MTL - Mission Flow-Chapter 16 Resignation news (middle)

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In the digital electronic product division of Dalan Group, news about Cao Su making a fortune by investing in stocks has been circulating in the past week.

This statement was said by Cao Su's friend Jiang Wenxuan. At the same time, there is also the case of Cao Su throwing 1 million in a bar as evidence. This was witnessed by Shen Mingze and Tang Run.

Therefore, when the project director Yu Ping wanted to "fire" Cao Su, so many people would pay attention in the office area on the fifth floor of the product department building.

People from other departments are expected to listen to it. And Cao Su used to work here on the fifth floor. Anyone who has such a person around will feel novel.

There is a good show to watch!

Besides, Yu Ping, a thirty-two-year-old professional white bone spirit, stepped on high heels and walked to Cao Su's office, and said sincerely: "Cao Su, the TD0017 project has failed, and I, as the project manager, take the main responsibility.

I have sent the minutes of the project review meeting. I used to be under too much pressure and lost my temper, and it was wrong to list you as a secondary person in charge. I now publicly apologize to you and I hope you will forgive me! "

Saying that, she faced Cao Su and bowed ninety degrees.

The twenty or so people in the entire art team were all staring at this scene in stunned eyes. This... can you believe it?

The strong project manager Yu Ping, whose status is about the same as the head of the product department, actually apologized to Cao Su, the most basic employee of the company and a recognized honest man!

Cao Su sat in the soft office chair, watching the young woman in the classic black dress and white shirt professional attire bow and sell meat. He had a good sight from this angle, but his heart was not disturbed. He's been through so much these days!

As the saying goes: If you have money to be the protagonist of a video, you don't have the money to watch domestic boutiques.

Yu Ping waited for dozens of seconds. Seeing that Cao Su didn't let go, the resentment in her heart was unspeakable, but she was immediately suppressed by feelings of grievance and fear. I had to plead: "Cao Su, you are a lot of adults, forgive me!"

She and Shen Mingze have no personal relationship. However, he had several appointments with Tang Run, the handsome guy in the material management department. Does she dare to count on Tang Run to keep a secret for her?

She dare not.

Cao Su sneered: "Bullshit! It's still a lot of adults! How can you repay virtue with virtue? But, since you haven't caused irreparable damage to my reputation, and you have publicly apologized to me, this is how it is!"

Yu Ping let out a long sigh of relief, straightened up, and said again, "Thank you!" She turned around and left, ignoring the storm caused by her public apology.

Cao Su drove a red Ferrari to the company this morning, which made her sure of the "bar story" that Shen Mingze said. Therefore, the minutes of the meeting were issued decisively to eliminate the influence caused by her leaving Cao Su in the first place.

Also, he made a special trip to the fifth floor to apologize in public.

Apologizing in front of everyone's eyes will definitely cause a storm. But this Ferrari would also be the reason she explained to Mr. Qi. She is a mid-level manager who dares to offend a man who drives a Ferrari?

In the office area on the fifth floor, no one thought that the so-called good show was actually the other way around! Seeing Yu Ping leave, everyone who eats melons is busy. It's just that the aftermath of this turmoil will definitely shake people's hearts.

Cao Su sent Yu Ping away, but he had no emotion in his heart. He had long expected to solve this mess.

Whether it should be resolved sooner or later if it becomes a big problem, it doesn't make much difference to him. He has time to play with Yu Ping!

Right now, I can only say that this woman is working in the Electronic Products Division of Dalan Group with a wicked voice, and she can still do well. She does have two brushes.

After entering the society, all kinds of people will meet. It's just that he will never be someone like Yu Ping in this life.

A man lives in the world, doing something and not doing something! You can't bully someone just because of their "honest" character. You can't make your knees weak just because someone is strong. There is always something in one's heart.

Cao Su packed his things into a cardboard box, and when he was about to leave with the cardboard box in his arms, Mei Qian, the head of the art team, stood up with a smile and said across a few workstations, "Old Cao, I'll invite you to dinner in the evening group. Our colleagues in the group practice it for you.”

Cao Su smiled calmly, Mei Qian was shocked when she saw Yu Ping coming to apologize just now, right? He declined, "I have something to do tonight."

He sent Shen Mingze a WeChat not long ago and made an appointment to go to the night show at night. Originally, he was going to give Yu Ping a super double.

Now that the matter is settled, there is no need to blunder about the invitation. Just don't talk about Yu Ping. When he got the Shenhao system a week ago, he asked Shen Mingze what he would do when he had money. Comrade Xiao Shen is very longing for the oiran.

He also has the heart to see and see.

Mei Qian was not discouraged. He personally heard Cao Su say: "Repaying resentment with virtue, why repay virtue?" Continue to invite in public: "

Lao Cao, you have worked in the group for five years, and now you are leaving, everyone will see you off. That sentiment still exists. Am I right? "

Several young people in the group followed: "Brother Cao, promise. After I joined the job, you taught me a lot of things. I'll give you a toast."

Cao Su laughed, feeling a little bit in his heart, and said, "Okay. Xiaomei, you arrange." Seeing that the little beauty Lu Zi in the group was also persuading him, he also taught Lu Zi about work, so he dropped it. Scan past.

[Lu Zi, 22 years old. Face value 90, body 95, special 93]

This girl's figure is really good! Big is truth. The system gives a score of 95 points. The subdivision of the special subordinates shows that she had a boyfriend in college, and UU reading did not communicate much.

I really am a vulgar! Colleagues in the group are inviting me to dinner and practicing for my resignation. I was sneaking a glance at the little beauty's three data. However, this sneaky feeling is quite exciting.

Zhan Boyu watched this scene silently, he had no way of knowing what he was thinking. He stared at the computer and pretended to be working seriously. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Cao Su leaving with a cardboard box. A long sigh of relief.

At a certain moment just now, he felt very depressed.

Cao Su put the cardboard box on the ground in the small room at the entrance of the office area on the fifth floor, and got his resignation application form from the exit of the printer.

At this moment, his phone rang. It was the intermediary who helped him register the company.

"Mr. Cao, your new company has been registered. We will deliver the company's documents and official seal to you?"

"I'll send someone to your company to take it down."

Hanging up the phone, Cao Su called Chang Ya from the headhunting company, "Ms. Chang, my company has been registered."

"Mr. Cao, congratulations. Then I will arrange an interview tomorrow morning. I will send you the information of the person who is interested in the assistant position this week. I have done a preliminary screening. If you are not satisfied with the candidate, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon Give me an answer before, and I'll remove it from the interview list."

Cao Su: "Yes."

"Mr. Cao, what's the name of your company?"

Cao Su smiled and said, "The world!"

In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Sima Yi, an old silver coin, famously said: To clear thousands of miles, and to eliminate all eight wastes. Win the hearts of the people and rule the world.

Zhao'er replied, "If you can unite China, you will be a hero in the world!"

He felt that Sima's father and son's words were arrogant, and he admired it, so he named his new company this name!

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