MTL - Master of Trading Star Card Game-Chapter 306 Yi Tianyang

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Xie Mingzhe’s birthday was really grand, and he was the first to search hot on the day, especially with face, which is higher than the traffic of many entertainment stars. Since fans have put the topic on the hot search, many players in the professional league know that today is Xie Mingzhe's birthday, and people who have a good relationship with him will naturally comment or forward.

Tang Muzhou was the first to forward, only a simple blessing: "Happy birthday to the younger brother."

Then, the younger generation of players, such as Yan Jingshan and Gui Si Rui, forwarded the blessings.

Hawthorn was originally only politely forwarded. As a result, many fans in the message were joking: "Azhe birthday, do you want to promise his proposal?" "Xie Mingzhe has grown up, according to the law, you can register to marry next birthday." "Don't worry, you don't worry!" "Is it also forwarded? All the stars, his proposal, you have not given a reply, are you willing?"

Hawthorn regretted that the intestines were all green - this is really a huge pit he dug for himself. Why did the brain rush to provoke Xie Mingzhe?

As a result, Nie Yuandao also forwarded - but he turned to the Weibo of the mountain, and only sent a cake expression to express his blessing.

I thought that Master must have seen the jokes of the fans in the message. Hawthorn was terribly scared, and I didn’t know if I wanted to explain it. I had to blush to send a message to Nie Yuandao: "Master, are you asleep?"

Nie Yuandao returned a word: "Well."

Hawthorn: "..."

You are asleep, is the ghost replying to me?

Is Master angry? Hawthorn was a little scared, so he had to show his courage to send him a message: "Master, the all-star thing, I just had a joke with Xie Mingzhe. I didn't have any thoughts about him. I didn't expect it to be so long, but also by fans. Holding on to his birthday Weibo, fans will leave a message and hope you don't misunderstand."

Nie Yuandao returned three words: "I know."

Followed by him, another voice was sent, and the voice was low and low: "Don't think too much, there will be competition tomorrow, go to bed early."

Hawthorn was relieved, lying down and covering the quilt, smiling in the bed and replied: "Master good night."

At this time, it is almost early in the morning, Xie Mingzhe is too excited to sleep, has been turning on the microblogging fans to do the video - Azhka card mad people highlights, this video is really too much, Qin Qinqing persuaded the plant hanging, Wang Xifeng ha ha ha, month Old forced love, and today's Pan Jinlian's medicine, etc., all cut in a video, looking good!

At this moment, Tang Muzhou suddenly sent a message to him: "I know that you haven't slept yet, and I asked about Yi Tianyang today. If you are interested, I will tell you about it?"

Xie Mingzhe immediately came to the spirit, turned off Weibo, sat up directly from the bed, and opened the voice call: "Let's talk about the brother! What is the origin of Yi Tianyang? I only heard that he used to be the best player in the league." Forced assistance?"

"Yes." Tang Muzhou's voice was with a trace of **** laziness in the middle of the night. He lay in bed and whispered to Xie Mingzhe: "Tianyang is a good friend with me and Yan Jingshan. I am two years older than them. We are I played this game a long time ago. In the fifth season, I became a professional player and created the Fenghua Club. They were still in high school."

"In the seventh season, Miao Jingshan had to play professional games with Yi Tianyang. As a result, Tian Yang’s family suddenly had something out. She had to run alone to play the game. It happened to meet Ye Zhu. Ye Zhu was very old at the time. Small, but very talented, Yan Jingshan took him to play together, they did not win the prize in the doubles event, but Zhai Jingshan won the championship and successfully created the night capital."

"Yeah, then?" Xie Mingzhe listened very seriously.

"After the problem at home, he simply became a formal player through the Masters. I also invited him at the time, but he felt that we had too many masters and did not need him. Instead, there was a chance at the side of Jingjingshan. He went to help Yan Jingshan and Ye Zhu, and served as an assistant in the group battle. It was also the season that the dark night won the championship."

"According to your statement, the night of the night is the champion, and his relationship is very big?" Xie Mingzhe asked curiously.

