MTL - Medical Princess-Chapter 1235 Suspicious attic

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Biquge, the latest chapter of the Prince of Medicine is updated as soon as possible!

Chu Liuyu slowly walked in, elegant and noble.

When I walked in front of Shao Wanru, I slowly turned my head, reached out and held Shao Wanru's hand, and took a few steps towards Shao Jing. His narrow eyes were slightly raised, and the corner of his lips was a lazy smile. "Xingguo Hou, is this ... going to do something with the king?"

He waved his hand, and the guards of the King's Mansion stepped back.

Seeing Chu Liuyu, Shao Jing's head seemed to have been poured with a basin of ice water, and he woke up from beginning to end. He also signaled his people to step back and settled to Chu Liuyu to salute: "I have seen His Royal Highness . "

"Did the king's princess provoke Xingguo?" Chu Liuyu asked curiously.

"No ... no, it's too aggressive for the court, and I hope that Princess Wang can forgive me." Shao Jing lowered her head and apologized to Shao Wanru.

"Second uncle, we are too aggressive!" Shao Wanru said softly, tenderly, where there was a strong point before.

"Since it's not my prince's princess wrong, what does it mean to rejuvenate the country? Could it be that the prince's princess is not pleasing to the eye? If this is the case, the prince will still tell the prince that the prince will definitely apologize to the republic . "Chu Liuyu's face cooled down, his handsome face was gloomy, and his expression was completely different from that of Fang Cai and He, as if he had changed a person instantly.

I heard that the King of Kings was moody. The previous moment was still bright, and the next moment could be rain and blood. Shao Jing really regretted it. Why did he get a hot brain and fight with the guards of the King of Kings? Yet.

"Master, my father was only cheated because he was deceived, and he couldn't get along with the people in the King's Mansion for a while. He hoped that the king would forgive his father for being deceived." Shao Huaan came over and gave a ceremonial gesture to Chu Liu.

Only then did he and Zhao Xiran stand behind each other and didn't come up to persuade them, but they couldn't stand up and came forward to explain.

"Cheated? Who?" Chu Liuyu raised his eyebrows, his face calmed down again, as if he had a gloomy face.

"It's this woman. She said it was Yu Shi Qian Jin before, and her father told her to enter the house. But she found out that she was a deceiver. It turned out to be a girl ring. She wanted to impersonate Yu Shi Qian Jin. The position of the mother. "Shao Huaan lowered her head and looked very sad. The biological mother died before the father let another woman in, and of course he was angry as a son of man.

But no matter how rejuvenated, he can't oppose his father!

"Fake money?" Chu Liuxi raised an eyebrow at E'niang, who had been shaking.

"It's fake, it's just a girl ring." Shao Huaan's face paled with some anger, who was very angry when this happened.

"Take the people away, the Ministry of Criminal Affairs handles a lot of things!" Chu Liuyu gently commanded, this kind of thing should indeed be handled by the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

"Everything is ordered by the Lord!" Shao Huaan took two steps back and saluted him.

When the two guards came and pulled E Niang down, E Niang still wanted to struggle, Shao Jing's eyes fell on her fiercely, staring at her, she didn't dare to move, and followed the two guards obediently.

"Is the genealogy dealt with?" Chu Liuyu asked Shao Wanru this time.

"It's going to be right away. Uncle San's room is going out. There was originally this woman's affairs, so now it's unnecessary." Shao Wanru replied softly.

"Xingguo, can you start?" Chu Liuyu nodded and looked at Shao Jing, "My king will also bring the princess

See the emperor's grandmother in the palace. "

"Okay, okay, right away!" Shao Jing was now anxious that the two of them would leave.

The next thing is much simpler, without the matter of E Niang, everything else is not a thing. Shao Jing is very disciplined now, and he doesn't dare to say a word or dare to ask more, for fear An accidentally provoked the prince, this fierce starter, he really did not dare provoked the prince.

The terrified clan elders did not dare to say more, please come out the genealogy, change the three-bedroom veins to the side branches, and ask for a few sticks of incense in front of the ancestral tablet. Even if it is over.

After Shao Wanru followed the process once, she let Chu Liuyu go to Piaoyuyuan and waited. She went to the third lady's yard.

The third lady was still lying on the bed, but she was pretty good. When she saw Shao Wanru coming in, she was holding up to sit up, and Shao Wanru reached out and supported her.

"Sanji, you lie down first!"

The third lady lay down again, and the others in the house retreated.

"Sansao, my grandmother Xunli has selected a few candidates, and will soon send Gao to your new house. Sans can choose two suitable ones in it to make a relationship for three and four sisters. These people They are not the children of a big aristocratic family, but fortunately, they are innocent and have a good personality. If they want to get married, they are about the same age as the third and fourth sisters. "

In other words, if you want to get married, you can do it.

