MTL - Master of Trading Star Card Game-Chapter 308 Ghost world highway

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The audience are particularly curious about what the dark card that Xie Mingzhe will bring. Is it really necessary to have a lineup of 10 ghosts today?

Many people in the live broadcast room are speculating: "According to Xie Mingzhe's habits, the dark cards will generally appear at the late key moments. Let's wait and see!" "I think Azhe may really set up a pure ghost lineup, he There must have been a lot of new ghost cards during this time!" "Wei Zheng and Du Li Niang have never appeared before, will two dark cards be new cards?"

Just when everyone was confused, the countdown ended and the game officially began.

Starry side first summoned Libra and Pisces two auxiliary cards. The auxiliary cards have higher blood volume, are not so easy to die, and have protective skills. There is nothing wrong with calling the first. Blood Pool Hell This scene map will drop blood as long as the card is summoned, so it is a very sensible decision to only call two to see the situation.

And Xie Mingzhe unexpectedly summoned a large number of cards -

There are 6 direct summons in the opening, including the dark five-party ghosts!

The first time to summon the operation of the dark card, for the first time for Xie Mingzhe, the surprise came too fast, everyone can react.

The audience was surprised to find that after the appearance of the five-party ghost emperor, they quickly split into the image of five ghosts, occupying five positions in the east, south, west, north and middle of the stadium, and opening the gates in five positions. , the two are connected by a straight line.

There was a strange blue connection on the field. From the perspective of God's perspective, it can be seen that this is a "ten" word connection, and the four vertices are connected to form a diamond shape.

The audience looked awkward: "What is this thing?" "Is there a method on the court?" "The effect of the connection is pretty good, what is the role?"

The three commentary is also opposite.

What are so many connections? It seems to be doing the geometric problem. Will the card lose blood when it touches the connection? The connection forced the battlefield into several areas? Still encountering the connection is affected by the negative effect?

Everyone curiously looked at this weird scene. Many viewers spoke: "High school geometry, please calculate the area of ​​this diamond!" "Azhe's mathematics must be good? Really think of geometry!"

Until Yu Ke let the grandson Jiu Niang stand on the blue line, and move from the south to the southeast at a very fast speed - this speed is so fast that it is so dazzling that it is comparable to the mountain bird's bird.

Su Yang finally understood it and immediately explained: "It turned out to be an acceleration channel!"

Wu Yue’s face was shocked: “Is this five-party ghost emperor driving a highway for all the ghost cards?”

Liu Wei also quickly turned over the battle record and glanced at the description of the skills of the five ghosts. He could not help but sigh: "Not only the highway, but also the ghost bridge overpass! All the ghosts moving on the path Addition, no wonder Xie Mingzhe wants to use the full ghost lineup, this is to use the whole group to accelerate the flow of Bai Xu's transmission!"

Bai Xu was so blank at the moment that he saw so many blue passages in the southeast and northwest. He had the illusion of coming to the ghost playground. He didn't know what Xie Mingzhe was playing.

However, Yi Tianyang’s response was extremely fast. He immediately summoned a dark card when he saw the grandson’s nine-year-old quickly approaching the southeast through the high-speed passage.

Spiral Nebula!

This is the card that Bai Xu recently made. A spiral-shaped deep purple nebula is like a purple vortex that is dug in the air. The function of this card is to force absorption. All damage and control skills within the scope.

Yi Tianyang responded extremely quickly at the crucial moment, and his prejudgment consciousness was also very strong. Almost everyone was a grandson, and he knew that the opposite side would set fire to kill Libra, because Libra’s skill “balance” can be shared equally. The damage lasts for a long time, as long as the Libra star does not die, the other star cards will not die.

Sure enough, the nine ghosts of Gongsun Jiu Niang all went to the scales and were absorbed by Yi Tianyang’s spiral nebula. The audience only saw nine ghosts in the air forcibly reversed the path and all broke into the bottomless nebula. In the whirlpool.

It all happened in just 3 seconds, and many people didn't have time to see it clearly.

Su Yang's eyes are sharp, and naturally everything is analyzed very thoroughly: "Yu Ke wants to accelerate the killing of the Libra star, Yi Tianyang reacts very quickly, absorbs a wave of damage with the spiral nebula, and the absorption of the spiral nebula is the damage within the area. Controlling absorption means that as long as he summons the card near the Spiral Nebula and has vortex protection, other cards will be hardly affected!"

