MTL - Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries-Chapter 88 All cooked!

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You Tianyi's company is at the south gate of Ningqing City, and Gu Xizhou parked his car in an underground parking lot.

Stepping out of the underground parking lot and on the road again, Fang Zhi looked up. There are three other logos printed on the left side of the company's signboard. "I have seen these three logos."

"These three are game icons. The three mobile games that have been in the fire in the past three years are all from this company." Gu Xizhou reviewed the information sent later and said casually.

In the past two years, mobile games have been more profitable than terminal games. Any broken game has over 10 million monthly monthly sales, not to mention that the three games developed by this company founded by You Tianyi and a few friends are among the top 50 in domestic mobile games. It's not hard to imagine why You Tianyi was able to go in and out of high-end clubs like Jin Fen Shijia at will.

"Hello," Fang Zhi walked to the company's game front desk, took out his credentials, and said, "I'm a policeman, and I'm looking for You Tianyi."

The lady at the front desk froze for two seconds, then nodded immediately, picked up the front desk phone and called the company's internal phone, "You always have two policemen looking for you, should I put them up?"

The man on the other end of the phone said strangely, "The police are looking for me? What are you looking for?"

"They didn't say. Do I need to ask them?" The front desk asked softly.

"Forget it, let them come to my office."

Hanging up the phone, the front desk lady got up and gestured please, "Please, please follow me."

"Thank you," Gu Xizhou said.

The lady at the front desk had walked to the elevator and pressed the number. After entering, the girl quietly looked at Gu Xizhou and Fang Zhi, and asked, "Two police officers ... will not be another child stealing the parent's bank card to play our company's game? ? "

Gu Xizhou waved his hand and said, "No."

The receptionist heard Gu Xizhou's words and seemed relieved. "As long as it's not like this, a few parents had come to our company to make a noise, but they had to jump off the building.

"I really don't understand, how can children know their mobile phone password, and they don't know to set up a fingerprint lock?" The front desk complained.

Gu Xizhou did not answer her words, unlocking the fingerprint lock is easier than the combination lock, as long as the child sneaks into the parents' room and gently presses the fingers of the sleeping parents.



Gu Xizhou heard the sound of the hands passing by the clock and looked up at the time on the wall clock, which was exactly 10:30 in the morning.

The lady at the front desk took the two to the door of You Tianyi's office and faced the woman who had just come out of You Tianyi's office. The lady at the front desk seemed very afraid of the woman.

This Lan sister glanced at her casually, lightly, without emotion, turned to look at Gu Xizhou, and turned away with the information in her hand.

Gu Xizhou walked into the office and glanced at the busy You Tianyi sitting at his desk.

"Is it you?" You Tianyi raised an eyebrow, apparently recognizing Gu Xizhou and Fang Zhi who were looking for him in the night market yesterday, he waved at the girl and motioned for the other party to leave.

Gu Xizhou sat across from You Tianyi, "Is it strange?"

"No, no, but I don't really know the two women you're looking for. Did they commit anything?" You Tianyi sat on the chair and raised his hand to signal that they were free. "Even if you look for me It's no use, they and I are not familiar at all. "

Gu Xizhou glanced at You Tianyi's office and saw that the host had a good taste. A picture of a young woman was placed on You Tianyi's desk.

"This is your girlfriend?" Gu Xizhou asked casually.

You Tianyi said, "No, this is my wife."

"Okay, let's keep it simple," Gu Xizhou said directly. "The girls in the two photos you saw yesterday are dead. I believe you have seen the news a few days ago. Tang Xiao is the first dead person. . "

You Tianyi said for a moment, a voice of Tian Fang Ye Tan said: "Do you suspect that I killed?"

"Please, I stayed with my wife all night, I didn't kill anyone."

Gu Xizhou waved his hand and said, "Don't be excited, you listen to me first.

"From the appearance of the first deceased to this morning, there was one deceased every night. These three days were Tang Xiao, Hu Shanshan, and Cao Li. Cao Li was a member of the Jin Fen family. Hu Shanshan had 419 with you a month ago.

