MTL - Medical Master-v9 Chapter 523 Arctic sea floor

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(This book will officially enter the final war phase tomorrow. It will officially end in April. The new book will be published in late April. Please support us.)

"call out……"

The blood-colored energy light blended with black mansions is like a sharp arrow, passing quickly by Fang Qiu's side, and the average sea area that is thousands of meters away will cause undercurrents.

The icy and turbulent ocean currents swept through the deep ocean and floated on the surface of the iceberg, which reached thousands of meters in depth, torn instantly.

"Buzz ..."

Dodging Nirvana's blow to the Lord, Fang Qiu quickly fled to the side while urging the inner gas to smash the huge glaciers that were swept and torn in the ocean, and slammed the Nirvana to the Lord and Six lords.

Even if the undercurrent of the deep sea is turbulent, resulting in an extremely large resistance, under the impact of the energy of the Fangqiu, these glaciers still break through the obstruction of the undercurrent like a bamboo, smashing from all angles.


Nirvana snorted so loudly that the Lord dismissed it, swiped his right hand, swallowed some elixir, and then swiveled with both hands, summoning the weeping blood pestle that had been washed out.

Under the shroud of blood-colored energy, the Weeping Blood Pestle blasted all the way, and before approaching Nirvana as far as the main body, it crushed all the dense glaciers.

deep sea.

Fleeing Nirvana's attack, Fang Qiu continued to dive deeper into the sea floor without returning.

"There is still 60% of the inner gas left. According to this situation, I am afraid that it will not be supported for too long."

As Fang Qiu dived into the deep sea, he murmured, "They have a lot of elixir on them, but they should not give me a chance to snatch."

Fang Qiu knew that in this case, Nirvana Lord and the Six Lord Nirvana would never give him any chance to fight hard.

Moreover, the Arctic was originally a camp for Nirvana organizations.

It is not known how many Nirvana people are still hiding, and the Nirvana Lord who has never appeared may still be in the Arctic.

Thought of this.

Fang Qiu frowned unconsciously, took out his mobile phone and used satellite maps to carefully explore his location.

At this time, he was still in the waters outside the Soviet Union.

"The strength of Nirvana came from the deepest part of the Arctic when the world was robbed of the air of the world. Since Nirvana Lord did not dispatch with the Nirvana army, he is likely to stay in the depths of the Arctic. "

"There, you can't go!"

Fang Qiu immediately made a decision.

We can no longer go deeper into the Arctic, otherwise we will inevitably fall into a situation where there are wolves and tigers before.

"With my current spirit, there is still a chance to kill it."

"However, once there is a great deal of noise, it is likely that the Lord Nirvana will be attracted."

"It seems that you have to find a place first and fully recover your inner qi."

Take a deep breath.

Fang Qiu immediately connected the satellite signal with his mobile phone and dialed Andre's phone.

Before the Soviet Union was attacked by Nirvana, when Fang Qiu came to help, they exchanged phone numbers with Andrei.

Now, although it has broken away from the borders of the Soviet Union, this sea area is still under the jurisdiction of the Soviet Union.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly most correct to ask Andre for help.


The call is connected.

Although the satellite signal cannot be covered in the deep sea, because of the special mobile phone, Fang Qiu's mobile phone has long established a communication channel. Knowing that the satellite is not closed, this communication channel will always exist.

"Tell me, are there any energy jade mines in the waters of the Soviet Union?"

Fang Qiu asked directly.


On the other end of the phone, Andrea's very affirmative voice came.

As the No. 1 seed of the Soviet Union, Andrei, the most powerful werewolf in the entire Soviet Union, has a thorough and detailed understanding of the various resources of the Soviet Union.

He also knew that Anonymous took the initiative to obstruct the Nirvana army.

Therefore, the first time I heard the unknown question, I immediately nodded in response.

"The location is in the eastern Siberian waters."

Andre said directly, "On the central island of the Liahov Islands."

"Thank you."

Fang Qiu answered and hung up.

Then immediately opened the mobile map and quickly found the location of the Liahov Islands.

He is now near an island called the Northern Islands, and the Liahov Islands is southeast of the Northern Islands. The distance between the two islands is about 1,000 kilometers.

The most important thing is.

The Liahov Islands are located in the exact opposite position from which Nirvana may exist.

No hesitation.

Fang Qiu immediately hurried towards the Liahov Islands.

Still at full speed, Nirvana coming up to the Lord and the six enemies were disregarded.

Even with the help of artifacts, they can speed up the pursuit of the two of them, but the gap in hard power cannot be bridged. No matter how hard they try, they ca n’t always chase the upper hill. They can only continue to control the blood weeping. Ranged attacks to disrupt Fang Qiu's rhythm.

have to say.

The Weeping Blood Pestle, known as the Ancient Demon Artifact, is indeed very tyrannical. As long as it can absorb enough energy, it can burst into unparalleled explosive power and speed.