Yi Tianyang's rapid response made Xie Mingzhe look at it. It is a first-class assistant. He instantly noticed the opponent's intention and made the most timely protection. Gongsun Jiu Niang's big move is equivalent to emptying, while other cards' damage skills. Because of the existence of this absorptive nebula card, it is difficult to attack the opponent.

This card is even more powerful than the mocking card. The absorption of the mocking card is only absorbed once, but as long as the spiral nebula exists, the damage in this area will always be absorbed by it unless the absorbed damage is enough to kill it and let it disappear. The teammates will be attacked.

The spiral nebula card is also designed to be great. The blood volume and defense are piled up to 200,000. Only the "spiral vortex" skill is designed. If you want to kill him, you need more than 200,000 output, which is a waste of time.

Xie Mingzhe did not hesitate to summon Meng Po - Meng Po Tang, forgotten.

Meng Po is so good to deal with this difficult card, let the other party forget the skills!

At the moment when the air vortex disappeared, Nie Xiaoqian, Qiao Sheng, and Liancheng collectively dispatched, relying on the addition of the high-speed channel to move to the southeast direction area, set fire to kill the scales!

Yi Tianyang seems to have expected this for a long time, shouting in the voice channel: "Little white, all cards call!"

I saw that Yu Ke’s attacking ghosts were crazy and output to Libra. Bai Xu and Yi Tianyang suddenly summoned all the cards, and Libra’s skill “balance” was opened in time. Libra’s head appeared on the head of the whole group. Balance the logo and spread the damage in the next 10 seconds!

Yu Ke's wave of fire attack did not kill the Libra star. Instead, the star card was all connected by the scales, and only about 5% of the blood was lost.

Wu Yue is somewhat worried about the earth: "If Libra has been tying all the cards together, it will be difficult for Xiaoke to kill any one of them. And the equalization damage of Libra is to give the teammates a balance mark, as long as the mark exists. , it has been evenly distributed, even if the teammates move beyond the scope is not affected, this auxiliary card is very difficult to deal with."

Liu Weidao: "Yes, it is very difficult to kill one of the cards after the damage is spread, unless the opposite is directly killed!"

Nirvana's card sets a set of skills, just like doing a useless work, the card of the starry sky is still more than 80%.

However, the next moment I saw Yu Ke manipulating Qiao Sheng and Lian Cheng, the high-speed passage in the ghost world moved quickly. In the blink of an eye, the couple of ghosts came from the southeast to the southwest far apart!

Yi Tianyang stunned, his heart was not good, but he had not had time to make the next move, Qiao Sheng and Liancheng had already come to Sagittarius.

The Sagittarius card is a single-pass crit output card at a very long distance. One arrow can shoot a thick pickup and half a blood, and the crispy card is directly disabled. But his own defense is super weak, so when he summoned it, Bai Xu summoned him in the farthest southwest direction to ensure his survival.

Xie Mingzhe is looking at this point, let Yu Ke first kill Sagittarius.

With the help of the ghost channel, coupled with the joint action of Qiao Sheng and Liancheng, the two ghost cards came to the southwest azimuth Sagittarius at a very fast speed. Even a set of crit in the city was unceremoniously directed towards this crispy pickup. Smashed the past!

The same attack power and attack speed, playing a high-defense card, a maximum of 10,000 points of blood in a second attack, but playing this low-defense crispy card of Sagittarius, a second attack may be destroyed 20000 points of blood.

At this time, all the cards in the starry sky are in the state of the scales marked "Everyone bears the damage together."

This means that once Sagittarius receives 20,000 damage, after being divided, each card will receive 2000 damage per second, which is not even a crit when the number of combos reaches 5/10/15!

Cracking the starry Libra protection, Xie Mingzhe adopts the simplest and most rude way - catching the weakest card in your defense, hitting the highest damage every time, letting you evenly spread, killing all of you directly!

In just a few seconds, Liancheng grabbed the weakest Sagittarius on the opposite side, and a set of combos hit, the star card collectively lost a lot of blood, coupled with the bloodshed in the blood pool **** scene, in the blink of an eye was hit half blood.

At this time, Nirvana's card blood is still around 70%.

Yi Tianyang did not hesitate to open the wormhole of the universe. He said: "Take the shooter away and fight back!"

Bai Xu also calmed down at this time. He found that Xie Mingzhe used the ghostly high-speed special to pick his crispy card. He quickly passed the Sagittarius from the cosmic wormhole, let the shooter come to the north of the area, and opened the Gemini and Leo. Large-scale group attack and low blood volume, and let the single attack of the shooter and Scorpio all aim at the ghost card!

