MTL - Marvel: I Can Download Unlimited Talents-Chapter 33 : The second super power, spider induction!

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Chapter 33: The second super power, spider induction! [New book seeking collection, seeking everything]

Because Li Te has been constantly getting stronger, both his body and spirit have been greatly changed.

Even without sleep all night, he didn't feel tired.

He was half lying on the sofa at this moment, squinting his eyes slightly.


The door was opened, and the little spider Peter Parker walked out of it and looked at everything in front of him.

"Are you up?" Li Te didn't open his eyes, and his emotions didn't even fluctuate.

He knew that after a night of transformation, Peter Parker had the ability to become a superhero.

"Mr. Bruce, what the **** is going on?" Little Spider was a little dazed.

Although he remembered that he had come to Lit's house, he didn't remember anything later.

It's just that at this moment, he is much stronger than before, both in spirit and vision.

And his body is even more powerful, and he feels that he can lift everything.

This made her very at a loss, looking at Li Te's calm appearance.

He was wondering if all of this has something to do with Li Te.

It's just that Li Te didn't answer his question immediately, but pointed to the training equipment on the other side.

"You try that and punch it." Li Te said, pointing to a wooden stake.

Little Spider was taken aback, he didn't know what Li Te meant.

But he believed Li Te very much, and then nodded and walked to the stake.

Then he took a deep breath and smashed his punch directly.


All of a sudden, the stake broke and sawdust scattered.

Little Spider looked at his fist in amazement, only feeling incredible.

"This...what the **** is going on, Mr. Bruce?"

He was shocked, but also with a kind of fear.

This is the usual behavior of ordinary people after suddenly gaining strength, and Li Te is no exception.

Li Te sat up straight, he looked at the little spider and said seriously.

"Do you remember the question I asked you?"

Little Spider's face changed slightly, and he remembered.

If suddenly one day, he had power, what would he do.

Now, it seems that Ritt's words have been fulfilled.

It seems that he really has a strong power, which in his opinion is really incredible.

"Mr. Bruce, I..." Little Spider didn't know how to answer for a while.

Because he really hasn't thought about it now.

"You don't need to rush to answer me." Li Te smiled, not forcing Little Spider.

Li Te said this because he wanted to plant a seed in the heart of Little Spider.

All of his Peter Parker suddenly possessed such a powerful force, which has a lot to do with Lee Te.

In this way, it is convenient for him to better control the little spider in the future.

Rit is not here to be a good person, nor to maintain something.

Everything he did was for himself.

Especially in the future wars, he also needs his own helper.

And Little Spider is obviously the most suitable candidate.

Although he is confident, with his current strength, it is not a problem to survive the New York War.

But the New York War is just the beginning in the Marvel universe.

There will be more events waiting for him in the future.

He brainwashed the little spider, the purpose of which is to convince the little spider thoroughly and be loyal to himself.

At this moment, after seeing Li Te's expression, the little spider took a deep breath and bowed slightly towards Li Te.

"Thank you, Mr. Bruce."

Li Te didn't speak, just smiled.

"Let's go, we still have a lot to do."

Then Li Te stood beside the little spider, putting his hand on his shoulder.

The little spider has no defense at all.

At this moment, all the information about the little spider appeared in front of him.


[Name]: Peter Benjamin Parker.

[Identity]: High school student.

[Ability]: spider induction (100gb), spider power (20gb, incomplete), adsorption capacity (10gb, incomplete), spider physique (30gb, incomplete).


When Li Te saw the power of the little spider, he was taken aback.

The power of this little spider is too strong, even if it is just the adsorption capacity, it is 10gb, which is more than that of Hawkeye.

It's horrible.

It's just that in the display of the system, apart from the spider induction, the other powers of the little spider are disabled.

After a little puzzled for a while, Lit knew why.

The little spider's current ability has just awakened. In addition to spider induction, other abilities need to be continuously developed.

Just like he saw in the movie, the strength of Little Spider has gradually matured through continuous training.

Unlike Hawkeye and Black Widow, they are agents and have fully adapted to their power.

But now the little spider has not grown to that moment.

So except for spider induction, other abilities are incomplete.

Incomplete ability, although a certain improvement to Li Te, is not enough to achieve a qualitative change.

For example, the power of the little spider is strong, but Li Te has a better choice.

That is Hulk, who is much stronger than Little Spider.

There is also physique. As a **** in mythology, Thor is not comparable to a little spider.

So after thinking about it, what Lee needs now is the spider-sensing ability of the little spider.

The most unique point of spider induction is that it can predict all dangers through the vibration of the surrounding air.

Just like an arrow shot by an eagle eye, it has a spider sensor and can be avoided in advance.

You don’t even need to see with your eyes, it’s more sensitive than the eagle’s eyes.

This powerful ability is great, and it is also a unique superpower.

It can be said to be the unique ability of little spiders.

Moreover, Li Te is very familiar with Little Spider now, and there will be opportunities to meet in the future.

Waiting for the ability of the little spider to fully grow up, Li Te will download it at the time, and will not lose much.

Thinking of this, Li Te didn't hesitate to choose the ability to download the little spider directly.

"Ding Dong, the connection is successful..."

"Ding Dong, the spider's sensing capacity is 100gb, start downloading!"

"Dingdong, the current download speed is 2mb/s (valid within ten meters

Sure enough, Li Te guessed right, his download speed and range have increased at this moment. .