MTL - Master of Trading Star Card Game-Chapter 19 Tang Muzhou’s trumpet ┃ he should take the 黛玉卡 to the auction house!

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Fenghua Club.

After Tang Muzhou returned to the dormitory, he took out his helmet and landed on the Star Card World.

There are two characters in front of him. The first character ID is “Tang”. The appearance is very similar to that of Tang Muzhou. He wears a silver mask. This is the character he established when he first entered the game six years ago. It is also this role. Let him be famous in the black market and become the original player of the professional league.

The second character is the No. 1 adult man character that comes with the system. In the game, the road face of the rotten street is going to be broken. ID "7456789", the random garbled, just look at the trumpet. The trumpet collection task that he released in the game is the trumpet used. Every time a new card is researched, he will hand in the trumpet to the arena to fight the actual game and test the card data.

Tang Muzhou chose the trumpet to enter the game and send it to the black market of the commercial star.

The red candle is setting up a stall to find someone, twisting his head, and seeing a passerby ID in the crowd, the string of numbers is particularly familiar. The red candlelight immediately went over and opened the private chat and asked: "Don God, are you really in the game?"

"Well. Is there a clue about the author of that card?"

"I sent dozens of people to search the black market for carpets. The Yuyu card is still not found. There are no signs of 'month and a half' on the back of other original cards. That person is like a sudden disappearance..."

"I went looking for it myself." Tang Muzhou turned and walked away.

He was a debut from the black market and was very familiar with this place.

There are two types of stalls for black market acquisition of cards. One is the merchants who buy and sell original cards. These bosses will be relatively professional and can distinguish between good cards and junk cards. There is also a class of players who set their own stalls, only to see the card surface is not beautiful, buy cards at low prices to collect.

Some leisure card players never play the arena, and they don't like to study the card data. They just like to collect all kinds of beautiful cards and stuff their showcases full of books. It will be very fulfilling.

If you are bought by a professional boss, you will definitely appear at the auction or take a large sum of money from the big guild. If you have not been able to find it, you may have fallen in the collection of character cards. Casual player hands. These stall owners bought the cards back and did not upgrade them. They were placed in the showcase and boring to watch them.

Tang Muzhou found that many rulings, the management of the Great Guild and other large guilds are also visiting the black market, picking and picking at various booths.

Sure enough, as the red candle said, the black market in the game has been messed up.

He did not understand the market at that time. He handled several excellent vine battle cards at low prices in the black market, which disrupted the black market and attracted searches from various guilds. After a long period of time, such a scene actually appeared again - the card author is really like him.

Tang Muzhou smiled and turned around and leisurely strolled around the black market.

"Boss, there are no character cards worth collecting, I want to receive high prices." Tang Muzhou asked politely.

Bypassing the trading booths of some large combat cards, Tang Muzhou specifically asked those small stalls that sell collectible cards. After asking more than a dozen in a row, there is nothing to gain. Until he came to a very cute girl.

When the girl heard the question, she smiled and said, "I have two, but I don't want to sell it."

Tang Muzhou said warmly: "I am very interested in the character card. Can you collect the card you have collected for me?"

"This... well." Perhaps the other party's attitude was too mild, and the girls eventually took out the two character cards.

- It really is Lin Yuyu.

Tang Muzhou played with the cards in his hand and said: "I really like the style of this card, 500 gold coins, sell it to me?"

"This card is very beautiful. I bought it for collection, I don't want to sell it."

"1000 gold coins."

"..." 50 bought, sold 1000, turned 20 times. The girl who made a big profit is happy, and immediately handed the card to the other party: "Okay, sell you!"

“Thank you.” Tang Muzhou put away the card and pretended to be curious and asked, “Do you remember the name of the person who sold you this card?”

"Remember, very kind name, called Uncle Fat."

- Fat Uncle? No wonder the LOGO is called "month and a half". Is it really a fat uncle?

Tang Muzhou took the card and said goodbye to the sister. He turned to the booth of the red candle and said privately: "I bought two 黛玉卡, which was taken by a girl, and I also heard the author's name. Fat uncle."

"..." The red candlestick was in the same place. She checked the information about the card author in the afternoon. As a result, Tang Shen was out of the horse and even the author's name was found. It really started from the black market!

Tang Muzhou continued to use the private chat voice: "As soon as possible, send an email to Fat Shu, we said that we have to purchase a large number of Yu-Jade cards. In addition, send people to pay close attention to the movement of the auction house, if this person makes a new card, maybe will take it auction.

"Okay... Don't you sleep, Don God?"

"Play a few games in the arena and sleep again."

Tang Muzhou is prone to sleep in the afternoon, but at night he is especially spirited. The red candle does not want to persuade him, he is busy sending emails.


