MTL - Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries-Chapter 89 amusement park

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"Gu Brother, what are you looking at?" Fang Zhi who followed him said behind Gu Xizhou: "Here, this is ..." He pointed at the things that Gu Xizhou had fished out of his pot, his face paled.

At this time, there was a call from You Tianyi. He was pale and tremblingly walked out of the room. The gauze wrapped in his lower body was like a diaper. He went into his kitchen and saw the food on the cutting board. Things, already understood, he passed out.

The programmer at the company walked into the kitchen, his voice trembling, "Isn't this what I think?"

Gu Xizhou did not answer the man's question. He hurriedly pulled out his mobile phone and was planning to dial 120. You Tianyi's lower body was still bleeding, and he needed to stop bleeding in time, otherwise he would definitely die because of excessive blood loss.

Ruan Shuyun stood by and saw Gu Xizhou holding her mobile phone. She said lightly: "No need to call. I have informed 120 before you come in. As for the police, you are here. I don't think I need to call the police, right?"

After explaining this sentence, Ruan Shuyun went directly into the living room and sat down.

All the people present were stunned. After Gu Xizhou lifted You Tianyi to the sofa with the help of Fang Zhi, Gu Xizhou suddenly turned his head to look at Ruan Shuyun, "When we came, you deliberately took us into the room. , Deliberately saying that he is not comfortable, you are just waiting for the water to boil! "

Ruan Shuyun did not refute Gu Xizhou's words, she sat on the sofa with her hands on her shoulders.

"You're amazing." Gu Xizhou felt like he was being swayed, and pointed at Ruan Shuyun with a smile.

"You are also very good. Actually, I never thought you could catch me," Ruan Shuyun raised her lips, smiling a little with disdain. "I thought you had to wait for the day when I surrendered before you could catch me. I didn't think I would cut Three people, you will find it. "

"How did you notice him? He didn't make any appointments with the women for the third time, and he has been hiding very well, even the person beside me is hidden by him."

"Now I ask you, not you," Gu Xizhou said. "We only met in his office. How do you know we are police?"

Ruan Shuyun looked down at You Tianyi who was still asleep, then looked away.

"It's not just your policemen who are good at observing. The skin of your two is healthy wheat. I infer that you often run outside and have muscles on your arms, unlike those of them sitting in the office."

"Maybe it's just that I like sports. It's no surprise."

The woman nodded in agreement, "Yes, do you remember the water that almost fell to the ground in the office? It was steadily caught by your partner, and his skill was good.

"The most important thing is You Tianyi. At lunch today, he answered your call. He told me that he had a bad cold. He was afraid of contagious me and wanted to share meals with me.

"Perhaps it was all my guess before, but he offered to divide the meal and I knew you were not his co-workers, but the police."

Ruan Shuyun's calmer analysis, Gu Xizhou became more regretful: He did not call that phone to remind You Tianyi, but You Tianyi would not be in trouble. Officially because of his reminder, You Tianyi would propose to divide the meal.

"No, you don't need to think it's your fault." Ruan Shuyun said quietly, she was like a bystander, she could see everything clearly, and she could even see Gu Xizhou.

When Gu Xizhou heard this sentence, his heart was numb, his eyes narrowed, and he looked at Ruan Shuyun in front of him. The murderer in front of him was unusually calm, as if he could see through people's hearts.

"Don't be surprised, I am a medical student and a candidate in psychology at university," Ruan Shuyun said. "If you don't call, I will kill him directly instead of cutting off his third leg."

Gu Xizhou: "..."

"You called him, and he said that he would share food with me, so I didn't kill him. Maybe I still have him in his heart, but I don't understand why I obviously have me in my heart, but I want to mess around with men and women outside .

"Do you guys know what I was thinking when I found out I have HIV? I thought for a long time, I was wondering if I was infected by the patient during the operation, I do n’t understand, I checked all the possibilities, but I He didn't expect it. "

Ruan Shuyun stood up and looked down at You Tianyi, who passed out, until 120 ambulance rushed to take You Tianyi to the hospital, and Ruan Shuyun didn't speak again.

He was arrested at the police station. Gu Xizhou sat in the interrogation room and looked at Ruan Shuyun, who was silent.

"Can you give me a cigarette?" The woman lowered her head and asked.

Gu Xizhou asked the criminal police from outside to come in and ignite it, and handed it to Ruan Shuyun. She was very unskilled, apparently the first time she smoked, but she was obviously smoking, but she was shed tears.

After smoking for a while, the cigarette **** burned down, and Ruan Shuyun finally spoke, answering Gu Xizhou's question, how did she determine the goal.

"After confirming the diagnosis of HIV, I checked and started to observe him. He was very careful, but when a woman suspected someone, she was Holmes, and she could betray someone with a little detail.

