MTL - Medical Master-v9 Chapter 546 Four old warlords!

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"I wanted to relax, since you are not happy, I will push it across!"

Speaking room.

Lord Nirvana took a step forward.

This step was settled, and a layer of black energy immediately waved out under his feet. With the fluctuation of the black energy, his body suddenly disappeared in place.


The old man, Sima Chan, Master Yao, and the King of Beheading, while moving forward.

The figure of the four also disappeared in place in an instant.

The next moment, the figure of Lord Nirvana appeared in the center of the main battlefield.

The four figures also flashed out of their bodies at the same time.


When the big knife in the king's hand waved, the dagger of the sky burst out, holding the knife handle with both hands, raising the dagger behind him, rushing towards the Lord Nirvana at the speed of the meteor, while waving his hands violently, the dagger of the dagger , Fiercely chopping down towards Lord Nirvana.

at the same time.

Master Yao urged the inner air to ignite the whole world. The dense star bursts in this sky and earth, and then at the same time a very terrible energy erupted, and a dazzling laser burst out above each star burst, converging in all directions. Together, a huge beam of energy was formed, which was bombarded towards the Lord Nirvana.

The other side.

Sima Chan stepped on a starry sky, waving his hands, a dazzling star suddenly appeared on the dome of the air source.

"Nine Stars Lianzhu · Zhushang!"

With the sound of a deep drink, nine stars in the sky burst out at the same time with dazzling light, and then the nine stars were connected in a line, all the energy gathered together and condensed into a huge energy arrow, like a world of destruction The arrow is general, falling down from the sky and bombarding the Lord Nirvana.

Seeing the attack of the three men, Lord Nirvana's face sank slightly.

"It seems that you all have a good breakthrough."


Speaking room.

Lord Nirvana wanted to wave his hands to resist attacks from three directions, but when he was ready to do it, he found that a very strong pressure, coming from all directions, seemed to have four channels of iron walls squeezed towards him. Come here in general, making him difficult to move.

This is the power of the old man.

At this time, the old man had urged the strongest power in the whole body, controlled the air of heaven and earth from afar, and tried to lock the Lord Nirvana so that he could not resist.

Not long ago, the old man knew that even if he had a great breakthrough with Master Yao, Beheading King, and Sima Chan, it was not easy to deal with Lord Nirvana positively.

Therefore, the four have already negotiated.

Once fighting against Lord Nirvana, you must explode your full strength in the first time. At least you have to be injured in the first round of collision to have a chance, otherwise you will only be killed by Lord Nirvana.

"Non-Xuan Ding, this is why I have always valued you very much. Without the aid of the essence of the air source, I can cultivate the same level of energy as me. At the beginning, I cherished talent and saved your life."

"But you ... but don't know the general!"

In the words of Lord Nirvana, there was contempt.

The voice is getting heavier.

The moment I finished talking.


There was a loud bang.

The old man, who was tens of kilometers away, instantly felt as if he had encountered a terrible impact, and the whole person was suddenly flew out.

at the same time.

A layer of hot black flame shield emerged around the body of Lord Nirvana.


The impact from the starburst laser, the arrows from the nine stars,

The big sword from the hands of the king cut down from the height of the sky at the same moment, hitting **** the head of Lord Nirvana.

However, the three of them fell down with all their strength, and it turned out that even the energy passport of Lord Nirvana could not be broken, but only a few layers of ripples stirred up on that layer of flame-like energy shield.

This scene changed the faces of Sima Chan, Master Yao and Hei Wang in an instant.

Lord Nirvana, how could it be so strong?

"Haha ..."

The laughter of Lord Nirvana came.

Under the protection of the energy shield, he appeared very relaxed, as if not afraid of the attack of the three of them at all.

"Be careful."

Sima Chan yelled out loud.

However, when the words fell, the king who had rushed to the front of the Holy Lord had no time to retreat.

Nirvana's main body moved without quietly causing the slightest energy fluctuations to appear on the king's body, and his right hand slapped forward. A wave of energy like a mountain fell into the sea. 'S impact is on the king.

But a breathless time.

The King of Cut was blasted away from afar, spitting out a big sip of blood in the air, his face pale.

The center of the battlefield.

Lord Nirvana's footsteps moved and disappeared instantly.

When it reappeared, he had come to Master Yao's side, flipped his hands and slapped towards Master Yao's head.


Master Yao seals his hands and drinks violently.

A large array of three-dimensional energy suddenly lit up around it, like a space connected by starlight.

