MTL - Master of Fist-Chapter 18 collect

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Jiang Erhai closed his eyes and pondered for a moment before opening his eyes to look at Jiang Heng.

"The rumors in the mansion can't stop now, what do you think, Heng'er!"

Jiang Heng was sitting on a chair. His body hadn’t healed yet. Without the mysterious power in his dantian, the recovery speed would have to be recovered by himself. He slightly adjusted his sitting posture. We can't let them go, third uncle, from today onwards, you will take the brothers in the **** agency to patrol outside the mansion, and anyone who sneaks out of the mansion will be killed!"

Jiang Sanhai glanced at Jiang Heng in astonishment, his nephew was so murderous!

Perhaps because of seeing Jiang Heng's ferocious expression that night, Jiang Sanhai nodded subconsciously.

Jiang Erhai nodded slightly, also surprised at his son's determination.

"Father! Since our Jiang family can't solve this matter, why don't we ask the government for help?"


Jiang Erhai frowned, shook his head and sighed, "I'm afraid this won't work!"

Jiang Heng frowned, and before he could ask, Jiang Erhai told about the disappearance of the son of the Zun Family of Liu County a few days ago.

"Then is there any expert in martial arts in the city? If it's not possible, then hire a master in the city to act as the guard of the mansion!" Jiang Heng asked after thinking about it.

Since the government is unreliable, then with the help of the power of the reckless rivers and lakes, who is still struggling with Yinzi these days?

"Second Brother, I think Brother Heng is quite right, this matter may be feasible!" Hearing this, Third Uncle's eyes lit up and he quickly agreed.

Jiang Erhai thought for a while and shook his head slightly, "It's not impossible, it's just that the best fighters in Hengjiang City are only first-rank fighters. I can't solve the sneaky thing, those guys can really deal with that kind of thing? "

As soon as this remark came out, everyone fell into silence.


The entire Hengjiang City is about to say that it is a master of the rivers and lakes, and there are quite a few in the Jiangfu. Even if the other scattered people are the highest in martial arts, they are only first rank. Even if there is one of them, it can't solve this kind of sneaky and weird thing.

"Father! What is the difference between this sneaky man and us martial arts practitioners?" After a long silence, Jiang Heng asked slowly.

Father Jiang glanced at Jiang Heng strangely, and after thinking about it, he organized his words.

"I don't know much about sneakiness. In the early years when your third uncle and I walked darts, I saw a third-rank martial artist and three companions of second-rank martial arts besiege and kill a sneaky one.

As a result...all of them died except for the third-rank martial artist, but that third-rank martial artist also died after running out of energy and blood! All dead! "

"Father, according to what you say, it doesn't mean that sneaky people can't be killed?!" Jiang Heng was really shocked at this moment.

Jiang Erhai thought for a while and waved his hands: "That's not what I said. At that time, the third-rank martial artist also killed the ghost once or twice, but in the end he was exhausted and was strangled to death by the ghost."

Jiang Heng was stunned, and his complexion improved a little.

"Father, you just said that Guiyou was killed several times, what do you mean?"

"I can't say it, I just saw that sneaky thing was scattered into a cloud of black mist at that time, and then returned to its original state, intact, even the third-rank senior is helpless!" Jiang Erhai shook his head, with a sad expression between his brows clear and distinct.

"It's also possible that this time's sneakiness is too weak to be counted! You can also recruit some people with high martial arts skills, even if you lose, you may be able to contain one or two!" Third Uncle said quickly.

Jiang Erhai nodded after thinking about it. After all, the people in the mansion are in a state of panic now, so inviting more Jianghu experts can at least share the pressure.

Back in his small courtyard, Jiang Heng closed his eyes and meditated, while Xiao Rou slowly fanned the cool breeze. Now the summer is strong, and it has become a little hot.

Xiaorou knows that the mansion is not peaceful recently, it seems that the young master was injured because of this incident. But Xiaorou usually doesn't like to listen to the gossip of the maidservants in the mansion.


"Young master!" Hearing the young master's call, Lai Fu Pi Dian Pi Dian who had been waiting outside the courtyard ran in.

Laifu is one of the most loyal people to the Jiang family.

"Is the calligraphy and painting that you collected last time available?" Jiang Heng said lightly.

"Master, I bought some from the major commercial firms in the city in the past few days. They were purchased according to the order of the young master. I didn't deliberately buy those famous calligraphy and paintings." Lai Fu smiled respectfully.

"Bring them all here!"

Jiang Heng directly instructed that he needs a large amount of mysterious warm current to tide over this crisis. His intuition told him that soon that relatively safe sneaking might soon cause even greater troubles to the Jiang family!

The tragedies of those sneaky and exterminated families that he heard about a few days ago are not uncommon, but now Jiang Heng only feels that a huge rock is weighing on his heart.

Practice must speed up the pace of growth!

Soon Laifu ran over with a servant holding several stacks of calligraphy and paintings.

Good guy, there are nearly 300 pictures in total!

"Master, the one thousand taels you gave me a few days ago are all spent here!" Lai Fu rubbed his hands in Jiang Heng naturally knew what this guy was thinking, and scolded with a smile : "Do things well, and then go to the cashier to get a thousand taels of silver, and continue to buy calligraphy and paintings for me!"

Jiang Heng doesn't mind that the people under him are greedy for some benefits, but he is afraid that the people under him will not do things well. Obviously, this guy Laifu is enough to be a dog's leg, and he is also very good at handling things, so he can continue to use it!

He waved his hands to let Laifu and the servant go out first, only Xiaorou who was fanning the wind, and Jiang Heng who kept flipping through calligraphy and paintings were left in the yard.

The calligraphy and paintings were spread out one by one, and Jiang Heng began to check them one by one. There should be no famous calligraphy and paintings here, otherwise one thousand taels of silver would not be able to buy a few. But this is exactly what Jiang Heng asked for. Although there is a high probability that famous calligraphy and paintings contain emotions, it is not necessarily certain, and the price is extremely high, and most of them are private collections of rich businessmen and dignitaries, and they are rarely left outside.

Instead of this, it is better to use quantity to win. The emotion contained in the picture of plum blossom and snow scene absorbed for the first time is no less than that of a famous artist!

Rolls of calligraphy and painting were spread out, and Jiang Heng finally absorbed the long-lost warm current at the tenth time, but the amount was not much, and it quickly gushed out into the injured parts of the body before it entered the body for a long time, and he felt comfortable all over. Refreshing, the tingling pain is dissipating.

After absorbing another two or three volumes, Jiang Heng's injuries were completely healed, and he clenched his fists a little, only feeling that his blood was a little more vigorous than a few days ago.

Jiang Heng, who had tasted the sweetness, continued to look at the calligraphy and painting, and began to absorb the emotions in the calligraphy and painting into a mysterious warm current pouring into his dantian.

One piece, two pieces, three pieces...a total of 300 pieces of calligraphy and painting, to Jiang Heng's surprise, there are nearly 30 pieces with emotions, all of which are stored in the dantian...