even when he was outside, he couldn't resist the billowing waves and backed up.

"Good and powerful realm," said a dragon elephant strong.

They have been dealing with the immortal for countless years. Although they despise the immortal character, they are very envious of immortality, especially the field.

However, the dragon elephants' physical body is overbearing, but they can't control the fairy art. This is their short board, and also the short board of the Teng snake family.

"Hey, Ye Yang is really promising." Uncle Fourteen smiled and stared at the thunder field tightly: "Everyone keeps his seat, this time Ye Yang broke out, we should have a chance to kill this old guy, Qian Wandu keeps an eye on it "

The other two dragon-like strong men nodded, spread apart, forming a triangle, surrounded the battlefield, and were ready to cope with Ye Yang, after all, Ye Yang was only the fairy king.


The old man of the Teng snake family, the moment his face was engulfed in the thunderfire field, his face changed greatly, and his crutches fluttered in his hands. He wanted to force the field away with a powerful force.

Unfortunately, he looked down on Ye Yang's thunder field too much. In fact, even Ye Yang himself didn't expect that the superposition of the two fields would produce such an incredible power.

Originally, Ye Yang only thought that the two fields together would double the power of the fields, but now their power is no longer added, but has become a multiplication.

If the power of both is one, the power of multiplication is not terrible, but his two fields are extremely abnormal, multiplying them into ten by ten.

The old man of the Teng snake family waved the wand in his hand frantically, and the space was shattered, but Ye Yang's thunder field could not be shattered.

The original Thunder field of Ye Yang was more than fierce and not flexible enough to trap him as the late king of the kingdom. However, once Thunder and Zihuo merged, after the two blended, the entire field was like a thick glue. Can't stop the collapse.

The old men of the Teng snake family have been unable to break away from Ye Yang's realm several times in a row, and can't help but change his face. His wings are floating behind him and he retreats sharply. He wants to exit Ye Yang's thunder field.

After all, no matter how powerful a field is, there is scope. Once it exits this scope, it is useless.

However, Ye Yang had long thought about this result. When he saw the intention of the old man of the Teng snake family, the thunder wings floated behind him, and he stepped on the thunder shadow, sticking to him like the cheekbones.

At the same time, the soul-stealing dragon gun in his hand rushed out and went straight to the veteran of the Teng snake family. If such a good opportunity was not seized, he would not call Ye Yang.

"Oh, demon, dare to bear the stubborn resistance, not yet come to the bowl, when will you stay?"

Ye Yang's soul-stealing dragon gun rushed in his hands, and his mouth was not idle. Although the old ghost was a little older, it was the real late king of the kingdom. If I eat it, I do n’t know how much strength it will take.

While resisting Ye Yang's attack, the old men of the Teng snake family looked at Ye Yang's eyes reflectively, and even a gleam of glitter remained in the corners of his mouth—saliva, and he was almost angered.

"court death"

The old man of the Teng snake family screamed angrily and smashed the crutch in his hand to Ye Yang, but he used all his power to attack Ye Yang, and his defense force was greatly reduced.

A burning tingle accompanied by tingling covered the whole body. When the defense was unstoppable, the thunder field would invade. This was his late king in this world. If he changed someone else, he could not hold it.

"It's you who are looking for death? Anyway, early to late death is all dead? Why should you struggle so hard to give up resistance and let me toast you?" Ye Yang persuaded bitterly.

Although Ye Yang's face was light and windy, his heart was secretly anxious because he discovered a big problem. Although the dual system field was terrifying, the consumption was also terrifying.

With his vast and immortal Xian Yuan, it actually fell in the naked eye, and at this speed, it took no time to burn incense, Xian Yuan was about to dry up, and it was finished at that time.

The old man of the Teng snake family was constantly stimulated in his mouth, but his mind was wondering how to quickly kill him.

Because the thunder field is a range attack, regardless of the enemy or me, even the 14th uncle and others can't come in to help, making Ye Yang's heart more anxious.

Even the exchange of ice and fire may be useful to the middle and lower levels of the king of kings, but for this old ghost who has lived countless years, it has little effect and will only waste cents.

Ye Yang's tricks are getting stronger and stronger, and he hopes that he can seriously hurt the old guy before he runs out of celestial yuan, otherwise the outcome will be unpredictable today.

In Ye Yang's crazy attack, plus the entanglement in the field of thunder, even if the king of the kingdom was strong in the late period, he could not bear it, and his body was burning red, and even began to explode.

"Lao Gui, you're all ripe and still resisting?"

"Ancestral Blood Burns"

The old man of the Teng snake family finally couldn't hold it. In this way, his scale armor could bear it, his own flesh and blood could not stand it, and it really was to be cooked.

As the old man of the Teng snake family burned the ancestral blood, his divine power fluctuated like the sea, and the thunder fire that had been madly suppressing him had been temporarily forced out of his body and could not continue to burn him.