"I know that you are a little confused about their looks, but this can't change your hobby like snake face. Of the three people who are dead now, you can be sure that two people have a one-night stand with you."

"Me?" You Tianyi frowned, walked to the side, and locked the door specially, apparently he had an impression of Cao Li's name. "Cao Li, I know, I had an appointment with her, but I didn't really kill anyone Except yesterday, I was with my wife at home two days ago! My wife can prove this ... You saw it yesterday, too, and I went out with that girl to make an appointment! "

Gu Xizhou nodded and said, "I know, I have no doubt that you killed the killer, but the killer must have some connection with you. Can you think of anyone?"


"The people in the night market have a fixed relationship with you, and who do you like very much?" Gu Xizhou asked. After analysis by professionals, the murderer may have cut off the woman's chest because of jealousy or retaliation.

You Tianyi shook his head and said, "No."

"If you do n’t cooperate with us, You Tianyi, I will only take you to the police station. I think you should still like your wife since you put the photos on the table, do you want her to know?" Gu Xizhou glanced The degree of wear of the photo frame reminds You Tianyi.

"No, please don't tell my wife, you can't tell her!" You Tianyi nervously, "she has a bad heart and cannot be stimulated!"

This man was messing around outside, Gu Xizhou thought that You Tianyi's relationship with his wife must be bad, but did not expect him to be very nervous about his wife?

Gu Xizhou groaned endlessly.

Scum men really have their own characteristics.

"It's not that I don't tell you, I do like to find women at night, but that's what happened this year, and I don't want my wife to know, so I haven't contacted them since I made an appointment with those women."

Gu Xizhou raised an eyebrow: "But they gave me your phone number. Didn't you contact me?"

"Well, I have two cards and two mobile numbers, and every time I go to the night show, I will take the number you said," You Tianyi said.


You Tianyi: "I'm afraid my wife will know that I don't want them to disturb my normal life, but it is difficult to contact without a mobile phone number, so I bought a mobile phone separately."

"Specially set up a mobile phone for a gun." Gu Xizhou sighed, ignoring You Tianyi's face, and then You Tianyi said.

"The phone is here." You Tianyi took out the mobile phone he used to ask for a gun from the safe and pushed it into Gu Xizhou's hands. "There are indeed many girls who want to meet me again, but my principle is the same woman It's about three times at most, and it's a lot of trouble if you're often together. "

Gu Xizhou took the call. The phone only had text messages and call records. There was no other software. Obviously, this phone was only used to receive calls and send text messages, many of which were missed.

"So you never imagine who would kill you for you?"

You Tianyi: "Yes."

Gu Xizhou knocked on the table with his hand, glanced at You Tianyi, and asked, "You and your wife were at home a few days ago. Didn't she leave?"


"you sure?"

You Tianyi nodded and said, "Of course, I was sick the day before yesterday. I remember it was ten o'clock, my wife asked me to get up to eat fruit together, and then we slept together. Until the next morning, we slept. Bed, I would know if she went out. "

"You doubt me, even if you doubt my wife?" You Tianyi laughed a little, feeling, "My wife has been ill recently and has been recuperating at home."

Talking about Yu Tianyi rubbing his brows, he felt that the fever was getting worse.

At that moment, a commonly used cell phone on the desktop by You Tianyi rang.

"Ding Ding Ding."

You Tianyi made a mute gesture to several people, and then picked up the phone. After putting down the phone, he looked at Gu Xizhou and Fang Zhi, a little nervous: "My wife is here, can you avoid it for a while, I don't want to She hears these things, and I can cooperate with your investigation. "

Gu Xizhou glanced at him, said nothing, and walked in from the door to a pretty woman.

"Ruan Ruan, why are you coming up alone?"

Ruan Shuyun blinked at him and asked, "Did I interrupt your work? I made lunch at home and wanted to eat with you."

"I want to drink water!" Ruan Shuyunjiao said drippingly.

You Tianyi may be nervous because the hand holding the cup shook. If Fang Zhi's eyes were not fast, the quilt would fall to the ground and be broken.

Fang Zhi returned the water to You Tianyi's hands.

