MTL - Mermaid Feeding Rules-Chapter 1 , repair (if you have seen it, don't watch it again)

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"The cells of experiment No. 3 are cultured in a petri dish for three hours, and the x-type reagent is added, and the division is accelerated after one hour..." The young man with short flaxen hair held the experimental record manual, recorded the cells on the computer screen, and whispered to himself , "Division is abnormal, deformed cells appear, try adding some w1 stabilizer..."

A red-haired researcher pushed open the door, stood at the door and knocked: "Boyce, come out!"

Boyce handed the booklet in his hand to the assistant arranged for him in the laboratory: "Hansen, you come to carry out the next experiment."

"What's the matter, Evie?"

"Some work-related matters," Ivey said. "I can't tell for a while. We can go to the restaurant to talk slowly."

Ivey is an assistant to Boyce's mentor Chris, and works on the negative fifth floor of the institute. Boyce has some guesses about his purpose.

Before coming to the institute, Boyce's mentor and the director of the institute Chris once said: "Boyce, Eureka will surprise you..."

Boyce didn't think the creatures on the first nineteen floors of the lab could be called a surprise by his discerning mentor.

This year, Boyce has been from the fifteenth floor above ground to the fourth underground floor, but he has not set foot on the fifth underground floor.

Sure enough, his first sentence was: "You should have heard about the negative five floors of the research institute?"

Boyce couldn't help but wonder: "What exactly is the research on the fifth floor?"

"I can't tell you here, but I will show you in the afternoon." Ivey pointed to something. "Also, let me remind you that on the fifth underground floor, there is a 'whale'."

whale? Is it a nickname?

Boyce frowned and was about to speak, Ivey made a "silence" action.

He blinked: "You'll know."

Ivey led Boyce into the elevator, stuck the employee in the elevator, swiped and pressed down to the fifth floor.

Soon the elevator's descent stopped, and the elevator door opened, revealing a long metal corridor.

There is also a glass door before entering the hallway.

Ivey pressed the switch, and there was a cold mechanical sound.

"Please show your ID card."

"Ding - ID card verification succeeded."

"Please do pupil verification."

"Ding - pupil verification is successful."

"Please show today's password."


"The password is correct."

"Welcome researcher s117."

The glass door slowly slid open to both sides, and Ivey said, "Boyce follows me."

Ivey first took Boyce to sign a confidentiality agreement and apply for a negative five-story identity certificate, and then took him here to familiarize himself with the route.

"There is a special ID card on the negative five floors, remember to keep it safe. The password will be changed every day, and someone will notify you of the new password, don't remember it wrong. I used to find someone to take over the job on the negative three floor. I remember your assistant is also quite good... "

"As for your job, it's a breeder for the time being."

Ivey said: "Before you start the experiment, you need to know our experimental body first."

"I will take you to feed on the first day of today, and you are the only one behind." Ivey swiped his card and pushed open a door.

There are all kinds of fish in it, the smallest is as big as a palm, and the big fish is cut into pieces, and each piece looks like a few tens of pounds.

The two put a bucket of meat on the cart, and Ivey pointed to a white line inside the bucket: "Remember this line, you can't eat more than this three times a day, you must keep it hungry and weak. , if it's too full, maybe it will make you a late night snack by the way."

Ivey looked serious and reminded again: "Don't think I'm joking."

Ivey looked at Boyce: "You have to remember, even in a fish tank, they can easily kill your creatures."

Boyce remembered today's password, and had a guess about the creature on the negative fifth floor: "Is it a siren?"

"Yes." Ivey glanced at him, "You can call it a mermaid, a merman, a siren, whatever you want to call it, in short—it's a monster with a human upper body and a fish tail. "

"Remember not to listen to it, and if you can, don't have any communication with it - you have to remember, it's not your cat or dog."

Having said this, Ivey sneered: "Do you know how your predecessor died?"

"He fell in love with that merman." Seeing Boyce looking over, Ivey snorted, "He actually thinks that mermen also have emotions and intelligence."

Ivey repeated what he had heard him say before: "He also told others that 'he is no different from us humans except for his appearance'."


"Yes, 'he'."

Zoe has always referred to the experimental subject as "he".

"How did he die?" Boyce asked subconsciously.

