MTL - Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries-Chapter 82 Killer

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Squatting under the window, the two of them looked like bow-struck birds and stunned.

"You mean that anyone who is related to Miss Granny He's disappearance will become its target, but I think everyone in the village has eaten meat." Gu Xizhou said, raising his eyebrows, and wiped his neck. "Will all the people in this village be tomorrow ..."

Si Yu: "It won't die all, at least Xu Hao won't die."


Si Yu: "Use your brain. I just told him that he was a corpse man. Granny Ho's body was hidden in the stomach."

Gu Xizhou: "Can you tell me directly?"

Si Yu: "No."

Gu Xizhou thought for a while and said, "I remember, he said he didn't eat human flesh, so he is not a corpse hider."



With the sound of the two talking, the two next door saw a window pushed open, revealing a familiar face.

"Are you two ostriches shaking?" Gu Xizhou asked directly, politely.

Yu Yizhou and Xiao Nan had just heard Gu Xizhou and Si Yu talking, and they were not so nervous, "Okay, much better, are you all right?"

"It's all right."

"That's good, that's good, what happened in your room just now?"

Gu Xizhou glanced at Fang Zhi who was still in a daze, and didn't know how to fumble past. After entering Lin Meng's room, Si Yu said that the function of Fang Zhi's props could easily cause others to sting. .

Seeing a few people in Yu Yizhou did not answer his question. Although I was curious, I did not continue to ask. Thanks to them for saving him and Xiao Nan, the joy of the rest of the life after the disaster also made Yu Yizhou realize one thing-

His desire to survive turned out to be so strong that he even wanted to euthanize him when he was lying on a sickbed, but today he is glad to be alive.

He glanced strangely at the red numbers in the void. As long as he constantly escaped from the mission world to survive, it meant that he could ‘eternal life’. Would anyone give up eternal life and choose to die?

No, no one wants to die.

"They won't come again tonight," Si Yu continued. "Let's sleep."

The five returned to the room, and Fang Zhi held the small round mirror in his palm and wiped it with his thumb. It was this small round mirror that saved them.

"Take this thing with you. Don't tell others casually that once the owner of the thing dies, these props will become unowned," Si Yu instructed. "It is too easy to kill someone in the mission world. "

Gu Xizhou nodded, agreeing.

For example, in the last world, if they did not tell the law of the death path of those people, I am afraid most of them would die.

"I know, thank you, Si." Fang Zhi whispered.

"Well, let's sleep," Si Yu continued. "I need to sort out the information I've collected these days."

In the early morning of the next day, Gu Xizhou and they just sat downstairs for dinner, and they heard 'Bang Bang Bang' eager knock.

Several people stared at each other and glanced at the bright white sky outside. It should not be the old man and the pig-head monster knocking on the door.

Gu Xizhou asked, "Who?"

People outside did not answer.

A few people cleaned up a little, Gu Xizhou opened the door, and the outsider stepped back two steps first, and then looked at Gu Xizhou with a kind of gaze, then rushed into the demolition office, nervously shrinking Under the desk.

"What happened to you? Why did you suddenly run to the demolition office?"

"Don't be afraid, something happened outside?"

Xu Hao didn't speak, but just pointed his fingers outside, showing a very scared expression.

"Xu Hao?" Xiao Nan raised an eyebrow. "What happened to him?"

"I don't know." Gu Xizhou shook his head and continued: "Why don't we ask him to speak, I'll go out and see the situation."

Fang Zhi hurriedly said, "Gu brother, I'm with you."

"Okay," Gu Xizhou responded, and said to Si Yu next to him, "I'll go back as soon as I go. You stare."

Si Yu waved his hands, which meant to reassure Gu Xizhou. After Gu Xizhou left, at this time there were no people on the street like yesterday. Fang Zhi watched in all directions with vigilance, and finally they saw a figure.

Gu Xizhou teased, "It doesn't seem to be dead."

"Hmm." Fang Zhi has become accustomed to Gu Xizhou's way of speaking, and then nodded. Fang performed three steps and made two steps to catch up with the person in front. Gu Xizhou noticed that Fang had called the other party, and then suddenly backed up two times. Step, a frightened expression, the woman who talked to Fang Zhi turned his back on him and turned away.

Gu Xizhou quickly hugged him and asked, "What's wrong?"

Seeing Fang Zhi's stubborn expression, he turned his head to look at the woman who hadn't gone far. Gu Xizhou patted his shoulder and said, "Go, let's talk as we walk."

After Gu Xizhou said, helping Fang Zhi to turn around, Fang Zhi glanced back at the woman's back, "She has a hole in her stomach."

Gu Xizhou froze, and then he met several villagers one after another in the same situation as the woman, and he already had the answer in his heart.

"These people's stomachs were taken out, their stomachs were gone."

