MTL - Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries-Chapter 19 prompt

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After the woman answered Gu Xizhou's words, she left a few people in the living room, looking at each other.

Seeing the woman leave calmly, Lei Brother was obviously relieved. He looked at Gu Xizhou and couldn't help asking, "How did you live out of the previous mission world?"

In fact, he didn't say a word in front of you-you can die so much.

Gu Xizhou touched his chin, groaned for a moment, and said very seriously, "I think it's because I look handsome."

Brother Lei: "..." No, I think you want to break the jar!

"Shameless." Dong Chao snorted and said.

The atmosphere was embarrassing for a while. Fortunately, Brother Lei hit a round road. "Okay, we just went out ..."

Brother Lei told the seven people who did not leave the room one by one in the morning, and then looked at the three people in Xizhou. There was a hint of sympathy in his eyes, thinking that they would die soon. In his knowledge, even if he was going to die, first It must have been the three of them.

And Gu Ran, who can be a demon, must be the first to die.

Brother Lei looked at Gu Xizhou after speaking, with a little sympathy, patted his shoulder with his hands, everything was in silence.

Gu Xizhou: "..."

At this moment, there were only their people in the living room. After a while, there was no movement at all. Gu Xizhou ignored Lei Ge's sympathetic eyes and told his inference to Lei Ge and others. "When I was painting for us in the reservoir Lin Meng before, We speculate that there must be only three people in the room to hear the sound of the upper floor at night. "

There is no need to hide these things, after all, we still need to collect information together.

"At the same time, the host prepared four rooms for us, three beds in each room, which corresponded to twelve people. We suspect that only when there are only three people in the room, can we hear the movement of the room upstairs. One more and one less will not work. "

"Oh, who knows if it's true or not, maybe three people would sleep to trigger a death condition?"

"Yeah, who can tell this clearly? How can you tell if you are telling the truth?"

The girl said softly that this girl was the drizzle who wanted to hold her thighs yesterday. Her voice dropped, and the men and women who had been undecided suddenly became hesitant again, and their faces were not good.

Everyone in the room was silent, and no one was sure. Brother Lei looked at the two men and said, "So ... I will stay in your bedroom for one night. What do you think?"

The two men who slept together last night shook their heads together and quickly refused: "No, no, she's right, this may be one of the conditions of death. You also said that the woman also invited them to draw three portraits. I see It's better not to sleep for three people! "

The other room was two girls. Brother Lei naturally wouldn't open a room to live with the two girls. It was rather helpless, but the relief in his eyes did not escape the eyes of the two criminal policemen present. Gu Xizhou and Fang looked at each other.

Seeing these people trembling with fear, in the end, Si Yu said: "Anyway, since you are not willing to collect information, then we will choose to keep the content of the dialogue we got three nights. I don't care, as long as I live here and leave here . "

"Oh, by the way, I've always been lucky, and I must have survived."

The handsome man said softly, his lips were slightly drawn, and he smiled a little bit evil.

"Who frightens us? Let's not take risks!" A man in the house snorted coldly, Gu Xizhou looked back, and it turned out to be one of the three men traveling with Brother Lei. "The difficulty of this world is so low. If necessary, we can go out alive. "

Brother Lei also seemed to agree with the man's words and did not continue to ask the three to live in one.

"All of you think so?" Si Yu turned to look at the others, all of them dodging their eyes, unwilling to live in a trio.

Si Yu seems to have guessed the result long ago. People are selfish and don't want to take risks by themselves. He nodded, "then you guys."

"Oh, I forgot to remind you," Si Yu's eyes fell on the other five newcomers. "If you do nothing, even if you leave the world alive, you will not get any rewards."

"What does this mean?" A girl asked excitedly.

Si Yu Dandan said: "Literally."

After listening to his words, several newcomers immediately turned to ask Brother Lei what they had experienced in the mission world. Brother Lei's face was also blank, he was not very clear about this, although some tasks There are indeed such negative people in the world, but he does not know the other party, nor does he know whether the other party is dead or alive if he leaves the mission world.

Fang Zhi, who was not as clear about the situation as everyone else, looked at Si Yu with confusion.

Si Yu explained faintly, "The countdown to the life of newcomers is only one second. If they do nothing here, there will be no reward and they will die if they go out."

