MTL - Master Quan Pets the Mysterious Wife-Chapter 215 My oath, never leave

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   Chapter 215 My oath, never leave

Quan Feng listened to Lian Yue's words, his expression did not fluctuate. From the moment he knew the identities of Lian Yue and Qin Zhong, he could not settle down in his heart. Qing Shanglin also joined the army with Qing Jianguo back then. His teaching is extremely strict, and if the people who are naturally educated are patriotic, dedicated and self-improving, it will only take a short period of twenty years.

Why did he become a mercenary and pull Qingyue into that path, so he actually had a fluke, maybe Qingyue was just getting close to Qin Zhong, and it had nothing to do with IE, she was just a pure and incomparable girl.

   But when he saw that photo, he also clearly understood in his heart that the hostility and ability of this child did not come out of thin air, but also the hostile spirit that came out with so many years of soldiers.

   In fact, to be honest, in his heart, he really couldn't accept it.

"Uncle Quan, I know that you can't accept my identity, and I won't have the same impression in your heart as I used to, I just want to beg you, let me stay by his side, this is the only time I beg ." Lian Yue's tone has never been lower.

   She has been in the T country for so many years, galloping on the battlefield, arrogant, and she never thought that she would have the day when she would bow her head. In fact, many things are not what you don't want to do, so you don't have to do them.

Quan Feng stared at the girl opposite. Indeed, she is very good. There is no doubt about it. According to the ancient saying, she is extremely handsome and can go into battle to defend the family and defend the country. She has never used it to shed a drop of blood for her country, because she has no faith in her heart, and naturally she does not have the courage to sacrifice herself.

"Qingyue, I admire you very much, but you also know what kind of family we are, what kind of identity Jing Ting is, and how much impact your identity will have on him, have you ever thought about it? Using this to make a fuss will destroy his entire life." Quan Feng said earnestly.

   "Besides, the ruffians in your body have not been completely removed. I ask you, was it you who attacked the Qing family?"

   "Yes." Lian Yue said calmly, there is no need to hide this, "The Qing family killed me first, I have no reason not to retaliate."

   If the Qing family hadn't tried to kill him several times, she wouldn't want to do it in the imperial capital. Although it wasn't a problem she wasn't afraid of, but in a place like the imperial capital, it would probably be very troublesome if it was pursued.

"This is your difference, here are the rules here, there is the legal system here, no matter what kind of thing there is one thing that adjusts the constraints, that is the law, no matter what they do wrong, there will be the law to punish them, not You did it yourself, you brought the habits of mercenaries to the imperial capital without any hesitation, which is not a good thing." Quan Feng pointed at the table.

   People like them always believe that the law can solve all problems, so even if the other party cuts off their heads, they will not fight back at all, but wait for the law to punish those people.

  Lian Yue took a long breath. She didn't want to refute Quan Feng's point of view. This is an elder. After all, they grew up in different environments. Quan Feng would not pay attention to what they were saying. Instead, it would attract her sophistry.

"You are different, mercenaries are loyal to interests, but you have no faith in your heart. Jing Ting has it. He is loyal to the country and the people. Every bullet he hits is an enemy who wants to invade my territory, but you don't. In the same way, what you have done is nothing more than a word of profit, which cannot be separated from money." Quan Feng sighed.

  Lian Yue clearly understood what Quan Feng meant. She and Quan Jingting were one in the sky and the other in the ground.

   "Then you mean to let me leave Dijing, leave him?" Lian Yue's long and slightly curled eyelashes moved, speaking calmly without any tremors.

Quan Feng didn't speak, and his own meaning was not clear. No matter what Qing Yue's identity was, she was the daughter of Qing Jianguo. The Qing family suffered in those days, but now none of Qing Yue's family has survived. It is not for a gentleman to drive people away.

He is naturally obliged to take care of his daughter for his good brother, but he is distressed, and he takes care of him. Jing Ting's future is the most important thing. Qing Yue can stay at Quan's house, but I am afraid that it will not be because of Quan Jing. Ting's wife's identity.