"Thank you," You Tianyi thanked, and then handed the water to his wife, patting his wife's back, "Drink slowly."


"They came to me to discuss cooperation." You Tianyi explained to his wife softly.

Ruan Shuyun drank water in a small mouth, and nodded, "I didn't ask you, you don't need to explain, I know you are busy at work, and they are not women."

You Tianyi smiled reluctantly, and then said to Gu Xizhou, "Is there anything we can say in the afternoon? We have a seafood restaurant downstairs which is not bad. I'll ask someone to accompany you and pay me."

Seeing what Gu Xizhou wanted to say, You Tianyi was afraid that Gu Xizhou would say something that embarrassed him and interrupted: "It is now 11.40. My home is very close to here, and we will come back to talk after half an hour."

"Okay, I see."

You Tianyi took his wife away. Gu Xizhou walked to the door and saw You Tianyi's secretary looking at the back of the two men and laughing.

"General You and his wife are so loving!"

"That's not it. Before the company did it before, I heard that You always was called Xiaobailian, and it was all supported by his wife's salary!"

Gu Xizhou listened for a while, Fang Zhi on the side was stunned, doubting life.

Yesterday they heard it clearly in the night.

Cannon King You Tianyi ... can be matched with the word Cannon King. This is what anyone can imagine. They did not expect that You Tianyi was still a good man in his company.

Obviously, You Tianyi was really careful about asking for guns. Only the talents in the night knew that everyone around him was concealed by him.

Gu Xizhou felt that he might enter an endless loop again.

You Tianyi made no appointment for the third time, and only his wife had a fixed relationship with him, so who would kill him because of him? Or who would kill someone because of being infected by You Tianyi?

Gu Xizhou was puzzled.

"You always asked me to take you downstairs to a seafood restaurant for dinner. Please come with me." A male staff member called Gu Xizhou and Fang Zhi who were in a daze.

When the three of them sat downstairs to eat, Gu Xizhou and Fang Zhi talked together and found that people in the company didn't seem to know about You Tianyi's chaotic relationship between men and women. Except for his wife Ruan Ruan, no other women had visited the company he.

"You always have a good relationship with his wife, and have lunch together?" Gu Xizhou asked.

The programmer smiled and said, "Yeah, Sister Ruan is beautiful, and Mr. You is handsome. The two golden boys and girls are very good. They are high school classmates."

Gu Xizhou's cell phone rang. He glanced at the pathology report sent to Yuan and apologized to the two. "I'll go to the bathroom."

After leaving, Gu Xizhou dialed the phone number commonly used by You Tianyi. After a short blind tone, the call was connected.

"Hello, who are you looking for?" Was the voice of You Tianyi's wife.

Gu Xizhou said: "Hello, I'll look for President You."

"Wait a minute, I'll give him the phone."

At the other end of the phone, the phone was obviously changed into another person's hand. "Hello, who are you?"

"it's me."

You Tianyi at home was tearing the buttons on his clothes. He had heard Gu Xizhou's voice, "What are you doing now? I promised you to have lunch and continue talking?"

"If you care about your wife, why go out and make an appointment?"

"This has nothing to do with you?" After speaking, You Tianyi raised an eyebrow, and then secretly looked at his wife who was serving the dishes, nodded slightly to Ruan Shuyun, went to the outside balcony and continued to answer the phone.

Gu Xizhou was silent for a moment, and asked, "Have you ever had **** with your wife recently?"

You Tianyi: "Fuck, you are still not sick, I have no obligation to answer your question!"

Gu Xizhou groaned for a moment and said, "Of course not, I just think that if you do not have **** with your wife | life, it is best not to do anything related to her, after all, it may be infected with HIV."

You Tianyi heard Gu Xizhou's words, his face was pale, and he hurriedly asked, "What do you mean?"

Gu Xizhou said for a moment in silence: "Just confirmed that the three dead were infected with HIV. At present, it is certain that Hu Shanshan has made an appointment with you a month ago."

"AIDS is not in my jurisdiction. I don't know if you have any high-risk behaviors. I suggest you go to the hospital for a check."