Unfortunately, under the lock of Fang Qiu's consciousness, every attack of Weeping Blood Pestle will be perfectly dodged by Fang Qiu, and even every time he can seize the opportunity to counterattack, blocking Nirvana as far as the Lord and the six sages pursue pace.

The distance of a thousand kilometers was quickly passed through in the pursuit between the two sides.

When approaching the Liahov Islands.

Fang Qiu took the opportunity to once again avoid the attack of Weeping Blood Pestle, and directly blasted out all the remaining inner air in his body.

In the face of the sudden outbreak of anonymity, Nirvana, the Lord and the Six Lords, panicked, and immediately stopped chasing, trying to deal with a powerful attack launched by anonymity.


Floating in the deep sea, massive glaciers, under the full bombardment of Fang Qiu, were directly broken into dense ice cubes, like endless bullets, breaking through the barrier of the current, and overwhelmingly toward Nirvana as far as the Lord and The six lords blasted away.

With this blow, Fang Qiu was in shape and rushed directly to the central island of the Liahov archipelago.

"See through falsehood."

The moment he was on the island, Fang Qiu closed his eyes and aroused his consciousness.

next moment.

All the situation on the whole island appeared in front of Fang Qiu.

He clearly saw an energy jade mine in the very center of the island, under a very hard rock formation!

No hesitation.

Fang Qiu immediately rushed over, using the last bit of energy in the body to break into the underground to break through the rock formation, and directly drilled into the central area of ​​the energy jade mine, surrounded by chalcedony, and began to absorb the air of heaven and earth frantically.

Although this energy jade mine is not too big, the atmosphere of heaven and earth contained in it is very pure, and the number of energy chalcedony is much more than that of ordinary jade mines.

In this case, Fang Qiu absorbed the air of heaven and earth very quickly.

Greatly destroyed hands, guiding exercises.

All the exercises that can help you absorb the air of heaven and earth are quickly rotated under the control of Fang Qiu.

After a few minutes.

Finally, using the Weeping Blood Pestle, Fang Qiu's full-scale offensive completely resisted the Nirvana Lord and the Six Lords, and slowly hurried over the Liahov Islands.

"What about people?"

Nirvana is looking for the Lord.


The six lords reached out and pointed towards the central island where Fang Qiu was. "He just landed on this island, but now I can't sense his energy."

"Hidden deliberately, or has the internal energy been completely consumed?"

As he spoke, a sneer appeared on the face of the Lord.

"that's about right."

The six lords also laughed.

Since this way, they have been staring at Anonymous, knowing that Anonymous has no elixir to replenish the inner qi, and the anonymity has been weakening continuously during the pursuit.


Nirvana reached out to the main island, glanced at the entire central island, and shouted an unknown name, saying, "I know you are hiding here, and hurry out for me, otherwise I will arrange a large array and make the entire island your Funeral! "

Jade Mine Center.

Nirvana's voice reached the Lord's voice.

Hearing this voice, Fang Qiu, who was absorbing the air of heaven and earth, frowned slightly.

High altitude.

"What nonsense with him, go straight to the battle and destroy him!"

The six envoys urged.

"it is good."

Even the Lord did not hesitate, immediately took out a handful of elixir, and spread it out in all directions.

Based on elixir, set up!

Under the control of the Lord, a handful of elixir was quickly scattered around, suspended in midair and completely enveloped the entire island.

"Stand up!"

The layout was so large that the Lord immediately mobilized his inner air into the array.


at this time.


The sound of a sword came suddenly.

See you.

A golden swordmang burst out from the underground in the center of the island, hitting one of the elixir suspended in the air, and shattering the elixir directly.

Then, Jianmang swept out without stopping.

Instantly cut off most of the already formed base.

"Sure enough to hide here."

The Lord laughed.

Immediately, flew towards the center of the island.

"Nameless, do you still want to survive?"

The six lords laughed.

Judging from the Jianmang just now, the nameless inner spirit is obviously insufficient. Otherwise, with the nameless combat power, it can completely swept the entire array in an instant and break the large array.

"Nameless, suffer!"

Rushed to the center of the island, so much that the Lord directly injected all the energy of the whole body into the Weeping Blood Pestle, and then controlled the Weeping Blood Pestle from falling in the sky, with a terrible impact, and blasted towards the unknown place. Position, fell down fiercely, to be killed in one shot.

But just then.


A loud noise suddenly burst.

The Nirvana Lord and the Six Lord Nirvana haven't even responded yet, they saw a golden mang soaring into the sky, and then everything in front of them was instantly covered by the dazzling golden mang, as if instantly blinded, the whole film The heavens and the earth are full of Jinmang who can't open his eyes.


A huge impact struck.

The Nirvana was as big as the Lord and the Six Lords were blown out fiercely.

At this moment, the two people came to understand.

This place actually has an energy jade mine, and the nameless detonation of this energy jade mine!


The moment they were blown up, they couldn't help but open their mouths and spit out a lot of blood.

And at the same time.

A golden mang cut through the sky and swept away in the direction of Huaxia.