MTL - Mini-Games to Save the World-v2 Chapter 185 development of

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? Story thriller escape.

Act II development.

Time in the morning.

Location White Eagle, west coast town.

Character Lane and his girlfriend.

Background of death chase.

"After leaving the weird studio, Ryan looked stunned, their eyes looking around were full of panic and alert."

"The pedestrians passing by, the dolls on the street, the speeding cars ... everything is like a sickle of death, and they will take their lives in the next second."

"The two shuddered and looked stunned."

"In a moment, Lane was in the light and calm down a bit. He looked at his girlfriend with trembling shoulders and said that Rebecca was fine, it was just a movie, weren't we okay?"

"But it's just self-consolation. They looked for the cinema staff, and the answers were worthless. They were blasted out of the cinema because of his girlfriend's angry roar."

"Ryan still remembers the plot of the movie, they will encounter various threats, and then die inexplicably."

"The feeling of watching him die makes him very panic."

"In the movie, their next scene was to take a car to a friend's house but encountered an unbelievable car accident, so now they have to go against the plot."

"Ryan said Rebecca! Let's go to the police now, no matter what, it's the safest there."

"The girlfriend nodded, and the two came to the police station in panic."

"The blue logo, the black police uniform, after watching these, they were a little calm."

"In the police station."

"The two eagerly recounted their experiences. There have been many strange rumors recently. The police station should not be surprised by their experiences."

"Lane thought of it this way, but the police officer in front of him suddenly stared at them seriously and asked if you were stunned?"

"Ryan was startled. Did the police think they had hallucinations?"

"The police officer didn't wait for him to answer and asked if you knew Jessica again?"

"Ryan nodded in confusion. Good luck, Jessica, is a very famous person in this town, not to mention one of his good friends. Ryan couldn't possibly not recognize him."

"The police officer said that she disappeared last night."

"Ryan's words were taken aback again, and for a moment he thought about why the officer asked this question."

"Last night, he and a few friends such as Jessica enjoyed a bbq in the wild. It was normal for them to get something done because of excitement. This is not uncommon."

"Going back to each house afterwards, everything is fine. How could something happen at this time? Did Jessica's luck fail?"

"Ryan saw this and hurriedly explained that we went home early last night."

"The police officer shook his head. It wasn't you who had the final say before you got the news. You found it yourself, but you saved some trouble. 35xs"

"Ryan and his girlfriend looked at each other, why did this happen? But they and Jessica's disappearance are definitely not related, anyway, just stay in the police station."

"At this time."

"The police officer greeted his colleague."

"Suddenly, Ryan was shocked. He looked up and watched the young police officer approaching him, and a tall black shadow flashed in his mind.

"That ghost in the cinema!"

"The young police officer felt Ryan's gaze, then grinned and laughed silently."

"At this moment, Ryan's eyes once again showed deep terror."

"Looking at her girlfriend, she also saw the escape signal in her eyes."

"After a few breaths."

"Ryan throbbed his heart and quickly got up, pulling his girlfriend out of the door desperately."

"His mind can't calm down. Panic is afraid to occupy every inch of the skin. Only one thought runs in his heart! The farther you go, the better!"

"The ghost has caught up! Even the police station is not safe!"


"Several clutters, Ryan grabbed his girlfriend's hand and stumbled all the way, ran out of the police station, ran across the long street, had no time to think, jumped on a passing bus.

"After getting in the car."

"Ryan looked back and saw no one following him. He let out a long sigh of relief and leaned wearily back.

"At this time, his girlfriend tugged at his sleeve, panicing to Lane, we got in the car!"


"What a normal thing, but at the moment, Lane reacted instantly!"

"He looked around, and he was extremely familiar with the route this bus used! It was the bus to his friend's house that was waiting for a car accident--"


"Suddenly, Ryan's body flickered."

"It seems that blood is flowing backwards at this moment, the brain is shaking, everything in front of me is quickly flipping, and the world is trembling."

"In Yu Guang, a car ran across the road and collided with them."

"The crackling sound of crackling glass kept ringing, and the squeal of the car's brakes continued to echo."

"Pain, blood, screaming ..."

"Ryan felt death so close."

"He understands that this is only the first time."

"The scenes in the movie will gradually begin to materialize."

"He will die!"


it has started!

Lu Fan watched each word emerge from the blank paper ~ ~ The death journey belonging to Lane is developing.

Death is here!

It was to be expected that they would encounter an accident, and Lu Fan knew that the two would not die no matter what kind of accident they had before the end of their current ending.

If the ghost really wants to kill an ordinary person, why bother so much.

One is that certain ghosts will follow the rules, and the other is that ghosts need human emotions such as anxiety, tension, and resentment.

Only chasing after playfulness can make people nervous, and it will become more delicious when eating at last.

Lu Fan repeatedly reviewed Ryan's experience several times, and the Jessica mentioned in it caught his attention.

Jessica was number three when she chose the plot character before, but he was directly ruled out.

"So Jessica is really not with Ryan now, missing? It should be an anomaly too."

After making sure nothing was missing, it's his turn to write the plot.

Level 4 investigator Nick has arrived here, and now it is time to arrange for Nick to join the plot.

Lu Fan wrote immediately after the previous content.

"Please choose Nick's direction of investigation."

"When he came to the police station, Nick felt that there was a trace of dangerous breath left, and maybe it could be traced by the breath."

"2 Nick knew that Ryan and the two came to report the case, and they were very curious. They may be witnesses of the anomaly.

"3 Jessica caught Nick's attention. This girl may be the awakening. Her disappearance should be hidden."