As for where things are, he already has the answer.

Gu Xizhou knocked on the door of the demolition office. "It's me Gu Ran. Open the door and we're back."

"Okay!" Yu Yizhou responded, hurriedly trotting to open the door.

Gu Xizhou noticed that Xu Hao was holding her knees in the office, squatting squattingly on the floor in the office.

Si Yu asked Gu Xizhou: "What's going on outside?"

"The villagers have holes in their stomachs."


Gu Xizhou's remarks fluttered lightly, but it directly caused Xiao Nan's emotions to collapse: "We must be dead, we can't escape anything this time ... we can't escape ..."

Gu Xizhou was a little impatient. How could he meet his teammates' emotional breakdown every time. He really didn't want to comfort these people, but Fang Zhi had the patience to comfort Xiao Nan and work for Xiao Nan even though he was afraid.

"Now everyone in the village is dead. What shall we do tonight?" Yu Yizhou asked in a low voice.

Si Yu glanced at him, pointing out: "Not all are dead."

Yu Yizhou suddenly got chills in his spine and glanced at Xu Hao, who was sitting on the ground and shivered. He moved his mouth, but did not speak.

Gu Xizhou glanced at Si Yu and teased, "It really is a werewolf."

Si Yu: "... It's just an npc. He died better than we die when necessary, and everyone else died. The old man hasn't resolved the resentment, so you didn't expect anything?"

Xiao Nan's face was bewildered.

Yu Yizhou and Fang Zhi said in unison: "Xu Hao is not a witness, a killer, or a conspiracy with a butcher?"

Gu Xizhou was silent for a moment and shook his head: "You reminded me that the killer was Xu Hao, not the butcher, and they were not collusion.

"Remember Lin Hao? On the day Lin Hao died, Xu Hao saw Lin Hao's body. What we saw was a pig. Only after he told us did we see the real picture.

"The replacement of his head with a pig head after the butcher's death is actually a reminder that the butcher is a pig brain."

Si Yu nodded and took Gu Xizhou's words very well: "Yes, that's what it means. Butcher is actually the same as what we see. In his eyes, Lin Hao's body is a pig but not a human. He doesn't know he sold it. Human flesh, people in the village don't know.

"But Xu Hao knows, then why does Xu Hao know that the butcher sells human flesh? Have you thought about it?"

The point of Si Yu's cue is up to now, and Yu Yizhou pointed at the lunatic on the ground in a little frightened and said, "It's Xu Hao who fiddled behind him!"

Si Yu nodded. "This is just our guess. Grasp him. Let's go find that thing together."

The five tied Xu Hao together and turned it to the elderly. Gu Xizhou nodded to Si Yu, who stepped forward and knocked on the door.

"Did you find my wife?"

The old man who came out also had a hole in his stomach, which meant ... he also ate the meat.

Gu Xizhou pushed Xu Hao directly to the old man and said, "Okay, don't blot out, he is the murderer who killed your wife, someone will give it to you, get the props out quickly!"

The old man looked at Gu Xizhou deeply, the next moment a pig-head monster with a kitchen knife in his hand pushed open the door of the old man's room, walked out of it, and lifted Xu Hao like a piglet, and brought in.

Then came the screaming sound of killing a pig, and the sound of a kitchen knife chopping on a bone.


"Is this ... can it be too cruel?" Yu Yizhou swallowed his mouth, and saw Xu Hao's desperate expression, some could not bear it.

"Cruel?" Xiao Nan sneered: "When you see the door ... the memories, you know that this is not cruel, just retribution."

The old man took a few crumpled pieces of paper from his bag, Gu Xizhou took a random look, there were about seven or eight, the old man gave Gu Xizhou each one of them, and he just planned to take the remaining two pieces of paper back into the wallet. ... he was robbed.

The old man looked down and saw his empty palms :? ? ?

"Give me more if you don't need it anyway." Gu Xizhou snatched two more paperways from the old man's hand.

Old man: "..."

Gu Xizhou raised an eyebrow: "Do you have an opinion?"

Old man: "..."

Yu Yizhou and Xiao Nan felt a little panicked.

Gu Xizhou spread out the paper for a look—this is a blank, fill-in tracing note, and there is still a place on the front for the photo.

"What's the use of this thing?" Gu Xizhou asked Yang Yang's blank tracing notice.

The old man smiled kindly: "Of course, tracing notices are used to find people."

The old man's words were taken for granted, not only taken for granted, but also a little ridiculous. After speaking, the old man's body gradually collapsed, and a door appeared in front of several people.

"How do I think it's teasing us? A few broken-up notices are also props?" Gu Xizhou raised an eyebrow.

"Well, let's go and talk."

"It can only be this way. I didn't expect that it was Xu Hao who killed." Gu Xizhou glanced at the blood flowing from the old man's door to the wooden door. He twisted his handle and went in.


