MTL - Martial God of Myriad Realms-Chapter 2827 Forever

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Apart from familiar people, there are more unfamiliar protesters.

Although Cheng Feng did not know him, he gave great respect.

The reason why the eighth galaxy can survive to this day is that these silent protesters have contributed.

As time passes, I don't know how long it has passed.

The power of the seed of the sky has straddled the realm of the heavenly wasteland, the realm of the Yanluo Demon, and the vast world of rashness ...

Because the area is too large, Cheng Feng cannot describe it in words.

In short, the entire eighth galaxy has been more than half purified by Cheng Feng.

Although Cheng Feng had felt tired, the seeds of the sky also had a feeling of 'eating support'.

However, Cheng Feng did not stop and continued to purify.

This is a long time again.

Finally, only the last part of the eighth galaxy remained unpurified.

That is the headquarters of the demon union, the first holy place of demon.

Due to the emergence of the seed of the sky, the magic alliance has been collapsed.

But there are still a large number of magic Tao strong, escaped to the first holy land of magic Tao.

At this time, the first holy land of the magic road can be called a gathering of devil heads.

In this case, Cheng Feng, with the seeds of the sky, surrounded the first holy land of the demon.

However, Cheng Feng was about to make a fatal blow.

咻 ~~~

A phantom broke through the shackles of the heavens and the earth, and fled to the demon battlefield.

Immediately afterwards, a woman in a blue and white dress flew up into the sky and pursued the fleeing phantom.

Cheng Feng only knew at one glance that it was the succubus that the python blue was chasing and fleeing.

"Girl, blue and white, I hope you succeed!"

Cheng Feng blessed silently, about to start the attack.

Suddenly, the mutation rose again.

咻咻 咻 ~~~

A large number of skeletons appeared in the first holy land of the demon, and they flew together and fled towards the ninth galaxy.

"Huh, Bone Devil? You don't want to escape!"

In the eighth galaxy, there are three true demons making waves.

One is the Fire Demon, which has been captured by Cheng Feng into the sky seeds, and is being devoured by the new emperor fire.

Second, the succubus was chased by python blue and white.

This bone demon is the third true demon.

Just remove this true demon, then the eighth galaxy will be able to completely restore its clarity.

Therefore, without any delay, Cheng Feng grabbed the Devil Sword and cut it out.


This sword is extremely powerful.

One fell, and a large amount of dead bone was chopped.

However, these are the skeletons that the bone demon evoked with magic.

Killing it will not cause substantial damage to the Bone Demon.

Even the bone demon took advantage of Cheng Feng's opportunity to kill the dead bone, and suddenly controlled the first holy place of the magic road.

The intention is to control the first holy land of the magic road and enter the bustling area of ​​the eighth galaxy to detonate.

By then, it will certainly cause unimaginable disaster.

"The heavens and the earth are upright, and they live forever!"

At this time, an unparalleled spirit of righteousness rose from the first holy land of the demon.

This mighty spirit is magnificent and righteous, and when it appears, it will disperse and purify the magic.

At the same time, it was like an indestructible chain, dragging the first holy land of the magic path, and not let it rush to the center of the eighth galaxy.

Not only that, the other side of the first holy land of magic.

咻咻 咻 ~~~

The rivers of blood red galloped.

It looks like **** pythons help Haoran righteousness to grab the first holy place of magic road.

The two cooperated with each other, so that the first holy land of the magic road stopped abruptly!

"Brother Surin, and Bai Zi painting?"

Cheng Feng lifted his eyes and found that a young man raised a pen to write in the place where he was upright and righteous.

In a stroke, it seemed as if a Confucian was able to outline the world, writing and suffering.

It was Su Lin who arrogantly outbursted his power to resist the first holy land of the demon.

The other was fluttering in white, handsome and handsome, and it was Baizi painting of the reincarnation of the yin and yang **** king, one of the four **** gods who once had the blood **** religion.

Many years ago, Bai Zihua returned to the ancestral land of the blood gods and swallowed the founder of the blood gods, a demon head 'blood ancestor' who escaped from the demon world.

The original Baizi painting swallowed the blood ancestor and was assimilated by the evil ancestors of the blood ancestor, and it is bound to become a very fierce demon.

Unexpectedly, Bai Zihua actually defeated evil thoughts.

Even when the eighth galaxy was alive or dead, it can be seen that Baizi painting is not a villain.

"Brother Cheng, speed up and solve the bone demon in the first holy land of the demon."

"He is the culprit!"

"After killing him, the evil will automatically subside!"

Surin made a loud voice.

But Cheng Feng heard some weakness from his voice.

Although Su Lin and Bai Zi's paintings are peerless geniuses that have never been encountered for thousands of years, after all, the cultivation time is too short.

Nowadays, Xiu Wei is only half step away from the world.

They were able to take this kind of practice as a temporary hold on the first holy land of the demon, which was already very powerful.

"it is good!"

Hearing that Cheng Feng didn't dare to neglect in any way, the demon sword in his hand suddenly burst out.

Stabbing ~~~

The first holy place in the Demon Road cut out a huge gap.

Cheng Feng then turned the three-eyed celestial pupil to the extreme, locking the bone demon dormant in the first holy place of the demon.

Om ~~~

Calling the power of the seeds of the sky, like a raging wave.

Rushing in along the crack, the bone demon was drowned.

what! !!

Bone Demon's deep roar came out.

It is very powerful, much stronger than the other two real demons.

Even surrounded by the power of the seeds of the sky, they are still fighting and cannot be quickly purified to death.

However, Bone Demon is powerful, but others in the first holy land of the demon are not.

As the power of the seed of the sky poured into the first holy land of magical ways, each magical warrior was purified.

The heavier the enchantment, the more miserable.

The magical energy in an instance was evaporated, the body was full of wounds, and it died on the spot.

After half an hour, the great magical sacred place suddenly became clear.

Except that the bone demon is still struggling, all other demon heads and monsters have been washed away.

"Damn man, let's bury this seat!"

Just when Cheng Feng thought it was about to happen.

Suddenly, the struggling bone demon forcibly broke the restraint of the seed of the sky and rushed towards the direction where Su Lin was.

The purpose is obvious, to pull Surin to death!

"Brother Surin, step back!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng was shocked with cold sweat.

While reminding Su Lin aloud, the power of the seed of the sky was spurred to the extreme, and the madness of sniping the bone demon.

However, Bone Demon is very fierce.

Actually, he was struggling to be killed by Cheng Feng, and he was also going to die with Su Lin.

"The world is infinite, and the spirit is forever!"

However, in the face of the suicide revenge of the bone demon, Su Lin's performance was bland.

Even with a smile, he took the initiative to walk towards the bone demon.

I saw the bright light of righteousness erupting all over his body, waiting to meet the bone demon.

Bang ~~~

It seemed as if the world was breaking ground and a terrible explosion occurred. One person and one demon, they are all gone together!