MTL - Master of Trading Star Card Game-Chapter 304 The first battle

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After five minutes of rest, the second game officially began.

This game is the home of Xie Mingzhe and Yu Ke. The map chosen by Xie Mingzhe is the Yihongyuan of the Grand View Garden series that Nirvana used in the regular season. The scene event is the full map card attack, attack speed, crit after the start of the Yihong night banquet. The damage is fully improved.

The choice of this map makes the audience very confused - the full scene output bonus, is this Xie Mingzhe to fight fast attack?

Soon, the cards on both sides gave you the answer.

The overall card of Fenghua did not change much, and the treatment card of the last game was replaced by the group attack of the outbreak.

The eight cards of Nie Ke published here are Yu Gong Jiu Niang, Nie Xiaoqian, Qiao Sheng, Lian Cheng, and the character cards are Song Jiang, Lu Junyi, Hua Rong and Li Shishi. If you look at the Ming card, it will not change much. It just changed the black and white impermanence to Nie Xiaoqian and Qiao Sheng.

Wu Yue sharply discovered a key: "Xiao Ke's black and white impermanence was replaced by Nie Xiaoqian and Qiao Sheng. The output rhythm of these two cards will be much faster than black impermanence. This game Xie Mingzhe is likely to use speed attack!"

Su Yangdao: "Yihongyuan's map is very suitable for speed attack. The full map attack at the beginning of the night ban will increase the number of players on the output card to build a huge advantage. So after Liu Ran and Zhou Xiaoqi saw the map, Remove the treatment card and simply replace it with a group attack."

Liu Wei agreed: "Azhe should also be this idea, so let Xiaoke bring four output cards."

The game will start soon.

The two sides used a variety of skills to fight a wave, and they couldn't kill their opponent's cards for a while, but the opponents couldn't kill their own cards. The previous attacks were only temptations, and both sides did not move.

Until the night falls, the Yihong courtyard is brightly lit, and the night banquet is officially opened. All the card attacks, attack speeds, and crit in the entire scene are fully enhanced!

When I saw this map of Yihongyuan, everyone guessed that the moment when the night banquet began was the time when the two sides broke out.

Liu Ran and Zhou Xiaoqi brought a big banyan tree in the dark card. At the moment when the night banquet began and the other side attacked comprehensively, the "Shenshu Guardian" skill of the big banyan tree was opened in time - the whole group was invincible!

The group control of Master Li is just blocked, but it doesn't matter. The bonus after the start of the night banquet has always existed, and then it is the output of the fight to see who can solve the opponent faster.

Judging from the deck, Fenghua has added a group of attacking desert roses, plus the previous water system flora attack, a wave of group attacks and kneeling down, all the cards on the Nirvana side are collectively disabled!

This effect is like throwing a bomb in the lake, a loud bang, Nirvana on the card card blood strip was directly brushed off 2 / 3, showing how terrible the full scene output enhancement effect after the start of the night banquet.

The audience shouted an exclamation. Many fans in the live broadcast room were worried: "The firepower of this group of Fenghua is really too fierce, and directly kill 2/3 of the blood!" "Even if Li Shishi opened the group therapy A wave, but it is very difficult to follow the treatment to delay the situation. The whole scene card output bonus, can be treated without bonus!" "Do not know why Azhe does not bring more group attacks?"

Attack, attack speed, crit are all added 50%, a group attack, the opposite is likely to be half life, and the treatment is not added, which will cause the treatment card to play a much lower role in this picture. Output card.

For example, in the ordinary map output card, 40,000 blood is destroyed at a time, and the treatment card adds 40,000 blood at a time, which is just the balance of the data engineer; but on the map of Yihong night banquet, the output card can kill 6 to 80,000 blood at a time, the treatment card Still only add 40,000 blood, this will become the speed of treatment can not keep up with the rhythm of output.

Xie Mingzhe still took Song Jiang and Li Shi in this game, which made the audience at the scene very confusing.

The wave of the beginning of the night banquet, Fenghua rely on the invincible protection of the banyan tree, the group chaos of the stone flower and the other groups of the attack at the same time broke out, hitting tons of damage!

Nirvana's cards are all left with only 1/3 of the blood volume - Lu Junyi is once again killed by a dead card, Li Shishi skills cool, Song Jiang's single plus blood can not care so many teammates, Liu Ran will put cactus harvest will be very easy .

Liu Ran is aiming at Liancheng. He has seen the linkage between Liancheng and Qiaosheng's ghost form. This card must be disposed of.

But on the occasion of this millennium, Yu Ke suddenly summoned another ghost card.

