MTL - Mini-Games to Save the World-v2 Chapter 186 Different choices

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Lu Fan stared at the emerging choices, and he directly ruled out the content related to Jessica. The girl temporarily did not show that she could directly encounter abnormal connections like one or two choices, although each choice was definitely useful.

Lyan and the two will not be in trouble at the moment, Lu Fan left his eyes on the choice one.

Nick's ability is to track down, but it is not strong. How much information can be found, you can only try.

"Nick was thinking in the police station for a while, and now he is the only one who has come here. He doesn't have enough energy to investigate three incidents at the same time, so he sets his sight on the danger in front of him."

"As for the others, ordinary police officers should be able to find them."

"Simply talk to someone in the police station and browse through the files for a while, and Nick found someone."

"The evil atmosphere in the police station only stayed for a while, but in his perception, there was still a residue and it was on a young police officer."

"Nick asked: Have you been in contact with strange things or unusual places recently?"

"The young police officer thought for a while: Someone in the town recently reported that the haunting was outside the town. I went to investigate it at the time, and I should say that there should be only strange places."

"Nick: Take me there."

"So Nick followed the other side and left the police station."

"Outside the town."

"An abandoned dumpster."

"It has been deserted for decades, and there are very few people. Except for young people who like to take risks, no one will come here. As for the haunted statement, it definitely has no effect."

"The police explained the situation to Nick all the way,"

"The closer Nick gets, the more weird he feels."

"In the trash station, his vision has become dim, and now he is looking for clues."

"On the ground, there are traces of fierce, feminine, and cruel atmosphere that are traces of various wild animals passing by."

"Besides that, there is no abnormal power."

"There are only broken furniture here, rotten cans ... a wasteland."

"He frowned, lit a cigarette and spit it."

"Nicotine entered the body and brought a clear light to his brain. A faint gray line began to appear in his sight. It started from the garbage station and extended in two completely different directions."

尼克 "Nick climbed up the garbage mountain and looked, one gray line towards the forest and one towards the town."

"Over a long distance, Nick can also feel that the mountains are more dangerous." The newest 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https: /

那么 "So, what do you do now?"

Uh ...

"1: Go to the forest. 2: Return to the town."

Lu Fan watching the suspended plot, is another two completely different choices.

What's in the Laoshan Forest?

All he can think of is the abandoned wooden house that the hunter found, perhaps the source of all anomalies.

As for the direction of the town, maybe the gray line is the trace of abnormal activity.

尼克 "Nick pondered in his heart. Secrets are usually hidden in dangerous places, not to mention that he has encountered far more danger than he now sees."

"Speak to the young police officer. After keeping in touch, Nick got up and went to the forest."

"He needs to investigate the anomaly. Maybe a fight will happen. Ordinary people will drag him."

"Leaving the garbage station, the more you walk towards the mountains, the darker the environment."

尼克 "Nick saw traces of wildlife activity on the ground."

"It shouldn't be this often, he thought."

"Animals move on a large scale when they perceive a danger, such as an earthquake or a mountain fire. When an abnormality occurs, the animals also feel it.

尼克 "Nick knew that he was closer to the anomaly, and he moved more cautiously, constantly looking around, searching for everything he saw."

"After going deep into the forest."


"The thin sound of friction sounded in the silent woods, the bright yellow fire flashed, a match lit the cigarette, and the smoke filled in an instant."

虽然 "Although it is not appropriate to cause movement and flames at this time, cigarettes are more important to Nick."

"嗷 woo"

"At this moment, a beast beeps suddenly."

"The voice echoed, and Nick felt the anger in it."

"He swiftly ran in the direction of his voice, his mind focused more on the surroundings."

"a while."

"After running for hundreds of meters, a whisper sound came close to my ear."

同时 "At the same time, he saw a fleeing figure with a group of animals chasing behind him."

"Nick glanced quickly, and there was danger everywhere, but there were always safer places."

"He whispered a little, attracted the man's attention, and shouted: Here."

"Seeing that the other party noticed him, Nick also started moving in the other direction."

动物 "Animals are just trouble, he has no need to waste energy to destroy them at this moment."


"In a tree cave, the rotten smell around them disturbed their breath. The animals circled around for a few weeks, and began to slowly disperse when they could not find their target."

"Veteran Jerofas gasped tiredly and looked at the strange man in front of him in wonder. The strange thing was the feeling given to him by him, like a hidden viper, dangerous and mysterious."

"Jerofas: My name is Jerofas, thank you for your help just now, otherwise I might have been torn by them now."

"Nick responded: Nick."

"What did Jeromes think of at this point, and asked: Are you a policeman or a federal investigator?"

尼克 "Nick looked at the traces on the palm of the man: Which army do you belong to?"

杰 "Jerofas: It's all about the past, so is there any help you can get?"

"Since both sides can detect each other's identity, there is nothing to hide. Gerofas had previously contacted other departments. This group is very mysterious and specializes in strange things. Now it seems that the town may be something is wrong."

因为 "Because of recent rumors?"

"Nick asked: what are you doing here?"

杰 "Jerofas: Of course, hunting ~ ~ Recently, the sudden increase of animals has threatened the safety of the town, and we must artificially control some."

尼克 "Nick: Do you know why there are more animals?"

杰 "Jerofas: I don't know, it must be abnormal."

尼克 "Nick: What happened just now?"

杰 "Jelophos: After being wobbled by a wolf, he is really old, and even the tactics of an animal cannot be seen through."

"Nick question: Wolf? As far as I know, the wolf here has been gone for a long time."

"Jelophos: They are back again, occupying the forests of this area, and they are faintly signs of overlording. They are very smart, and they just have a feeling of being on the battlefield again and playing against the enemy." : //

尼克 "Nick: Is there anything strange in the mountains?"

"Jerofas said without thinking: quite a lot."

"Nick now looks out of the tree hole."

"He sensed it, the danger has left, and they are temporarily safe now."

"In sight, the gray line spreads directly in the depths of the woods."

"Strange animals, disordered gray lines, the mystery seems to have increased."

"Jerofas asked: Are you looking for wolves? Or are you looking for something else?"

Uh ...

"1: Find the head wolf. 2: Continue to find the source of the gray line."