"His two mobile phones are exactly the same. Once he got home, he took the wrong mobile phone. As long as the lock screen couldn't tell which one was the usual one, I swipe the screen of the mobile phone and found that the phone needs to be unlocked by entering the password instead of the fingerprint. I knew this phone was not the one he used before.

"He's very busy sometimes, he doesn't have time to enter the password at all, and the fingerprint unlock is the fastest. I've been with him for too long and know him so well."

Gu Xizhou heard the words and frowned: "Do you know the password?"

Ruan Shuyun looked at Gu Xizhou for a while and said, "It's my birthday."

"..." Gu Xizhou and Fang Zhi were speechless, and the password set by You Tianyi's mobile phone, which was specifically used for appointments, turned out to be his wife's birthday.

Unlock the Cannon Phone-Enter your wife's birthday-Start an appointment ...

Such a process, Gu Xizhou just think about it, it feels big.

"Is he strange?" Ruan Shuyun smiled at himself with a mockery. "When he asked for a meal with me today, for a moment, I felt like I would forgive him."

"You go on to tell the merits."

Ruan Shuyun nodded, "After I unlocked my phone, I registered a WeChat with his mobile phone number, and then someone added my WeChat friends. More and more people added me ..."

"Tang Xiao asked him to meet. I agreed to her request in WeChat. Then downstairs, I stunned her with anesthetic and then cut her chest with a scalpel."

Fang interrupted: "But this morning, You Tianyi told us that Tang Xiao and Hu Shanshan died the two nights when you were at home together."

"That's just what he thought I was at home."

Gu Xizhou was silent for a while and said, "I guessed this. She is an anesthesiologist. She is very accurate about the amount of anesthesia. It makes it difficult for You Tianyi to feel that she just slept for five minutes."

"Yes, I was stunned with anesthesia. I and Tang Xiao met and spent an hour and a half back and forth. After I returned, I adjusted the time of all the digital instruments and stunned again in the same way after You Tianyi fell asleep. He adjusts all the time again. "

Gu Xizhou glanced at her, "You'll kill him anyway, why do you need to prove your absence?"

"If there are too many people, he will sooner or later find out that these people have a relationship with him, and he will definitely be the first to doubt me. After all, I am an anesthesiologist. I am not trying to prove to you that I am not present, but to tell him I absent."

When the woman was talking, all the colleagues at the Jinluo Police Station listening outside took a sigh of air. She wanted to get rid of the net from the beginning, not just killing a few people.

If it weren't for the team, they would follow You Tianyi so quickly, the women would continue to kill!

"Gu team, come out for a while." At this time Lao Guo opened the door and said to Gu Xizhou.

When Gu Xizhou went out, he asked, "What's the matter?"

"On the phone in the hospital, the victim wants to see you."

Gu Xizhou answered the phone. The person on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time. Gu Xizhou could hear the faint cry of the phone.

"Comrade Police, did she kill someone because of me? ... Because I went out to fooling around, I infected her, didn't I?"

"She was diagnosed a few months ago."

You Tianyi was sitting on the bed. He had the report just now. He had a positive HIV. Just now he had been diagnosed with the disease.

"sorry Sorry……"

Gu Xizhou heard intermittent cries from the other end of the phone, and the man was silently saying sorry, Gu Xizhou didn't know who Yu Tianyi was sorry for.

After Ruan Shuyun pleaded guilty and explained everything one by one, she made a request and hoped that they would inform the hospital where she worked and let those patients she had contacted go to the hospital for examination to confirm whether they were infected.

It was already 10 o'clock in the evening when driving away from the police station. Gu Xizhou drove downstairs in the residential area and poured down a heavy rain. The rain on the roof was noisy and sounded like a big bead and a jade plate, but it was quiet outside.

At this time Gu Xizhou's mobile WeChat alert sounded.

Si Yu: How about the case?

Gu Xizhou: The murderer has come to justice

Si Yu: That's good.

Gu Xizhou: Thank you.

Si Yu: Thank you?

Gu Xizhou: Without your help, I might have to work overtime a few more days.

Si Yu: Oh, no need to thank, next time you ask me for help, please do n’t ask me to eat noodles.

Gu Xizhou: Your consciousness is that I can ask you for help at any time, as long as I do not invite you to eat noodles?

Si Yu: When I didn't say.

Gu Xizhou: When is next time?

Si Yu, who was sitting in his living room, was holding his mobile phone and thought, "Wait for a while, I'm not in a hurry."

Gu Xizhou: OK.

Si Yu: Yes.

The conversation between the two people stayed on the word "um", Gu Xizhou had just planned to pack the phone, and the phone rang again.

Xiang Yuan: Suddenly, this case was broken in three days. When were you so powerful?

Gu Xizhou: Who hasn't got the wit yet?