"No, it won't, I won't."

"Are you mistaken?"

As soon as You Tianyi finished speaking, he saw his wife picking at the door and asked, "Why not? What are you talking about?"

You Tianyi twitched his throat and shook his head: "No ... nothing."

"Let's eat and wait for you!"

You Tianyi said, after hanging up the phone, he picked up the chopsticks and put down again, "I haven't had a good cold. I'm afraid of infecting you. I'll take a bowl and eat it alone."

Ruan Shuyun's dark eyes squinted and smiled slightly, as if there was water to overflow, "No need?"

"Yes!" You Tianyi was resolute, his heartbeat was always fast, and his mind was filled with Gu Xizhou's words, "Three dead were infected with HIV. At present, it is certain that Hu Shanshan had an appointment with you a month ago".

On this side, Gu Xizhou hung up the phone, and as soon as he returned to the seafood restaurant, he heard that the programmer was talking to Fang Zhi.

"As programmers, we are either binary trees or testing bugs every day. Overtime 996 is the norm."

Fang Zhihan said, "It's tiring."

The programmer smiled and said, "Actually, the programmer is okay. You didn't know that Sister Ruan was just tired when she went to work a few months ago!"

"What does she do?" Gu Xizhou came over and asked.

"Anesthesia doctor, surgery and illness, anesthesia to save lives, and any operation can not do without them, more tired than us." The man said casually.

Fang Zhi: "Anesthesiologist?"

The two looked at each other, and Gu Xizhou grabbed the programmer's jacket and said, "Where does You Tianyi live? Take us there!"

"what happened?"

"We are police, now take me to their place, hurry!"

"Okay, okay!" The man nodded confusedly when he saw the document, completely puzzled.

Gu Xizhou raised his eyebrows and took out his mobile phone. He wanted to call immediately, but thought for a moment. You Tianyi should be safe now, and the woman should not know that You Tianyi has been followed by them. Calling him may cause him. Woman's vigilance.

Led by the staff of You Tianyi Company, he went straight to the front of You Tianyi's house. Gu Xizhou said to the man, "Go knock."

"Oh ... what are we doing? You always commit any crimes?" The man whispered.

"It's natural to know when you know it. Just tell him that the company has something urgent."



Three times and three times, finally a female voice came out from inside, "Who?"

"Sister Ruan is me, Xiao Zhang. There is an urgent matter in the company, and Mr. You needs to go back to deal with it!" The man said.

He heard Xiao Zhang's words and suddenly there was no sound inside.

Gu Xizhou winked at the man and made him continue to urge, "Sister Ruan opened the door, really anxious!"


Someone looked into the cat's eyes, and the woman opened the door for the three.

As soon as Gu Xizhou went in, he heard a hissing sound. He glanced into the kitchen and found out that the woman was cooking, not gas, and his heart was slightly lowered, and asked, "Hello, disturb, What about Mr. You? "

"He has a fever and is sleeping in the bedroom," the woman murmured, "you follow me."

Gu Xizhou followed Ruan Shuyun into the bedroom and saw You Tianyi, who was lying on the bed covered with a quilt, and frowned slightly, and walked over and patted You Tianyi, "Hey, Mr. You, wake up, You Tianyi ?!"

I was sure that You Tianyi was still breathing. Gu Xizhou turned his head and looked at the woman. He always felt that something was wrong. He was anxious to wake people up and didn't continue to explore what was wrong.

You Tianyi opened his eyes stupidly and looked at Gu Xizhou, "You, how are you in my house?"

"I, I hurt ..."

Gu Xizhou heard You Tianyi say that it hurts. He lifted the quilt covered by You Tianyi with his hands, and saw You Tianyi's lower body wrapped in a circle of white gauze. The lower body was wrapped like a mule, There is also constant exudation of blood.

Gu Xizhou took a deep look at Ruan Shuyun, turned and rushed into the kitchen, opened the lid, and saw that the water in the pot had boiled, he turned off the fire, and at the same time used chopsticks to lower You Tianyi | the missing body Clip it up ...

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