   She could see what Quan Feng meant, but Lian Yue didn't have any drastic reaction. She understood Quan Feng and his thoughts on nurturing her son for so many years. I'm afraid that even if this matter was put on Quan Jingchen, his meaning would be the same.

A family like the Quan family couldn't accept a killer leader as his daughter-in-law. She knew this from the beginning, so she didn't plan to return to the imperial capital after she woke up. She and Quan Jingting were separated by The chasm cannot be bridged.

  If Qin Shanglin hadn't given her hope and gave her the status of returning to the imperial capital, even Yue would not have stood here.

Quan Feng looked at her, as emotionless as every time he gave an order, "I know you have suffered a lot these years, and I understand what you mean, but child, you can understand me better, right? I see your wedding"

   "Uncle, if you feel that you can't accept my identity for the time being, then we can postpone the wedding, not on the eighth day, but if you want me to leave Quan Jingting, please forgive me for not being able to do it."

   Quan Feng frowned.

   "Because I promised him that I would never leave him, so as long as Quan Jingting doesn't speak, I will stay by his side and guard him." Lian Yue said firmly.

  How much courage did she take to return to Dijing, from the moment she came back, she expected that today would come, her identity was not accepted by the Quan family, there is no doubt about this.

   "I would say on his side, but"

   "Since it's my business, why don't you wait until I come to discuss it, are you going to give orders to my daughter-in-law behind my back?" Quan Jingting's voice came from the door.

  Lian Yue turned around and saw the study door that was opened at some point. Quan Jingting put his hands in his trouser pockets and stood quietly in front of the door. The lights in the corridor behind him were extremely bright.

   Quan Feng squinted, staring at the son who walked in slowly, how did this kid come up.

   "Since you're here, I'll listen to you." Quan Feng filled his empty teacup with water.

Quan Jingting walked in, sat down beside Lian Yue, put one arm around the woman's waist and raised his eyes to look at the father opposite, "What can I say, the wedding post has been posted, the wedding is ready, everything is business as usual. "

   "Bang" The teapot in Quan Feng's hand knocked on the table, neither light nor heavy.

   "You already know her identity. Since you know her identity, you should know how much influence it will have on you?" Quan Feng's tone was extremely heavy.

It's useless for anyone to say anything if this kid sees it. He knows Quan Jingting's abilities. The two met when they were in Motor. This kid probably knew Qingyue's identity from the beginning. Be dazzled by love, lost his mind.

"Those are not within my scope of consideration. I always have to look at other people's faces. Why, when do I need you to decide at a meeting in the National Court when I marry someone?" Quan Jingting still respects his father very much. He knew what Quan Feng meant.

   But those are nothing compared to the woman in his arms.

   "What is her identity? Once you take her abroad in the future, do you think she won't be a stain on others laughing at you?" When Quan Feng said this, he didn't mean to target Qing Yue at all.

   But that's it.

   "That's what you meant, I never said I was going to go the same way as you."

   "What did you say?" Quan Feng was now angry.

   Quan Jingting reached out and patted Lian Yue on the waist, "Be obedient, go out and wait for me."

  Lian Yue glanced at Quan Feng's face and Quan Jingting's attitude on the opposite side. She was always disgusted by the conversation between father and son.

  The study door opened and closed, Quan Jingting picked up the cup that Lian Yue had just used to refill himself with water, "Dad, why do you need to, why do you want me to copy your path again."

   Quanfeng has also cultivated the ability of Taishan to collapse in front of him without changing his face over the years, but his own son always has the ability to make him fail.

   "In any case, your marriage is temporarily pushed back, her identity is not suitable for you."

Quan Jingting took a sip of tea with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "This road has never been her choice, father, if she can choose, who would want to seek a life on the tip of a knife, besides, she is a girl, this You can imagine how difficult the road is, others can't understand her, why can't you understand her?"