Xiang Yuan: Haha, don't forget about you. The sperm in the body of the third deceased has been identified. You are ready to investigate.

Gu Xizhou saw the news of Xiang Yuan, and rubbed his eyebrows with headache. The case of homicide and **** was two cases. According to Ruan Shuyun's account, she did not directly kill the killer in four cases.

After cutting off the **** of three women, she just threw people into the grass by the roadside, and she could not commit sexual assault by herself. Gu Xizhou concluded that Cao Li, the third deceased, was actually found by a passerby, But the other party did not save her, but raped her while she was in a coma.

To investigate, of course, they have to investigate.

Gu Xizhou shook off his mind and went straight upstairs. Before taking a shower, he put the case on the table and left Gu Xing to watch. After showering, he went straight to bed.

When I fell asleep in the middle of the night, I heard a noise in my room ... A ghost was closing the window.

But Gu Xizhou didn't see the ghost. He rolled over and said, "Thank you."

The other side ignored him. After closing the window, Gu squeaked beside the bed in the darkness, stared at Gu Xizhou for a while, then went out of the room and brought the door on.

For the next two days, Gu Xizhou and they conducted a carpet-like investigation near the third dead Cao Li's death place. After two days, the owner of Semen | Liquid, the other party was a scavenger near here.

After discovering that Cao Li was stunned and cut her chest, the man did not save Cao Li, but took advantage of the other's coma to perform rape. The animal behavior was shuddering.

Gu Xizhou finally solved the case of serial chest killing. Suddenly someone knocked on the door and rushed into Yuanfeng.

"Lao Gu, you can't guess who came to our police station just now!" Xiang Yuan said.

Gu Xizhou raised his eyebrows and motioned him not to sell offense.

"That You Tianyi came to our police station and said he did not sue Ruan Shuyun!"

"He didn't sue, all the same," Gu Xizhou said indifferently. "Ruan Shuyun killed three people, and it must be the death penalty."

Xiang Yuan echoed, "Yeah, but don't you think he's a contradiction? It was him who went out to find a woman, and it was him who infected his wife, and it was him who was cut off without prosecution.

Gu Xizhou thought: You Tianyi has more wonderful places than that. He is actually more curious about what Yu Tianyi thinks every time he unlocks the phone and enters the password!

"Okay, don't gossip." Gu Xizhou said.


Someone knocked on the door, got up to Yuan and opened the door. When he saw something in his hand, he walked in.

"Did I disturb you?" March asked.

Xiang Yuan took a bite of red dates to soak the wolfberry and said, "No, I'm leaving now, you have something, you talk!"

When Xiang Yuan left, Gu Xizhou let Mudge say.

"The Drug Enforcement Police have seen the information you gave them, and have identified the staff involved in drug trafficking at the Jin Fen Family. They asked me to say thank you."

Although it was an accidental drug trafficking case, Gu Xizhou's investigation through the video was really useful and helped a lot there.

Ma Qi was talking to Gu Xizhou, and the voices of several policemen suddenly came from outside.

"Ma'am, you can't go in!"

"Why can't you go in? Oh, I know, does he know that I'm pregnant, so he doesn't want to see me?"

"No, no, you mean that you are pregnant with the child of the Gu team? But your stomach ..." It's pretty flat! Where are you like?

A criminal police officer didn't dare to tell the truth, after all, the woman in front of him was very beautiful, maybe there was really something to do with the Gu team!

Mudge pointed outside, meaning you wouldn't go and see.

Well, when did I get pregnant? I do not know how?

Gu Xizhou pushed the door open in three steps and two steps. When he saw the woman outside the door, he froze slightly, Mei Feng slightly raised, "Is you? I don't remember what super-friendship I have with you, I and you This is exactly the third meeting. "

The woman didn't object, she took a step forward and said, "I've helped you twice before, and it's fair for you to help me once."

Gu Xizhou raised an eyebrow, saying that the woman did help him twice, the first was the Fengshan Mountain corpse division, and the second was a breast-cut case.

"What do you want me to help you with?"

"Please accompany me to the next world. You are my only hope. I don't want to die."

"What hope?"

When hearing the words of the woman, Gu Xizhou glanced at the woman. The woman was about as good as he guessed. She continued their lives through the mission world just like them, but he didn't understand every word of the woman.

The woman stepped forward and grabbed Gu Xizhou's wrist. She said, "Sorry, the time is up. The countdown is three minutes."

Mudge tried to let the woman let go, but he didn't know the three minutes the woman said was false.

The woman was holding Gu Xizhou, and Mudge was holding the woman.

After a familiar dizziness, March had only four words in his heart: 艹 艹 大爷.

When Gu Xizhou opened his eyes again, his surroundings were noisy, mixed, and there were many voices.

here is……

amusement park? 2k novel reading network

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