- Chu Jiang Wang, cold ice hell!

A large piece of ice blue **** is quickly generated at the foot. The range of all enemy targets moving and attacking speed is reduced by 50%, and a layer of cold air is added every second. Each layer of cold reduces attack power by 20%. Dropped to zero.

This card is also used for the first time in the league.

The sudden appearance of the ice **** made Liu Ran and Zhou Xiaoqi unprepared.

The position of this ice **** is very clever. The decelerated plant card can't escape the scope of the ice **** in 5 seconds. Therefore, the attack power of cactus and money wood quickly dropped to zero.

The night banquet of Yihongyuan is really cool, and the full card attack is improved. However, the existence of the Ice Hell just offset the scene attack bonus, let Liu Ran burst into a bubble to break the idea of ​​the opposite party!

Su Yang chuckled and said: "Xie Mingzhe is really smart. This card perfectly cracks the scene advantage of Yihongyuan. Now the situation is that the card on Nirvana has gained attack speed and crit bonus. The card that was encircled in hell, the attack dropped to zero."

The attack only temporarily drops to 0, as long as it leaves the **** range, it can be restored, which is equivalent to a "group weak" control field. But after being slowed down by 50%, how can you leave the ice **** so easily?

The Chujiang King card is the same as the moss on the board. The moss will be laid on the ground in a wide range, slowing down and stacking poison. The ice **** is also laying on the ground, slowing down and reducing the attack power. The two brothers and brothers have a heart when they are making the card. I thought of it together.

Bai Xu saw that the scalp was blown up: "This is too shameless! The opponent's attack power is reduced to 0, and his own attack power is increased by 50%. Chu Jiangwang placed this map in Yihongyuan. It’s a bug!”

Yi Tianyang praised: "The map and the control card match with the miraculous effect. Chu Jiangwang really chose this card."

Shen An behind is anxious: "Master, how can this be solved?"

Tang Muzhou sighed a little: "Xiao Liu opened the invincible of the banyan tree too early, and should wait for the dark card to come out."

Liu Ran did not expect Xie Mingzhe to have such a bad move.

The imperial ice of the Chujiang King, the chill is constantly superimposed, and it is almost impossible to freeze people.

As soon as the **** was released, Qiao Sheng and Liancheng immediately began to act - they also changed from human form to ghost form.

Since Qiao Sheng and Liancheng acted at the same time, the audience also found that there was a linkage between the two ghost cards.

The audience in the live broadcast room said: "Is there a link to know each other? Is this the first pair of ghost couples in the league?" "The ghost card actually has a CP, and I am still a single dog. I feel that I am still alive." A card?"

Of course, there are also linkages between the ghost cards made by Rui Si Rui. For example, the classic red bride and the white-haired female ghosts are attacking and linking, but there is no such thing as a “couple” in his cards. Xie Mingzhe’s Qiao Sheng and Lian Cheng, It is really the first pair of "ghost couples" in the league.

The audience has a bigger opinion on Xie Mingzhe – can you think about the feelings of single dogs?

In the last game, even the city has also appeared, but this city's Liancheng and the last game is simply "successful two ghosts", because the last game of the city's attack speed is not full, only Xie Mingzhe grasps the other's psychology, take Liancheng to be The bait is used, and the damage is also very general. The start is killed by the opposite.

This city and Qiao Sheng played together in the city, is the real output core!

Qiao Sheng will cut off his own heart and give the city a speed attack, plus his own sensation to accompany the city to make a ghost, the result is that the moment when the city becomes a ghost form, the attack speed is directly over 100%.

Officially, the card's own attack speed can achieve 100% bonus, but the scene effect is not included in the card limit. Therefore, the attack speed of the Yihong night banquet will still take effect on the card - the attack speed of the city is overlapped. The terrible 150% can make two general attacks in almost 1 second.

Since Yu Ke has been abused by his teammates, this period of time has been particularly serious. Repeated practice for more than a month has made him's operation on Qiao Sheng and Liancheng the ghost couples have reached a point of perfection.

Let Chu Jiangwang release the control skills of the ice and hell, Yu Ke followed the actions of Gongsun Jiu Niang, Nie Xiaoqian, Qiao Sheng and Liancheng. The ghosts of Gongsun Jiu Niang were all thrown out, and the cactus was smashed. Trigger crit directly to get rid of half blood; Nie Xiaoqian pulled the cactus with his hair, and even a city crit directly received the head!

Originally, the output is strong. With the addition of the scene, the output of the attack with a speed of 150% is terrible.

