MTL - Master of Ninja World-v15 Chapter 1388 coming

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Soon, there was a gurgling sound, and it started to ring at the door, and then a door was gently opened.

Wuchen suddenly heard a relatively silent situation, and Wuchen thought in his heart what kind of method the other party was using, and why there was no movement suddenly.

Wuchen suddenly smelled the Ruowu scent in the air, and now he noticed something wrong, and then he was about to hold his breath immediately so that these gases would not enter his body.

If there is no dust, I will remind Xiaojie next to him and let him pay attention to these gases in the air. In such a situation, I want him to do it well. Do not take certain protective measures. For this kind of situation A simple thing was violated.

The two people outside the door had already prepared in advance, and the two people outside went to look at each other, and then went straight in.

Wuchen was also looking at them, and he immediately recognized them both directly.

The two of them seemed to be discussing each other, and the only thing they could say about their strength was the two ordinary characters, but it was a pity that they had different minds.

Just when they were about to do it, Wuchen suddenly woke up and told them to be subdued directly.

The two people did not expect such a change to occur. When they were suppressed, they directly wanted to resist, but in the end they were still suppressed by Wuchen.

On the other side, Xiaojie also woke up at this time, and went directly to watch these two people ask them.

"Why are you doing this? Do it to us?"

The two suppressed people were also unwilling, so they answered directly.

"We don’t have any thoughts. We just want to solve you in advance. Now that the skills are not as good as people accidentally pick it up, then there is nothing else to say. After all, we have done this, and we will not To defend."

Wuchen nodded directly after hearing this. Since the other party confessed so happily, then there is really nothing to say.

They stunned them as soon as they were sent without dust, and they were taken directly to the deck, and then they were **** with a rope and thrown onto the sea.

Wuchen didn't intend to let them go like this, but in the end he was not cruel enough to harvest their lives.

After all, they didn’t succeed in the end anyway, and they didn’t know how they would treat the two of them in the end, but Wuchen estimated that it was nothing more than putting themselves and Xiaojie under the sea. Then let the creatures in the sea eat themselves and Xiaojie.

Then I treat them like this, facing such a message, so that they are immersed in the sea water all day, and suffer a certain amount of pain.

In this case, they will only suffer pain and will not endanger their lives.

Wuchen thinks that there is no big problem in doing it for himself.

Xiaojie didn't have any opinion. So everyone on this boat knew that these two people wanted to kill them, but they didn't succeed in the end. Instead, they were subdued by Wuchen. This is the result.

The people on this boat also knew that some of the people were not easy to provoke this time, and they couldn’t look at them when they were young and thought they were easy to bully.

Wuchen also hopes that he will be able to spend the rest of the journey safely, instead of taking precautions every day and night, fearing that other people will always attack him.

Wuchen, I think that what I think is impossible to plan. After all, there are still several people who avoid one of their gazes during the day. There is some evasiveness in their eyes, and they will see the fate of these two people. There is all fear.

If it’s not because what I want to do in my heart is like this, why is there such a feeling of fear, why would I avoid my gaze, and feel that there is such a guilty conscience, then it can only show that they do indeed have it? Such an idea.

Wuchen told the things he had discovered to Xiaojie next to him, and Xiaojie who was also careful to instruct Xiaojie to speak.

"You have to be more careful, you must be defensive, and you must know that under a situation called you, everything can happen. After all, becoming a hunter is also very important for them. If they cannot succeed this time, it is very likely that they will be unsuccessful the next time, so they are unwilling to have such a possibility, and they are unwilling to wait for the next assessment time to eliminate their opponents."

Wuchen never thinks about the good side, and he also thinks that there will be no mistake in what he thinks.

The people on this boat will definitely have this time to do it. Maybe the worst situation is that they will eventually unite and plan to eradicate the streets. It is a possible thing.

Then you have to be cautious.

Xiaojie nodded now, and he said directly.

"I know. In the end, then I will believe you. No matter what, I have to cheer up and face everyone. When I meet this kind of person, I can't just casually. Tell everything I have said, and trust the other person."

Wuchen nodded when he heard it, and didn't go to Pudong to say anything. The situation on the boat was fairly calm.

But sometimes I always feel that the more calm the more the problem is. The number of people on the ship is decreasing every day. It is estimated that there are some people who have started secretly and have already succeeded. Otherwise, the number of such personnel will decrease. It's not right.

Wuchen feels what to do, but he hasn't found this suitable opportunity yet, Wuchen estimates it in his heart, it is very likely that these individuals will have to do it on themselves in the last few days.

After all, the last few days are the real critical moment, because it is about to reach the shore of another assessment. If you can't hurry up, then the situation is likely to be different.

Wuchen was also directly alert, because he was also not sure what would happen next, in short, he had to be more prepared.

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