"Thank you, thank you, Princess Concubine!" The tears of the three ladies are about to fall off. This time, when she split up, she thought that the split she mentioned would not be divided into many good ones. Far beyond her imagination, this will be grateful and sad for Shao Wanru again.

"You don't need to be polite, this is what we traded, but that's all." Shao Wanru said.

The third lady nodded to understand that the event was like a thorn in her heart. Even if it was not the third lady who killed her father and mother, she could guess some and just watched side by side.

In the last life, Sanfang also watched himself step into the dead, right?

She is not a sage, she has never been a sage, not only is not, but also a cold-hearted person, can not do nothing with the three rooms.

What was done before was a deal that had nothing to do with the blood relationship between the two rooms.

In fact, it is also best to separate the three rooms at this time. The Xingguohou government will sink. Anyone who has a relationship with the Xingguo government will sink.

After coming out of the third lady ’s courtyard, she did not return to the Piaoyuan courtyard directly, but went to the Quhuan courtyard. The father and mother used to be in the yard. The traces of my mother's loving life here, but only traces.

The nose is sour, everything in the last life should have been destroyed!

If Shao Hua'an lived in, it would inevitably destroy everything here, and she was inexplicably sad. She stood alone in front of the shadow wall and stood with her head up for a long time.

"What's wrong?" Chu Liuyu's voice came from behind her ears, and she fell into a generous bosom. The familiar atmosphere relaxed her whole body.

"If Xingguohoufu is ruined, is there still here?" Shao Wanru suddenly asked, her eyes still fell on this shadow wall.

It wasn't her floating courtyard that gained her, but this Quhuan courtyard, which was the warm affection she had pursued in two lives and two lives.

"It won't ruin this place." Chu Liuyu's voice was mild, but it was inexplicably reassuring.

"Certainly not?"

"Surely not!" This is no longer just a reply but affirmation.

Shao Wanru showed a smile on his face, nodded, and turned to see that he was the only one. He couldn't help looking back, "Where is Hao?"

"I asked him to go back to school!" Chu Liuyu said, holding her hand slowly and often leaving, but asked with a smile: "Can you go back?"

"Go back!" Shao Wanru nodded, the house was in a mess, Zhao Xiran was in a hurry, and now the inner court really only had her a formal heroine. Mrs. Tai could not be the master at this moment.

When the two walked out slowly, they passed Shao Jing's yard again. Shao Wanru stopped and looked at the elevated attic. The one was really conspicuous, and she took a few more steps. .

Only a few steps, suddenly stopped again, and decisively pulled Chu Liuyu's hand to go inside.

"Princess, Houye is not here. In another study outside, if the princess is in trouble, go there to find Houye." The guardian's wife hurried up to stop.

Chu Liuxi snorted coldly, and two guards flashed behind him, pulling a woman down.

What else was the mother-in-law trying to say, she was stunned with a heavy blow on her head.

The other men in the yard saw each one trembling, his head bowed, for fear that the king's guard came forward. This one was not a reasonable person at first glance.

Shao Wanru walked to His Excellency Lou, bit her teeth, raised her head. She always had a doubt in her heart. It was inexplicable that she felt suspicious. She wanted to go up and see. She just wanted to go up and see. There was no reason. It seemed that if she didn't look, Will miss something very important.

This feeling was inexplicable, but it was very real. The truth made her have a sense of urgency, biting her lips, and the corners of her lips were red.

"Want to go up?" Chu Liuyu pointed to the top, Shao Wanru nodded.

Hurry up and turn around in front of the attic. When you reach the door, you hold it. The big lock locks the door. If you want to go to the attic, this place should be a must, but it is so wide. The lock is locked. Unless you want to unscrew the lock, it is impossible to get up.

"Where's the key?" Shao Wanru asked, and there was a woman who was cleaning just by her side, and when they came over, she hurriedly bowed her head and set aside.

"The key is in Hou ... Houye's hands," the woman stammered.

"No one has gone up here?" Shao Wanru asked.

"Few people ... go up, I heard ... I heard all the sundries!" The mother-in-law didn't dare to lift her head, and was very flustered.

"How many years haven't I been up?" Shao Wanru was very disappointed, and the urge to just step back slowly, looking at the closed attic window above, as if something had been suppressed in his heart, it was very uncomfortable .

"One ... generally don't go up ... just clean ... go up again when cleaning ..."

"Let's go!" Shao Wan was so disappointed that he looked at the window above and turned.

"Actually, you can go up without a key!" Chu Liuyu said with deep eyes in her eyes.