Xie Mingzhe was lying in bed at this time and slept very well.

He had a sweet dream, dreaming that he had made a number of best character cards, and became the most popular card maker in the world of Star Card. He took the cards to the auction house and sold them at a high price. Countless people surrounded him. Screaming excitedly. The screams at the auction were deafening, and I couldn’t hear it at first, but I gradually heard it.

Fat god! Fat god! Fat **** fat **** fat god!

"..." Xie Mingzhe was awakened.

Touching his thin body, he regretted taking the name "Fat Uncle". If you are famous in the future, it will not be like a dream, being chased by the "fat god"?

Fortunately, there are also beautiful scenes in the dream, such as his card is very popular.

He will work hard for this goal.

Now that Cary has already had 300,000 yuan, for him, this salary for the training is nothing, he can completely do it, rely on selling cards to make a fortune. However, Xie Mingzhe did not want to do this, and did not say that Chen had helped him in his most difficult time. Since he signed the contract, he should abide by the promise. At least this month he will stick to the contract and wait for that. The girl who was on leave to get married came back and said.

Today is exactly Saturday, everyone is on the line, Chen Ge directly teamed up to pull people to Jinxing to play a copy. In the morning, even a copy of the five resource stars of gold, wood, water, fire and earth was brushed. This copy was written down. Xie Mingzhe gained a lot of insights, and the setting of the five-line creatures gave him a lot of inspiration.

After the end of the day's work, Xie Mingzhe immediately went offline in order to avoid a headache - he wants to work and rest, give yourself some time to think.

He opened the dilapidated laptop and landed on the official website of Star Card Storm.

The official website is very gorgeous, and it is like entering a realistic cosmic sky, he finds the "announcement area" to enter - most recently the professional league, the announcement of the new season, and various activities, a dense list page.

He turned a few pages forward and saw a bold piece of news that read "The Star Card Storm" annual update announcement.

The news was released on July 25th, only a week away.

Xie Mingzhe quickly swept through the announcement and captured key information about the skills of death.

First of all, the skill database is added to the “death judgment”, but the production requirements for the dead card are very strict – the card and skill settings are unified, only one die skill is available, only for a small category of cards, and itself The defense power is very low, and the others will be quickly passed by the second.

Secondly, the arena can only take one piece of the dead card, which is used as a "tactical card" that is surprisingly successful.

Xie Mingzhe is completely understanding this, why is his Lin Daiyu card defense only 15 points?

Because Lin Daiyu's skills are too strong, the defense must be weak.

Wu Song is also the same, because with the definition of death, attack, defense and other attributes are three-way.

When Xie Mingzhe made the cards at that time, his mental strength was highly concentrated on the fragments of “burial” flowers and “hitting” tigers. These two cards perfectly fit the official database settings, so they happen to die.

After trying to understand this, Xie Mingzhe continued to search for professional leagues.

Pang Yu said before that the ruling was one of the "six giants" of the league. He wanted to find out the true strength of the ruling.

Due to the large number of professional players in recent years, clubs of all sizes have sprung up. Among them, Fenghua Club, the ruling card alliance, the night capital, the city of Frost, the Temple of the Gods and the ghost prison are the most established times. For a long time, the six clubs with the strongest strength, that is, the "six giants" mentioned by Pang Yu, have quite a lot of fans. These six clubs have produced countless outstanding players, behind which are supported by large consortia and belong to the first-line clubs of professional leagues. The other second and third lines are too numerous to count.

The president of the Magic Moon did not lie to him. The ruling is indeed a very powerful club. Nie Yuandao and Hawthorn are also the big **** players at the top of the Alliance Pyramid, especially Nie Yuandao. They played in the first season and have been playing for ten years. However, other big **** players have to scream a predecessor when they see him.

Switching to the average person, the top clubs in the circle take the initiative to extend the olive branch, and will definitely be heart-warming.

Xie Mingzhe was really heart-warming at the time, but in the end, it was rationality that defeated the impulse.

He was poor, and his card had only 200 deposits before he sold the copyright of the Wusong card. Of course he likes money, but he is not a generation of people. His most valuable thing is his brain. The experience of reborn is a "priceless treasure."

Signing as a designer, handing over all the card copyrights to the club? The fool will promise!

He wants to be a free card designer, what cards he likes and what cards he does, without any club regulations.

He will not sell the copyright anymore and only sell cards.

Wu Song is only for tigers, with a copyright price of 300,000.

Daiyu is more widely targeted - flowers.

Even if you don't sell the copyright, you can sell the 黛玉卡 separately, and a 黛玉卡 can certainly sell a good price.

Selling a black market at a low price is really a big loss. He should take the 黛玉卡 to another high-end place.
