MTL - Marvel: Become Athena-Chapter 11

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That kind of sacred and noble beauty makes men all over the world obsessed with it.

This is a real goddess.

Although they saw that beautiful face, it was indescribable and indescribable.

And the selection of saints is even more eye-catching. Who doesn't want to protect Athena's warriors and lose their mortal bodies? Power makes countless men yearn for it.

It's just a pity that in the past month, apart from Bart and Tina at the beginning, there has not been a third saint who has been selected.

Perhaps someone has already been chosen unbeknownst to them.

It is also worth mentioning that there are many people around the world who have used a series of behaviors such as calling God's name and insulting, and then a thunderbolt in the sky split them into coke, causing believers in the goddess Athena on the Internet to curse and gloat.

"This is no longer the godless world. Blasphemy will be punished by God. If you know this and do this, you really deserve to die."

"There will always be so many stupid guys in this world."

"Damn bastard, how dare you disrespect the goddess Athena."

"Isn't it true that someone regards Athena's kindness as weakness? She is not only the goddess of wisdom but also the goddess of war. She has experienced countless wars. Her kindness is only for good mortals, not blasphemers who are full of evil. "


The tablet in his hand was blacked out. The old man in a windbreaker and a brown helmet casually put the computer on the dry workbench aside. He stood up and walked straight to the center of the abandoned factory. A woman with pale skin and sharp orange-yellow eyes like a cheetah.

There was also a burly man in a windbreaker with a square face leaning on the scrapped car, eating melon seeds.

"Eric, here they come."

At this time, the blue-skinned woman and the man seemed to notice something and looked out of the factory.

The old man called Eric waited silently.

The next second, the sound of footsteps came, and the sound became louder and louder. Finally, more than ten seconds later, several figures appeared outside the opened door.

Three men and women in black combat uniforms pushed a bald old man in a suit in a wheelchair and came in, within two meters of Eric.

"Long time no see, Charles."

After scanning the three men and women, Eric finally set his eyes on the old friend and said in a low voice.

The others watched quietly

Two of the world's most powerful mutant leaders meet.

Charles, known as Professor X, looked calm and said softly: "Eric, I don't know what you want to do, but that child is innocent, return her."

"Charles~~" Eric laughed, and the eyes that were originally full of memories became sharper: "I won't hurt her, but you have to do one thing for me."


"You should know that a month ago, that goddess' victory scepter turned into thirteen golden lights and disappeared." Eric whispered.

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers!).

Chapter 22 Magneto's Adventure Plan (asking for a monthly ticket for flowers)

As an old friend and rival, Professor Charles knows Eric very well.

Hearing Eric's words, his originally gentle expression immediately became serious, and he had already thought about what Eric wanted to do.

"Eric, do you know what you're doing?"

"Of course I know, Charles, I need your help. If my plan is successful, the status of mutants will change, and we can live in the light instead of being discriminated against like sewer rats and People are still doing inhumane experiments on the test bench."

"I won't promise your Eric." Professor Charles immediately refused sternly: "If you offend the gods, we will all be doomed. I won't let you take risks, Eric."

Facing Charles' refusal, Eric was not surprised, but shook his head, and his tone became cold: "Charles, I'm not discussing with you, you can either help find those selected people, or I will kill the child."

"Eric~" Charles was angry, and a surge of psychic ability spread throughout the factory in an instant.

The activation of an Alpha-level ability made the air turbid, and the strong pressure caused fluctuations in everyone's minds, and the perspective in front of them faintly began to produce hallucinations.

Including Mystique and Saber-Toothed Tiger.

The two covered their heads with painful expressions on their faces.

But Eric was the only one who didn't change, and said indifferently: "Charles, you should know that I hid that child myself, and no one knows her whereabouts except me. I put something on her, and I Snap your fingers and she'll die."

"So, what are your options, Charles?"

For a moment, the atmosphere became solidified.

Behind Professor Charles, the phoenix, Ororo the storm, and Cyclops Scott gritted their teeth with resentment on their faces.

In the hearts of the three, Eric is a lunatic, and now he is counting on the gods.

Time passed little by little, outside the factory, a gust of wind whizzed by, the frozen atmosphere was finally broken, and I saw Professor Charles' voice became a little hoarse, he looked up at Eric and said: "I hope you Be able to understand the consequences of your actions, Eric."

Sighing, Professor Charles still made a choice.

He still can't give up on the child.

Eric nodded: "You can start."

"I can't do it now. To sense that kind of power, I need to use a brain wave device."

"I can wait for your message, but I hope you can reply to me today."

Charles shook his head, and Qin and the three left.

Looking at the back of Charles and his group leaving, Mystique took a breath. Charles, who was angry, was so scary that she thought for a while that her will would collapse.

She hesitated for a moment and asked, "Are there really no problems if we do this? After all, it's about the gods."

"What is a god?" Eric turned his head and looked at Mystique aside: "For me, a **** is nothing more than a more powerful life form. In ancient times, people like us were gods?"

"Remember Apocalypse? When he was in ancient Egypt, wasn't he treated as a **** by those ignorant humans?"

"She has never been a **** to me, but a strong person. The weak dare not wave their fists like the strong, but I am not a weak person. I need to borrow her strength, even if there is no calculation? This is just an adventure. "

Eric looked extremely confident on the outside.

But his heart is not as it appears on the surface, he is not afraid of death, he is afraid of gods, but he is afraid of time, he has fought for the great cause of mutants for decades, even if he has great power, he cannot resist the erosion of time.

His grades are getting older, and he doesn't know how much time he has left.

