MTL - Minister Family’s Black Belly Woman-Chapter 408 Murder?

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Lin Yan sat on her own seat and accepted the blessings of the surrounding ladies and young ladies. The pride on her face became more and more obvious. She tried to restrain the excitement in her heart and tried to learn the appearance of Shen Ninghua to make her look cool and indifferent. Cope with the people around you and enjoy the great attention.

Bai Lijun chuckled softly, and softly whispered by the action of picking vegetables: "Ninghua, look at Lin Yi."

Shen Ninghua glanced lightly, not seeing anything, and asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

"She's learning you."

follow me? Shen Ninghua couldn't help but give a slight meal, and looked at Lin Ye's proud look again, and really didn't see that she was learning herself.

Baili Junyi gave her a chopstick dish: "The dishes at today's banquet are good. Eat more."

Shen Ninghua has no appetite lately, but she will barely eat some dishes brought by Bai Lijun Yi.

Baili Qingcang seemed particularly happy and resolved the matter of Baili Junyi. The big rock in his heart was a lot lighter. With him sitting, other princes would pay attention to him and add his deterrent power to the minister. , The court can be more stable.

Sitting on the side of Bu Jinglan, Bu Yonghan suddenly stood up with a glass of wine: "Emperor, I remember when I was washing the dust feast, but you promised to find me a wishful prince for me. Now they are seeing off the feast. Ruyi Langjun's shadow is not there yet. "

Recently, too much has happened and it is too annoying. Bai Liqing Cang really forgot about it. Now he is in a good mood and can't help but say: "I mean that I want to find a wishful king for you. I remember saying that If the young talent of which family do you like, tell him that he personally gave you a wedding, and today you mentioned it, who did you fancy? "

Bu Yonghan smiled slightly with her lips pursed, and a little flushed on her cheeks. Many family members watched her eyes move slightly. Bu Yonghan herself was a rare beauty, plus she was subject to the royal family of the Great Vietnam Kingdom. Education is elegant and elegant, but the character is extraordinarily lively and cheerful. With innocence and frankness that is not worldly, among the young ladies who are knowledgeable and gentle like water in Da An Guo, it is particularly refreshing.

"Emperor, which son of Da'an Guo is better than yours?"

Bai Li Qing Cang froze, and then swept around the princes: "Why, are you looking at the son of the uncle?" There was no dissatisfaction on his face, but he could not help frowning. Some time ago he took several sons The backyard is full, except that Baili Junyi's backyard is still free of side concubines. Did Bu Yonghan fancy the fifth child?

Not only was Baili Qingcang alone with this idea, but his eyes focused on Baili Junyi for a while.

Bai Lijun looked up, lowered the chopsticks with vegetables, and looked at the people with a little doubt: "You guys see what I do? Hey, Brother Huang, are you interesting to Princess Yonghan? Although Zheng Fei gave it, but Is n’t it yet? Father Emperor is the most magnanimous and generous. If you are affectionate and have a good time with Father Emperor, Father Emperor will certainly be considerate. See if Father Emperor has promised to let me live alone in Ninghua? "

In this way, everyone immediately took their eyes off, why did they forget that the person in front of them was Baili Qingcang, the person who did not play cards according to common sense, he dared to resist for a few servants before, and now it is Tianxian put it in front of him, I'm afraid he won't raise his eyelid.

Bu Yonghan's eyes flashed with anger, and he quickly returned to normal: "The emperor, the five princes are really envious of their own wife's feelings ..."

Her voice just came down, and the horror on the side shouted out: "Yong Han, return to Dayue Kingdom, the great man will let you pick whatever you want, no more trouble, sit down quickly."

The three princes, who had just been blocked by Bai Lijun, turned red and said, "Is Princess Yong Han really fancy the fifth emperor?"

Bu Yonghan glanced deeply at Bai Lijun, then lowered his head. Although he didn't speak, the action had it all.

At this time, a courtier in the corner suddenly stood up: "Emperor, this matter is absolutely necessary."

Bai Liqing Cang could not help frowning, talking to Li Xun, the minister of the Ministry of Rites: "Zhang Aiqing, what are you doing?"

Talking Zhang Xun's face turned red and his eyes were a little confused: "The emperor ... is not Weichen talking, but now it is spreading outside ... said that the five princes were actually the sons of Princess Yun Qing of Dayue Kingdom. He and Yong Princess Han is a cousin. Although blood relationship is not close, the royal family has no example of cousin's marriage unless the emperor accepts the concubine. "

The officials sitting next to Zhang Xun were frightened. I didn't expect this adult Zhang to be astonishing. "This ... Emperor, adult Zhang seems to be drunk."

Bai Liqing Cang's face was ugly, and his cold eyes fell on Zhang Xun, who did not know how to live or die: "Zhang Aiqing, I have already made a clear statement to the world, the five princes are the children of a concubine, what a princess Yun Qing, is simply nonsense Talk. "

Zhang Xun stood tremblingly, with a drunk red on his face: "Emperor, Wei Chen didn't lie, this thing ... um ... has spread all over the world, who doesn't know in Kyoto yet? I ’m afraid you ’re angry, so I ’m afraid to tell you. As a minister of the Ministry of Rites, Wei Chen ca n’t tell the truth. You should let the emperor know the truth. Moreover, Wei Chen accidentally discovered a major event ... ”

Bai Liqing Cang interrupted him angrily: "The investigation is not as good as the investigation by a little concubine minister. What is the truth?"

