MTL - Marvel: Become Athena-Chapter 66

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"And, who says I'm alone?"

Sol grinned, and the smile on his face made Heimdall somewhat familiar. He actually saw Loki's little **** plotting against someone in Sol's smile.

He couldn't help but raised his eyebrows: "Are you sure? Saul."

"Of course, send me there, even if I'm in a crisis, my new friends will be angry, even if they will laugh at me afterwards."

After receiving an affirmative answer, Heimdall stopped talking nonsense and came to the console, grasping the hilt of the Guardian Sword with both hands and exerting force downward.



In the next second, a channel with a colorful vortex suddenly lit up with dazzling light, accompanied by a terrifying suction force. Sol didn't struggle and let the suction force pull him into the channel.

Heimdall closed the Rainbow Bridge.

He looked at the door leading to Asgard, and a figure appeared there at some point. Seeing the person, Heimdall immediately stepped down from the console, knelt down on one knee, lowered his head, and respectfully Said: "Are you really assured that Saul will go alone?"

When he communicated with Sol just now, Odin's order was conveyed in his mind.

Heimdall will let Thor go.

Otherwise, no matter how much he believed in Sol, he would not let him leave easily for such a major event.

Odin was wearing armor and holding Gungnir, the spear of eternity. He tapped the ground lightly to signal Heimdall to stand up. He stared into his eyes and said in a deep voice, "This is the chance I gave him."

As soon as these words came out, Heimdall raised his head in surprise: "You mean..."

"It's just what you think, Heimdall. I don't have much time. I am satisfied with Sol's growth in the past few months, but he wants to be king, he is not enough, his prestige is not enough for him Ascending the throne, this time, is his chance to show his growth to the gods and people of Asgard."

"Yes~~" Heimdall was still a little worried.

To be able to instigate a high-ranking Kerry executive to arrest Loki, it is obvious that the forces behind it must be extraordinary, and this trip must be full of crises.

Odin saw Heimdall's worry, shook his head and said: "A true king will not be afraid of a road full of thorns, he will overcome all plots and dangers."

"And, I trust Saul."

If Odin was sure, Heimdall was silenced.

Odin looked towards the passage of the Rainbow Bridge, and murmured coldly: "Are you testing me, or testing that one? There should be both, arrogant and stupid."

Listening to Thor's words, Heimdall's eyes moved.

Did Odin really know who did it?

He dared to test that goddess, it seems that this person has extraordinary background.


In the vast starry sky, one can vaguely see the afterglow brought by the burning star from the endless distance.

In one of the planets, under the afterglow of that ray, it was full of desolation and blood.

This is a planet very far away from the star.

Because of the distance and location, the planet is filled with wind and snow all year round.

Under the snowflakes all over the sky, a thick layer of heavy snow has accumulated on the surface of the earth.

On this desolate planet, there are cities that attract countless space pirates, mercenaries, and bounty hunters.

The city is full of desire and consumption.

Casinos, bars, etc. have everything that one expects to find, and under the various colors full of temptations, it attracts countless people from other parts of the universe to come for consumption and entertainment.

But in a wide building in the city.

Different from the hustle and bustle outside, everything here is quiet and dark. The cold colors and the unique decoration of the spacious house make the style here appear extremely abrupt and rough.

A burly blue-skinned man in armor stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking the bustling city outside the window, as well as the spaceships that kept landing in the heavy snow and the figures coming out of it.

"Great accusers, are we really going to do this?"

Behind him, a blue-skinned man also wearing armor glanced at the quietly standing figure behind him, and said hesitantly.

The blue-skinned man called the Accuser turned around, wearing the helmet that looked like a metal bucket, revealing his original appearance, his chin, and his face were covered with a layer of black branding, which made the whole person look extraordinarily majestic and majestic.

Especially those cold eyes, full of pressure.

He is Ronan, the highest accuser in the accusation group of the Kerry Empire who controls the military power and maintains the legal organization.

At this time, he seems to be a little silent, but under the silence, there is a tyranny that destroys and destroys all life at any time. He looked at the quiet and silent Loki on the opposite side, and said in a low voice: "An ancient but There is no need for us to be afraid of the decaying Asgard."

"Asgard, when Odin grows old, he is no longer a threat, and the great Kree Empire is no longer afraid."

"I need him to trade for me something that changes everything. This thing will make me smash all doubts, and that **** ridiculous so-called peace agreement."

The sound echoed in the room, causing the Kree officers under his command to bow their heads in fear.


"At your will, great Accuser."

While speaking, one of the Kerry officers winked, saw the colorful beam of light falling from the sky through the glass window, and immediately said: "The great accuser, the Asgardians are here."

The accuser turned around abruptly and looked out of the window, his pupils reflecting the fading colorful beam of light.

Tilting his head slightly, full of pressure, he said without looking back, "Who do you think it could be?"

"Of course it's my stupid brother." Loki, who was originally silent, suddenly showed an evil smile.

"You know what to do?"

"My suggestion is to ask your subordinates not to offend him." Loki said softly, but his tone was full of contempt.

"Oh? You think he can slaughter the army I brought?"

The accuser spoke calmly, but everyone could hear the hidden anger in it. If Loki didn't give a reasonable explanation, the brutal supreme accuser would not mind tearing it to pieces.

But Loki didn't show the slightest expression of fear: "If it was him before, you might be able to do it."

"However, after several months of training in the sanctuary, his strength is already extraordinary. He holds Thor's Hammer in his hand, and he can crush all enemies with thunder. Your fleet is very powerful, but unfortunately, it is still fragile in his eyes. , So, my suggestion is, don't provoke him."


"Is that your bragging?"

