MTL - Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries-Chapter 18 Do you plan to cut him again at night?

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"But it was very quiet last night. I didn't sleep until the middle of the night. I didn't hear any noise."

"Where's your room?" Lei immediately asked the people in the other two rooms, and the four in the other two rooms shook their heads.

"I didn't hear it."

The three of them, Fang Zhi, simply said that they heard the baby crying last night, and also mentioned the quarrel between the male and female masters upstairs. They were talking, the masters came downstairs and held their hands. A black plastic pocket, the male owner went out to the yard and lost the trash before returning to say hello to them.

The eyes of the male owner were a little tired, and apparently he did not sleep well last night. After having a simple breakfast, the owner went upstairs again.

After a while, Lin Meng came down from above. Today she wore a long blue dress with an easel in her hand, an artboard on her back, and a few other things. She said to everyone, "I want to go out to sketch Does anyone want to go with me? "

A few people looked at each other, and the last seven said they wanted to stay. It is still unclear who this family is the key npc they left. Each of them has their own abacus, not to mention that there was no dead person in the villa last night It proves that this place is relatively safe for the time being. I don't know what will happen when I go outside.

In the face of Lin Meng's invitation, no one can go. In the end, the two soldiers split up. Gu Xizhou acted together. Together with Dong Chao and Lei Brother, a total of five people agreed to accompany Lin Meng.

"Really? You're all willing to accompany me! That's great!" Lin Meng was so surprised that she didn't think there would be so many people willing to accompany her out, very happy.

Seeing Lin Meng was struggling to get the drawing board, a male voice sounded, "Let me help you get some!"

"Thank you!" Lin Meng smiled sweetly, handed the contents to Fang Zhi's hands, smiled at him, her eyes bent into a crescent.

Si Yu: "Is he here to fall in love?"

Gu Xizhou: "..." Xiao Fang is a real person.

Brother Lei: "... I look alike."

Dong Chao: "Love jb love, I don't know how to die!"

Fang took over the bucket and the drawing board in Lin Meng's hands, and took two steps back to Gu Xizhou's side. He saw several people staring at his face. He subconsciously touched his face and asked: "My face Is there something on it? "

Several people shook their heads together: "No."

Frustrated by several people, Fang Zhi shook his head. It's been a day here. He hasn't seen any spiritual incidents. If there was Gu Gu, he would have suspected that the show was tidy.

Following Lin Meng walking towards the mountainside, several people were alert to possible accidents until they reached their destination, in front of a reservoir on the mountainside, there was no danger on the road.

In front of the reservoir, all reeds are taller than people. The mountain wind blows the surface and the leaves rustle.

Lin Meng put the easel out. When he opened the drawing board, Gu Xizhou saw a stack of paper inside. On one side was white paper and on the other side was a painted picture.

"Can you see your painting?"

A clean, clear voice sounds in your ear, like a gentle massage of your eardrums with both hands.

Good clean voice.

Gu Xizhou gave a scornful glance at the owner of the voice. He remembered that the girl jumped off the building the next day when the goods were sent to the NPC.

Lin Meng heard the words and did not reveal any unusual colors. He generously took out the paintings on the drawing board and handed it to Si Yu, "I don't paint well, you can just look at it!"

In other words, Lin Meng had already drafted on the drawing paper while sitting in a small chair that he carried with him.

Five people from Gu Xizhou looked at each other, and at the same time gathered to see Lin Meng's paintings, hoping to find clues.

The first painting-Lin Meng's self-portrait.

The second painting-Lin Meng and her sister.

The third picture-Lin Meng's father and Lin Meng's sister

The fourth painting is the one Lin Meng just finished when they arrived here yesterday.

After carefully looking at the four paintings, Gu Xizhou did not find any useful clues. When a few people were at a loss, the girl who looked back fell on the five of them and said, "My background is good. Now! I want to draw three people in! "

Brother Lei shook his head in a hurry, his head shaking like a rattle: "No, no, no, I'm fine!"

Dong Chao: "I'm a little dizzy ..."

Then, Dong Chao leaned directly on Brother Lei. Brother Lei was also eager to help people, and his face was concerned, "Are you all right?"

Gu Xizhou: "..." Can't see, you are all acting.

Gu Xizhou glanced at Lin Meng and was thinking whether to refuse or not. On the one hand, Si Yuxian said to Lin Meng step by step: "then draw us three."

Lin Meng nodded, she said, "OK, stand closer!"

The three stood side by side, Gu Xizhou stood in the middle, and asked Si Yu in a low voice, "What the **** is going on? The two were too late to hide, you promised her? What if this is one of the conditions of death?"

Si Yu: "Trust me."

