MTL - Mercenaries and Adventurers-v4 Chapter 130 , 2 people were pegged and investigated

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The two of them were talking and walking slowly along the narrow street between the buildings.

They talked and pretended to be chatting, and they looked like two rich locals.

But they didn't expect that there was a young man wrapped in dirty and tattered fur curled up on the ground at the corner of the street. The dirty and smelly animal fur covered on the boy's body was picked up or stolen from no one knew where, and there were a lot of parasites crawling inside, so the boy had to crush the little things that bit people to death one by one with his hands. The fur is also a bit small, his feet are exposed outside, covering the feet, but the head is exposed, covering the head, but the feet are exposed again.

But unlike the image covered in dirty fur, this young man's eyes are clear and bright, and even the drowsy night can't stop the young man's gaze and peeping.

He is a backbone member of a local bandit group. Although he looks young, he has been working in the bandit group for ten years. Not long ago, their deputy head returned to the lair with a few fellows who had injured their fingers, and spread a message in the team.

"There must be a lot of treasures in the transiting army! I'm sure." Although this man was in a bad mood when he spoke, his words caught the attention and attention of everyone in the team.


The ears of everyone in this thieves group who made their fortunes by stealing business trips were pricked up.

This is coming alive!

So soon, this energetic gang of thieves started to act. The leading veteran thieves dispatched elites in the team to investigate the movement of the army, and at the same time sent people to inquire about the inside information of the caravan that came with the army for the night.

Two-pronged approach, full operation.

So the boy dressed up, hid in a dark corner of the street, and lay down on the ground pretending to sleep, so that no one would pay attention to him, a humble beggar.

Even if Knight Crow saw this person, he didn't attract the attention of the knight, because the world is not good, no, the world has never been better, there are too many people like this kind of homeless, the knight didn't pay attention at all The weightless gaze of an ordinary person in the corner of the line of sight.

Although the boy didn't know who these two people wearing ordinary clothes were, but walking out of the building where the army was stationed overnight, they must be people related to this army.

He moved his body secretly. He had chosen a dark corner of the street, moved a few times and turned his body around the corner, avoiding all possible sights. Then he got up, trotted across a street, and The passing residents passed each other with disgusted eyes, and found another person nearby who gathered the stalking information.

"I saw two people coming out of the building where the army is mainly stationed. They were wearing ordinary clothes and both carried one-handed swords. One looked very ordinary, and the other looked like a young master from a rich family. He was talking. Walk towards the south side of Trinity Street."

The thieves group numbered all the buildings and streets in the square strange wind town, so that their own people can quickly indicate the location.

The person who gathered the news was also dressed in a desolate manner. He was holding a large glass of ale in his arms at the moment, and a lot of alcohol was spilled on his clothes and chest. He was obviously pretending to be a drunk and desolate outsider.

"I'm laughing to death, and you are still your son? Have you seen the noble masters and their children? They are very pompous, hmph."

This person seemed to have had some conflicts with nobles before, so he sneered.

"Okay, I understand. I will arrange for people from other places to follow and watch. You return to the gate and keep watching."

The young man curled his lips, just a little thirsty, so he snatched the pretend wooden wine glass from his companion's arms, and gulped down the wine in it: "Anyway, if you don't drink, don't waste it."

The person who gathered the news allowed the other party to take away the performance props. After the young man had finished drinking, he continued to sneer: "Drink so much, and like to drink so much? I don't know how much of your skills you have left? I'm afraid it's a knife." Can't hold it with your fingers?"

"If you want to take care of it, it's the most hopeless way to take out your money bag. You don't know it! If you can't hold it, you can't hold it. If I want to do it in the future, I will make a big one. It's the same big stuff as this time."

After speaking, the boy turned around and left, throwing the wooden wine glass into the arms of his companion.

When the boy passed the corner of the street, the person who gathered the news was still sitting slumped at the corner of the street, but he blew a playful whistle, and soon another person walked over from the side.