These Quan Feng all know in their hearts, what kind of country is a place like T country, there are wars and chaos all the year round, and growing up in such a place, it is not easy to survive. Yes, but a lot of things in this world can be regarded as nothing if they are distressed.

  Whether it's worthy of Jianguo or not, this marriage has to be slow, it can't be so hasty.

"Dad, I don't want to explain her status to you today, I just tell you, that's my daughter-in-law, our wedding will be held regularly, I won't go the way you want me to go, since in the end if I go with you If I sit in that seat the same time, the rumors will cause harm to my daughter-in-law, so it doesn’t make any sense for me to sit in that seat, I can’t protect her things, and it’s useless to come.” Quan Jingting said word by word. .

For so many years, he never felt that his father's position was a glorious position, it was a shackle, a burden, he never hoped that one day he would be like Quan Feng, he could sit on it temporarily, but he would not do anything more than Quan Feng is better.

   In his world, nothing is important to Yueyue, as long as she frowns, he will lose his life.

   "What are you making a fuss about? You don't even want your future for her?"

   In his life, Quan Feng was most proud of the achievements and abilities of his two sons, especially Quan Jingting, but he never imagined that one day, he would be bound by a woman, unable to move.

"I don't need that position, Dad. You gave up your best friend for your career. Until now, I know your remorse. You have regretted it for so many years. Every time I think about it, my heart hurts. Why, you still Do you want me to be like you for the rest of my life when I dream back at midnight, I will lose her, and the pain will be unbearable."

Quan Feng was punched hard in the heart. He avoided the case of Qing Jianguo, and in the end he was unable to save Qing Jianguo. What would it be like now if he hadn't died.

   His ability has always been above himself, and this position may not be his turn.

  But there is no if in this world. What happened back then was the pain in the hearts of many of them, and it was also the pain of Quan Feng not being able to speak up for his friends. This guilt will accompany him all his life.

   "I want to tell you one more thing. Ding Han took people to Mingyuan for investigation and research, and IE was the one who accepted their entrustment. Even Yue lost her memory and was brought to Dijing because of Mingyuan's sudden attack."

   All of this seems to have God's will. When Qing Jianguo was convicted, it was more or less with the ingredients of that chip in it.

   "The approver of that project at that time was Uncle Qing. Years later, his daughter was brought back to the Imperial Capital again because of that project. It was all doomed." Quan Jingting looked at Quan Feng.

  Qing Jianguo turned his head, there was a photo on the bookshelf, he and Qing Jianguo were only twenty-five or six years old, they were in their best years of integrity, and they both had shallow smiles on their faces.

   "I understand." Quan Feng finally compromised, and all of this was nothing but a providence.

   I'm afraid Jianguo is watching from the sky. His daughter, he still has to believe it.

   "But I have one more condition. Since she is back, those habits will naturally be thrown away. I don't need to investigate the matter of the family clearing, but in the future, things like this can't happen again, do you understand?"

   "It depends on the situation." Quan Jingting got up and ignored Quan Feng.

  Qingyue has never been the kind of person who knocks out her teeth and swallows it in her stomach. In her world, the weak and the strong are the king. After so many years, it is still the same.

   He never deliberately wanted to change her, so she was the best and attractive.

Su Luoying came in from outside the door, saw Quan Feng sitting on the sofa and didn't speak, reached out and closed the door, Jing Ting just came back and asked where Qingyue was, knowing that Qingyue was in Quanfeng's study and didn't speak up .

  These children always have their own ideas and things, and I am afraid they are not so good at instilling ideas.

"Don't be like this, you are already at this age, you should also understand Jing Ting's temperament, it's useless for you to force her to do things he doesn't want to do." Su Luoying stood beside him, reached out and rubbed his temples .

   "You already know?" Quan Feng closed his eyes.