At the moment when this three-dimensional large array appeared, Lord Nirvana's actions were obviously restricted by a trace, the speed suddenly slowed down, and even for a moment, it seemed that the entire space was fixed.

Although it was only a moment, Master Yao took advantage of the moment he had won and immediately pulled away the distance.

May the next moment.

Lord Nirvana quietly attacked.

Between the flashes of the figure, a palm fell from the sky, with a strong repressive force, and fell towards the top of Master Yao's head.

This palm is obviously going to kill!

Master Yao couldn't help but look tight, ready to resist.

However, the speed of Lord Nirvana is too fast, and the palm of his hand has fallen in the blink of an eye.


The slap sound came.

At the moment when the palm of Lord Nirvana fell, a layer of invisible energy suddenly appeared on the top of Master Yao ’s head, completely blocking the palm of Lord Nirvana.

Master Yao took the opportunity to quickly exit.

Lord Nirvana looked at the old man.

At this time, the old man and the king have been united together, and they are rushing towards the position where Sima Chan is located.


When the four people joined together, Master Yao secretly exclaimed.

"Why is his energy so strong?"

Cut the King asked seriously.

In the past, when facing the Lord Nirvana, they still had the power to fight. Even if they could not kill the Lord Nirvana, at least they could be slightly injured or even seriously injured.

But now, their joint attack was blocked by Lord Nirvana so easily.

This situation made the old people feel that the distance between them and Lord Nirvana seems to have been widened again.


The old man said nothing.

Other scattered people also nodded.

They knew that beating was dead, and not beating was dead, so they had to fight anyway.

At least dare to fight to find opportunities!

"Ha ha."

Seeing the old men gather together, Lord Nirvana sneered suddenly.


next moment.

At the same time, Sima Chan, Master Yao, and King Beacon all worked together to transfer all their energies into the body of the master.

With the influx of a lot of internal energy, the breath from the old man began to increase rapidly.

While gathering the power of everyone, the father did not dare to hesitate, and immediately urged the energy to burst out, condensed into a transparent, huge energy fist in front of him, when all the energy was poured into it in the blink of an eye At that time, the old man waved his right hand violently.

The huge and transparent energy fist immediately bombarded the Lord Nirvana.

Lord Nirvana did not dodge, but at the same time, he waved his fists and greeted him from the front.

Although it seems that there is no energy to urge, when the fist is thrown, the void in front of Lord Nirvana suddenly turns into a huge black energy fist, which is attached to the hot black flame of the rock, and follows fiercely. The invisible energy fist bumped together.


The moment when the two fists collided did not cause any energy fluctuations, so they suddenly collapsed in the high altitude, as if they had never existed before, and even a slight energy fluctuation did not appear.

However, the moment when the collision ends.

The elders' bodies flew out in unison. Everyone's mouth was gushing with blood, and his face was pale.

Look at the other side.

Lord Nirvana couldn't help but go back three steps. The corner of his mouth slightly twitched, quickly stabilized his body, and then he sneered again.

The air source is old, lost?

Although the attacks of all the elders were very arrogant, the strength shown by Lord Nirvana was unimaginable to everyone.

In the face of Zhu Lao's offensive, not only can it be easily resolved, but also a powerful force will burst out to seriously injure Zhu Lao!

This strength is simply appalling!


The old men vomited blood one after another.

However, even if they were hit hard, the four still stabilized their bodies quickly, preparing to attack the Lord Nirvana again.


at this time.


A shocking blast of air broke quickly from a distance.

Looking around.

I saw that the wars in the northwest and southwest were over, and the Nirvana black robe in both directions was completely slaughtered.

With the end of the battle, the top abilities of all countries in the world have also rushed to rush to gather an extremely powerful fighting force.

Incomparably fierce and rushed directly towards the Lord Nirvana.

See this scene.

Zhu Lao wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

The morale of this group of people is rising, and the speed of rushing to the extreme has also reached the extreme. Almost instantly, they passed by the elders and rushed towards the Lord Nirvana.

"court death!"

The gloomy words of Lord Nirvana came.

I see.

His right hand waved.

Several energy chains burning with black flames erupted in vain from the black energy ocean behind them, rushing towards the crowd like bullets.


no doubt.

At the moment when the two sides collided, the black energy chain burning with flames rushed into the crowd like a broken bamboo, and instantly scattered the abilities of all countries.

Those with the ability to rush to the forefront were penetrated directly at the moment of the collision. They had no chance of reaction at all, and completely lost their lives.