"You can give it a try, as long as you don't mind all of your people being buried in this desolate snow-storm planet."

"Kree soldiers are never afraid of death." Ronan said in a low voice without turning his head, "Let the humble Asgardians see the power of the great Kree Empire warriors."

"Yes, accuser."

Behind him, a Kerry officer nodded, turned around and left solemnly, and when he passed by Loki, he even showed a disdainful look. Facing such a look, Loki didn't pay attention at all, but waited. Watching these pompous fools kill themselves.

In the city streets, Thor holds Thor's Hammer, braving the wind

Snow, walking step by step, left one after another snowflake footprints on the ground along the way.

However, these footprints did not last long before they were covered by wind and snow.

After walking for a while, Sol stopped under one of the street buildings in the city. Looking at the billboard with Tusa's name written on it, he knew that this was the place he was looking for.

He reached out and pushed open the door, and walked in.

Walking through a long corridor with a length of seven or eight meters, I came to a slightly dark room inside.

In this small and messy room, a pink-skinned short person is sitting on the sofa drinking an unknown bottle of wine, while looking obscenely at the beautiful robot woman dancing in front of the projection screen .

"Wow, it's really good~~"

Indulging in the dance, he didn't notice the approaching Sol.

Sol glanced at the room, and then walked in front of this person. Seeing that the person didn't seem to notice his arrival, he put the hammer on the table in front of him, making a dull sound.


The shaking figure seemed to frighten him, the hand holding the wine trembled suddenly, and the wine spilled from the bottle onto his body, he hurriedly stood up from the sofa, and then saw Sol's waist, he was stunned for a moment , his gaze gradually moved up, and he saw Sol looking down at him.

After looking at Thor's armor and Thor's Hammer on the table, he said in surprise, "It's really strange. I didn't expect that an Asgardian prince would leave, but another one would come."

"You are Tusa, the middleman here?"

"That's right, it looks like you should be Sol of Asgard, what do you want from me?"

The middleman Tusa put down the wine bottle, picked up a rag from the side and wiped his wet clothes, and asked.

Thor's thick voice echoed in this not-so-large room: "My brother, did Loki come to look for you?"

"That's right, he did come to me to buy news." Tusa said, throwing the wiped towel away, just covering Thor's Hammer.

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers, thank you guys for your support, thank you so much!) and.


Chapter 113 Thor VS Kerry Army (ask for a monthly ticket for flowers)

"If you're here to look for him, it's unfortunate buddy, he's already left." Tusa waved his hand.

"Did anything unusual happen before he left?"

"It seems a little nervous?"

"What did you tell him?"

"Wow, buddy, although you are the honorable Prince of Asgard, I am an intermediary, and what I sell is news. What I said before is enough, and you need to spend the rest."

Tusa smiled.

Saul didn't dwell on this issue, he took out a small cloth bag from his waist and threw it in front of Tusa.

Make a crisp sound.

Tusa opened the small bag and saw the money inside. He whistled happily, and his tone became much more cheerful: "Thank you, my prince, your generosity is commendable."

"As far as I know "Seven Four Three", Ronan, the Supreme Accuser of the Kerry Empire, is gathering his troops in an attempt to launch a war against Asgard."

"Walter?" Saul was full of disbelief: "Are you sure your news is true?"

The Supreme Accuser is obviously a high-level authority figure in the Kree Empire, with a tough attitude and a complete hawk.

Thor believed that this man would wage war on any force, but how could he wage war on Asgard? Leaving aside the unequal combat power between the two armies, why did Ronan want to target Asgard for no apparent reason?

There is no friction or fight between the two parties at all.

Tusa shrugged: "It's up to you to decide whether this news is true, but I can guarantee that our news is definitely not fake. At least Ronan has indeed summoned his army."

Sol stared at Tusa for a while, from the look on his face, he didn't know if he believed Tusa.

"Thank you very much for your message, Tusa."

After finishing speaking in a deep voice, Sol turned and left.

The burly and majestic figure disappeared into the dark corridor, and when Soldan came to the door, he paused slightly when he stretched out his hand to hold the doorknob.

And Tusa's faint voice came from behind.

"Sol, you should know what you mean when you open the door, right?"

"Of course~~" Sol looked at the slightly dirty gate, as if through the gate, he could see the scene outside the gate, and there were strands of lightning in his eyes unconsciously: "When I step into this planet By then, I had already arrived on the battlefield."


Sol let go of his hand, but raised his leg and kicked at the door.

Accompanied by the roar, the gate was kicked away, and the twisted gate was like a killing machine that ruthlessly harvested life. Wrapped in the wind and snow, it smashed away the Kerry soldiers holding weapons outside the gate.

There was a scream, and the blood that filled the sky dyed the snow-covered ground blue.

At this time, Tusa in the house had disappeared without a trace.

Sol sneered and walked out of the house, facing the wind and snow, his eyes flickering with lightning scanned the circle.

The pedestrians who could still be seen on the street had long since disappeared, but standing in front of them were hundreds of thousands of Kree soldiers in armor, as well as densely packed small combat aircraft covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

It turned out that at some point, Kerry's army had already surrounded the street heavily.

Sol looked up at the sky, and the loud voice conveyed: "Did Loki be taken away by you?"

However, what responded to Sol was the dense beam of particle energy.

"OK~~~ Let's go to war then."

Sol twisted his neck, and the turbulent lightning burst from his body instantly.

The raging wave of electric light completely destroyed and collapsed the houses behind him. In the snowstorm and the beam of particle energy pouring down like a torrential rain, Sol squatted down slightly, and the terrifying explosive force suddenly cracked the ground under his feet.