"I don't know, but I can guess about the same. Qingyue has been outside for so many years, and she can come back alive. This child has suffered a lot. No matter what job she does, what does she look like in the eyes of outsiders? Identity, I only recognize her as Liu Ye's daughter."

  Su Luoying was actually more or less aware of Qingyue's identity. She accidentally learned about Lian Yue's shooting in the northern camp. An ordinary girl would never shoot, and she could shoot so accurately.

   In addition to Qin Zhong's imposing manner, she can also guess that it is inseparable.

   But so what, Qingyue is Qingyue, not someone else, that is her daughter-in-law, the mother of her grandson in the future, and there will be no changes.

   "You should also be careful, Jing Ting is a child with ideas. When did he bother you for so many years, let him go."

   "You see it quite clearly." Quan Feng smiled.

"That's right, Qingyue is Jianguo's daughter. At the beginning, we failed to help Jianguo. In the end, the Qing family was destroyed. We can't be sorry for this child. Now she is back because of fate, and it can't be because of the things she has done that she has no choice but to do. Blame her, when Liu Ye and Jianguo are at the bottom, it's time to be mad at us."

  Quan Feng got up, walked over to the bookshelf and looked at the photo on it, reached out and touched the frame, "I'm afraid he's already mad at me in his heart."

The helplessness of that year is still in his heart now. He never wants to experience that feeling of powerlessness again in his life, but he didn't expect that Qingyue finally returned to the Imperial Capital because of that chip. Quan Feng have not thought.

"Don't be like this. Qingyue's temperament is a little colder, but she is the most suitable for Jingting. Didn't you also say that she is very similar to Jianguo in many ways?" Su Luoying looked at his back and couldn't bear it .

Quan Jingting has lived for twenty-eight years. Only such a Qingyue has entered his heart. Even if it is for his son, nothing can hurt Quan Jingting's heart, but fortunately, Qingyue is very good. , also liked.

   Nothing to worry about.

   "Yeah, she looks a lot like Jianguo, just too much." Quan Feng murmured.

   He has heard of some of IE's achievements, and he is quick and ruthless. Such a general's talent is very similar to the founding of the Qing Dynasty, whether in terms of logical thinking ability or other aspects, he is very powerful.

   It's just that her identity is not enough.

   "Is Qing Shanglin back?"

  Su Luoying nodded, "Go back, I'm playing chess with my father now."

The old man likes Qin Zhong very much. He also brought Qin Zhong and Qin Shanglin to the temple for lunch today. He didn’t talk about his two grandsons when he went out. lively.

  Quanfeng put the photo frame back on the shelf. If Qing Yue was indifferent because he didn't know the case back then, then Qing Shanglin, he had to talk to him in the past. Such an identity came to the imperial capital undisclosed.

   Up to now, Qing Shanglin never mentioned the incident to him at all, which made Quan Feng very strange. He knew that Qing Shanglin would not forget the case of that year, nor the blood feud of the Qing family.

   Until now, he can't doubt that Qing Shanglin's real purpose of staying in the imperial capital.

   What he is most afraid of is that Qing Shanglin will bring back those temperaments outside, and he will try privately without caring about the rules and regulations here. In that case, I am afraid that the entire imperial capital will be in chaos.

On Lian Yue's balcony, the silvery-white moonlight shone on her body, the snow piled up downstairs could be seen, and the moonlight reflected a bright white, a wisp of black cloud was divided and floated, passing in front of the semi-circular moon, Blocks half of the light.

   A pair of well-joined palms wrapped around her waist from behind, and even Yue lowered her head and saw the calluses on his tiger's mouth, the heat in his chest pressed against her back, and a warmth enveloped her.

   "What are you thinking?" The man lowered his chin to her shoulders.

  Lian Yue looked at the silence downstairs, "I was thinking, what would we be like if I had never left Dijing."

If the Qing family was still there and her parents were still there, then what would she be like now, and what would she be like with Quan Jingting? With a clean background, could it really be easier for everyone to live? accept her.

