MTL - Mechanical God Emperor-Chapter 1495 Holy grain

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Dolly's beautiful flashes of strange light, a look of regret: "Arthur, do you know what you missed? She is an eternal emperor, the golden miracle of love Devina. She is also great The most fascinating genius of all the lords under the sire of Ling Canaan, who is the most hopeful of the Admiral. If you can become her servant, you can definitely become a saint in the future."

Yang Feng smiled indifferently: "I will become a saint by virtue of my own ability."

"That is how difficult it is for you to become a saint. No, if it is you, there is indeed a great hope to advance to the Holy One in the future."

When Dorissa thought of Yang Feng in the Nadda star, the advanced sixth-order scene immediately changed its course.

In the year of the sixth-order monster genius, in the universe of the Yunyun, it is not without. In this battle of engulfing the universe, countless geniuses and monsters have emerged.

Those who can advance to the sixth-order genius within a year are not so difficult to advance into the saints, only the wall of the emperor can stop them.

As soon as Edvina entered the palace, all the geniuses present at the scene took the initiative to talk to her. Most people only asked her a few words to be taken away by the maids around her, only those advanced fifth-order genius can stay with her.

The light of the Shenghu Fortress flashed, and countless spiritual lines intertwined. The change became a flying giant tiger, roaring in the sky, tearing the two claws, tearing the sky out of a huge incomparable mouth, and flew in.

Inside the fortress, a powerful enchantment was opened, and the power of the disorganized space was completely offset. The people in the fortress had no feeling of flying through the void.

Jason looked up slightly, and there was a mysterious glow in his eyes, looking at the fortress.

Yang Feng glanced at Jason and said quietly: "This guy is not right. It should be a spy of the gods universe!"

If Yang Feng didn't notice it, once he was noticed by Yang Feng, it would be easy to see the ants like Jason with the essence of his eternal.

Even though Jason’s identity has been discovered, Yang Feng has not debunked his plans.

Time passed and a month passed.

A glimmer of light flashed, and the fortress of the Holy Tigers tore the void and appeared in a mysterious world.

"This is the holy crystal world, it is extraordinary!!"

Yang Feng walked out of the Fortress of the Holy Tiger and glanced around him, his eyes flashing a touch of awn.

In the sacred grain world, there is a purple crystal pyramid suspended in it, forming a mysterious array of great energy, drawing energy from the void in the darkness, transforming into a huge source of vital energy.

A purple scent filled the sacred grain world, and there are all kinds of heavenly treasures that are rare to see.

In the universe of the Yunyun, the nine eternal people have mastered a holy grain world. However, after the war, there are only six left in the crystal.

Every sacred grain world is a huge cultivation sacred place, and it is also a peerless place to cultivate all kinds of heaven and earth treasures. In this holy grain world, even if it is a grass, it can sell more than a million dollars in the sky.

"This is really a cultivation holy place! The three crystal pyramids of pure gold should be the cultivation place of the emperor's ranks. Unfortunately, there is also a forbidden place, otherwise it will be able to advance by leaps and bounds, without causing any doubt."

Yang Feng glanced at the center of the sacred grain world. In the center of the sacred grain world, there are three pure gold crystal pyramids, as if the center of the world is in general, and the numerous sources of life can be drawn.

Among the three pure gold crystal pyramids, there is an emperor, exuding the horror of the emperor.

"let's go!"

Edwina swept Yang Feng, faintly left, and his body shape shook a little, turning into a stream of light flying toward the three pure gold crystal pyramids.

Behind Edwina, the five fifth-order supernatural geniuses followed Behind Edwina and flew toward the pure gold crystal pyramid.

Dolsha flashed a sigh of relief in his eyes: "The three pure gold crystal pyramids are the holy places where the Emperor's ranks can go to practice. If you follow Edwina, you can go there to practice. Unfortunately. ""

Dorisa also once talked to Edwina, hoping to be her servant. Unfortunately, Edwina was very politely rejected.

Although Edwina is an eternal emperor, she has enormous resources, but she only wants to recruit geniuses among those geniuses. Otherwise, even if she can't afford so many geniuses attached to her.

"What's a pity, I want to advance the saints in the future, but it's a matter of course. Even the wall of the emperor, there is nothing terrible."

Yang Feng smiled lightly, step by step, a purple vortex directly above his head, madly swallowing the purple atmosphere of the entire crystal.