The two sides began to fight against firepower. At this time, Xie Mingzhe also summoned Wei Zheng, Du Li Niang and the judge!

The judge will automatically choose the highest attack on a card to cause a huge amount of damage. Because the Gemini's group attack has the highest damage, the judge has imposed a penalty on Gemini. This crit damage is evenly distributed by the Stars team's cards.

At the same time, Meng Po gave Liancheng a bowl of soup, let her forget the damage of the next period of time, equivalent to temporary invincible protection.

Wei Zheng opened the reward and punishment mode, Du Li Niang a group of milk...

The Nirvana card, which was originally ruined by blood, was slowly milked back by Du Li Niang.

Due to the high treatment volume of Du Li Niang, 10% of her treatment was converted into a bounty pool. She did not hesitate to continue to move to the north by the ghost highway and throw the bounty pool to the weakest Sagittarius!

The play pool is flexible here, giving opponents the same data damage; for teammates, it is the same data treatment.

At this time, due to Du Li Niang's group of milk, Nirvana's overall card blood volume is significantly higher than the starry sky, so Du Li Niang took the bounty pool to the opposite side, causing huge damages to be shared by all the cards in the starry sky, which is simply worse.

And even the city due to the protection of Meng Po, can not die for a while - forget all damage including card damage and scene damage, do not see the city's blood strips have been dangerously flashing red, only less than 5000 points of blood, But she can live for at least 5 seconds.

How much damage can the city hit in 5 seconds?

She swam very fast on the ghost world, flexibly avoiding the other's control skills, and staring at your weakest striker, a set of combos, and a set of combos, the damage caused by the presence of Libra Evenly, the consequence is that... the cards in the starry sky have been bleeding in the group, and the accumulation is less than 30%.

The audience also found that to deal with this "injury equalization" auxiliary card, grab the opposite side of the soft ribs have been playing, even if the damage is evenly divided, the time is long enough for the opponent to drink a pot!

At this time, Xie Mingzhe summoned another dark card.

The tenth king of the Ten Temples, with the group attack skill "Blood Pool Hell", draws 2% of the target target's blood volume per second for 15 seconds. The small blood pool **** made by the Five lords is similar to the large blood pool **** scene, but the damage is higher.

There is no treatment card in the starry sky. At this time, most of the cards have a blood volume of about 30%. The scene drops blood, and the Wuguanwang’s group attack skills drop blood, meaning that after 15 seconds, the blood volume of all cards will drop. To 0!

They only have 15 seconds and must let Nirvana's card die before they can win.

Yi Tianyang forced the opening of space cracks, the group sent to kill Nirvana's Liancheng, Qiaosheng ghost couples - he can only see which card has a low blood volume to kill which one, grab this last 15 seconds, try to let each other Cards are more dead than their own!

However, at this time Xie Mingzhe turned to attack - he began to rely on the skin.

I saw the remaining 8 ghost cards, relying on the acceleration of the ghost highway, and suddenly the map spread out.

2 went to Zhengbei, 2 to Zhengnan, 2 to East, and 2 to West.

The eight cards are almost instantaneously dispersed, and the flexibility of the ghost world is brought to the extreme. At the moment when the ghost group was accelerating and dispersed, Yi Tianyang knew that this was over.

You say who you kill!

In the four directions, you can't go to the west and hit the north. The card in the south will not die!

Starry sky can be transmitted, but not four locations at the same time!

After 15 seconds, the blood pool **** damage settlement, the star network full group killed.

Libra, a very strong auxiliary card, was used by Xie Mingzhe and became a flaw in the entire group.

Yi Tianyang is convinced that he can quickly grasp the weaknesses and grasp the timing of the offensive and defensive changes. It is really awesome!

It is said that the transmission mode of the starry sky is very flexible, but in this game, the audience of the audience is dazzling and prosperous until the end of the game.

The gods watching the background are also complicated.

The Ghost World Expressway is really looking at the big heads, the offensive and defensive conversions are free, the fire is set, the spread is opened, and wherever you want to go, it is more flexible than the transport stream. The five-party ghost emperor, this function card that does not seem to be too much threat, has become the key to winning this game.

If there is no highway, the speed of transfer and retreat will not be so fast. If you want to kill this card, you must kill the five ghost emperors in the east, south, west, north, and middle respectively. The professional players have a headache and hold the temples. How to crack the play of the five ghosts? Routine? Xie Mingzhe, this is not enough for the director to take a card movie, but also began to be an architect, did the bridges have an overpass?

The author has something to say:

Xie Mingzhe: Almighty designer, broke the heart of the card players:)