"If all were not like this, you and I would grow up together, study together, I would teach you to shoot, we would get married when you graduated from college, and we would welcome you into the Quan family with a grand wedding, and now we will My children have run all over the place. I want three children, two sons and one daughter. Our father and three will protect you and your mother together. We will spend 23 years more time to get along, and you will love me more than now. ." Quan Jingting narrowed his eyes, as if imagining the future.

They have lost the 23 years of time together for nothing. In the past 23 years, she has grown up with other men. If it wasn't for his fast speed, she might have been married now, and there is no him anymore. Quan Jingting what is the matter, thinking about this, he tightly hugged the woman's hand.

  Lian Yue chuckled softly, her brows dyed with a soft smile, "Why do you want two sons?"

   She had seen how Li Mingyi spoiled her daughter, and she also knew what Quan Jingting looked like when he held his darling, such a yearning, men always want a little lover.

   She thought that Quan Jingting would only want her daughter.

   "If I leave this world before you one day in the future, someone will protect you and your daughter." Quan Jingting said seriously.

   In this life, he always arranges her well.

   She chuckled softly. Although Quan Jingting said it was not so reasonable, he was the warmest.

   "What did Uncle Quan tell you?" Lian Yue tilted her head, and Ling's lips ran across his firm chin.

   "It's nothing, I'm getting older and talking a bit more."

Lian Yue held his palms with both hands, with a chuckle, "I understand what Uncle Quan's worries are, my identity is really not something that can be spread out in the sun brightly, so his worries are It makes sense."

   Quan Feng didn't have any malice either, he was also doing good for Quan Jingting.

"He thinks too much. As far as I'm concerned, you are just my wife, the woman of my Quan Jingting. From the day I put the safety buckle around your neck, you are my wife and my person. "

   As for the others, it is not within his consideration.

   "Actually, I was hesitant at the time. I know that my identity is not so compatible with yours."


  Lian Yue raised her hand and put her index finger on his thin lips, "Listen to me."

  The man didn't open his mouth any more, he stood quietly on the balcony with her in his arms, listening to her words.

"God of War, you have such a frightening name. In my world, you are the best. You should be standing on the top of the cloud wearing a glow of light. You are a person who walks in the sun. I love you, so I can't allow you to have any stains, if I can't be your help, then I'd rather never appear, this thought for you can't allow me to be your burden." Lian Yue said in a soft tone. on.

"However, I'm also a paranoid person. I'm sure I like it, and I won't give up. Quan Jingting, I swear to you that I will stay by your side no matter what, forever and ever, as long as you don't give up for a day. Say let me go, I will accompany you, this is my promise, what about you?"

  The man stroked her eyebrows with his fingertips, bit by bit, "Life after life, you are mine."

   That's enough.

The moonlight tonight is very beautiful. The two of them stood on the balcony together and looked at the beautiful scenery below. The most beautiful scene in the entire Quanfu is the winter scene, especially when the moonlight shines on the snow on the winter night. This interlaced bright and white, is the most beautiful color.

   "This face is so cold, we went in." Quan Jingting touched her cold little face, but helplessly pulled someone to go back to the room.

   "Koukou." There was a knock at the door.

   Quan Jingting held her fingertips and brought people into the room. The warmth of the room drove the chill away from her body. People outside the door pushed open the door and walked in.

   "Master, I'm back." Lin Feng stood at the door.

  Lian Yue took the hot water that Quan Jingting gave her and held it in her hand, and looked at Lin Feng, who was so busy. During this time, Lin Feng was out on a mission and came back today.

   "What did you find?" Quan Jingting sat down beside Lian Yue and covered her hands.

   After standing on the balcony for so long, my hands and face were indeed cold.

"According to the tape that Madam gave me, I found the people who had gone to Bai Luo at the beginning. Several of them were related to Qing Jianye. I searched several times and caught two of them, and they have already been locked up. , After asking for two days, I spit out a lot of things." Lin Feng said and put all the things he brought on the table.

