MTL - Marvel: Containment Foundation From Scratch-Chapter 90

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Bei Chen felt a little regretful in his heart.

After all, the legendary value can only be obtained through the contents summoned by the system.

"and many more!"

Bei Chen suddenly remembered a very important matter.

The Broken God is also a containment object, right? He had such a big impact on the multiverse, why didn't he get the legendary value at that time?

Beichen suspects that the system has embezzled his legendary value.

Bei Chen asked: "System, the Broken God I summoned some time ago has affected the entire multiverse, why didn't I get the legendary value?"

"Ding~ A bug was detected in the system. When the host popularized the storage items for the parallel universe, it did not receive the legendary value!"

"Ding~ The system patch is being upgraded..."

"Ding~ The system upgrade is complete!"

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for obtaining: **biography (ccdh) said value?\" Beichen: "???\"Looking at the string of 0s on the system panel, Beichen is confused?

How can this be so?

If I didn't react, wouldn't this 100 million be gone?

real. Almost missed 100 million?

After the lesson of almost missing 100 million just now, Beichen also paid attention to his mental retardation system. This thing is a little mentally retarded, maybe there are some bugs, and he has to pay attention to it in the future.

"It's not right! The God of Brokenness has affected the multiverse, why is there only one billion? Why do you have to start with tens of billions?"

Beichen questioned...

"Although the Broken God has affected the entire multiverse, it actually only affects a few ordinary beings who stand at the top of reason and wisdom."

Bei Chen questioned: "So Tony Stark, the mechanical overlord, has wiped out several universes. Doesn't this count as the Broken God?"

"Indirect ones don't count!"

The system answered coldly.

After hearing that the Mechanicus was doing something and couldn't bring him legendary points, Beichen's eyes flashed.

"Fuck! No way! I don't allow such crazy people who destroy the world to exist!"

Beichen said righteously.

How can I not be able to bring myself legendary value, and keep harming the "leeks" in my field?

Beichen made a decision.

From now on, whenever he encounters the kind of lunatic who wants to destroy the world, he will kill one of them! No mercy!

After all, they are all my own leeks!

Bei Chen, who realized this, knew that he... No, it should be Dr. Time, it's time to stand up and save the world!

Thinking like this, Bei Chen called the Black Widow.

After calling Natasha to the bedroom, Natasha took off her clothes very skillfully.

Seeing this scene, Beichen quickly stopped the opponent.

How can you drive in broad daylight?

Not to mention that the other party had just joined the battle and came back covered in sweat and hadn't showered yet. The main thing was that he didn't ask Natasha to come here for this matter.

"I have a task for you here, which may be dangerous, so I have to strengthen you first!"

"What's up?"

Natasha stopped what she was doing.

"A representative from the 05 Council will come over. The Foundation has detected a mass extinction event for humans in several other parallel universes, so it has decided to send people to support it. I want you Avengers to follow along, um! Best! It’s still called S.H.I.E.L.D.”

Beichen said seriously.

As for why they bring a group of oil bottles (strike out)... cannon fodder, of course it is to better harvest legend points.

At that time, I will just popularize God of Broken Science, and maybe I can cut a wave of leeks from members of the Women's Federation and S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Didn't you say that was dangerous?"

Natasha asked hesitantly.

"What I'm saying is that it would be dangerous for you SHIELD to go alone, but if you have that person following you, it will be very safe."

Beichen explained.

"Okay! When will the foundation's support arrive?"

Natasha asked next.

"Soon, after all, time is meaningless to that person, you should call the Avengers first, and then discuss it with S.H.I.E.L.D.!"

Natasha nodded, and then left the villa with Sol who had just returned. When the black widow left, Beichen's two mind guards entered Natasha's mind world.

After realizing that there was nothing to gain in the Battle of New York, Bei Chen decided to quickly end this farce.

After Natasha and others left.

Beichen began to use the power of transformation to transform his appearance (temporarily)


Time should be meaningless to Dr. Time, so Dr. Time's body should be kept in the most perfect condition.

The most perfect state of human beings is actually around the age of twenty-five or six.

at last! Doctor Time has endless time to waste, so his attire should be exquisite, but his appearance should be ordinary, otherwise he will easily steal the limelight from the president of the foundation.


Ten minutes later, Beichen looked at himself in the mirror with satisfaction.

Dr. Time's debut, the members of the Avengers Alliance who received the urgent call from the Black Widow at the headquarters of the SHIELD gathered together again.

"The 05 Council on the Foundation's side has already intervened, and they will send people to support them, and then take us to another universe to deal with the enemies there!"

Natasha explained the origin of her trip.