"Well, the importance of assisting in the team battle is also clear. The opening of the group is good. It can break the opponents in a wave, protect the timeliness, and avoid the teammates being destroyed. Yi Tianyang’s consciousness really does not have to be said. In the dark night of the eighth season, the team battle is terrible. If it is not his participation, it is impossible to win the championship."

Tang Muzhou paused, followed by saying: "Yi Tianyang at that time was recognized as the first assistant of the professional league. Later, the newcomers of the night capital were trained. He terminated the contract of the club because of academic problems and went back to school. He was admitted to graduate school. Although his information remains in the league and he has not retired, he has indeed disappeared for two years."

"Disappeared for two years? Why didn't you go to the night capital after returning, but joined the Star Wars?"

"The contracts he signed with the club were calculated on an annual basis. Unlike most players, the contract was signed, and the contract with the night capital had already expired, so it was his freedom to go where he wanted to go." Tang Muzhou I thought about it, said, "Tian Yang is a person who is more casual in doing things, and most hates being bound by others. He does what he wants to do. He goes to help Bai Xu, probably because Bai Xu needs him more, and this guy. Don't look at the picture, the mouth is sweet and it will be awkward, maybe it is a promise to him."

"Oh, it seems that after he joined the starry sky, the strength of the Star Wars team will be greatly improved." Xie Mingzhe is very clear about the impact of assisting a team, and the assistants generally control the cards of control and protection, and can attack and retreat. Can be guarded, need to control the rhythm of the entire game, as the brother said, the opening of the group is good, a wave of collapse is also possible.

The group game, this season has no hope of the stars, the playoffs have not entered, can only look next year.

However, it is equally important to have a strong assist in the doubles. Bai Xu’s personal strength is actually quite strong. It’s just too young and unsatisfied. With the lack of experience, the first half of the game was so badly abused.

However, after being abused, he was criticized by his brother. Xiaobai had already realized that he had been working hard. He had not been absent from the training group in the training group some time ago. He challenged the platform and the gods PK every night. Xiao Ke can make rapid progress in the short term, and Bai Xu’s progress will certainly not be lost to Xiao Ke.

Coupled with the experienced support of Yi Tianyang, this combination is absolutely not to be underestimated.

Xie Mingzhe thinks that Xiaobai is very cute. He is always angry and white, and he is joking. He can go to the competition field. He will not despise any of his opponents - let alone Bai Xu, who has excellent card making ability and special style.

After a lapse of three days, we must look at each other. It has been nearly two months since the first half of the game. Now that Bai Xu has grown to the point where Xie Mingzhe is not clear, Yi Tianyang can give Bai Xu how much help he does not know. In this match, Xie Mingzhe does not have the confidence to win.

Thinking of this, Xie Mingzhe could not help but ask: "In the next game, my brother thinks that I have a bigger win with Xiaobai?"

Tang Muzhou did not hesitate: "Of course it is you."

Xie Mingzhe said: "Not necessarily? Xiaobai's talent is much higher than our family Xiao Ke, and will also have original star-like cards. Now there is Yi Tianyang, the first-class assistant to help, the next game. The outcome is hard to determine!" He paused and joked. "Is it better to teach me how to deal with your old friend?"

Tang Muzhou smiled slightly: "Now you, you don't need me to guide, be prepared, the brothers have confidence in you."

- The brothers have confidence in you.

This sentence made Xie Mingzhe feel warm, and he actually had confidence in himself. He said that "not necessarily" just didn't want to say too much before the game. Even if Yi Tianyang is a first-class assistant, he is not afraid. Anyway, he is fully prepared and will try his best.


The next day, Xie Mingzhe got up early to study the star team in the first half of the year, and tried to match the battle plan. He knew that Bai Xu would definitely come up with a new card, so he also took out a lot of new cards, and Yu Ke Practice together.

There are 8 teams in the doubles. There are 48 pairs in the competition. Each team has to play in the round robin, so the schedule is very tight. Yesterday, because only one game was arranged in conjunction with the opening ceremony, but the next day it was played from noon. In the evening, a total of 8 games were arranged, and each group had one.