Zhang Xun froze and seemed to be awake. He knelt on the ground with a thump, and his fingers were pinching, and he was about to say something, but he fell to the ground with an unstable sound.

Bai Liqing gave Zhang Xun a cold look and waved the guards to take him down: "Master Zhang is drunk, and for a while he talks and wakes him up."

The guard stepped forward to pull him, only to find Zhang Xun continually twitching his breasts, and he spit himself to death.

"Mr. Zhang, you are violent."

what? Bai Liqing raised his eyes fiercely, and the muscles in the corners of his eyes moved slightly: "However, if I drink some wine, how can I be violent?"

A senior doctor hurried up and looked at Zhang Xun's condition, and suddenly looked surprised: "The emperor, Lord Zhang died of poisoning, it seems that he drank poisonous wine containing poison."

"What? How can there be poisonous wine at this good party?"

The ministers who just drank the wine felt the panic in their stomachs, staring at the wine glass in front of them, for fear that their glasses were not clean.

Bai Liqing Cang felt cold: "Bring the glass used by Zhang Xun and let the doctor check it."

The palace **** the side quickly brought up the wine glass, her face turned pale. The doctor smelled the remaining wine in the wine glass, and frowned tightly: "The emperor, the wine contains a highly poisonous crane crest."

"Oh my **** ..."

"The crane is red, and I just drank a lot of wine."

Bai Lijun Yi was unmoved, reaching out to hold Shen Ninghua, and glanced over the table: Is there something wrong with our table?

Shen Ninghua shook her head slightly: the things on the table were extremely clean and there was no problem.

Taiyi was sweating all over the head: "The emperor, this crane red is highly toxic. After taking the medicine, there is no solution. Check all the drinks."

Qi Guifei immediately knelt down on the ground: "The emperor, because the ministers are not properly supervised, and the ministers are willing to receive the punishment, but the Taiyi said that it is reasonable to check the drinks and dishes first.

Bai Liqing nodded his face coldly, "Yes."

Bai Lijun lay down his heart, while playing Shen Ninghua's hand, while watching a farce in front of him.

It took a while for the doctor to finish the inspection. Fortunately, except for Zhang Xun's wine glass, everyone else's desk had no problems. Hearing this result, Bai Liqing Cang's face eased slightly.

Suddenly, a guard's eyes sharpened and saw Zhang Xun's cuffs seem to have musical pieces. He stepped forward and drew out: "The emperor, Master Zhang has a musical copy on his body."

"Zouben? Come here."

The housekeeper quickly presented the memorial, Baili Qingcang opened it, and when he saw the content above, his face suddenly sank: "Fifth, you can also see."

Bai Lijun stood up and took over the souvenir from the housekeeper. After reading the above content in a row and ten lines, he looked up and looked at Baili Qingcang: "Father Emperor, Zhang Xun said that his sons and daughters were out of mind. This is absolutely nothing. He had the courage to openly frame his sons and daughters and ask his father to check. "

The three princes said, "This adult said that he had discovered a major event before, but he didn't finish it before he died of poison. Is this too coincidental?"

Baili Junyi looked at the past: "What do the three emperors want to say?"

The three princes looked at Bai Liqing Cang: "Father Huang, son Chen has no other meaning, but just to talk about the doubts in the heart, how can this banquet suddenly appear poisonous wine, and only the glass of Master Zhang has a problem? And Before Master Zhang's words were spoken, his hind feet were violent. How could it make people feel unusual? Please check with your father. "

Bai Liqing Cang looked to the three princes, and his eyes were deep in light: "According to your opinion, what do you think is the problem?"

"Children feel that this matter seems to be deliberately dead!"

Noble concubine gritted her teeth, how could the third child be so impatient, things have come out, just wait and see how they change, what is he soothing with! Aren't you afraid to mix yourself in?

Concubine Gui used to live a life of forbearance in the harem, and naturally felt that there was nothing forbearing for a while, but the three princes were too beautiful, and now they have been repeatedly frustrated on Baili Junyi, and a long period of anger has accumulated, long anxious to directly kill him , How can I miss this opportunity?

Bai Liqing Cang narrowed his eyes: "Who do you think is most suspicious?"

The three princes glanced at Baili Junyi: "The sons and daughters don't know the truth of the matter, regardless of speculation."

"Zhang Xun said that he found Baili Junyi's life experience, saying that he was the son of Princess Yun Qing, who had a misconduct in his heart and intended to assassinate him, in order to usurp power and revenge for his mother-in-law!"

The three princes were surprised: "It's ... this is the case ... Father, the fifth prince shouldn't be so?"

A courtier retorted underneath: "The emperor, the five princes have always been taunted. Who knows if he really has this mind?"

"Yeah, please check with the emperor."