MTL - Master of Fist-Chapter 19 recruit

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Jiang Heng only felt that the dantian was warm, but when he got up to let Laifu come in to put away these calligraphy and paintings, he was slightly stunned.

Jiang Heng's eyes were fixed on the pendant under one of the painting scrolls at the moment. It was a relatively simple Jade Buddha carved with cumbersome carvings. It's the beginning of the year.

And it was such a piece of Jade Buddha that Jiang Heng didn't pay much attention to. When his eyes fell on the top, Jiang Heng only felt that his eyes were slightly warm, and a warm current that was more intense than before poured into his dantian. , The amount of this warm current simply shocked Jiang Heng.

The quality and quantity of this warm current is faintly greater than the sum of the previous ones, and it took nearly a minute to completely absorb this warm current.

Jiang Heng let out a long sigh of relief, feeling overjoyed in his heart.

"Ancient objects also contain such a huge amount of energy?"

Jiang Heng was secretly startled.


It should not be an ancient object, Jiang Heng pondered slightly.

Jiang Heng had been collecting antiques before, but he didn't trigger the golden finger before, but only reacted to the emotional picture of plum blossoms and snow.

Could it be...

After removing the Jade Buddha from the scroll, Jiang Heng rubbed it carefully in the palm of his hand.

The thick layer of patina on top must be often played with by people, Jiang Heng already has a care in his mind.

It may be that the Jade Buddha is often played by people, and it obviously has the characteristics of the plum blossom and snow scene, Jiang Heng pondered slightly and called Future Fortune to come in.

"Master, do you have anything else to order?"

"You put away these calligraphy and paintings, and then find another opportunity to sell them. In addition, don't stop collecting calligraphy and paintings. I don't want to repeat them. But when you collect calligraphy and paintings in the future, you should also pay attention to this kind of antiques that are often played by people. The young master has something else. usefulness!"

Jiang Heng and Lai Fu gave orders one by one.

There is one thing about Laifu that Jiang Heng appreciates very much, that is, he doesn't talk too much when doing things, and at the same time, he doesn't ask too much, so he can be a qualified tool person!

"Good young master!" Although Lai Fu was puzzled in his heart, he wisely did not ask, but respectfully packed his calligraphy and paintings and hurried out.

In the past few days, Jiang Heng still began to practice hard in the small courtyard. In addition to continuing to improve his black sand boxing, he also started to practice the flying swallow step.

The importance of body skills has been fully demonstrated in the previous fight with zombies, if the figure of the cousin who had just turned into a zombie was relatively dull at that time. Jiang Heng would really get injured all over his body. Jiang Heng didn't know if the zombies in this world would scratch and infect people like they did in the previous life.

But he didn't dare to try, so that time he was almost highly concentrated, and he tried his best almost as soon as he came up, without giving the zombie a chance to react and directly shot with all his strength.

But if there is a movement method that can make the figure flexible and fast, then the error tolerance rate will undoubtedly be much higher!

While Jiang Heng was cultivating hard, Hengjiang City was already bustling with activity.

Almost everyone knew that the famous Jiang family in Hengjiang City was haunted by ghosts, and when they heard that one of the young masters of the Jiang family had died, there was a lot of discussion.

These days people don't have much entertainment, some just like to inquire and talk about these interesting things.

But at the same time, the news that the Jiang family paid a lot of money to recruit Jianghu masters has aroused the interest of many rangers. The person in charge of this recruitment is Jiang Sanhai, who is called the third master by the Jianghu people in Hengjiang City.

However, Jiang Sanhai had a particularly headache these days, because he found that the rangers who came to respond were almost a group of market rogues, all of whom came for the Jiang family's high bounty. There are some skilled fighters, but none of them are high-ranking fighters.

"Second brother, it's not an option to go on like this!"

Jiang Sanhai came to the study impatiently, greeted Jiang Erhai, found a place to sit down, and said in distress.

"I expected this!" Jiang Erhai said calmly, shaking his head slightly.

"Second brother, did you know that and decided to recruit people?"

"True high-ranking warriors are generally powerful and powerful in our Hengjiang City. They are all good people and have seen a lot of worlds. Knowing that things that even our Jiang family can't solve must be troublesome. Of course they don't Will want to swim in this muddy water!"

Jiang Erhai calmly took a sip of tea.

"Second brother, but this..."

"It's okay, since this group of rogues want money and life, they should all be recruited. If there are more people, shouldn't we be safer?"

When Jiang Sanhai heard the words, he suddenly realized that there were indeed many people and many targets, and the sneaky people entrenched in Jiang's mansion might not necessarily attack their Jiang family's people.

"Recruit them all to me today, first give them some rewards to stabilize them, and then you put them all near the small courtyard in Wenyue!" Jiang Erhai's expression was flat and nothing could be seen. Emotions.


Jiang Sanhai glanced at his second brother in astonishment, but he didn't say He secretly admired his second brother's wit and courage.

Soon the gangsters who had gathered outside the Jiang family and saw that the head of the Jiang family was about to leave without even recruiting one, found that the head of the previous one had come out again, and it was strict that everyone wanted it, and entered a Just send a part of the reward silver.

As soon as the real gold and silver were taken out, the street hooligans instantly became short of breath. One by one, those who had no thoughts at all rushed in.

After receiving the reward silver, they all gritted their teeth in unison, and when they found out that it was true, they all felt as if they were dreaming. For a while, the Jiang family's front yard was full of laughter.

But there are still some people who are a little anxious, secretly muttering in their hearts, this Jiang family is so grand, maybe things are not easy to handle?

But when someone led them to several courtyards, they just told them that this was their next residence and then left. This made everyone a little puzzled, but when they saw that the house with such a good interior allowed them to live in it as they wished, one by one immediately began to put that worry behind them.

One by one, they began to argue about who lived in the best house. When this group of mobs finished arguing, it was almost noon.

But soon they discovered that the people from the Jiang family had sent a lot of good wine and meat, which made them put their last worry out of the blue.

Everyone laughed and gathered together to drink and eat meat. When talking about dirty jokes, or a widow in the city, everyone laughed.

Soon the nearly forty or fifty people got very drunk, their mouths were full of oil, and after a while, there were bursts of earth-shattering snores from these houses.

Everyone has only one year in their hearts, and the Jiang family is really the first to be taken advantage of!