MTL - Master of Trading Star Card Game-Chapter 20 The author of the auction house card is LOGO: month and a half

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The next morning, Xie Mingzhe got up at seven, and landed on the game before the partners got up.

As soon as he entered the game, he went to the study room and made a new version of the 黛玉卡, and took it to the auction house to test the water.

There aren't many players in the game early in the morning, and even the square of the Aquarius star is very deserted. Xie Mingzhe walked into the auction house and went down the stairs to the second floor to find the "Auction Management Center". After pushing the door in, I found that the layout here is similar to that of the bank's business hall. A dozen service windows, sitting in a row of sisters wearing the professional suit skirt, should be the smart NPC set in the game to provide players with Auction related services.

There are a few early players who are doing business at the window. Xie Ming philosophically walked to an idle window and sat down. The beautiful NPC at the counter immediately smiled and said, "Hello, what needs help?"

"I want to auction this card, how can I go through the formalities?" Xie Mingzhe took out his own jade card and handed it to the other party.

NPC called up a form on the screen and said, "Please read the auction process carefully and ask me if you don't understand."

Auction product process:

1. The player will store the items and shops that he wants to auction in the auction center, and set the starting price and the lowest transaction price;

2. After the system has been reviewed, the auction items will enter the queuing sequence, and the system will notify the specific auction time;

3. If the transaction is completed, the auction house will charge 10% of the transaction price as a commission; during the trusteeship period, an additional management fee of 500 gold coins will be charged each day.

Others understand that the second one makes Xie Mingzhe somewhat confused: "Is the auction still queued?"

“There are too many auction cards and shops at present, and each auction will limit the time and quantity, so we need to wait in line.”

Xie Mingzhe understands the nod: "Oh, how long is the queue?"

"If you have a card, you usually wait three days."

Xie Mingzhe continued to ask: "Is there a reference range for setting prices?"

NPC said: "This is a one-star card. The starting price of the initial star card is 100-500 gold coins. The last week's transaction price reference range is 1000-5000 gold coins. You can set your own starting price and minimum. final price."

Xie Mingzhe thought about it and entered the price in the transparent box that popped up in front of it: the starting price was 3,000 gold, and the lowest transaction price was 30,000 gold.

NPC reminded: "The set price is much higher than the system one star card transaction price, the card may flow, is it confirmed?"

Xie Mingzhe did not hesitate to press the confirmation.

The flow is no one to buy, it does not matter, he just try to see how much this card can be sold separately.

Since this world cultural background is different from the earth he lived in, that is, the dead skills have just joined the database not long ago, he is confident to sell this jade card to a high price. If this one can sell well, he will draw dozens more and open a shop to continue selling.

Opening the store, this is the desire that he was buried in the heart when he first saw the auction to sell the store, and it should be realized soon.

Xie Mingzhe quickly completed the form and submitted the card.

"Please wait for the system to review..."

Xie Mingzhe waited for a moment, and a line of text appeared in the LCD screen in front of him: "The card you have managed at the auction house [Lin Yuyu] has passed the queuing sequence and is expected to be auctioned at 20:00 next Wednesday, August 8 at 20:00. Auction in the meeting, please confirm."

After pressing the confirmation, Xie Mingzhe was happy and underground.

Just Chen Ge came downstairs and saw Xie Mingzhe take off his helmet. Chen Ge could not help but wonder: "Xiao Xie, what did you do to land the game so early?"

Xie Mingzhe smiled and said: "I want to study the game. I just started playing and many don't understand."

Chen Ge came over and patted his shoulder and encouraged: "No need to worry, you can keep up with everyone's progress after just playing for a few days. It is already very powerful. Many people will be very hard when they control the seven-star card. I see you. It is very easy to operate the goddess of the storm and the goddess of ice and snow."

Xie Mingzhe stunned; "Is it difficult to control the seven-star card?" He felt that it was very cool to control the seven-star card. The skill refers to which one to play, especially flexible, and thought everyone is like this.

Chen Ge smiled and ordered the cigarette. He said while he was smoking: "How else would there be a difference between a professional player and a normal player? This game has a high mental demand, and the seven-star card is difficult to control, especially on the field. The card is a lot of brains. You can easily control the seven-star card, and after a while to get familiar with the game, you can try to play the arena, or some folk leagues, are you interested?"

Xie Mingzhe scratched his head and did not know whether Chen Ge’s words were intentional or unintentional. He had to answer: “Let’s say, I will do the work of the training first... Yes, the girl who is going to get married, has When did you come back?"

"I will be back after the honeymoon." Chen Gedao, "She will definitely be back before you start school."

"Yeah." That's exactly two no delays. Xie Mingzhe is ready to resign this month and let the girl fill his vacancy.