"Keekeke, kekekeke." Gu Xizhou glanced at his yellow hand, and he knew after passing through the door many times, now he was clinging to the old man.

The old man was cooking, and the oil fume made him very uncomfortable. He heard the noise outside and quickly said to the old lady outside, "Don't worry, don't worry, you can eat right away."

The old man said cheerfully, Gu Xizhou clearly felt the old man's mood ... very sweet, he never abandoned his wife because he suffered from cerebral dementia.

He loves her very much.

Every little detail can tell the old man's love for his wife.

My wife did n’t cook or wash clothes. At that time, there were fewer women than pandas, but the old man did n’t mind. He could do all the housework.

He and Mrs. He are freely in love, met in the production team, and gradually came to get married and have children, never quarreled, red eyes.

That day, he asked his wife to have dinner after cooking. Mo Jiaqing found that his wife was missing, and he was so anxious that he went out and asked everybody. But he didn't find Mrs He. His sons and daughters returned home, and the old man burst into tears.

"It's all me, it's all because I didn't look after her well, that's why she was lost," the old man cried. "I don't know if she's eating now, is she hungry or cold ..."

"Dad, mom's clothes have the contact information at home. Don't worry too much, someone will send her back." Mo Jiaqing's son comforted his father.

Gu Xizhou estimated that Mrs. He died on the day she disappeared, and the time suddenly moved forward. Six months after Mrs. He disappeared, Mo Jiaqing's son and daughter wanted her father to move in and live with them, but Mo Jiaqing rejected it.

"No, I won't go. What can you do if your mother can't find anyone when they come back?" The old man refused his child for this reason. The two children couldn't come back for a long time because of work. Finally choose to compromise.

Then time jumped, Gu Xizhou saw the demolition office's people find the old man repeatedly, and asked the old man's children to try to persuade the old man to move away.

"Unless I die! Don't move! Never move!"

After a quarrel with the demolition office, the old man returned to the house because he was angry and didn't mention it all at once ... Gu Xizhou could feel the coldness of the old man's body without a trace of temperature. When Gu Xizhou thought the old man would become a ghost, the old man He opened his eyes and went out to buy food and cook as before, as if he were a living person. This situation continued until his son went home to visit his father ...

When the son found his father lying on the bed rotten, he cried out in horror. It was not until Mo Jiaqing knew that he was dead.

Mo Jiaqing, who became a ghost, continued to wait for his missing wife to return home. He swayed for a long time in Huangshui Village until the house was demolished, new buildings were built, and a large number of bones were dug near Huangshui Village when the foundation was laid. During the war between the two countries several decades ago, there was a living pit in this Huangshui village, and the bones of Mo Jiaqing's wife were also found in the foundation.

Because of the existence of a previous buried pit, the remains of Granny Ho were also mistaken for victims of war.

The old man was angry. He knew that his wife was not missing, but was killed.


He wants revenge!

But who? Who killed her? !!

Then the screen turned around, and a new community was built on the original address of Huangshui Village, which can accommodate thousands of people. The strange thing is that this community-people die every day.

Gu Xizhou who has been looking outside from the perspective of the elderly knows that these are made by the elderly!

Is he seeing the future now? what is this else?

Gu Xizhou pondered for a moment, then his consciousness was blurred for a moment, and everything in front of him suddenly became bright.

After coming out, Gu Xizhou rubbed his eyebrows, and Fang Zhi and Si Yu were also there.

"Fuck, what was the last thing you saw? The future?" Gu Xizhou asked, raising an eyebrow.

Si Yu nodded: "If Xu Hao is not identified as a murderer, this may be the future."

Fang Zhi shuddered: "What is going on with Xu Hao?"

Si Yudao: "Xu Hao killed Granny He, I guess it may be because Xu Hao stole the butcher's flesh, the lost Granny He accidentally saw him, and in a hurry, killed Granny He, and then he When he took it home, he cut off her meat while he was processing the body ... "

"..." Fang's palms were all sweaty.

Gu Xizhou glanced at Si Yu, looking like a curious baby: "You continue, don't worry about my feelings."

"..." Si Yu continued silently: "He cut off the granny meat and cut it into pieces and minced meat. At noon every day, he replaced the pork cut by the butcher, so the butcher did not know that he sold human meat. People do n’t know they eat human flesh, only Xu Hao knows. "

"The butcher is quite wrong ..." Fang asked.

Gu Xizhou rushed to answer a wave: "He died unjustly, Xu Hao must not cut meat as much as possible, and Xu Hao will definitely put as much meat in the butcher's butcher's shop as soon as possible to dispose of those bodies. Knowing that there was more meat, but instead of investigating the cause, he helped Xu Hao solve the corpse. He also counted as a self-respect. "2k novel reading network