When the two intersected, the person on the ground pretending to be down and out said in a low voice: "Two people, Sanyi Street is heading south, and the speed is not fast. Follow up and have a look. Well, one is dressed fancy."

"Understood." The person passing by was dressed as a member of the chamber of commerce, and even had things in his hands.

After listening to the words, he continued to walk forward, turned directly at the intersection of the street, quickened his pace and walked quickly towards the place he heard just now.


Kiel and Crow Knight walked and talked, if they just walked in one direction without talking, it would be too purposeful.

Therefore, they quickly turned to the cooking method of monster meat from Knight Crowe's evaluation of the relationship between the soldiers' combat effectiveness and the degree of obedience to orders.

"Uncle Doddell, let me cook the monster meat myself from now on?"

Keir said with a wry smile, blood red smoke was still coming out of his mouth when he hiccupped just now.

"What? You don't think what I made is delicious? You, that thing is not made to make you really feel delicious. The key is not to let the flame and temperature destroy the effect of the material. You can eat it."

Knight Crowe waved his hand, looking indifferent.

It's not easy for Keir to take any more responsibilities. He has never cooked monster meat. The specific situation is not just for Knight Crow to say casually. But in order to accumulate life energy beyond that of ordinary people, these nutritious monster meat have to be eaten.

After all, after each meal, the powerful nutrition keeps him from needing to eat normally for many days, and his life energy will be significantly enhanced.

Endure it for strength.

Keel secretly patted and paid, and they quickly walked under the tall tower.

From the narrow gaps between the buildings, half of the towers revealed in the narrow sky can just be seen by the moonlight.

"I've seen it from a distance before. There are people before dark, and there are people who change shifts when it gets dark. There are also people at night. Although the locals don't understand how precious this thing is, using the weapons left by the previous knights, But still caring.”

Knight Crowe whispered to Kiel, just passing by a caravan man with things in both hands.

Kiel nodded. As the only defensive facilities against the harpies, it is normal to send people to guard them day and night. Although it seems that the harpies didn't mean to ask for trouble, I don't know whether it was because the architectural design of the strange wind town came in handy, or the four towers with a range covering the entire strange wind town played a big role.

Keel thinks it should be the former.

If it was the latter, the knights sent by the previous earls would not have killed all of them, including themselves, when they attacked the monster lair deep in the grassland.

The two turned around and began to circle around the building where the tower was located.

While walking, Knight Crowe pointed to the gates of various chambers of commerce passing by, and introduced his investigation results to Kiel.

"Someone is working on this house, and so is this house. By observing the design of the building where we stayed overnight, the baron infers that the entrance to the base of the tower is right next to the patio in the center of the building. There should be a passage directly connected to the garrison of the security militia."

Turning in the other direction, a closed door appeared in front of him.

The door was thick and tightly closed, but from the gap in the wooden door, it could be seen that there was a faint fire burning inside.

Obviously, even if it is a place where luminous plants are raised and grown, the chamber of commerce still arranges people to guard the place, and one cannot really trust a wooden door to block people with ulterior motives.

Although luminous plants are not expensive, they are not cheap either. If someone steals them, it will be a lot of loss.

"Uncle Doddell, how do we get in? Break through the gate? Or go through the giant vines from the roof?"

Kyle glanced at it for a few moments, then asked.

Knight Crowe slapped Kiel on the head: "Idiot, look at that."

Following Knight Crowe's pointing, Keel noticed that there were still a few ventilation windows on the second floor of the building. But at this time, these windows have been closed, and the blue fluorescent light emitted by the luminescent plants leaked inside. If you are not a local, you will be startled by this weird light.

"It's too early to go through the gate. Now is not the time to act. As for the roof, there is a lot of movement. You can only go there when you act tomorrow. For investigation, go here first. Pay attention."

Knight Crowe stopped talking, and a fellow from the Chamber of Commerce passed by the two of them. The man had put down the things in his hands and seemed to be walking back.