"Wait! Why should we trust the foundation's support? Didn't Beichen say that another universe is dangerous? And what the **** is the 05 council? Which department of the foundation is this?"

Fury stood up and objected.

"This is not a discussion, but a notice! Anyway, our Avengers are willing to cooperate with the plan. As for the 05 council, let's talk about it later." Natasha directly retorted without giving the old boss any face.

Tony next to him nodded and echoed: "That's right! Our Avengers have the autonomy to act."

He has long been disgusted with Fury dictating there.

When these few people were about to argue, the entire conference room became extremely quiet instantly, and the time in the entire conference room was at a standstill at this moment.

But everyone in the conference room can clearly perceive the situation outside. They can clearly perceive that the time outside has stopped, but their own consciousness and the time in their bodies are still flowing.

Among them, the ones who feel the deepest are Captain Marvel and Thor.

This feeling of time stagnation is not very good, just like the body becomes extremely stiff and uncontrollable.

"It seems that I came just in time."

Dr. Time (Bei Chen) appeared in the meeting room with a smile.

Everyone in the conference room looked at the unexpected guest in horror.

In this case, if the uninvited guest has any malicious intentions, they may not even have a chance to fight back.

"Sorry! I was worried that I would be stopped when I came in, so I paused the time in this area. I don't think you will mind?"

After Dr. Time finished speaking, he snapped his fingers.

Then the flow of time around began to return to normal.

After returning to normal, everyone looked at the young man in front of them with some fear.

"Who are you?"

Carol asked with some dissatisfaction.

This feeling of time stagnation is definitely the most uncomfortable state he has ever experienced.

"You can call me Dr. Time, the thirteenth member of the 05 Council. If the name is too long, you can call me Zero."

"Return to zero?"

After hearing the name, everyone frowned.

Doctor Time?

Hearing this title, Tony seemed to think of something, his eyes widened instantly, and he looked at the young man in front of him in disbelief.

In the name of time?

Could this man in front of him be able to manipulate time?

With the foundation's endless black technology, this seems to be really possible...

Chapter 111: The Temporal Anomaly Control Bureau that almost scared Fury to death!

Beicheng took in the expressions of everyone in the conference room. Beichen was also very satisfied with his acting skills.

"Have you decided on the number of people to start? It's fine for ordinary people, it's still very dangerous over there!" Beichen explained.

"I'm going with you!"

Fury stared at Beichen with one eye.

He didn't trust the person of unknown origin in front of him, let alone the people from the Foundation, he believed in his own eyes even more, so he decided to take a risk and follow.

"Yes! Ma'am, do you want to come?"

Bei Chen set his sights on Captain Marvel.

Carol raised his chin and said, "Of course!"

Then please come with me!

After Beichen finished speaking, he took out a long scepter from his pocket.

I saw Beichen lightly tap the ground with the scepter, and a space portal with a sense of science and technology instantly rose from the ground.

"Everyone come with me!"

Beichen turned around and said to the crowd.

Looking at Beichen who walked into the space portal, the members of the Avengers followed without hesitation.

After passing through the legendary gate, everyone came to a more mysterious base. The most incredible thing is that what they saw when they looked up was not the ceiling or the sky, but nebulae that were constantly rotating.

"Welcome to the Temporal Anomaly Control Bureau!"

Holding the scepter in his left hand, Beichen announced to the crowd with a smile.

Carol, who has a special connection with the space gem, squinted his eyes and said, "This is not the earth anymore, is it? It's not even our original universe?"

Sol, who was next to him, also looked around with a solemn expression. He found that his connection with Asgard had become very, very weak, as if it would be broken at any time, and he could not even actively contact Asgard. .

"This is the Space-Time Anomaly Control Bureau, which is in another dimension, or outside the universe!"

Beichen explained and led the way ahead.

The time-space anomaly control bureau is a reward given by the system when the time gem is contained.

This reward is actually not very good, at least not at present, so Bei Chen decided to use it to pretend to be aggressive and show off by the way.

The Time-Space Anomaly Control Bureau is the same as the Time Management Bureau, but the mid-to-low-end combat capability of the Time-Space Anomaly Control Bureau is much stronger than the Time Management Bureau, and I don't know how much stronger it is in terms of technology.

"Strange! Why do I always feel very depressed here, as if..."

Sol, who followed, frowned and muttered to himself.

Captain Marvel next to him heard this, and asked in a low voice, "Do you feel this way too?

"Yes! I don't know what's going on, but it always feels like this place is the problem."

The two did not deliberately lower their voices, and Bei Chen, who was leading the way, naturally heard their conversation.