She is constantly flexible and moves, relying on the general attack to attack the opponent, Qiao Sheng follows her displacement by 2 skills "finding the city, causing damage to the enemy on the path" to attack the range, when needed, teleported to the city attack The goal is to make a knife!

The linkage of the couple of ghosts also opened the eyes of the audience.

Many viewers have praised the live broadcast: "Xiao Ke's operation technology has made great progress!" "Josheng has been attacking the whole line in a straight line. Even the city is flexible and single-player. Nie Xiaoqian is also a single output, and at the same time manipulating so many single attacks. Card, Xiao Ke is not easy!"

If the first game makes people's eyes shine on Xie Mingzhe's tactical layout, then the second game is Yu Ke as the protagonist!

Xie Mingzhe brought four cards to protect Yu Ke, and a dark card was linked to Song Jiang. After playing, he played a group attack and then triggered the coordination skills to repair the goal of attacking the city.

At this time, everyone also found out that even the city is the core of this Council, and other cards are helping her.

Qiao Sheng helped her to increase the speed of attack, Song Jiang has been helping her to add blood, Li Wei's battle, and Joe's patch is also centered on Liancheng.

Although Liancheng is not a harvesting card, it only relies on multiple attacks to make continuous damage. Under the circumstances that the opponent is affected by the ice and hell, what is the concept of playing 2 times in 1 second?

Over time, the total output of the city will reach extremely amazing data!

Zhou Xiaoqi and Liu Ran struggled to escape the scope of the Ice Hell, but at this time, Liancheng, a card with continuous output capability, has quickly killed three cards, and such a large card advantage is difficult to recover.

At the end of the game, Wu Yue shocked to see the statistics of the stadium. There was a clear golden font showing “breaking the record”. Wu Yue excitedly said: “We saw that even the city played in this game...46 The damage of 10,000 has broken the highest record of single card output in previous doubles!"

The audience saw this data and only felt creepy.

Everyone who saw a high-injury single card saw much more, but when many big-time cards came out, the total output was actually not high because the other party had already lost blood, including Pan Jinlian in the last game, although he killed 8 cards in one breath. The cards that can be left for her are all blood cards with a blood volume of 20,000-30,000, and the total output is less than 200,000.

However, this game, until the beginning of the Yihong night banquet, Liancheng and Qiaosheng entered the venue together. At that time, Fenghua’s card blood was very healthy. It was the city’s teammates who attacked the common attack and brushed the damage!

The general attack card has a feature, once it can't stop, it will be finished.

Because she has no skills to cool, she can always hit you, although the damage caused by each hit is not high, can continue to hit a combo, long time accumulation will be quite horrible, not to mention 150% attack speed bonus, 50% attack and crit bonus ghosts!

Liu Wei sighed: "This game is the classic core game of the general attack, and Yu Ke is really great!"

Wu Yuedao: "When Xiao Ke was in the first half of the group, the performance was not so good. Sometimes it would drop the chain, but today he can see the tremendous progress in the control of Qiao Sheng and Lian Cheng two ghost cards!"

——Walk to hide skills, and then fight after the combo. When you can’t kill, you can call Qiaosheng to make up the knife. The ghost couples join hands to play the whole game. This operation is really beautiful and the viewing is also very strong.

The first game was that Xie Mingzhe's tactical arrangement was too good, so that the opponent was directly turned over in a state of procrastination; the second game was Yu Ke's operation, and he won the victory with a general attack card!

Wu Yue’s voice is shaking: “Today is the first game of the doubles. Let’s congratulate Xie Mingzhe and Yu Ke for winning the second consecutive game and get 2 points!”

There was a warm applause at the scene.

On the stage, Xie Mingzhe, who took off the helmet, gently smacked Xiao Ke, who was excited and blinked, into his arms. He shook his head like a brother, and smiled and said: "Played well."

Xiao Ke scratched his face and smirked: "It's good for your card. The ice and **** groups are slowing down. It's really cool to attack the opposite side!"

The audience saw the scene of the two people embracing, and the mood was extremely complicated.

In fact, at the beginning, we were not optimistic about the combination of Xie Mingzhe and Yu Ke. The two of them were not long ago, and the tacit understanding was not so high. The double-player project has a lot of great spirits this year. Everyone thinks they should have no chance to compete for the trophy.

But after watching today's game, many people changed their minds.

Xie Mingzhe's tactical arrangement is too strong, and often hit the opposite face. Xiao Ke’s operating technology has also made great progress. Is this combination the strongest black horse in the doubles? !

The author has something to say:

Xiao Ke’s progress is also very fast. He is very smart and can keep up with the rhythm of Azhe :)