After the man walked away, Knight Crowe continued, "Look good."

He came under a selected wooden window on the second floor, jumped a few meters high, and caught the depression in front of the wooden window.

Hold it with both hands, and then lift it lightly, and the whole person rises up.

Knight Crowe stuck the lower edge of the wooden window with one leg, and supported the upper edge of the wooden window with one hand. When both sides exerted strength, the whole person was directly fixed to the wooden window.

He swiped from his waist, and silently took out the short sword he got from Kiel.

The sharp and thin dagger gestured at the opening of the wooden window, but did not try to insert it through the opening of the wooden window to find a way to open the fixed wooden wedge inside.

A khaki light lit up in his hand, and then passed from the palm to the fingers, and then from the fingers to the dagger.

With a slight shake of his right hand, a khaki-yellow energy blade shot out from the tip of the dagger, cutting open the gap in the middle of the wooden window dully. Knight Crowe stretched out his hand and pushed again, and the wooden window opened.

It turned out that the energy blade just now mainly cut off the wooden wedge behind the wooden window.

Knight Crowe looked inside for a while, but didn't find any movement, so he shrank and got in.

Soon, a rope was thrown out of it.

"Just hurry up."

An order came from the wooden window, and Kiel immediately reached out and grasped the end of the rope, and turned his wrist a few times to grasp the rope tightly.

The rope shrank and tightened, and then there was an undeniable force that pulled Kiel up.

Keel didn't move, because although stepping on the wall next to him could stabilize his body, it was easy to leave dirty footprints on the khaki mud bricks.

This is not acceptable.

When he reached the window, Keel reached out and grabbed the edge of the wooden window. The kettle supported himself, and with the tension of the rope inside, he slid and slipped through the wooden window like a catfish in the sewer.

Crack, the wooden window closes quickly.

It doesn't appear that anyone has been in or out of here.


At the corner of the building at the entrance of the street, a stalker pretending to be a member of the Chamber of Commerce called another accomplice.

"Go to the opposite side from the intersection and see what they are doing. I have shown up twice, and I can't show up again."

The accomplice nodded and walked out pretending to be natural. When walking straight on the intersection street, I glanced to the right and was stunned.

"Where are people?"

Obviously, the stalker passed by the two of them in a very short time, but they disappeared?

"Could it be gone?"

After the man walked over immediately and naturally, he made a few cleanups in places out of sight.

Two, people, no, in, look.

The stalker immediately stretched out half of his head from the low place at the corner of the street, looked carefully, and sure enough, the two big living people were gone.

Immediately, he stepped out and called his companions: "The person is gone. In this way, you go around from the left, and I go around the street on the right. I will definitely find traces of the other party, and I haven't gone far."


Immediately, the two separated quickly from both sides, chasing the figures of Keir.

The stalker didn't panic, he was not afraid of your actions, but he was afraid of your inaction.


Kiel fell headlong from behind the wooden window, but was grabbed by Knight Crowe, turned over, and the whole person fell to the ground lightly and delicately.


With a gesture, Knight Crowe suppressed the cry in Kiel's throat.

Kiel calmed down, looked around, and found that they had entered the chamber of commerce that sold luminous plants, and the room that specialized in raising luminous plants.

The surrounding blue-green light is everywhere, obviously it is night, and it is obviously the interior of the building that is blocked by most of the walls, but it is very bright and clear here.

There is also a fresh smell in the air that removes dust and animal excrement, which is the fragrance of flowers emitted by the flowers of some luminous plants.

Including the hot luminous plants that he saw in the store before, there are several other luminous plants that are planted in flower pots.

There are light-emitting plants similar to small fruit trees, but the plants themselves do not emit light, but the colorful patterns on their fruits. These patterns shine white light, flashing and flashing. It is hard to say how good the lighting is, at least it looks very dazzle.