As soon as the voice fell, the newly rehabilitated man suddenly burst into tears and cried, "Impossible, how is it possible? Didn't you say that you just left alive?"

Gu Xizhou glanced at a few people coldly, but Fang insisted. Although his face was a little pale, but the situation was not bad, Gu Xizhou couldn't help but ask, "Xiao Fang, are you sorry now? If you don't check Then there would be no such thing as now. "

If it wasn't for Fang Zhi insisting on investigating the marriage relationship between Yang Zhi and Yan Li, there would be no later matters, and this crazy woman would not drive into him.

Fang Zhizheng a moment, then immediately understood the meaning of Gu Xizhou, the boy smiled brightly and said: "No! Brother Gu, how about you?"

Gu Xizhou didn't answer at a glance. He didn't know if the original owner regretted it. After all, it was the original owner who died, but it was his magic repair Gu Xizhou who was resurrected. When he returned, he looked for a chance to ask.

After discussion, the final allocation of the room became 4/2/3/3. Five newcomers took turns sleeping three at night, while Fang Zhi continued to live with the two of them.

Before dinner, Gu Xizhou found a chance to stop Xiao Bailian Si Yu: "The one you said today does nothing, it will die if you go out, is it true?"

The man who just came out of the bathroom wiped out the water slowly, "It must be ... fake, I don't know if those who do nothing are dead or alive, just lie to them, otherwise we just rely on us It takes too much time to collect the information yourself. "

Gu Xizhou: "..."

Seeing Gu Xizhou's speechless expression, Si Yu continued: "However, I did encounter such a low difficulty world before. Because other people did not actively look for clues, after all, I had limitations, and I did not find a departure on the last day of the deadline. Method, in the end it was only me who survived. "

Gu Xizhou: "..." Then you are great.

After dinner, everyone went to sleep in the room. Gu Xizhou was upstairs with the host and hostess's room. There were some sounds of walking upstairs, but then the voices gradually stopped. The people upstairs seemed to be sleeping ...

At night, Gu Xizhou stumbled and heard a strange noise. After getting up from the bed, rubbing his eyes, he found that Fang Zhi was awake, and only Si Yu was still lying on the bed.

Fang Zhizheng was lying in bed, and when Gu Xizhou was awake, he pointed outside.



Fang Zhi heard this voice in the middle of the night, feeling horrified and weird, and stopped breathing.

Gu Xizhou's Meifeng wrinkled slightly, and he got up and opened the door to try to find out.

"Gu ..." Fang Zhi's words were interrupted by Gu Xizhou. He only saw Gu Xizhou making a silence gesture to him and went out.

During the dark night, the sound of '嚯 嚯 嚯' continued.

In the kitchen, Lin Meng's lips were red and bloody, and she was sharpening a kitchen knife. In addition to the one in her hand, two kitchen knives were placed beside her. She closed her eyes and laughed while grinding the corners of her mouth. She carefully polished her hands. The three knives, as if looking at their lover again, are very gentle, this picture is very weird.


At night, such strange noises made everyone in several rooms feel cold on their backs, but no one dared to open the door.

Brother Lei squeezed his palms and finally decided to go out and take a look. Accompanied by Dong Chao, he walked to the side of the corridor, carefully probed, and looked away. The back of a man blocked his vision.

"Are you sick? Get up to grind a kitchen knife in the middle of the night?"

The owner of the voice was obviously a little angry, and soon Brother Lei heard the owner of the voice continue, "Can you go to your room to grind? Noisy me sleeping!"

Brother Lei: "..." I knew the surname Gu from the sound!

He wanted to leave first, and maybe tomorrow they could come and visit Gu Ran's body, but when Dong Chao looked behind him with a shocked expression, he froze, and a figure floated past him.

When seeing the back of the woman leaving, Brother Lei subconsciously swallowed.

Fang Zhihou, who witnessed the whole process with Gu Xizhou, was moved, and did not know what to say. He asked dryly: "Gu brother, are you all right?"

Gu Xizhou: "It's okay, she's actually quite reasonable."

Brother Lei: "..."

Fang Zhi: "..."

Dong Chao: "..."