In the afternoon session, there were some players who didn't know. Xie Mingzhe didn't have time to look at it. He and Xiao Ke worked together to train the new card team.

But at the golden time of 8 o'clock in the evening, a match for Group C was arranged. In this game, Xie Mingzhe ordered an alarm clock to watch, because this is the most popular favourite in the doubles - Nie Yuandao and Hawthorn!

Their opponents are from a second-rate team. They are not very famous. The result of the game is naturally not to be considered. It must be that Nie Wei’s combination wins. Xie Mingzhe wants to see it with his own eyes. He wants to know what the strength of the top players in the doubles is. .

The facts also prove that there is nothing wrong with his decision to watch the game in person.

The combination of Nie Yuandao and Hawthorn is really terrible. The air raids of the mountains are in line with Nie Yuandao’s land warfare. The herds and the birds are attacked at the same time. The opponents often take care of them. They look at the sky and forget the ground, and the beasts against the ground. Will ignore the attack in the sky...

It’s just a lot of money, it’s being played without any help!

Xie Mingzhe couldn't help feeling in his heart - he was far from the top partner of the doubles.

But it doesn't matter, they still have room for improvement, and the tacit understanding can continue to be cultivated.

Nie Wei is a player who is already at the top. It is very difficult to break through the self. Xie Mingzhe and Yu Ke are now like climbers. He will climb up to the peak and climb to wherever he goes. Although it is not necessary to climb to the top of the mountain, you can try your best to climb to a height that will satisfy you.

Tomorrow's game, he will meet Bai Xu, Yi Tianyang, Bai Xu's card group with "cosmic wormhole" transmission, continuous wormhole transmission stream will be difficult to deal with, the regular season can easily win the stars, mainly starry sky other The players are weak and the match is not good.

But now, the addition of Yi Tianyang really makes Xie Mingzhe feel jealous.

This once-first assistant, if he controlled the "cosmic wormhole" transfer card, would definitely make the game's scene extremely flexible - Bai Xu's cards are transmitted everywhere, it is difficult to make a wave of seconds. Therefore, it is definitely not possible to use a wave of harvesting such as Pan Jinlian. Pan Jinlian will play, and Yi Tianyang will send all the cards of Bai Xu, not to mention harvesting, maybe even a card. Can't fall.

It is very important to be able to catch up quickly when the other party transmits.

How can I keep up?

Xie Mingzhe suddenly thought of a very extreme style of play.

In fact, to play this kind of transport stream, it is best to use the tracking flow of the leaf bamboo, put the transparent butterfly to track, you collectively transmit, I collectively teleport, simply can not escape. But Nirvana does not have a tracking card like a transparent butterfly, so Xie Mingzhe thought of a compromise.

- Double acceleration, four-wheel drive.

Your transmission is very fast, but you can't send the cards out of the game.

The size of the game map is so large that he and Xiao Ke have a chance to win as soon as the other party transmits.

The five-party ghost emperor, it is time to play!


Whether the highway in the ghost world can be opened up, this is a test of Xiao Ke's operation.

However, Xie Mingzhe feels that instead of letting Xiao Ke wait until the group match, he will come up with the complicated card of "Five-Party Ghost Emperor". If the operation mistakes lead to the loss of the team battle, it is better to practice the hand in advance and master the card. . At least the double-team group match, losing one game, winning a game is not very big, and the team lost Nirvana will be eliminated!

Fortunately, Xiao Ke also supported Xie Mingzhe's thoughts. The two men practiced the five-party ghosts of the day to play high-speed games, and they practiced the whole day the next day until they had dinner.

The competition schedule for the doubles is reversed. The previous day was played from Group A to Group H. Today, it is from Group H to Group A.

Therefore, today's Group A competition is arranged at the end, theoretically starting at 21:00, but because the other teams today have a long game time, each game in the D/C/B group is more than 10 minutes, which is also the case. Leading to the last game, starting later than expected.

Xie Mingzhe waited in the background for a long time, until 22:30, the staff came to inform him and Xiao Ke ready to play.