The old man of the Teng snake family gave a cold drink. The snake head crutch in his hand broke through the void and attacked Ye Yang. This time, his power was raised to an unprecedented level.

Ye Yang was shocked. It was going to end like this. The old **** was too powerful. Although he knew his ancestral blood was burning, it would not last long.

But after all, the old guy has lived countless years, and he has a strong foundation. His little yuan can absolutely not consume him.

When Ye Yang was secretly anxious, Ye Yang's soul-stealing dragon gun suddenly fluctuated, and a message passed into Ye Yang's mind.

Ye Yang couldn't help but be overjoyed, but at this time, the soul of the soul-stealing dragon gun was awakened. After swallowing the soul of the king of the kingdom last time, the dragon gun that was originally ignorant began to give birth to spiritual wisdom.

However, after absorbing that powerful soul, the Dragon Soul's instrumental soul fell asleep, and even if it used to fight, it could not get its assistance.

Now after it wakes up, Ye Yang suddenly has a piece of information in his mind. After getting this information, Ye Yang can't help but be overjoyed.

Seeing the old man of the Teng snake family rushing, Ye Yang no longer hesitated, and no matter whether it was unsuccessful or not, the whole body of immortal force came out madly and poured into the soul-stealing dragon gun.

With the injection of Ye Yang's fairy power, the originally silent soul-stealing dragon gun suddenly glowed, and the dragon scale runes on the gun became brighter and brighter.


Suddenly there was a turbulence in the space, and a huge gun shadow with a length of hundreds of miles appeared behind Ye Yang. The huge gun shadow appeared, and the space within millions of miles began to distort slowly.

"Actually Sheng Wuzhen"

The fourteen uncles and others were taken aback by the fact that Sheng Wu was physically capable of holy wares, claiming to destroy heaven and earth and destroy everything.

The reason why the holy artifact can be called the strongest soldier in nine days is that each holy artifact has its own soul.

The soul of the sacred artifact is different from the magic instrument and magic weapon. The magic instrument and magic weapon's instrument soul are all sealed. They have limited intelligence and can only simply recognize the master and have limited auxiliary ability.

However, the soul of the sacred artifact is different. Before the sacred artifact is cast, it needs to have a soul, and it must be extremely intelligent, and it cannot be damaged when it is cast the day after tomorrow. This is a very difficult to cast,

Therefore, most of the holy wares are basically born and raised in nature, and they may not appear once in hundreds of millions of years. It can be recognized by the holy wares, which is a great opportunity.

The artifacts that are born and raised are very rare, and the artifacts of the immortal world are basically evolved from the innate spirit treasures, because the innate spirit treasures are simpler to build and the materials are not so difficult to collect.

The only difficulty is the innate soul, the so-called innate soul, which requires the forged material itself to be spiritual.

The soul-stealing dragon gun in Ye Yang's hand contains nine heaven and earth dragon veins, which were collected by the elders throughout the centuries and searched the immortal realm.

The most precious thing is that one of the dragon veins has given birth to spiritual wisdom. When the elders discovered it, it was a mountain range of millions of miles.

In that mountain range, there are countless mineral deposits and fairy plants. Many fairy adventurers went to search, but most of them died inexplicably after arriving in that mountain range.

Later that mountain was called the Ridge of Death. Anyone who was strong under the immortal king went basically dead or dead, which was very strange.

When the elder found it, he was pleasantly surprised to find that it had the ability to devour the soul. It actually used the resources on its body to attract the strong to come and draw their souls to strengthen themselves.

The elder couldn't help but be overjoyed, using his vast power to put away the entire dragon vein, and found eight other superb dragon veins, put them together, and used the mystery of the dragon elephant family to refine them into dragon guns.

When the nine dragon veins were refined, the elder found that the souls of the other eight dragon veins were swallowed up by that dragon vein.

After engulfing other dragon veins, this instrumental soul was even more powerful, and the elders couldn't put it down. It has been sealed until now, until Ye Yang appears, and he suddenly whimpers, making Ye Yang the master of this dragon gun.

Ye Yang didn't know these things, but the inside of the Dragon Elephant family knew it, so Uncle Fourteen deliberately made it difficult for Ye Yang to see if he deserves the dragon gun.

Later, Ye Yang's fighting force convinced the fourteen uncles, but when he returned, he would talk to the elders all the time, but he was scolded by the elders, saying that the family still needs to play with their hearts.

Ye Yang returned to the family of dragon elephants, and everyone forgot about this. When Ye Yang emerged behind the hundred-mile-long, majestic spear, Uncle Fourteen and others were taken aback.

Ye Yang felt the fluctuations in space. He experienced a power that even felt horrible, and his heart was full of excitement.

The spear in his hand swayed and stabbed at the old man of the Teng snake family. With his movement, when the spear in his hand fell, the hundred-mile spear behind him also fell.

"Soul Eater"