The next morning, before they were all together, Gu Xizhou heard several newcomers discussing in a whisper.

"Did you hear that strange voice yesterday?"

"Yes ... you said ... Is someone dead?"

When Lei Brother came, all of them were black, and all the people in the bedroom looked bad, but their emotions were still stable. Once they confirmed the number of people, there were twelve.

Brother Lei looked at Gu Xizhou and stopped talking. What did he say?

Last night ... their room heard the sound of a chopper for a night! !! !!

He couldn't understand, the woman actually listened to Gu Xizhou's words and went back to her room to grind a kitchen knife, and their room was under Lin Meng's room. All night they heard the sound of the sharp knife upstairs clearly.

But it really went to your mother, if he ... no, oh oh, he's so irritated, he didn't dare to go upstairs and ask a woman to change his place to sharpen his knife. Who knows if this woman will suddenly hack him.

Brother Lei knew in their room that the woman had been called back by Gu Xizhou. It was a bit aggressive, but looking at Gu Xizhou and not knowing how to speak, he always felt that this person was ... a bit wicked.

The person who got up last night briefly said what he saw last night, and Gu Xizhou noticed that many people's eyes fell on him.

Gu Xizhou: "See what I do?"

Everyone: ... you should know!

"I think you are mistaken. It doesn't matter how many people in the room hear the voice upstairs ..."

In addition, the newcomer in the triple room also said that he did not hear any voice last night, suspecting that their judgment was wrong, and in the case of several people questioning-

"Maybe I'm mistaken." Si Yu said indifferently, not caring.

After breakfast, Lin Meng came downstairs, as usual, and asked, "Is anyone accompanied me to sketch today?"

The three Gu Xizhou, and Lei Ge and another man and a woman accompanied them to the woman to go to the reservoir. After the woman drew the same manuscript as yesterday, she made the same request as yesterday, "I want to draw three people to paint Does anyone in there want to? "

Just when the three of Gu Xizhou thought that it was the three of them, the girls in the company suddenly raised their hands and said, "Draw me!"

"Okay, there are still two." Lin Meng said very happily.

Gu Xizhou and Fang Zhi entered the painting again, and they drew for a long time like yesterday. The three people in the picture are different from yesterday. Compared with yesterday's painting, Gu Xizhou and Fang Zhi are like being reprinted on the canvas by the printer. Deeper, the expression on the face is not anger, but looks emotionally broken, and seems to see something terrible.

Seeing a few people take it seriously, Lin Meng asked suddenly, "Do you see the difference between this painting and yesterday?"

"No, can you help me draw a picture with them both?" Si Yu replied.

Gu Xizhou looked at the shining luminous body, Si Yu, and twitched the corners of his mouth, and Xiaobai's face began to flutter again.

Lin Meng was very happy to hear such an invitation and immediately said, "Okay!"

Gu Xizhou lowered his voice and asked him, "What the **** are you doing?"

"Confirm something." After talking about Si Yu, he pulled Lei brother and another boy stood together, regardless of their wishes ...

Gu Xizhou knew from a long distance that Brother Lei was laughing and laughing at this moment, maybe he had already greeted Si Yu to his ancestors for eighteen generations.

About an hour later, the painting was finished. In the painting, Si Yu and Brother Lei were full of anger, while the fellow men in the picture had tears and snot on their faces, and their skin was dull.

After Si Yu carefully looked at the paintings, he complimented Lin Meng a few words. Obviously the woman was very pleased to hear his praise, and finally allowed him to take pictures with his mobile phone.

On the way back, Si Yu called Brother Lei. The four of them simultaneously slowed down and walked more than ten meters behind the other three.

Brother Lei stared at Si Yu's eyes and let out the cold light, and he said, "I'm not looking for you. Are you looking for me?"

"I was killed by you this time! How could you let her paint for us? Don't pull me if you want to die! Fuck, you two are really sick!"

Si Yu glanced at him and said lightly: "Shut up, if I'm not mistaken, Lin Meng's painting is not a condition of death, but a reminder."

Gu Xizhou froze: "Hint?"

Si Yu nodded, took out the picture just taken with his mobile phone, pointed to the girl in the picture, and said, "These two days are not without dead people, but the dead people are still mixed among the living people."