At this time, Chi Qing, Pang Yu and Jin Yue also went downstairs. Everyone had breakfast together. At 8 o'clock, they landed on the game and were directly pulled by Chen Ge to play a copy.


In the next few days, Xie Mingzhe used the studio's people to make a copy and brush the materials during the day, and when he was idle, he would consider how to make the card.

That is, death judgment, this is just one of the skill pools, maybe he can also try to make other cards.

His mind is slowly conceiving other card production plans, such as Sun Quan, Liu Bei, Cao Cao and other three national figures, such as Sun Wukong, Pig Bajie, Tang Yin and other Western tourists, first put the plan on the agenda - there will be more motivation Well!

Xie Mingzhe thought very optimistically.

Anyway, the number of characters he can do is too many, and he is not in a hurry. At the moment, wait for the results of the auction house to see if your ideas are correct.

If the Suiyu card can sell high prices, let his original designer be famous at the auction, and everyone knows the "month and a half" original brand card designer, he will open another "month and a half card monopoly" Shop, do you still have no customers?

The economic base determines the superstructure, no matter whether it is a freelance designer in the future, or to play a game, no money is an idiotic dream. At present, the funds are accumulated first, step by step, and the store is just around the corner.

It was three days later.

For Xie Mingzhe, this is a very calm three days. Every day, I will make a copy and make a jade card. Chen Ge will also invite everyone to eat well. The days are very moist.

For those who are red candles and magic moons, it is a very difficult three days!

Because the author's card-making volume is increasing every day in the system search, the black card can no longer find the card he made. The red candle is worried that he will sell a bunch of jade cards to the major clubs. The moon is worried that he will not join the ruling after he realizes his talent in the card making.

The mail sent was like a sea of ​​stones, and there was no response at all.

Xie Mingzhe has not developed the habit of “seeing emails”. He also blames the number of players in this game. In order to prevent players from being harassed by various advertisements, officially set strangers can not directly send voice and text private chat, and must take the form of mail. Add friends to each other to chat privately.

Every day he goes online, he goes to Chen Ge to make a copy, and he has no time to read the mail. One day, the copy was mentally exhausted. When I returned to my personal apartment, I plunged into the study room and hurry to draw cards, and I didn’t have time to take care of the mail. He rarely goes to the living room. In addition, the living room was too noisy, and the prompt voice of the living room was directly turned off. The icon of the new mail flashed and he never noticed.

That's it, it's Wednesday night.

Xie Mingzhe didn't take a break after eating, and went online in advance. The evening copy starts at nine, so he has an hour of free time. He went directly to the auction house and wanted to see for himself whether anyone bought his jade card.

In the corner of the auction venue, there is a young man whose ID is a garbled number, with a system that carries the No. 1 road face.

Xie Mingzhe naturally will not notice this person.

In the prime time of the evening, the five-storey auction was packed.

Xie Mingzhe sat in the crowd, his eyes fixed on the LCD screen in front of him.

At 8 o'clock, the door to the venue was closed and the light was extinguished. The NPC auctioneer came to the middle of the stage and smiled and said: "Very guests, good evening, the auction tonight is about to begin, first announce the auction list. ......"

All the cards listed on the screen are a full-scale 70-level seven-star card, two 50-level five-star cards, and three 40-level four-star cards.

There is also an initial "level 1 star card".

Seeing this list, the surrounding audience is not calm, and some whispers are heard from the ear: "How can there be a level 1 card?" "How lazy is this person, can't you upgrade the card and sell it again?" The garbage level card does not sell to the black market, what does the auction house do?" "Is it possible that the property is particularly good, and the auction card is the best initial card?" "Is it possible to have a very good card?"

The host interrupted everyone's discussion: "Next, we will auction this level 1 star card! The author of this card is a newcomer, the first time he auctioned his work at the auction. His LOGO It is also very special, you can look at the back of the card."

The back of the one-star card does not have any decorative patterns and looks very monotonous.

Therefore, the LOGO in the lower right corner is particularly clear.

Month, half.

The audience is very upset: What is the name of this ghost? Isn't it a combination of "fat"?

Sitting in the corner of Tang Muzhou raised his lips slightly - waiting for you for a few days, finally appeared, fat uncle!

Seeing this LOGO, the card expert who sent the guild to the auction house immediately talked privately about the moon: "The president, the card for the month and a half appears at the auction!!"

The magic moon responded decisively; "No matter how much the price, take this card!"

The Fenghua Association also received news: "Red candle sister, the card for the month and a half appeared at the auction, what should we do?"

The red candle rushed back: "The trumpet of Tang Shen is present, you just look at it, don't add chaos!"

Her heart is very upset. This fat man should not take the 黛玉卡 to the auction? Should Xue Jie’s crow mouth not come true?