Lian Yue glanced at him, frowned and pondered, Qing Jianye really had something to do with the chip, since he had let people find Bai Luo without any scruples for so long, it meant that he had been staring at the chip for a long time. Don't let it go.

   "What did you say?" Quan Jingting flipped through the photo above.

This Qing Jianye can be considered a careful person. Those who contact Bai Luo are not looking for people around him. If they investigate in detail, it is difficult to find him. First, he brought people over to attack Dr. Ding when he was in Mingyuan. Now send someone to look for Bai Luo, and everything is obvious.

   "They admitted that it was Qing Jianye who brought people to Mingyuan. It seems that Dr. Ding and Qing Jianye have met a few times. They knew each other because of his wife's father."

This proves a lot of things. At that time, the people from Qing Jianye who came to Mingyuan were close to Dr. Ding. Because they knew each other, Dr. Ding was not fortified, and because he was a friend of Dr. Ding, so the people from IE I didn't pay much attention to it, and it led to the following things.

  Lian Yue looked through the information and determined Qing Jianye's guilt, but now the most important thing is that they still haven't been able to find any information about Mo, and they still don't have any clues about the specific location.

  The Qing family has strong financial resources, and it is easy to be untouchable when looking at the whole world. Lian Yue has split part of the shares of the Qing family, but the other industries that Qing Jianye has collected over the years are not affected at all.

   Even if it is really necessary to clear Jianye, even Quan Feng has to think about it.

"Our top priority now is to figure out the ins and outs, when did Qing Jianye focus on this chip, how many people there are in this organization, how powerful is the organization, how are the weapons and equipment, this is a layer of invisible protection for the Qing family, as long as it can be thoroughly Breaking, many things are much easier." Lian Yue said.

  Lin Feng nodded, he also thought so, as long as the forces of the Qing family were hidden behind their backs, it would be much easier to deal with.

   "What can you do?" Quan Jingting turned to look at his daughter-in-law.

  Lian Yue blinked, "Let the snake out of the hole, and use what he wants most to seduce his greatest strength."

   "What does Madam mean?"

"Tomorrow, the chip will be delivered to Dijing, Lin Feng, you can take someone to pick it up, and by the way, let the wind blow to Qing Jianye. The chip will be placed in a small camp of yours in the east, and then you arrange a few teams to guard it temporarily. "Lian Yue arranged.

The    should have been placed in the northern camp, but after all, it was Quan Jingting's place, and Qing Jianye would not be foolish to attack there, but since he wanted to lead the snake out of the hole, he needed a place that didn't look so slight.

The place to the east of    is where Lin Feng takes people to train from time to time, and there are people stationed there all the year round. It is also the location of the Teijing Advanced Research Institute, so it is the most suitable place.

   So if the people from Qing Jianye really go to **** it, those who stay there will definitely be able to gain something.

   "Good lady."

   As long as you can follow a line to find their location, you can cut weeds and roots.

   "Mo has collected a lot of information over the years. They must have a lot of things in their hands. As long as we can find their nest, we can know a lot of things."

  If Qing Jianguo's case was really related to Qing Jianye, then Mo, who has worked for him for so many years, must have the habit of recording, and this is the opportunity she can seize.

   "Okay, I'll make arrangements now." Lin Feng nodded.

   In fact, what she is most suspicious of now is that, in the mind of the Qing family, on the eighth day of the first lunar month, I am afraid that something will happen on the wedding day.

   "And Lin Feng." Lian Yue stopped the people who went out.

  Lin Feng turned to look at her, waiting for an explanation.

   "Dr. Ding's remains as well."

   It was Lanyin who finally found it from the underground cave. After so long, they have finally fallen leaves and returned to their roots.

"I understand."

  All the dead scientific research members of the Flying Fish Project are enough to be respected by everyone and qualified to return home.

  Their ashes will be returned to their families with the highest standards of ceremony.

   (end of this chapter)