"We went to the breeding room in the middle of the night and we found his body the next day."

"Is it made by an experimental subject?" Boyce asked.

"Who else is there besides it?" Zooey turned to look at Boyce, "Is it someone else in the lab?"

"Advice from senior, remember to stay away from it for your life, and don't listen to its voice."

Ivey led Boyce to a stop in front of a door.

Ivey took a deep breath and adjusted his collar: "Be quiet next."

The ten-centimeter-thick steel plate door was opened, revealing the original appearance of the feeding room.

The feeding room is very empty. After the door is opened, there is a lift platform, about two or three meters above the ground, followed by a thick glass that extends from the ground to the ceiling, and the water surface is about level with the door.

The glass is actually a part of the fish tank inlaid at the bottom of the laboratory. The fish tank is 20 meters deep and covers a very wide area. The fish tank is connected to several laboratories.

Boyce didn't see the Siren, he could only see the calm waters through the glass, and it was dark in the depths, a little disappointed, but Ivey, who was traveling with him, was relieved. The absence of the experimental body means that now safer.

Pressing the switch on the lifting platform in front of the fish tank, Ivey and Boyce were lifted up to a position more than one meter above the water surface, and the glass that was originally attached to each other slowly rose and submerged into the ceiling, leaving behind a one-meter-high glass. void.

Ivey whispered to Boyce to hurry up. After throwing the fish in the bucket into the water, he couldn't wait to press the switch to lower the lift table and the glass.

It was not until he left the door of the breeding room that Aiwei's body that had been collapsing did not relax. He looked at the blood on his hands in disgust, took off the rubber gloves and smelled his hands. There was a fishy smell: "It smells bad. ."

Boyce glanced back, and there was a metal sign hanging on the door.

"Breeding Room: S-37."

"Person in charge: Zoe Fleiss."

Ivey took the cart and bucket back to the warehouse with a fishy smell and Boyce, and ran into a few researchers who were in charge of other mermen on the way.

They were a little curious about the new face: "The new guy Chris said?"

"I heard Alan say the day before yesterday that Zooey is not enough without someone, and someone will take his place."

"I heard that it is Chris's proud disciple? He is willing to let people be a breeder."

Naturally they also saw the empty iron barrel, and someone asked Boyce, "Have you seen it?"

"No? That's lucky. Fay, who went to feed it yesterday, broke his hand..."

A brown-haired researcher patted Boyce on the shoulder. "Good luck."

Once at the warehouse, Ivey threw the rubber gloves into the washing machine.

"It's really what Professor Chris meant for you to come to the fifth floor."

Generally speaking, newcomers who join the negative fifth floor do work in the feeding room for a few days, but Boyce is different from others. His mentor Chris is the head of the research institute.

Ivey explained: "Chris originally wanted to wait for him to come back and let you join the experiment directly, but he hasn't come back yet. Zooey died a few days ago, and Deputy Director Oleil said that there was a shortage of people for you to take the lead first. He and Professor Chris doesn't have a good relationship, but don't worry, you can change jobs when Professor Chris comes back."

But there is a premise that Boyce can live until Chris comes back. Oriel was fighting the idea of ​​letting Chris kill Boyce before he came back.

Ivey stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Boyce, who was wandering: "Did you hear what I said?"

Boyce nodded.

"Why did you get distracted?"

"I'm just a little surprised."

Ivey didn't ask him what he was surprised about. After reminding the breeder's work points again, and confirming that Boyce had memorized the route, Ivey went back to his room to take a shower.

"The fishy smell of this body..." Ivey said with disgust, "It's like rolling in a pile of dead fish."

After Ivey left, Boyce also returned to his room on the negative fifth floor.

The room is not too small, there is a desk and a chair, a single bed is placed against the wall, the wardrobe is built-in, and there are several white coats of the researcher, and there is a shower room in the room.

Boyce unscrewed the shower head, washed the fishy smell off his body with warm water, and after pulling a bath towel to wipe the water off his body, Boyce remembered the bright blue he saw when he turned around in the breeding room.

Looking a lot like the tail of a fish or a snake, the beautiful tail flashed through the water, reflecting colorful lights under the cool white light of the breeding room.

Is it a siren?

Although he heard about its danger, Boyce still felt a little regretful that he could not see its entire body, only its tail.