The appearance of Athena was an opportunity for him. For this reason, he was willing to take risks, risking the anger of a powerful god, but also to achieve his own goals.

He is willing to give everything.

Looking up at the blue sky through the broken ceiling, Eric's eyes flashed with tiredness.


Far away in another dimension, on the edge of the roof of the Sanctuary Temple floating in the starry sky, Kyle, who is practicing with a golden victory scepter, seems to have a sense.

She slowly opened her eyes, her noble blue eyes were filled with an indescribable light, and she murmured: "Mutants, Magneto, Professor X, Phoenix Girl, are you paying attention to me?"

"Should I say courage, or stupidity?"

"What fun!"

Where there is a cause, there is an effect, and if you mess with the cause, you will suffer the consequences. An alpha-level mutant is not enough to attract her attention.

The only thing that caught her attention was Qin, the host of the Phoenix Force.

It's just that she has to stay in the sanctuary to expand her own small universe in the near future. She has no bottleneck on the road before the real god, and of course she will not let go of a minute or a second.

And she also felt that in the near future, a big battle was quietly approaching, and she needed to become stronger.

"Well, without affecting my cultivation, I seem to be able to separate part of my will and choose a body to walk on the earth."

The ability possessed by the main **** is actually exaggerated.

The most basic of them is the so-called incarnation outside the body. To put it bluntly, it is somewhat similar to Mephisto. The main body is in the base camp, and part of the soul is in the human world. She can do the same.

After all, she has already made the framework for the plan on the other side of the earth, Bart and Tina also need to practice, and they will reach the level of the seventh sense as soon as possible, so an executor is still needed.

She can't let the main body go out in person, it's too time-consuming, and the incarnation outside the body is a very good choice.

Thinking of this, the scepter in Kyle's right hand lightly touched the ground on the roof.


The golden ripples spread like ripples, and the vast spiritual will instantly passed through the dimension and descended on the earth.

This powerful spiritual force naturally aroused the awareness of Odin and Gu Yi.

The two were a little surprised what the goddess was going to do, but when they found out what Kyle was doing, they stopped paying attention.

On the bed of a simple apartment room in a certain city in Greece, the corpse of a girl who had lost her voice suddenly opened her eyes.

(Brother, this community was sealed off a few days ago and was quarantined, it’s uncomfortable, I get up early every morning to do nucleic acid~~).

Chapter 23 Alfred (asking for a monthly ticket for flowers)

The girl's skin was very pale, there was no trace of blood on her delicate and pretty face, and her body was very thin.

At first glance, it is caused by long-term yin and yang deficiency.

At this time, she is no longer the original self, and now she is Kyle.

Kyle sat up slowly, lifted off the quilt covering her body, walked barefoot, swayed towards the hall, wearing a white T-shirt and shorts one size larger, as if a gust of wind could blow her down .

But every time she took a step, the sluggish aura on her body would dissipate, as if some kind of power had been instilled in her body, and the naked eye could see that the sunken pale skin gradually became rosy and elastic.

When she walked to the refrigerator, she had undergone a complete and earth-shaking change.

She is no longer the girl who is almost as weak as an old man because of suffering from illness, and has become healthier than an adult girl.

Every minute and every second, the body structure of this body is growing stronger at an inhuman speed.

Kyle then opened the refrigerator, looked at the few cans of nutrient solution left in it, shook his head, took out a bottle of milk from the side, closed it, walked to the balcony, opened the curtains, and drank

Drinking milk while looking at the scenery on both sides of the street.

The originally gray pupils have turned into her signature noble blue.

"A miserable and pitiful life~~"

This body still retains some memories. Kyle couldn’t help but sigh after browsing through it. He lost his parents and lived hard with the most optimistic attitude towards life, learning to make money, but was hit by illness again, and finally died alone in his room. middle.

The saddest thing is that I don't even have a single friend.

Death is also a relief for this girl.

Suddenly, Kyle paused: "Um, why do I have to choose a girl even for my avatar? Could it be influenced?"

Logically speaking, he was a pure man in his previous life, and he transmigrated to become a girl. Because of Athena's godhead, there was nothing he could do about it. But when he chose a second body here, he subconsciously chose a girl again.

This left Kyle in deep thought.


Could it be that she has been assimilated?

Thinking about it, Kyle couldn't help shivering. Fortunately, she swore that her sexual orientation was fine, and she still liked girls. As for girls liking girls, isn't that a normal thing?

Ignoring these details, Kyle drank all the milk, went to the closet to pick out a gray sweater and sweatpants, put on a peaked cap, took his bank card and ID card, and left the apartment.

The place she is going to is Morocco.

Morocco is a coastal Arab country in northwest Africa, where the tourism industry is very developed, and it is considered one of the wealthiest countries in Africa.

Morocco is almost all whites, 75% of the population is Arabs, and the other is mainly Berbers. Morocco is the main distribution area of ​​Berbers.

Most of the cities here are coastal cities.

Therefore, the beautiful scenery has become the business card of Morocco's foreign tourism. Many rich people and tourists all over the world like to travel to Morocco.

But like most countries in the world, crime and chaos also breed here.

Asilah is a small coastal town in Morocco.

The town has a very strong Moroccan style. The construction style of the Mediterranean coastal city is white and blue, with a sense of combination of sea and sky.

In the scorching sun, on the beach of Asilah town, there are countless tourists, men and women who come here to surf, sunbathe, play beach volleyball, a lively scene.

Similarly, there are local children here who are working hard to run their own small businesses.

Pushing the old small food truck, it sells locally picked fresh fruit and fried juice.

But the benefits that the children get do not belong to themselves, but to the local gangs that control them.