Numerous purple breaths were drawn, plunged into the purple vortex, and poured into Yang Feng's body.

Every moment, Yang Feng's breath is climbing wildly and constantly advanced.

"It's amazing! It's Arthur!! I have to work hard to catch up with him!"

In the beauty of Dolly, there was a touch of awning, stepping out in one step, turning into a streamer and flying in the other direction.

When the strong practitioners practice, they will create an energy vortex around them, consuming all the energy around them, so unless they are cultivated in the crystal pyramid, they will have an influence on each other.

Time has passed and half a year has passed.

Under a purple crystal pyramid, the purple vortex suddenly smashed, and the purple gas spurted out of the purple pyramid was absorbed, and a purple light column fell into the body of Yang Feng below.

The horror of a seven-order supernatural person permeates from the body of Yang Feng, sweeping the square.

"Seventh-order, he actually advanced to the seventh-order! It is a terrible genius!"

In a golden crystal tower, Edwina sensed that breath. With a wave of hand, a crystal screen appeared in front of her eyes. One person appeared in the crystal screen, it was Yang Feng.

"Aidevina, is this the person you like?"

A blond, burly, handsome, looks very young, but the eyes of a man with a trace of vicissitudes smiled.

Edwina brows and raises her head: "Uncle Abern, he is not the person I like. I just watched his talent and wanted to recruit him as my servant. He was rejected by him."

Ai Boen is one of the three great emperors in this sacred grain world, and is also the giant of the minister under the heart of Ling Canaan.

Aiboen chuckled and said: "He dared to reject your invitation. It is really daring. Do you want me to shoot now and help you suppress him. Let him be your slave?"

Edvina smiled and was full of self-confidence: "No! Then he will be my servant, and he will be dissatisfied and will not work for me. Such slaves are better than not. Those who want to be my servants are like After crossing the river, he is not much, he is a lot less."

Ai Boen praised: "I don't want to be Edwina! Among all the children of your father, my favorite person is you. Only you, with the qualification of the advanced emperor, can be with us in the future."

The children of the Eternal are basically talented. Once they are adults, they can basically have the cultivation of the above. However, even if it is the son of the Eternal, in addition to some different kinds of heaven and earth, there are not many who can advance to the Emperor.

Edwina is the most promising genius of the children of Ling Canaan.

"Hey! He moved! He wanted to enter the Purple Crystal Tower!! Interesting!"

Ai Boen suddenly looked at the slightest movement, revealing a bit of interest, looking at the crystal screen.

I saw it in the crystal screen, and a purple vortex on the top of Yang Feng walked toward the purple crystal tower step by step.

Surrounded by purple gas in the purple crystal tower, it forms a powerful purple enchantment, firmly guarding the purple crystal tower. Only the strongest of the Saints can enter the purple crystal tower, and the seventh-order supernatural will be blocked by the purple enchantment.

Before Yang Feng came to the purple enchantment, he was also blocked by the purple enchantment before the crystal tower.

Ai Boen smiled slightly: "This Arthur is indeed a genius. Unfortunately, he is only a seventh-order superman, and it is impossible to enter the purple crystal tower."

Yang Feng’s eyes were cold, and a wave of purple crystals emerged directly.

A horrible horror, the purple ray of pure holy force erupted from the crystal, and the purple enchantment was hard-boiled.

At the moment, Yang Feng rushed past the purple enchantment and entered the purple crystal tower.

Ai Boen’s eyes flashed and he sighed: “Great!! It’s amazing!! I’m so willing to use a one-time sacred secret treasure. This Arthur, bold and careful, acted decisively. It’s amazing!! This time Among the geniuses who come in, only you and him may be with us in the future."

In the beauty of Edwina, there was a glimmer of light, silent, straight up, and went to a secret room to start retreating.

Yang Feng entered the purple crystal tower, and immediately absorbed the power in the purple crystal tower, constantly strengthening the body and soul of his own body, and constantly strengthening.

Eleven months later, the power of a sacred rank fluctuated in a golden crystal pyramid and spread toward it in all directions.

"Someone is advanced to become a saint!!"

"Aidevina is an advanced person to become a saint!"

"I don't want to be an Edwina!"


Throughout the realm of heaven, they have guessed who the advanced saints are, and they are excited.

Time passes and a year passes.

The light shone, and everyone was sent directly back to the Fortress of the Tiger.