Gu Xizhou: "..." If I die, you are responsible!

Fang Zhi: "..."

Because they couldn't see Lin Meng's drawing board and didn't know what was on the screen, but they noticed that Lei's face became more and more white with the completion of the painting, and the glee of Dong Chao's face couldn't escape Gu Xizhou. Human eyes.

At about noon, the woman put down her brush after painting the last stroke and glanced at her painting with satisfaction. "It's done! Do you like it?"

Speaking, Gu Xizhou and the three of them took a step forward and finally saw the full picture of the painting. The background is the reservoir behind them, and the three men in the picture are different from their imagination.

Gu Xizhou saw the expressions of the people in the painting, with some cyanosis—the three men in the painting were looking straight ahead with anger.

"Satisfied, thank you." Si Yu nodded and said to the woman.

After finishing the painting, the woman walked in front, and the five of them were behind. Brother Lei was restless, and there was a bit of sympathy in his eyes. He opened his mouth to say two words of comfort, but finally chose to give up, and he shook his head. , Walk forward.

Dong Chao glanced at them and said dismissively: "It looks like someone is going to die tonight."

Gu Xizhou: "..." Don't think I don't know what you mean, you think the three of us are going to die! Get off, I won't die if you die!

After the two men walked in front of them, Gu Xizhou asked Si Yu: "What did you find?"

Si Yu: "Did you notice the skin color of the three of us on the screen?"

Gu Xizhou and Fang Zhi recalled the picture just now, and Fang Zhi frowned slightly, "the complexion is fairer, um ..."

Si Yu nodded, "It's normal to paint my skin white, but when you paint the two of you, she didn't change her skin color, which is strange."

Gu Xizhou: "..." Don't think I don't know you're turning around and saying I'm black!

Fang Zhi didn't care, and agreed with her face: "It seems to be, and when painting us, her skin color is similar to her self-portrait!"

"Yes!" Si Yu glanced admirably at Fang Zhi, whispered, "It's not a criminal policeman, his observation is good." Having said that, he continued, "3, the number 3, there is something special here meaning."

"Why didn't she draw five people, four people, exactly three people? At the same time, the male host prepared 4 rooms for us yesterday. When you searched yesterday, you should all notice that each room has 3 beds, and we have a total of 3 beds. Twelve! "

Gu Xizhou: "... only the three of us could hear the voice upstairs last night, because the number of people in other rooms was either less than 3 or more than 3."

"Yes," Si Yu said.


Before arriving at the villa, Gu Xizhou heard loud noises, someone was discussing something, and women were crying.

Several people flew into the villa likewise, leaving Lin Meng to continue walking slowly and slowly back into the villa alone, and they saw the remaining seven people, two of whom were crying.

There was a black plastic bag on the wooden floor of the living room. Which one was taken out by the male host this morning, probably because the plastic bag was opened, the thick **** smell was everywhere.

"What happened?" Lei brother ran in all the way and asked.

It was a baby's body, covered with blood, because the death had taken a long time, and the blood had solidified.

Last night, it wasn't that ‘people’ did not die. It was Lin Meng ’s sister who died.

"After you left, the four masters were all in the room, and we ... want to find out if there were any other clues. It was too rushed last night, some places were not careful enough, and we found this in the trash ..." The man pale recalled the situation just now.

After Gu Xizhou went out with five people to accompany Lin Meng, seven of them stayed in the villa. Yesterday they rummaged downstairs once and wanted to go upstairs, but the family was always upstairs. After I went downstairs, I went to the small yard outside the villa, and found this!

Two girls were found in the body, and the two girls were scared.

Coincidentally at this time, Lin Meng came in, and her eyes fell naturally on the plastic bag in the living room containing the baby's body.

Several people took a sigh of cold air throughout the hall, and the air seemed to condense.

Lin Meng's gaze fell on the plastic pocket for a moment, then she recovered her gaze, but her face was a little cold, but she didn't speak. She opened the refrigerator and turned to ask a few people what to eat.

Recalling how much Lin Meng cared for his sister yesterday, Gu Xizhou couldn't help but say, "Hey, your sister is dead."

Hearing Gu Xizhou's problem, the people around him fell on his body at the same time, because they saw Lin Meng's complexion turned blue and haggard. The woman slammed the refrigerator door and stared coldly at Gu Xizhou.

Brother Lei: "?????" Are you in trouble? You can cure when you are sick! Messing with npc, you will die terribly!

Just when they all thought that Lin Menghui would cut Gu Xizhou in minutes, the woman suddenly calmed down and said lightly, "She is not my sister."

Brother Lei: "???" Wait, big sister, you have a problem, or do you plan to cut him at night? 2k novel reading network

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