There is also a kind of vine plant spreading on the wooden frame, which looks similar to the huge vine growing on the top of every building in the town, but the plant itself of this vine can constantly emit weak fluorescence. It seems that the vines are not like vines, but more like energy pipelines.

There was also a metal cage next to it, which seemed to be the most important and precious thing, and the things inside caught Kiel's attention immediately.

It was a luminous bird standing on a wooden frame. Its whole body was no bigger than the size of a palm. The feathers and the crest on the top of its head could emit light. The amazing thing is that the color of the feathers of this bird is constantly changing, as Keel discovered. As the thing watched time pass, the plumage of this beautiful bird changed from a deep blue to a bright yellow.

The crown is not tired like a chicken's crown, but more like a **** appearance, and the shape is more like a crown.

"K, Uncle Doddle, what is this?" Keel lowered his voice and carefully looked at the luminous bird in the metal cage that was also staring at them.

But Knight Crowe also shook his head: "I don't know, but in any case, this thing is definitely not cheap. Alright, Keel, this has nothing to do with us. Take it easy, let's go."

After pulling Kiel, Knight Crowe stepped on the wooden floor lightly and walked towards the interior. Kiel also turned his head to look at the bird frequently.

He felt a heat in his chest, and Keel pulled out his chest, and the wooden sculpture of a bird tied to a rope appeared in his hand.

The appearance of the wood carving seems to be slightly different from what Kiel saw before. The bird on this wood carving looked angry after the breakup last time.

But now, its bird head, which was originally made of wood, showed an anxious look.

Kiel rolled his eyes and stuffed the wood carving back into his clothes, but he said a word to the wood carving softly:

"Come and find me tonight."

Keeping up with Knight Crow, Keel no longer cared about the wooden sculpture whose temperature seemed to drop.


The two carefully walked through the planting area full of various luminous plants, and then bypassed the plant fertilizers everywhere in the messy and smelly warehouse area.

When approaching the stairs connecting the second floor and the first floor in the middle, an old man whispered a drama line from the gate downstairs.

However, the ups and downs of the line script, under the processing of the old man's old voice, no matter how bold the words are, they become lifeless, without passion and vitality.

Even less contagious.

Bypassing here and coming to the place where the corner of the house is close to the corner of the building, there are naturally water intakes and windows close to the patio.

"What did the old man read? I have an but I can't understand it, it's too weird."

Keir whispered to Knight Crowe.

Knight Crowe glanced at Keir: "The battlefield drama "Dawn of the Empire", it sounds like the climax at the end. Have you heard this before?"

Kiel slapped his head: "I remember, it's this. In the park opposite the Foxtail Chamber of Commerce, rich citizens who like theater performed once. I remember it when I was deeply impressed."

The knight nodded. He himself had heard this a few times in the theaters of the kingdom's capital, but he didn't simply like theatrical performances, it was just the secret stalking mission of the Knights of the Guards.

Facing the water well and the narrow wooden window in front of them, the two looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Uncle Doddell, look, it goes through the water channel under the well and reaches the patio in the middle of the building. Should we squeeze through the wooden window and get through?"

Knight Crowe rolled his eyes, and he didn't even need to ask, he definitely couldn't walk by water, he was completely soaked, how could they go in and investigate.

The knight came to the end of the narrow water intake, buckled several wooden barrels for fetching water upside down on the ground, and then stepped on the wood to reach the high wooden window.

I flipped the switch to open the wooden window, but this thing probably never opened after it was closed, and it was a little stuck.

But this was not a problem for Knight Crow, who made a miracle with his strength. He exerted a little force, and the stuck wooden wedge broke directly, and the wooden window was successfully opened.

First opened a gap, then the knight grabbed the edge of the wooden window and lifted himself up.

After looking at the opposite side of the wooden window, the whole wooden window was opened after finding that there was no problem.

The knight stood on the barrel and waved to Kiel: "Come on, you go first."

Kiel nodded, and raised his leg to step on the palm of the bent Knight Crowe. As soon as the knight lifted it, Kiel was lifted up.